Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Waterfall ❯ Waterfall ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

(A/N: This story fit somewhere in the Confessions of a Believer series, pick a place, stick in there. Other than than, it's pwp...fun! Oh, Dragonball Z is (c) Akira Toriyama, characters are used without permission so don't sue! Also, Liz Phair's "Flower" used without persmission and is (c) to her, Liz Phair. Ami is (c) myself, cause it's me! Yeah, uh-huh...okay enjoy!)

I was tired. Hot. Sweaty. Bulma's mother, Bunny, had me helping her outside with the garden. From what I could see there were marigolds and tulips, daffodils, (my personal favorite), and other flowers I couldn't name, nor did I want to. I hated working in the dirt. I hated getting all grubby and possibly seeing some gross mulit-legged creature that, although I recognized it's right as a living being to exsist, I didn't want crawling and exsisting on or near me. I guess you call me a bit squeamish.

"No, Dear, not like that..." Bunny pointed to the dirt I'd just unraked with the little rake-like thing, forgive me if I don't know the names for all the gardening tools, "You don't want to pull up the bulbs, Dear, just the weeds..."

I could hear Chikara, my son, training with his father. Several loud explosions and grunts and cries filled the air, drowning out my muttering under my breath to the oblivious woman digging on her hands and knees next to me. After a while, I sat up, glared at the sky and realized that I'd been down her digging with her for over four hours, give or take the time I'd run inside to use the bathroom or gotten bottles of water for us both.

Looking up, Bunny seemed to at last notice the look of fatigue across my features for she said; "You've been helping me so well, Dear," She said, wiping her yellow gloved hands across her face, leaving a smear of dirt there. The floppy hat she wore with the funny-looking daisy shoved into the brim shadowed her face; "Go get cleaned up...Oh, wait!" She cried as I stood and turned towards the house, anxious for a nice hot shower. "I believe the bathroom showers are being used...."

"All of them?" I asked, knowing how many bathrooms Capsule Corp housed, my eyes wide. I flipped off my own hat, one similar to the one Bunny wore but without the flower and held it in my hand. My dark brown hair was messed up and the braid which fell down my back needed to be unwoven and redone, badly.

"Well, no, one is being used and the other is broken." She said, "Bulma's working on fixing the broken one right now...but there is a nice hot springs and waterfall just a few miles from the main house, all you need to do is follow that pathway, there, through the trees..." She pointed with her dirt-covered gloved finger and I followed with my eyes until I could, indeed, see the path of which she spoke.

"Thank you," I said, and looked down at myself, breifly. God, I was mess. My jeans were covered in dirt, my butt was dusty as hell and the white tank top I'd been wearing wasn't so white anymore. I couldn't see my face, but I was willing to bet you could barely see my peaches and cream complexion under all the dust and grim from Bunny's little gardening expierence. Following the trail, it was a small overgrown path that wound it's way through a foresty area, it took me a little while to get to the waterfall Bunny had spoken of. The shade from the trees felt refreshing after being under the hot summer sun for so long. I chuckled to myself and wondered if I'd stayed under that sun much longer, even with the hat, if I'd have cooked my brains. By and by I began to hear a faint hissing noise and realized that it was the waterfall I was fast approuching.

"Did I do good, Dad?" I paused at the sound of the voice, and waited, hidden by the foliage around me. It was my son, Chikara, who had spoken. After a bit I heard the soft grunt that belonged to his father; "Go on home, boy. Tell the woman to fix you something to eat."

I felt a rush of air and watched Chikara take to the sky, heading back to Capsule Corp. No doubt to bother Bulma or Bunny into feeding him. As much as I loved my son, I was glad I didn't have to cook for him all the time. The kid could certainly eat. But then, being half saiyan, that really shouldn't surprise me. I turned at the sound of rustling and saw the father of my son, Vegeta, standing near the waterfall, hands on his hips, looking into the flowing water.

I had never gotten over my desire for him, no matter the circumstances or what we have done before. Every time I see him it's like the first time. Just his nearness takes my breath away and leaves me trembling like a leaf in the wake of a galestorm. It was hard to explain. As I watched, feeling like I should actually be using that waterfall myself to get rid of this dirt and sweat, he began to remove his outter armor, tossing it to the ground with a heavy thump.

Everytime I see your face I get all wet between my legs

Everytime you pass me by, I heave a sigh of pain

I watched him remove his white gloves and boots, all with the grace that I've come to love. The dark blue spandex-like material of the body suit he wore beneath the armor he peeled off next. It was torn in places and sweat-stained. As his back was revealed to me, I couldn't help my sharp intake of breath at the sight of all the tiny and not so tiny scars marring the otherwise perfect features of his muscled back, buttocks, thighs and legs. I moved a bit closer, unsure if he knew if I were there or not.

He stepped under the waterfall, water coursed down his body and caressed his skin, slicking his dark hair back against his head, though, it could never be entirely subdued. He closed his eyes and let the water run in rivelets down every crag and angle of his beautiful form, making me want to follow those rivelets with my mouth and tongue. I was so caught up watching him that I nearly forgot the reason I'd come here in the first place.

After a while, he turned his head, looked straight at the place I was hiding, and not very well I might add, I wondered if it were my breathing or my heart beating so fast in my chest which gave me away, and said; "Who's there? Come out!" His voice sounded strained, as if he thought I might be a rival of some sort come to ambush him. Slowly, I stirred from my place slightly behind an overgrown bush and came out into view. A smirk slowly lifted one corner of his mouth; "What are you doing spying on me, woman? I could've have blasted you without thinking twice!" He went back to washing himself, saying over his shoulder; "Can't you tell I want to be alone?!"

I backed away a little at his tone, unsure of how to handle the situation. I'd seen him when he loses his temper. It's not pretty. I had no desire to bear the brunt of that ire. But then a tiny spark inside me flared up. I don't know why, maybe I've been hanging out with Bulma too long. People tend to rub off on me and I've been known to pick up the mannerisms of those I spend a lot of time with. I raged inside my head; Just who does he think he is? This isn't his waterfall!

Before I knew what I was doing, I had begun to strip out of my clothes until I stood in merely my panties and bra. I have just as much right to this waterfall as he does! I continued in my head, reaching behind me and unclipping my hair. I unwound my braid until my hair was a wavying mess of thick locks down my back and shoulders. I have just as much right to get cleaned up as he does! I didn't catch his glance at me as I pulled down my panties and stepped out of them, tossing them upon my clothing near where I'd been standing before.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked in a biting tone as I looked up after unclasping my bra and letting it fall to the ground. My breasts, I must say, felt wonderful to be freed from that man-made torture device called a brassiere. I used to joke around with my boyfriend; Shawn, by saying; "Breasts were meant to be freeee!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" I said, still rather angry, though now, seeing him once more with the water glowing off his skin, my anger was becoming something much warmer. So warm it heat my cheeks and made my stomach do flip-flops; "I'm going to get cleaned up."

Everytime I see your face I think of things unpure, unchaste

"Hmph." He said, turning away from me to continue his own bathing. I stepped under the water, the coldness caused my heart to pick up and my flesh to goosepimple. I gasped at the chill and tilted my head back, wetting my hair and feeling the water travel down my body, over my breasts, hardening my nipples and wetting the curled hair at the apex of my thighs. The dirt and sweat I felt washing from me made me feel a hundred percent better about myself. It's strange how a little thing like bathing can make you feel so good.

I opened my eyes under the spray, my hands had been working on cleaning the grime from my breasts, grazing my nipples with my thumbs and fingers periodically, lost in the sensation of the water tattooing against my flesh. My hip brushed against his and I felt him stiffen and move a little away from me. I caught him glancing over at me and paused in my actions to ask; "What? Haven't you ever seen a woman take a shower before?"

"Of course I have!" He snarled, and looked away, but not before I saw the heat across his face, "Don't be stupid."

I ignored his tone and bend down to wash the dirt from my legs, running my hands from my ankles to my calves to my knes and finally back up to my thighs and repeating the process with my other leg. I was so lost in my own action that I failed to realized he'd gone completely still. A soft growl beside me brought back to reality and when I looked over at him, I could see that my presence was apparently affecting him more than he was willing to admit.

I want to fuck you like a dog

I'll take you home and make you like it

"Do you have to do that, Woman?" He asked, and I noticed the slight tremble in his tone, stuble but there. His face, though he tried his best to keep it a mask of annoyance, heated slightly around his cheeks and nose. I blinked innocently over at him and asked in what I hoped would be a confused sounding voice; "Do what, Vegeta? Am I bothering you?"

"Don't play games with me." He said, turning to face me, my skin prickled at his nearness and I could feel his breath close to my skin as he breathed, "You know exactly what your doing."

Everything you ever thought of

Is everything I'll do to you

I'll fuck you and your minions, too

"Oh?" I don't know why I was behaving this way. Teasing him like this. It was a rather dangerous and stupid thing to do, I admit it. I lifted my arms over my head, pushing my full breasts upwards and took a deep breath, fully aware, as any woman knows, doing so thrusts my breasts outwards and gave them the illusion of being fuller and rounder. Not that mine needed any extra help, mind you. I heard his sharp intake of breath and a flicker of my eye downward caught the twitch of his member as it struggled to rise. "I don't know what you mean...."

Your face reminds me of a flower

Kind of like you're underwater

Instead of answering my innocuous query, he rumbled low in his throat and reached out, pulling me to him so roughly that I nearly slipped on the rocky bottom of the stream, I had to grab his shoulders to keep my balance and then his hand was twisting into the back of my wet hair, hard, jerking my face downwards to met his lips and tongue as he took me in a searing kiss that bruised my mouth and stole my breath. His other hand was on my back, pressing me into him, his fingers trailing along my spine and sending shivers up and down my body.

Hair's too long and in your eyes

Your lips a perfect "suck me" size

"V-Vegeta..." I think I gasped the words out, but I couldn't be sure, "Wh-what are you...?"

He pushed me up against the smooth rock wall which enclosed the waterfall. We were slightly behind it now, it's spray sheilding us from sight had there been anyone around to see. "I'll teach you to play games with me, woman...." He murmered, and I felt his hardened staff pressing against my thigh as he lifted me up a bit against him and the wall, running his hands across my body, over my breasts, my stomach, I gasped as I felt his fingers between my legs, curving into the nest of dark curly hair and beyond.

My hand automatically slid up his chest, the water making both our bodies slick, and titled my head back as I felt his mouth upon the nipple of my right breast, twirling and sucking on it before leaving it to play homage to it's twin, leaving both with a tingling sensation that's hard to explain.

You act like you're fourteen years old

Everything you say is so obnoxious, funny, true and mean

My sharp intake of breath was enough to let him know how he was affecting me. I felt him rubbing his hardness against my leg as he leaned forward to brush his mouth across my ear, I felt sharp teeth graze the area of my neck directly behind my earlobe and forcing shivers of pleasure down my spine. "Get on your knees." His voice, rough, yet with a sutble purr, growled low in my ear. "Now."

He grasped my hand and tugged it his throbbing member, forcing my fingers around and about it, it moved in my hand, making my blood boil hotter in my viens. I felt him pushing me down, his hands leaving my breasts to rest on my shoulders. I had no choice but to obey and, sliding my hand left his shaft to slide down his body, lowered myself down before him, looking up at him as he smirked down at me and told me what he wanted by flicking his eyes towards his staff, which stood at attention directly in front of my nose.

I want to be your blowjob queen

I'd never done this before. I was scared. I was afraid of making a mistake, having him laugh at and ridicule me. But I saw the passion in his eyes, the desperation he tried to hide behind his commanding tone and leaned foreward, grasping the base of his manhood with one hand, I used my tongue to coat a film of saliva all around it. I felt him jerk a bit at my first, intial touch and then moan softly above me. His hand was near the back of my head, wrapping my hair around his fist and pushing me closer, forcing him farther into my mouth until he nearly hit my gag reflex. For some reason I don't think he'd be very pleased if I threw up all over him during this crucial moment. His hand tighened about my hair as I used my tongue and lips on him, tasting and devouring him as if he were a delicious lollypop or the sweetest candy ever created.

You're probably shy and introspective

That's not part of my objective

"Oh, Kami..." I heard his whisper, his voice shook and I knew by that alone I was doing well. So, I kept it up, one of my hands drifted around to clutch at his hardened buttocks, my other hand squeezed and caressed his balls in time to the rythum of my mouth on his staff. I felt his body stiffen slightly and he suddenly he jerked me away from him. He stood there, trembling, eyes closed, not moving for several long moments.

"Vegeta...?" I ventured, afraid something was wrong, I could still taste him in my mouth, a lingering, musky kind of flavor.

"Be silent!" He hissed and after a few moments, opened his eyes. He was still hard as rock, he hadn't came, at least not yet. Though I could tell by the look in his eyes when he opened them to look at me, it had taken a great deal of his strength and willpower not to. He reached down and, taking me by my arms, pulled me to a standing position, his eyes locked with mine. Had we been in the real world and not the anime one, I know, his eyes would have been a deep, dark shade of brown, black from a distance. But now they were like an endless pool of dark desire and I wanted nothing more than to dive into that pool and drown.

With my back braced against the wall once more, I felt him place one hand under my rear, lifting me up a bit as he placed my right leg over his shoulder. He held me up easily and leaned forward, between my thighs. Whimpering in my throat when I saw what he intended to do, I bit my lip to keep from crying out when I felt his tongue dance across my most sensitive area. His hair, which had been slowly drying even though the spray from the waterfall added droplets to our bodies, moved against the inside of my legs and tickled.

"Oh...." I murmered, my voice hardly a whisper, had he not been a saiyan with such keen hearing I doubt he would have heard me, I groaned and tossed my head back as I felt his tongue slide across the groove of my sex, dip inside of me and lap at my inner walls. My body felt on fire and the flames began and ended in the center of my legs, tiny sparks followed his tongue as it moved in a frenzy across my blood-filled clit, dampening my insides and making me feel as if my heart were seated where his mouth was, pounding in time to my breathing.

"You taste good..." He said, as he moved away from me, lowering my leg, instinctively, I wrapped it and my other one around his waist and felt him enter me. I was already so wet from his earlier ministrations that he slide inside me with no trouble at all, using his hand to figure out, briefly, where my enterance lay before plunging deeper.

I just want your fresh, young jimmy

Turning, slamming, ramming in me

I groaned and clutched at him as he held me against his body and the wall, driving into me, pushing my breasts flat against his chest, I could feel his heart thudding against my own as his breathing quickened against my mouth as he crushed his lips to mine once more. I could taste the heady mixture of his own, signature taste as well as my own juices as he twined his tongue with mine, kissing me hard and fast, his tongue in my mouth an echo of his thrusting vigorously within me.

In the midst of my passion; a fear. He was being too rough! His hands clutched my buttocks and forced me upwards a bit onto his staff as he rammed me nearly through the rock wall. I opened my eyes and saw his face; Eyes squeezed shut, mouth parted. He was lost in his bliss, unable to see or hear anything but his own gratification. God, it hurt! I could feel him slamming into my pelvis, pushing me against the wall over and over and feared he would end up injuring me if I didn't get him to slow down, be more gentle. Tears of pain blinded me as I tried to shove him away from me.

"Vegeta..." I cried, a pleading quality to my voice, high pitched and scared, filled with pain and near panic; "Vegeta...stop....stop....please..."

He paused in mid-thrust, his eyes opened, irritation flickered across them for a moment until he saw the pinched look on my face. "Ami?" He asked, his voice low, he was wavering inside of me, waiting for my breath to catch and my face to smooth out of the pained expression disfiguring my features; "Did I hurt you...?"

I nodded, unable to speak and he leaned forward to lick an errant tear from my eye and began to move again, though slowly, allowing the pain to change and turn over into pleasure once more, watching my face and the reaction of my body to let him know, this time, how much was too much and how far was too far. He kept his eyes open this time, and I felt myself once more being drawn into thier depths.

"Do you trust me?" He asked, out of the blue, his question caught me off gaurd, in the midst of what we doing and I nodded, but he placed a hand over my head, stroking my forehead and hair back from my head, "No, answer me aloud. Do you trust me?"

"Y-Yes..." I gasped the word out, my voice strained, it was hard to focus on speech when your insides felt like jelly, "Yes, I trust you, Vegeta..."

"Good." He said, and suddenly, in the middle of his driving into me, the ground around us began to move, rocks and the pebbles from the creekbed near the waterall began to rise and dirt and water swirled about us. I was barely aware of it as my eyes had drifted half-closed and I and felt all of it as though from the inside of a very vivid dream. My gaze still hazed with the ardor of our lovemaking. A tingling sensation, like an electic storm seemed to flow over his body and when I opened my eyes wider I saw a bright white-yellow aura enveloping and caressing him, flowing over to include me as well since I was in such close proximity to him.

Everytime I see your face I think of things unpure, unchaste

I felt his body stiffen against me, his teeth were clenched tight against the scream that wanted to echo from his throat as the aura around us grew higher as it spiraled around us. Lightning, or what felt and looked like lightning, flashed and crackled across his body as the power coursing through him bulked his form and changed his hair from black to glowing gold.

I want to fuck you like a dog

I'll take you home and make you like it

His dark eyes changed as I watched from black to pupiless teal and energy sizzled from them as he looked at me and began to plunge himself over and over inside of me once more, building up a fast and frenzied rythum, but not so brutal this time that I feared injury. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt the static licks of power caress my arms and body as they coursed along his form. It was a feeling that it so difficult to explain....kind of like trying to tell a person who's been unable to see all their life about a rainbow and the brilliant, vibrant colors it's holds.

"Oh, God..." I cried as I felt the currents of energy, like jagged worms of static electricity, run down from his body and between us, between my legs where he was still embedded deep inside me, moving at an agonizingly wonderous rhythm, and caress the heated, over-stimulated bud of my ecstasy; forcing shivers to scamper up and down my spine and my voice to leave my throat as I seized his shoulders tighter in my grip and screamed my climax into the air around us, my voice drowned only by the constant rush from the nearby waterfall.

Everything you ever wanted

Everything you ever thought of

"That's it...." I heard him say, grunting as he drove into me, ramming me harder and faster, forcing my orgasm to last as long as possible, I felt myself shaking violent against him, the echo of my cry still rendering through the area, bouncing off the rock walls; "Scream for me..." He murmered against my ear, breathing with me, holding me as I continued to cry out, riding the last waves of my climax, "That's good....so good...."

Is everything I'll do to you

I barely heard him, he seemed to be talking to himself more than to me and I felt him go rigid inside of me, still holding me feircly to him and shiver as his own release came upon him, flowing my insides with his seed, which gushed from him and seeped down my legs, between my thighs, leaving me a warm sticky mess. Almost at once, the aura around us died down and fizzled out and, as I watched, trying to get my breathing and heart under control, his hair shimmered a moment before regaining it's normal, blackened hue at the same time as his eyes flickered back to it's natural onxy tone.

I'll fuck you till your dick is blue

He let me go, sliding from me as he did so and let me sink to my butt onto the rocky ground. He waved for a moment, his hand braced against the wall above my head, semen and my own juices dripping from his now flaccid member, before turning to the waterfall and stepping back under it, using it to wash himself clean once more. I couldn't stand up, my legs wouldn't have supported me had I tried and I leaned against the wall, my eyes closed, waiting for the vertigo to die down so I'd stop feeling as weak as newborn kitten.

"Finish cleaning up." He said to me at last, when I opened my eyes and saw him over to the side, out of the water, pulling on his clothes. He must have seen the expression on my face, for he added, quickly and sharply; "I don't want to hear anything more about what happened here, understand?"

He didn't want for my response before he took to the air, leaving me to look after him and recover, on my own. I nodded to myself, however and finally gained my feet, using the waterfall to wash our mingled fluids from my body. I closed my eyes and saw once more his teal ones burning into my own and felt again the utter euphoria that had enveloped me for just a few precious moments when we had been as one.

~ End ~

(Author goes off to have a cigarette even though she doesn't smoke...)