Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Watching ❯ The Decision ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

By Pixelgoddess
Vegeta and Yamcha are fooling around, but the one Vegeta really wants is Goku. Yamcha agrees to help the prince, but when three hearts are involved things get complicated.
Pairings - Mix, match and shuffle - if seme/uke is important to you, you're in trouble. Vegeta, Yamcha, and Goku.
Warnings - Sex. Condoms. Lube. Fuck-buddies. NC-17.
For the purpose of this story, the kids aren't around or even thought of - maybe they don't exist, maybe they are off boinking each other, maybe they've left the planet…imagine whatever makes you happy, but they won't be showing up.
Chapter 9 - The Decision
Goku toweled off his hair on the way back to his room, trying to get his mind off how much he had upset Vegeta. He was afraid Vegeta was right, though - Goku wanted both of them and didn't want to choose. The way things were wasn't perfect, but at least he could be with Yamcha and Vegeta.
Passing by Yamcha's open door, even months later, he couldn't keep himself from glancing in at the poster of himself hanging on the closet door. He'd protested - even though he knew it was a compliment, it kind of freaked him out - but Yamcha had begged him to let it stay up. It <i>had</i> been kind of fun to act out the pose for real and the blow job Yamcha had given cinched the deal - Goku relented and the poster remained.
He had been surprised when he saw Yamcha had copies of that shoot, and harbored a suspicion they'd gotten the job for him at first. But Yamcha and Vegeta both sworn they had nothing to do with it - they'd just used their connections for copies. He believed them because…well because he just <i>did</i>. You were supposed to be able to trust people who loved you - that's what his grandfather had taught him years ago.
He tossed his robe on the bed and pulled on clean clothes. Done, he checked himself in the mirror, making sure all traces of makeup had been washed or worn off by Vegeta. It surprised him at first that they had to put that stuff on a guy, but he had to admit it made him look better in the pictures - one of the photographers had shown him in photos how he looked with and without.
As he headed to the kitchen, he could hear the low murmurs of Yamcha and Vegeta. Vegeta's tone didn't sound angry, but he wouldn't be surprised if they were talking about him.
It was strange and kind of nice how much time Vegeta spent here lately. If he wasn't at work, he was spending time with Goku or Yamcha, or sometimes both. He'd gone on quite a few dates with the prince over the last 6 months and had come to realize how much he loved Vegeta. He'd also come to the realization that he cared for Yamcha just as much. It left him torn and unwilling to have things change. Now, he had them both, although at admittedly odd times, fitting sessions of happy love-making into their very busy schedules. When he chose one - and which one to choose - he'd feel bad for leaving the other out.
He knew Vegeta wouldn't put up with it forever, and it wasn't fair to expect him to. Sometimes he wondered if Vegeta would get tired of waiting and choose Yamcha for himself - <i>then</i> what would he do? He didn't think it would happen - or at least he hoped he wouldn't - but he was so torn. Vegeta made him happy, but so did Yamcha. There was no way he could think of Yamcha as nothing more than a fuck-buddy regardless of what Vegeta said…he cared about him too much to ever treat him like that.
He reached the kitchen to find them working at the stove, backs to him, shoulders touching. They really did look like they belonged together. He glanced at the nearly full table, then back at them, grinning to himself as he imagined a radical solution to the problem.
“You two have been busy,” Goku said, pulling the milk out of the refrigerator and sitting down at the table setting with his favorite glass.
“Goku! Hey,” Yamcha said, coming over to give him a quick kiss. “Vegeta was telling me one of the guys on the set hit on you. Why didn't you take him up on it?”
Goku was surprised - not at Yamcha knowing, but thinking he would have slept with Stefan. “I would never have sex with someone I didn't love.”
Vegeta smirked, “Told you.”
“Really?” Yamcha asked, sitting down. “Was he cute?”
“Why?” Goku teased, “You want his number?”
Yamcha opened his mouth to answer, but Vegeta's `pat' on his back knocked the wind out of him.
“This,” Vegeta said, taking his seat and smirking at Yamcha, “Is why we need condoms.”
“Hey, that's not fair,” Yamcha protested. “I'm always careful.”
Goku smiled as he watched Vegeta and Yamcha tease each other. It was surprising how well they fit together - somehow Yamcha made the prince seem more human and even playful at times. Goku was sure he had his friend to thank for some of the changes in Vegeta.
Vegeta opened his phone when it chirped and grimaced at the screen. “I've got meetings most of the day today - no time to get away for lunch. I'll have to grab at work. Who's going to be here this evening?”
“I won't be home until late,” Goku said. “They want to get some night pictures. But at least they'll feed me. Aren't you going to get hungry, Vegeta?”
Yamcha chuckled and pulled out his own phone. “Poor, poor Vegeta. Has to suffer through a catered meal in his office.”
Vegeta raised a brow at Yamcha, daring him to continue. He did, of course - Yamcha couldn't seem to help himself.
“Don't look at me like that, you. I've seen the meals you grab.” Yamcha turned to Goku. “Have you ever been there when he's forced to `suffer' through lunch?”
Goku shook his head.
“Whole chickens and hams - massive bowls of rice and veggies - loaves of bread….”
“Stop,” Goku begged. “You're making me hungry.”
Vegeta leered at him, “I can think of other things I'd like to devour, Kakarott.”
Goku tried not to blush at Vegeta's words, but he still hadn't gotten over that.
Yamcha grinned and nudged Vegeta in the ribs. “Hey, don't you have to get to work?”
Vegeta glared at him for the nudge, but Goku could tell he didn't mean it. “Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?”
“Well….yeah,” Yamcha admitted. “You and Goku were together all night. Don't I get a chance? I'm working a half day today, so I thought maybe Goku and I…” He trailed off, watching Vegeta's reaction.
Vegeta sighed and pushed away from the table. “I swear, you are becoming more and more like a Saiyan - or at least as horny as one. Have fun,” he grinned, bending to kiss Yamcha, “just remember your ass is mine tonight.”
Goku groaned in pleasure as Yamcha took him further into his mouth.
They only had an hour together before Yamcha had to leave for work, but he was doing his best to make up for that. Goku was grateful yet again for his Saiyan stamina and healing. He'd come three times already; a quick hand job practically before Vegeta was out the door, again when Yamcha fucked him, and once more when he fucked Yamcha. His friend was too worn out to get it up again, but he had made it his goal to make Goku come at least once more.
And he was well on his way to success.
Yamcha was a master at this and it was obvious he really enjoyed it. His tongue was amazing; Goku had worked hard to learn Yamcha's technique - he wanted to give as much pleasure as he received - but there was no way he could make his tongue move like <i>that</i>. He cried out Yamcha's name as he felt the heat and pressure building. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better, Yamcha moaned around him and he came.
When they were willing to move again, he and Yamcha took a shower together. Goku liked washing Yamcha's back - he was always able to squeeze a little massage in while he did.
“Hey Goku,” Yamcha said while they were toweling themselves dry, “What's going on with you and Vegeta?”
“What do you mean?”
Yamcha turned to frown at him as he tied his towel around his waist. “Come on, dude. You know exactly what I mean. He asked you to move in with him. You said no. Why?”
Goku shrugged, wondering if he should just admit it. “I'm not ready yet. I love him, honest. But I…” He faded off, wondering if Yamcha felt as torn as he did.
“You what? Come on guy - how can Vegeta fix things if you don't tell him what's wrong?”
“That's just it. There's nothing to fix. Everything is perfect now. Why do we have to change it?” Goku said, frustrated at Yamcha's inability to understand without him having to spell it out.
“But you and Vegeta should be together.”
“How can you be so sure? What about you and Vegeta…or you and me?” he added with a mumble losing his nerve at the end. Just by saying it he was changing things - he knew it.
“Aww Goku… Don't do this. Don't make it so hard.”
“Why shouldn't I? Why shouldn't it be hard? I love you both. I don't want to choose. I want you both.”
“I won't hurt you to make Vegeta happy,” he said stubbornly. “But I don't want to hurt Vegeta either.”
“So you're content with things the way they are?” Yamcha asked, watching him curiously.
“No, I'm not. I don't want to bounce around. I want…” He fell silent, not willing to admit to what he wanted - it wasn't likely to happen so why set himself up for failure?
“Goku - dude, what's going on with you?”
Goku shook his head, frustrated. “I can't do this. I don't want to talk about it anymore.” He strode out of Yamcha's bedroom into his own and locked the door.
“Goku!” Yamcha called, beating on his door. “What the hell is going on? Come on man, talk to me.”
“Just go to work, Yamcha. I need to be left alone for awhile.”
“You know I can't do that. Come on, let me in.”
“No. I'll be fine, okay. Just…just go. Please?” He heard Yamcha's phone ring and a terse conversation followed. After a minute or two he heard the distinct sound of a fist hitting the wall.
“Goku… There's a problem - I have to go to work <i>now</i>. Are you sure you are going to be alright?”
“I'll be fine,” he repeated. “I have to go to work too, remember?”
“We'll talk about this later, okay?”
“Yeah,” Goku said under his breath. He knew no amount of talking would change things - he wanted them both and there was no way for him to choose.
Goku sat in the darkened kitchen, nursing a lukewarm cup of coffee. He'd finally gotten home a few hours ago - ITing sometimes made the different time zones he worked in a miserable change. This time it meant a job that finished around midnight got him back home at 5am. He would have liked crawling into bed with someone, but Vegeta and Yamcha were already asleep. He just didn't feel like sleeping alone, so he ended up sitting in the kitchen waiting for the sun to rise.
He had tried to figure it out, but he just couldn't understand how his relationships with Yamcha and Vegeta could make him so happy and so sad at the same time. When he was with either of them life was good - but times like this, when he was alone…
Goku sighed. He didn't want to be alone. But he didn't want Yamcha or Vegeta to be alone either - and they had been together much longer than he had. He'd have to ask them - if they agreed, it would be great. And if they didn't… He couldn't do it anymore. He'd back out and have to settle for being friends. At least Yamcha and Vegeta could be happy together.
His coffee got cold.
He was still sitting there when the others woke up. He should have started breakfast - or coffee at least - but he wasn't willing to make the effort. Since he had made his decision he kept picturing life without Vegeta and Yamcha and it was depressing.
Yamcha practically bounced into the kitchen; he was a morning person anyway and a great night meant he was happy and full of energy the entire day.
Vegeta, on the other hand…the `Not a Morning Person' mug Yamcha had given him didn't begin to describe it. He headed straight for the coffee pot, said mug in hand, grumbling when he realized he had to wait for it to brew.
“Goku!” Yamcha exclaimed, straddling his lap for an extremely thorough good morning kiss. “How are you doing, dude?” he asked when he finally let Goku up for air. “Better?”
Goku shrugged, not trusting himself to speak yet.
“Consider yourself lucky you weren't here to deal with Vegeta last night. He had a crappy day at work and was in a pissy ass mood. Then again, maybe your ass could have taken it better than mine.” Yamcha grinned and winked at him - messing with Vegeta again.
“He seems better now,” Goku offered, not really wanting to play `Pester the Prince' with Yamcha.
Vegeta scraped a chair away from the table and dropped into it with a grumble, nearly spilling his coffee.
“Better? This is better?” Yamcha said, climbing out of Goku's lap to get his own coffee, making sure he poked Vegeta in the arm as he passed.
“I didn't hear you complaining last night,” Vegeta said.
“Well I was kind of busy screaming,” Yamcha admitted.
“Good screams or bad screams?” Goku asked, trying to get into the bantering mood but felt like he failed.
“Oh good screams. The best screams,” Yamcha admitted with a grin.
“Damn right,” Vegeta smirked.
Yamcha took Goku's mug out of his unresisting hands and sniffed at it. He grimaced, dumped out the contents and refilled it with fresh hot coffee. Goku watched his friend add cream and sugar for him, trying to ignore the feel of Vegeta's studying eyes on him.
“There,” Yamcha said, setting the mug down in front of Goku and taking his own seat. “What the hell were you thinking, dude? That shit was terrible. Cold coffee. Ick.”
“Thank you,” Goku said, taking a careful sip. Yamcha, as usual, made his coffee better than he did - it was a knack.
“You haven't been to bed,” Vegeta said. “Why not? You've been home for hours.”
Goku sighed and shrugged. He wondered if he should try now, but with Vegeta and his usual morning grumps it probably wasn't a good idea.
“I couldn't sleep,” he finally admitted. “I was kind of…lonely.”
“Dude,” Yamcha said, grinning, “There was room in my bed.”
Vegeta eyed Yamcha. “There was?”
“So we could have made room. Squished in a bit.”
Goku felt himself starting to blush as he imagined it. Unfortunately, Vegeta noticed it.
“Kakarott?” he asked, drawing his name out. Somewhere in that single word was the question `What kind of kinky things are you thinking about Kakarott and can I lend you a hand?'
Goku swallowed and tried to ignore how hot Vegeta's stare was making him. Yamcha's joke had given him the perfect opening; he'd be stupid not to take advantage of it.
“Ve-Vegeta, umm… Remember what you asked me before? About what I wanted?” Goku couldn't remember ever feeling so nervous. He'd almost rather face Brolli again - <i>almost</i>.
Vegeta fell silent and studied him with an intense, if uneasy gaze. The sound of Vegeta's mug hitting the table seemed loud and gavel-like. It took Yamcha a moment to realize something had happened, his chatter fading to silence.
“It kind of depends on how you two answer some questions…” he trailed off, wondering if there was any right way to make this decision.
“Dude…What?” Yamcha started. Vegeta shook his head and he stopped, obviously confused. “Vegeta, what's going on?”
“Kakarott's made his choice,” Vegeta ground out, still not tearing his eyes from Goku's face.
“I'm not positive yet,” Goku tried to explain to Yamcha. “That's why-”
“What do you mean you're not positive?” Yamcha demanded. “It's Vegeta of course.”
“Shut up, Yamcha,” Vegeta snapped. “Just answer his questions.”
“I need you both to answer some questions for me, and I want you to be completely honest,” Goku said, trying to hide the shaking of his hands. He didn't think they'd be offended, but he wasn't always sure how Vegeta would react. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down; he had to be right - if he wasn't, then… He turned to Yamcha - somehow he thought it would be easier to get an answer from him first.
“Yamcha - do you love Vegeta?”
Yamcha warily glanced at Vegeta before turning back to him. “You already know the answer to that, Goku. But I don't want that to stand in your way of getting with Vegeta.”
“Answer the question please,” Goku insisted. He had to be sure.
Yamcha looked at Vegeta again, but the prince refused to meet his eyes, instead studying Goku.
Yamcha sighed. “Yes, Goku, I love Vegeta. But that shouldn't-”
“Do you love me?” Goku interrupted.
This time, Yamcha's look at Vegeta was pleading, and Goku felt bad for putting him in this position. “I didn't-” Yamcha stammered. “Vegeta, I didn't mean to-”
“Answer the question,” Vegeta commanded, his expression giving nothing away.
“Yes,” Yamcha answered with a touch of misery. Goku wanted to go around the table and hug his friend; he shouldn't feel bad for falling in love.
“Thank you,” Goku said, touching Yamcha's hand in apology before turning to Vegeta.
“Is it my turn?” Vegeta asked, crossing his arms and leaning back in the chair. He didn't seem to be angry - at least Goku hoped he wasn't.
“Yeah,” Goku said, the word catching in his throat. So much could go wrong now.
“Like you, Kakarott, I do not have sex with people I do not care about. I do not use the word often, but I do love both of you.” He sat back up, arms resting on the table. “Is that answer adequate for you to make your decision?”
Goku nodded. “This has all been really hard and kind of confusing for me. I mean…I love you both. I want to be with you both. I don't think either one of you wants to keep shuffling around like this forever. And I don't think any of us want to be alone either.”
Vegeta raised an eyebrow at that, but said nothing. Yamcha seemed really tense - his hands clenched tight and resting on the table.
“But do we have to be? Can't we just…can't it stay the three of us? Together? Please? I know it's kind of weird and maybe it sounds perverted, but I don't mean it like that. I just don't want to choose and I don't want any of us to be alone. I'll admit it - I'm selfish. I want you both - all the time.” He leaned back and practically held his breath - it was up to them now.
There was a long tense silence. Yamcha opened his mouth to say something before snapping it closed and staring desperately at Vegeta.
Vegeta met his gaze for a moment before turning to study Goku. Goku was struck by the sudden urge to take it all back and run away. His big mouth might have ruined everything and Vegeta's expression was giving nothing away.
The prince was the first to break the silence.
“Kakarott…am I understanding this correctly? You want the three of us to live together and share a single bed?”
Goku nodded miserably, unable to meet Vegeta's eyes. There was no way Vegeta would go along with this. “That's what I want,” he agreed. “I'll understand if you refuse…”