Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Bait ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By Pixelgoddess

Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings – Mix, match and shuffle – if seme/uke is important to you, you’re in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings – Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies. NC-17.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren’t around or even thought of – maybe they don’t exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they’ve left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won’t be showing up.

Chapter 3 – The Bait

Goku leaned back with a contented belch. Somewhere along the line Yamcha had managed to obtain pizza and lots more beer. Goku had lost count of how many he’d had and sat on the sofa in a contented daze. He had felt himself relax the instant he’d told Yamcha he’d go out with Vegeta. Since then, neither one of them had brought up the prince or the date – oh gods…he was going to go on a date with Vegeta.

Yamcha was watching him; head flopped to the side on the couch. He let his own head flop over so he could watch back.

“What’s it like, being with a guy?” he asked.

Yamcha made a lazy smirk. “Awesome. I mean…girls are okay, but guys are different. All hard… muscled…”

Goku grinned as Yamcha’s voice faded off. He wondered if Yamcha realized his hand had found Goku’s thigh. He didn’t really mind – he liked Yamcha. He wondered why they’d never kissed before – he had nice taste even though it had been almost completely hidden by Vegeta’s.

“So you’ve never kissed a guy before?” Yamcha asked again. He wondered if he’d been thinking out loud for Yamcha to follow his train of thought. He’d asked that a couple of times, but all the beer seemed to affect his memory.

“I told ya I haven’t. Only Chichi and some other girls after… and Bulma once. You were the first guy.” Funny how his voice seemed a little fuzzy. Just how many beers had he drunk?

“Did you like it? Kissing me I mean?”

“Yeaaah…” he said thoughtfully, remembering. “But it was a dirty trick you pulled. Like kissing ‘Geta.” He wondered if Vegeta would let him get away with calling him that in person – probably not. But Vegeta had too many sounds to make – too much work.

“Hadda do it. You wouldn’t have kissed me.”

“Yes I would have.” Yamcha was nice; why wouldn’t he have kissed him?

“Prove it.”

Goku made a dopey grin, “You’ll kiss anyone, won’t you?”

“Only people I like.” He slid closer and Goku found himself doing the same. “So come on, kiss me already. What are you, chicken?”

Goku reached his hand up, surprised at how heavy it seemed, and put it against Yamcha’s face, tracing the shape of his scar. He liked the scar – it made Yamcha look different than everyone else. “Is that a dare?” Goku asked.

Yamcha’s hand was on his thigh and it was nice. Warm. Heavy in a good way.

“Yeeaah,” Yamcha rumbled.

It only took a tiny bit of effort to lean forward, head still resting on the sofa pillow, to press his mouth against Yamcha’s. His lips were soft and firm at the same time, just like him. Goku traced the tip of his tongue over Yamcha’s lips and like magic they parted. He felt a slightly giddy thrill of victory and deepened the kiss, tasting his friend. There was no trace of Vegeta’s smoldering flavor this time, just beer and Yamcha’s own very masculine taste. He liked it. He liked it even more when Yamcha groaned and started really kissing him back, shifting and raising his head enough to let their bodies get closer.

Yamcha’s hand slid higher up his thigh and he was suddenly made very aware of just how much he was enjoying this. Why hadn’t he kissed Yamcha before? It was nice. He started to wonder if Yamcha tasted the same everywhere, and without thinking about it Goku began unbuttoning his friend’s shirt.

Yamcha gasped and drew back a little, looking at Goku with surprise.

“What are you--?”

“Undressing you,” Goku said simply. Now that he’d started it seemed so obvious they should continue. Unless Yamcha didn’t…

“What about Vegeta?” he asked. Goku noticed with pleasure that his hand had not moved from its place, teasingly close to his already evident erection.

“We haven’t even gone out yet. He’ll have to wait his turn.”

“He gets one?”


Yamcha grinned. “I think I’ve created a monster.”

“Yeah. Let’s find out.”

It was all nice – the way Yamcha tasted and the way his skin felt so hot. And kind of rough. There were calluses on his hands and they felt real good rubbing over Goku’s chest. He fumbled a bit with Yamcha’s pants – he somehow had lost a lot of his dexterity. Yamcha seemed to be having more trouble helping him off with his clothes though; he had to stop undressing Yamcha long enough to pull his own shirt off or else risk being tangled in it forever. And the kissing was getting even better. Yamcha did some surprising things with his tongue and lips that he did his best to copy. He decided he really liked what happened when he kissed Yamcha. The more they kissed, the better Yamcha smelled and tasted.

When they were both completely undressed and stretched out on the couch he couldn’t seem to get enough contact with all of that skin. It was so hot and Yamcha kept squirming and wriggling around and rubbing him so it felt like he was getting harder and harder. It was nice and kept getting nicer until Yamcha tried to move them to a better position and they both fell on the floor. Somehow the coffee table survived, although it did fall over, empty beer cans clattering all over the floor and rolling away. Yamcha laughed and he really liked the laugh. Somehow they stumbled to their feet, lurching to a relatively clear area of the living room where they promptly dropped into a tangle.

Yamcha took over and he let him. After all, he’d never had sex with a guy before and his friend was something of an expert. He was aware of his own curiosity; what would Vegeta do if Goku had tried to kiss him? Would he be the same kind of squirmy fun Yamcha was being?

Yamcha spread out over him and kissed him again, tasting his entire mouth. Goku figured he was getting better at returning the kiss, because Yamcha was making all kinds of moaning sounds that sounded like he was enjoying himself. He was kind of surprised when Yamcha drew back a little and stuck his fingers into his mouth. Goku thought that looked like something he’d like to try, so he took Yamcha’s hand and drew it down to his own mouth, sucking and licking on the fingers. Yamcha looked good – all hungry and drowsy and intense, watching Goku watching him.

Yamcha used his other hand to curl around his cock and stroke it, making Goku moan around his fingers. He tried to watch what Yamcha did when he slid his fingers away, but the stroking kept making him lose concentration. He thought he should have been surprised when Yamcha’s finger slid into him, but it was nice in a weird way. He was pretty sure more fingers were slipping into him and moving around, but it didn’t seem to be as important as the hand curled around his erection and the mouth pressed against his own as Yamcha kissed him. He felt some weird pressure, but it didn’t hurt – in fact it felt kind of good.

And then Yamcha did something – pressed something – and he cried out something incoherent. That felt great! Somehow he managed to speak and demand Yamcha do it again. Yamcha grinned at him and pressed again. He moaned happily – Yamcha could do that all day if he wanted to no matter how weird it felt.

After a few minutes Yamcha took his fingers away and Goku looked at him in curiosity. He didn’t think he’d done anything wrong, so he wondered what his friend would do next. Yamcha seemed to know what he was doing and Goku was more than willing to let him do it. He’d seen pictures – Yamcha left his magazines around – but being part of it was so different. He knew what was happening, but he didn’t know what was happening.

First Yamcha reached over to his pants – it was lucky they hadn’t been thrown too far away he guessed. He was good – he managed to fish what he wanted out of the pocket one handed. Fortunately his other hand continued to stroke Goku’s erection at an unhurried pace, slowly driving him insane with the need to come. He was pretty sure Yamcha realized that because as soon as he had what he wanted, Yamcha released him to rip open a square packet. A condom. Why didn’t he think of that? It was a good thing Yamcha was prepared. He was good at that too, quickly rolling it down over his own erection.

Yamcha grabbed his ankles and lifted from the floor. Goku recognized this and helped, resting his legs on Yamcha’s shoulders. And then Yamcha smirked at him. Goku grinned back, watching as Yamcha concentrated and moved a little. He could feel the head of Yamcha’s erection pressing against him, and then it was pushing into him. Weird again. A little painful, but not bad. Yamcha was groaning in pleasure, babbling all the time about how good this all felt. It took a bit of time – Yamcha wasn’t rushing things – and he could tell Yamcha was all the way into him. It was an odd feeling to have Yamcha’s balls pressing against him, but he liked that too. So far, there wasn’t anything about this whole experience he didn’t like.

And when Yamcha moved, sliding several inches of his erection out before pressing slowly back in, Goku nearly screamed. He’d found that spot again, but instead of a short press against it there was a long slow rub against it. He’d always wondered just what was so great about having sex with guys, and now he knew; he’d never felt anything like this before.

His legs had slipped from Yamcha’s shoulders and he wrapped them around his waist, pulling him in as far as possible with each stroke. They were both making lots of noise – grunting and groaning and cursing. He didn’t think it could get any better, but he was wrong; Yamcha curled his hand back around his erection and stroked him hard in time with each thrust. He was so caught up in the sensation he lost all sense of time. It could have been hours or minutes when he couldn’t take anymore and exploded with a roar of pleasure. Yamcha didn’t take much longer, announcing his orgasm with a groaning curse.

They collapsed on the living room floor, curled around each other. Goku only barely managed to shove some of the beer cans out of the way before they both passed out.


Yamcha woke up, very aware of the taste of dead cats in his mouth. Just how much had he had to drink anyway? He tried to get his brain caught up, but hangovers – and damn, what a hangover he had – always made his thinking turn to mud. He looked around, trying to avoid moving his head anymore than absolutely necessary, taking stock. On the floor. Okay, that was fine – less distance to fall. Beer cans everywhere – no surprise there. Curled up around a very muscular guy – that was a nice discovery. Very muscular, in fact. The guy’s back was pressed against his front, and he was shifting around just enough for Yamcha to become very aware of what they had been doing when he passed out. God, he hoped he had finished before that – it was too damn embarrassing to pass out before coming. Dark hair…dark spiky hair. He suddenly recognized just who he was wrapped around, and in that instant the events of the evening flashed into memory with a horrifying completeness that made his prior hangover seem meaningless.

He had fucked Goku.

Vegeta was going to kill him.

Apparently he had vocalized his moan of despair, because Goku twisted in his arms and looked at him curiously. He looked bright-eyed; completely awake. His seeming inability to end up with a hangover just didn’t seem fair.

“What’s wrong?”

“Vegeta,” he blurted out without thinking. He should have just said hangover, or sick, or had to piss – something that would have saved his plan and let him escape. But he didn’t.

“What about him?” Goku asked, all innocence. Did he really not get it? Damn it, there was no saving this, was there? Why the hell was he so stupid to get drunk with Goku?

“He’s going to kill me,” he said miserably.

Goku’s eyes darkened and he wondered for an instant which of them he was angry at – under the circumstances it could be any of the three of them.

“No he won’t.”

Yamcha sighed. “I didn’t mean literally. I just…” He hoped he didn’t mean literally, but considering how Vegeta felt about Goku, there was no telling. It seemed like Goku didn’t get it. He had betrayed a friend – two friends - and he wouldn’t blame Vegeta for being angry with him. Heck, he wouldn’t blame Goku for being mad at him. He’d crossed the friendship line and he didn’t know what he’d do if it ruined their relationship.

“Yamcha?” Goku sounded hesitant and unsure – something that just didn’t suit him. “Did I do something wrong? I thought… I like you.”

Damn it. He did not want Goku to regret this; you should never regret your first time. He leaned closer and twisted an arm around Goku’s neck, pulling him close. When he kissed him this time, Goku didn’t hesitate at all, returning his affection with a playful, teasing tongue; he was a damn quick study. When they parted, he was convinced Goku would be willing to go again. He couldn’t risk that, because he wasn’t sure he’d ever want to stop.

He rolled away and crawled to his feet, only stumbling a little bit. “Nothing’s wrong – I just have a shitful hangover and I’m in desperate need of a shower.”

“Okay,” Goku said happily. He practically bounced to his feet and Yamcha felt a surge of jealousy at how good his friend felt. After all that beer? It just wasn’t fair.

Yamcha made it to the bathroom, newly conscious of how the light pierced his skull and burned out his eyeballs. He sucked down a handful of aspirin, wishing they’d work instantly, but sadly aware they wouldn’t. He started a scalding hot shower – which made the anticipation of the ice cold one to follow even worse.

He couldn’t remember when he’d last screwed up so spectacularly. It wasn’t that he didn’t like Goku – hell, he’d been the object of some of his best fantasies. He’d held back though, because …well, married at first, then dealing with the divorce, and then…he never thought Goku would be interested in him, and a one-night stand was not worth the long friendship it might cost him if he pushed it.

He was finally beginning to understand what he’d done to Goku by kissing him tasting like Vegeta. All kinds of wants and desires and carefully hidden feelings were stirring and even now he remembered what Goku felt and smelled and tasted like. How was he ever going to forget that?

No, he didn’t really regret sleeping with Goku, but all the repercussions were going to kill him.

Vegeta. Damn it, what would Vegeta do when he found out? And he would, somehow. The prince was damned observant, and some little slip of body language or a poorly chosen word would betray him. He should just come out and tell him, but he knew Vegeta would see it as a huge betrayal. He wanted Goku. It went beyond lust, although that was probably the start of it. Since Goku stopped talking to him, Vegeta had managed to put him on some kind of pedestal – an unattainable opportunity missed. He was sure Vegeta loved Goku, although he’d never admit it to anyone, not even himself. That was okay…he hoped. If Goku would only give Vegeta a chance he could prove himself if only by the way he was always there when you needed him. He’d become damned dependable – practically to the point of obsession. If he said he would be there at 6:01 he’d be there right on the tic.

But if he’d screwed this up for the Saiyans he didn’t know what he’d do. It wasn’t like he could start dating Goku – that would just be rubbing it in Vegeta’s face and he couldn’t do that. And if it failed because of this he didn’t think he could go back to sleeping with Vegeta – he really would be a second-rate substitute for the original and a constant reminder of his betrayal.

He cranked the water to cold and screamed at the shock that ran through his system. He was suddenly much, much too awake. Hell, with the nightmare he’d managed to create he might never be able to sleep again.

The biggest problem was, he realized with painful clarity, he loved Goku and Vegeta, and now he was in danger of losing them both.
