Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Warui No Ou ❯ DB Time! ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"This is so beautiful, Gohan," Videl exclaimed, resting her head on his shoulder as they wondered through the woods. A river ran at their right, sparkling as the sun played along the surface. Afternoon was slowly approaching, and Gohan had no other desires but to spend this time with this woman whom he had loved since he'd seen her on the sidewalk. "Tousan is teaching me to be a senshi just like him. I'm going to be as powerful as him someday, and then I can fight and save Chikyuu!" Did she remember saying those words when she'd looked at him, giddy and excited about her future, and the future of Chikyuu? It didn't matter. Nothing mattered…

"Tousan! Kaasan! Look! Birds!"

Gohan and Videl paused at the river's side, looking across the small stream to where Pan played. She stood at the bottom of a tree, looking up to a small nest where three small baby birds chirped as they waited for their mother.

"Oh, baby crows, aren't they cute?"

Gohan paused, his eyes narrowing as his hands gripped around Videl's hands, tighter, until she frowned and said something with a small amount of pain. Her words were unheard in the demi-Saiyajin's ears.

Black crows… those damn birds had haunted him for half his life, and it seemed to him that each time he'd gazed that those feathered creatures his life had taken a turn for the worse. No, he glared angrily at the nest. No more. Nothing was going to change. He had Videl here, and Pan standing beneath that tree, a mate and a daughter… he wouldn't let it change!

"Gohan! Let go of me! You're hurting me! Stop it!" Videl's voice was almost frantic, and the tone broke through Gohan. He released Videl, but ignored her angry shouts. To the river's edge he stepped. "Pan! Get away from there! Come here, to me."

"Hai, Tousan," Pan nodded, skipping away from the tree. She walked through the shallow water, dampening the legs of her blue jeans, but she didn't care. Bright blue eyes smiled up at Gohan as she reached for her father, and Gohan knelt down, pulling the girl from the water. He sat Pan up on his arm and turned to Videl, arm wrapping protectively around his daughter.

He was forced to pause as he saw Videl's hateful glare. "What is it with you?" she exclaimed angrily, rubbing her bruised hand… and it was bruised, badly. The skin was tainted red and quickly shading brown. Guilt filled him, sincere emotion that he hadn't felt since his childhood. He had to be more careful! He was so powerful, more powerful than he ever remembered being. He had to control himself, or he could end up killing the very people he loved… again. "I'm so sorry, Videl. I didn't mean to," he whispered, moving towards her. Pan giggled as she watched her father kiss Videl, and with the kiss Videl calmed, offering a smile. "It's okay… just, be more careful," she muttered.

Gohan chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "So, what are we doing today? How about the ocean? I love the ocean?"

"You do?" Videl raised a suspicious brow. "Gohan, I always thought you hated the ocean." She chuckled absently as he stared at her. Where had she ever gotten that idea? Sure, he'd disliked the water as a young boy, but these days he loved it. It was one of the few places he could get away and clear his mind. She shrugged and continued forward along the path. Pan rested her arms round her father's neck as she gazed around the scenery, looking for interesting things. "It's not important, Gohan. Don't you remember? Chichi and Gokou invited us over for dinner. You know she loves to play with Pan, and Trunks just loves her!"

"We're going to Grandma's?" Pan chirped with excitement. Gohan, however, was far from equally excited. His eyes drifted into blankness as he stared at Videl. After a few moments the human paused and turned, staring in confusion. "What's wrong, Gohan?"

Chichi and Gokou…


Gokou was alive.

The thought had never occurred to Gohan during his blissful stay here… wherever her was, but it made so much sense. Everyone was alive… including his father…


Growling faintly, he placed Pan on the ground. As long as Gokou was alive, Pan and Videl, or anyone else on the planet, wasn't safe. There was no telling what demonic being would come from beyond after his father, and certainly Gokou, being Gokou, would again place the fate of the world in the hands of a child.

It was an entertaining thought. Again Gohan would have to kill his father…

This time he'd do it right.


Pulsing pain in his head caused him to wake up from whatever version of a semi-peaceful slumber he'd been in. His body was stiff and painful, and the anguish greatly reminded him of the beaten he'd got from Majin Buu. Rolling onto his side, Gohan pushed himself from the floor and gazed around. It was very dark, and very unlike his home. Outside the sun was slowly beginning to rise over the horizon, and not smelling food on the stove was the first warning sign he truly noticed.

Climbing to his feet, Gohan realized that voices were echoing from outside. As stealthy as possible he moved towards the door, his feet silent on the marble floor. This place seemed somewhat familiar…

"How many have you gotten?"

"Five, two more to go. I stopped here to drop these off while Goten retrieves the rest."

The two voices belonged to Piccolo and Trunks. What was going on? If they were here, though, then the danger was somewhere else. Stepping through the door, Gohan offered the two a forced smile. "Guys, what's going on? Where are Videl and Pan?"

The two spun around, and immediately Gohan realized that something was certainly out of the norm. Piccolo's small black gi, in place of the larger purple one, was damp with sweat. Trunks… Trunks was nothing like Trunks! Blood coated the top of his large blue gi, long lavender locks pulled back with a ribbon. In his hand he held two of the Dragon Balls, while the other three sat on a table nearby. Trunks' blue eyes widened as they caught sight of Gohan. "You're alive… but… I can't…"

Piccolo, also, was greatly shocked. He stepped forward cautiously, eyes narrowed with distrust. "Alive?" Gohan questioned with a frown, staring at the two. "Guys, what's going on? Where's Tousan? Why are you collecting the Dragon Balls?

"I can't sense you though… Piccolo…"

Piccolo stepped back wearily, hand out protectively with Goten. "Trunks, I don't think this is Gohan…"

"Gokou! Damn it! He's responsible for this! He's possessed Gohan! Taken his soul!" Trunks roared with rage, golden light erupting from his soul. Piccolo turned, stumbling back. "The Dragon Balls will fix this!" he screamed above the pulsing power. Gohan watched in horror as those dead green eyes faded back to blue with a heartless nod. "You're right. We just wait for Goten to return." With a dark gleam in his eyes, Trunks lunged at Gohan, and with the unexpected attack Gohan had no time to defend. A punch struck him in the face, sending him flying back into the black room, and the door slammed in front of him, trapping him there.


Feet thudded on the ground as the young Son male landed and begin moving through the city, flashing radar in his left hand. Only one Dragon Ball was left to be collected; the other rested inside the pocket of his gi.

Gathering the balls had been surprisingly simple. With Bulma dead, no one guarding the Dragon Ball at her house, it had only been a matter of searching the large mansion to find it. Dende had not been on Kami's Lookout, and again finding his ball was simple. Now the last ball was somewhere in this village, probably a keepsake of some kind.

Glancing one last time at the radar, Goten pocketed the object and moved further into the village, eyes blazing green as his aura lightened the area around him. The sun was growing in the sky, but it was still dark in this village. He turned towards the left and began walking towards the closest house, where the ball should be. He stepped before the large doorway, kicking it opened, and moved inside.

Goten was greeted by a kitchen, simple and peaceful. His eyes skimmed across the room once, trying to figure where to begin searching. The most likely place would be a bedroom or lounge of some place. He moved to the closest door, but was forced to pause by a sharp voice.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Turning, Goten saw a large brute man standing in the opposite doorway. He was a simple villager, wearing long white pants and holding a rifle pointed straight at Goten's head. The demi-Saiyajin smiled and reached into his pocket, showing the shimmering five-star Dragon Ball to the man. "I'm searching for one of these. You have it. I want it. Give it to me."

"Oh, I'll give it to you," snarled the man as he fired. Goten's hand swung upwards before the small silver bullet could connect with him, catching it between his forefinger and thumb. He glared angrily at the human. "I want the Dragon Ball! Give it to me!"

The man stumbled back in terror, chest heaving as he gasped for breath. He probably had a weak heart. Goten followed at a simple pace, growing annoyed. He was so close, and foolish humans refused to allow his troubles to end. Goten found himself in a large lounge, television sitting on a small stand in the corner of the room, a large couch the centerpiece. Frantic voices were heard at his left, and towards them he moved, kicking down another doorway. His hand snatched out as he stepped through that door, grabbing the nearest living thing towards him - an old woman, probably the man's wife. "Give it to me, or watch her die," he said in a low daring voice, fingers tightening around the female's throat. She cried out against his grasp, struggling to free herself. Her attempts were futile.

Nearly sobbing with terror, along with the pain in his chest, the man scrambled over to a dresser near the far window and shuffled around inside for a long moment before turning to Goten, falling to his knees, and offering the Dragon Ball. "Good boy," Goten grinned, allowing the female to drop to the floor as he took the ball. She crawled over to her husband, sobbing his name as he fell limp in her arms - dead? Probably.

Turning, Goten left the house, flying through the skies. He was not a merciful man, and would not be tormented by the thought that the simple villager might have died as a result of him; however, he had more of a soul than Gohan did, and he had spared the woman's life.
