Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Idea ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By Pixelgoddess

Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings – Mix, match and shuffle – if seme/uke is important to you, you’re in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings – Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren’t around or even thought of – maybe they don’t exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they’ve left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won’t be showing up.

Chapter 1 – The Idea
Vegeta slid into his partner slowly, watching how his back muscles flexed under the orange gi top.

The pleased groan sent shivers of pleasure down his spine, seeming to focus on his tailspot. He’d waited too long for this, and didn’t want to rush it. With nearly painful concentration and control he pulled back little by little before sliding in with a slowness that gave so much pleasure it was almost pain.

“Vegeta, please,” came a wail. “Faster. Harder.”

Vegeta smirked. Not yet. He wanted to hear him beg. He repeated the thrust, long and slow, angled perfectly to stroke his prostate the entire time. His partner whimpered – it was almost too much pleasure for him to take. Two more slow strokes and he could barely hold himself back – the keening sounds his partner made were pushing him over the edge.

“Beg me,” he demanded, curling a hand around his partner’s erection, echoing the slow rhythm he had established.

He watched the muscles clench under the gi, the orange moving as his partner’s arms shook with the tension of supporting himself. There was an audible gasp and longer sucking in of air as his partner tried to catch his breath enough to speak.

“Please, Vegeta. Please. Please. Fuck me. Fuck me hard. Please.” The final word turned into a hopeless wail as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over the tip of his partner’s erection.

He relented – for his own sake as much as his partner’s – and drew back, driving forward into his body with a powerful thrust. His partner cried out in pleasure, pushing back against him to encourage Vegeta to go even deeper. Vegeta fucked him hard and fast – he couldn’t use all his strength because he didn’t want to hurt him, but he gave him all his body could take.

His partner screamed out his name as a prayer and a curse as Vegeta thrust into him, harder and faster with each stroke, his orgasm starting, seeming to set his whole body on fire. His hand moved on his partner’s erection with rough firm strokes, until they came together with a cry.


“Vegeta!” Yamcha called out, coming in Vegeta’s hand.

Vegeta carefully drew himself out of Yamcha and disposed of the condom before collapsing by his side, looking at him. “Thanks,” he said with a slightly shaky grin; he was still coming down from his orgasm and this scene of fucking Kakarott was one of his favorites.

Yamcha lowered himself, making Vegeta move over so he could avoid the wet spot and grinned back. “Not a problem,” he said, “But I don’t understand why you don’t go after Goku. I mean – I don’t mind playing him now and then, but why me when the real thing is available?”

“Because he might be available for you, but he isn’t for me. He won’t talk to me anymore,” Vegeta said, fingering the orange gi top he had asked Yamcha to wear.

“We’ll have to do something about that,” Yamcha said stubbornly.

Vegeta laughed bitterly, “There’s nothing you can do.”

“We’ll see,” Yamcha said with a huge smile. “I have a plan.”


“ He’s watching us again,” Yamcha said, shifting slightly to encourage Vegeta’s fingers to hit just that spot on his back.

“I know.” Vegeta hesitated a moment and Yamcha knew he was resisting the impulse to glance over at the window where Goku stood. “You’re okay with this?”

Yamcha grinned, gave him a quick kiss and pulled away. “Hey, it was my idea. Why? You haven’t changed your mind, have you?”

“No,” Vegeta shook his head and tucked his hands into his pockets. “I definitely have not. But I don’t see how it’s going to work. You’ve seen how he avoids me.”

“I guess you’re just going to have to turn on the charm,” Yamcha grinned, giving the prince a long slow hungry look. If they weren’t thinking of Goku at the moment he knew Vegeta would have thrown him on the ground and taken him then and there. “I think you’re capable of that.”

Vegeta smirked, giving him the same hungry look. “What do you think?”

“I think you’re going to sweep him off his feet.” As it was he was damn close to sweeping Yamcha off his feet – again.

“I seriously doubt that,” Vegeta scowled.

Yamcha sighed – playtime was over. “Come on, be positive,” he said, lifting his overnight bag out of the back seat of the convertible.

Vegeta snorted and got into his car. “I am positive. I’m positive this whole scheme of yours is insane.”

Yamcha leaned over to give him a quick kiss then moved away. “Come by tomorrow and we’ll see how it goes, okay?”

Vegeta waved his agreement and drove away. Yamcha stepped into the entryway of the house he shared with Goku and dropped his bag, leaving it for one of the cleaning bots to take to his room. He padded to the kitchen, grinning to himself at catching Goku still staring out of the window, watching Vegeta’s cherry red convertible vanish in the distance. Goku was so distracted he probably didn’t realize he was just a few feet away.

“Nice wheels, huh?” Yamcha said.

Goku started and spun and Yamcha grinned. He had caught him.

“What? I was just--”

“I was just saying Vegeta has a nice car.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

Yamcha was amused to realize Goku was blushing. What had he been thinking as he stared out the window? Yamcha knew what he would have been thinking – there goes a nice ass. But then again, he thought that about a lot of people.

“You’ve got the hots for him, haven’t you?”

“What?! No I don’t!” Goku protested, and Yamcha swore he could feel the heat rising from his friend’s red cheeks.

“Why not? Just about everyone else does,” Yamcha teased, deliberately moving a few inches closer.

“I- I don’t,” Goku stammered, trying to turn back to the sink to end a conversation that was obviously making him uncomfortable.

Yamcha pretended not to notice and got in his way just enough to keep Goku from turning all the way. “I don’t believe you. I’ve seen you watching him.”

“I’m not. I’m looking at…his car,” Goku finished with a little too much emphasis on the last word.

Yamcha smiled knowingly. “It is a lot like him; hard and sleek and fast. Goes for miles.” He saw Goku’s growing blush and knew he was right. “And the scent… it smells like him; leather, sweat and sex.”

Goku’s face clouded and Yamcha knew he had pushed too far. “Knock it off, Yamcha,” Goku said, pushing him away with a growl. “I know you and Vegeta fuck” he said bitterly. “You don’t have to go rubbing it in everyone’s face.”

Yamcha shrugged and backed off a bit; he didn’t want to push too hard and blow everything. “Sorry dude; didn’t mean to piss you off.”

Goku relaxed and looked sheepish. “No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you. I mean – you’re really lucky he likes you and he treats you well. There’s nothing wrong with you and Vegeta being a couple. You should be able to talk about it.”

“We’re not, you know.” Goku looked confused and he realized he’d have to explain himself more or else this wouldn’t work. “Vegeta and I aren’t a couple. We just mess around sometimes. You know – friends with benefits.” Sad but true – he wouldn’t have objected to being exclusive with the prince, but Vegeta wouldn’t have it. Now that he thought about it that was probably because of his highness’ interest in Goku; he didn’t want to be tied down – just in case. Which was fine, if Vegeta actually did anything about it.

“Oh,” Goku breathed, looking only slightly enlightened. “I thought…”

“Nah, Vegeta and I are just… well it’s something to do until the right person comes along.” He wondered what was going through his friend’s head right then. “He knows I see other people – he’s cool with it.”

Goku seemed kind of overwhelmed by it all; maybe they should have had this conversation months ago. Yamcha didn’t like the way he looked and placing a hand on his friend’s chest he pressed until Goku collapsed into a chair. “Come on,” Yamcha continued, “Who wouldn’t want to have sex with Vegeta?” He grinned down at Goku. “I’ll bet you’ve thought of it haven’t you?”

“Yamcha…” Goku said uncomfortably, head down, bangs hiding his eyes.

“What?” he asked jokingly. He hadn’t realized Goku would be so difficult to talk to about this. He didn’t think Goku had a problem with guys – he hadn’t reacted negatively to any of Roshi’s admittedly pervy ways or the stuff Yamcha got up to. But this seemed to be different. It looked like he’d have to cajole Goku into even thinking about the prince. “Come on, admit it. You’ve thought about kissing Vegeta at least once.”

Goku glanced hesitantly up at him, then dropped his head back down and shrugged. “Maybe,” he finally admitted, his voice so low Yamcha barely heard him.

Yamcha held back his triumphant ‘yes’ and shifted gears. He knew he should be amazed he even got that much of a confession out of Goku, but before he was done he wanted his friend to really start considering Vegeta. He wasn’t trying to hurt him, but sometimes you had to use a baseball bat because a feather wouldn’t do. Goku, naïve as he sometimes was, required the bat.

He pulled up a chair just a few inches away from Goku, deliberately in his space. “So I was right,” he said, trying to be gentle while still keeping his voice light enough so Goku would not bolt.

Goku shrugged again, not meeting his eye.

“You’ve never kissed him?”

“Come on, Yamcha. Knock it off,” Goku grumbled, starting to push out of the chair. “This isn’t funny.”

“It’s not supposed to be funny,” Yamcha said, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder and coaxing him back down. “I’m completely serious.”

Goku looked at him and said bitterly, “No you’re not. You think this is all a big joke. It doesn’t matter what I think. Vegeta hates me and you’re just rubbing it in.”

Yamcha frowned – he would never deliberately do something to hurt Goku’s feelings; he was only trying to help. He sighed and shook his head, “No he doesn’t.”

“Yes he does. He’s been pretty outspoken about it over the years. I know I’m stupid, but I do get the point eventually.”

Yamcha cursed to himself. Why had Vegeta been such an ass back then? “He doesn’t, you know. He’s changed a lot.”


Yamcha felt frustrated. How the hell was he going to get this back on track? Yes he does, no he doesn’t was going to go nowhere fast. He had to come up with something to distract his friend. “So you haven’t even tasted him. That’s too b--” He broke off as he realized Goku was blushing. “You have? You have!” he said excitedly watching as Goku turned more and more red. “Why didn’t you say something?”

“It was a long time ago,” Goku mumbled, head down, obviously trying to hide his embarrassment. “We were sparring and…”

“And…?” Yamcha said encouragingly. Could this be easier than he thought? Vegeta had taught him how important taste was to a Saiyan – during sex it seemed to be the most dominant sense, which made oral sex very intense. If Goku had a taste memory of Vegeta it was unlikely he’d ever forget it. He’d have to remember to ask Vegeta if he’d ever tasted Goku – it would explain a lot.

“It’s no big deal,” Goku said, annoyed. “We got into a clinch and my mouth touched his shoulder. I didn’t even think about it then – we just continued fighting. It was nothing, okay?”

“But you remembered it.”

“So what if I did?” Goku challenged.

“And you want to taste him again.”

Goku took a quick, chest-heaving breath that told Yamcha more that his words did; Goku wasn’t happy about the way things stood between him and the prince.

“It doesn’t matter, Yamcha. This is Vegeta we’re talking about. It’s not gonna happen, alright?”

“I think you’re wrong. Vegeta’s got the hots for you.”

“Now you’re being stupid.”

Yamcha grimaced. Goku was being so damned stubborn. How could he not want Vegeta? They’d avoided each other for years – could it be he’d forgotten how good the prince tasted? Yamcha thought he was damned addicting – even to his human senses. If it hadn’t been so obvious Vegeta had his eye on the impossible Goku he would have done his best to push the prince into something more serious than the casual fuck. Hell, he liked the arrogant bastard.

Goku just needed to be reminded. But talking wasn’t working… this called for something outrageous and dramatic. A smack with the proverbial bat. He leaned closer, cupped Goku’s cheeks, and pressed their lips together. Goku made a startled noise and almost pulled away, but Yamcha quickly slid his tongue over Goku’s lips and was rewarded with a confused moan. He repeated the action and Goku opened his mouth, his own tongue passing where Yamcha’s had just been, tasting. Yamcha pressed his advantage, his tongue teasing Goku’s, waiting for the action to register. Yamcha knew he was a great kisser – he’d even taught Vegeta a few tricks – and he used all his skill. He knew it was working when Goku groaned and responded, tongue stroking his, chasing the remnants of Vegeta’s flavor in Yamcha’s mouth. He wasn’t a great kisser, but what he lacked in skill he made up for in eagerness.

Yamcha pulled away – he wouldn’t have minded giving Goku more lessons, but that wasn’t the point of this exercise. He’d never realized just how good Goku tasted; under other circumstances he would have kissed him again just to confirm his first opinion. This wasn’t the time though - Goku’s eyes were squeezed tightly closed and Yamcha could see the visible tension in his shoulders.

“Vegeta?” Goku breathed before looking at Yamcha in obvious confusion. “How…?” He licked his lips and swallowed hard, seeming to gather his wits. “Why did you do that?”

Yamcha grinned and shrugged his shoulders. “Pretty nice, huh? I’ve always thought Vegeta tasted damn good.”

Goku glared at him before lurching to his feet, angrily brushing away his restraining arm. “That wasn’t funny, Yamcha,” he threw over his shoulder before rushing out of the kitchen.

Yamcha leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes. That did not turn out as he had planned. He wondered what had made Goku so angry – surely it wasn’t being kissed; he’d laughed off much worse in the past. He hoped he hadn’t miscalculated and Goku would be over his mad before tomorrow.


Goku kicked his sheets away and growled in annoyance. He didn’t know who he was more annoyed with - himself or Yamcha. Hell, maybe he was even more annoyed with Vegeta. This was his fault somehow. This wouldn’t be happening – he wouldn’t feel like this if only…

He stripped his pants off and cast them to the floor. He looked at his erection with some frustration. “I don’t know what you’re all excited about,” he mumbled to it. “It’s not going to happen no matter how much you might want it.” Of course, if might be easier if only he could stop thinking about it – he had gotten pretty good at that. Well he had until Yamcha had kissed him.

Yamcha kissed him. That was confusing as hell. Did it mean Yamcha was interested in him? He really doubted it; they’d been roommates for years and there had never been a hint of it before. And what was with him and Vegeta anyway?

And why did he care?

He curled his hand around his unrepentant erection, shuddering at the touch. He couldn’t stop thinking about it; thinking of just how Yamcha managed to make his mouth taste like Vegeta. He stroked himself, picturing it. Yamcha, in that damned red car, bent over, his mouth surrounding Vegeta’s cock. His hand moved faster, heat and friction pushing him closer to the edge. He pictured himself as the one doing the sucking, tasting the pungent flavor of the prince first-hand, his own moans echoing the sounds he wrenched from the fantasy version of Vegeta. He came, calling out Vegeta’s name, but the euphoria of release didn’t last long.

The taste – the reminder of how much he wanted that taste kept circling in his brain, taunting and teasing him with what he could never have.

“Damn it,” he growled, stomping into the bathroom to clean up. How could one lousy kiss undo the work of years? Didn’t Yamcha realize how hard it had been for him to stop thinking about Vegeta all the time?

As he washed his hands he stared at himself in the mirror. He looked like hell – wild-eyed and lost. He scowled; he was not going to let one lousy kiss – one lousy taste – completely eradicate his defenses.

He’d have to remind himself again – of the last time he and Vegeta had sparred. How the arrogant bastard had really tried to kill him. And the words – the hate spewed at him, piled up one word after the other until Goku finally realized that the friendship he’d hoped for never would happen. Vegeta despised him.

His heart had broken then and he’d ITd away to nurse his wounds, swearing to himself never to speak to the prince again. It had been damn hard; there were so many times he was tempted to change his mind. More than once he’d dressed for it before remembering he couldn’t spar with Vegeta – he couldn’t voluntarily expose himself to that hatred anymore. Vegeta would come looking for him and he’d IT across the planet to avoid him; after awhile Vegeta had stop coming.

Bulma had understood – he’d been so careful to IT to visit her when Vegeta’s ki was nowhere near. It had been difficult to visit her in the hospital, but towards the end maybe Vegeta had understood. Her last days, there had been pockets of time when the prince had left her room. Goku had chosen those times to go to her bedside; he’d had a chance to tell her goodbye.

After that, he hadn’t had to work very hard to avoid the prince. He’d pushed the memory of his taste and scent and feel away. The dreams hadn’t stopped completely, but they finally stopped tormenting him every night. He’d even been able to keep them under control when he found himself Yamcha’s roommate. It had become more difficult to ignore when Yamcha began to come home smelling of Vegeta, but meditation had helped. He’d locked away his feelings, not letting himself react to the heavy scent that so obviously clung to his friend.

Until today.

Goku cursed and pulled on training clothes. He really wanted to beat the shit out of Yamcha for awakening his demon. He couldn’t do that, of course, but nothing was going to stop him from beating the hell out of the landscape somewhere.
