Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ Good Intensions ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 2 "Good Intensions"


Gohan’s head snapped around as he was dragged back to the present. His blonde haired friend was shaking him trying to get his attention and he noticed his other friends were already outside the stopped van stretching and milling about.

"We've stopped?"

"Yea we've stopped! I've been calling you for 5 minutes now. You’re not thinking of work are you?"

The demi just smiled and shrugged thinking that work would be a preferable excuse to his spacing out then what was really going through his mind.

"You know me..." He said with a goofy grin as he forced the last lingering thoughts of that long ago day from his mind.

"Ya, good ol' Gohan. The work-a-holic!"

The blonde boy jumped out of the van and turned joining the others at the back of the vehicle. Gohan was left in the van alone and for a brief moment considered flying off and telling the guys that he'd gotten an urgent call tomorrow. He felt guilty thought for neglecting his friends, so with a heavy sigh he mustered up his energy and left the van going to stand with the others who were grouped around the back.

"So guys, where are we going?" He asked as he took his place among them.

I told you it's a surprise, and we're almost there!"

Once more Gohan was plunged into darkness as someone tossed a blindfold around his eyes. He gave up and went along with it as someone grabbed his arms and began leading him forward. After close to a minute he began to hear loud music and people getting closer. He groaned inwardly and a sound taste clung to the back of his throat. They knew he hated big dance clubs, especially the crowds. He'd much rather be at home celebrating his birthday with his family, or even better, at his apartment with Trunks eating popcorn and watching movies curled up together on the couch. As the hard hitting bass of the music started to rattle his bones he regretted not taking his mom up on her offer to throw him a small family party with food and a cake. Man he was making himself hungrier now!

"Come on guys...Seriously where are we? You know I don't like to dance."

"Oh don't worry Gohan, you won't be the one dancing tonight!"

A sick queasy feeling settled in the pit of his stomach and rolled around filling him full of dread and apprehension. He really didn't like the sound of that. All too soon the music was unbearably loud and he could see flashing colored lights through the make shift blind fold that was keeping him separate from this unwanted surprise.
Before he knew what was going on, the blind fold was removed and he was nearly blinded by the pulsating neon lights that invaded his dark acclimatized eyes.

"SURPRIZE!!" They all screamed out at once, not noticing the mortified Gohan standing slack jawed among them.

All his friends were shouting and high-fiving, making and all out ruckus around him, as he stood utterly flabbergasted staring at the giant neon woman that sat before him. The flashing lights he had seen through the blind fold had been her opening and closing her legs to reveal a door that was made to look like her genitailia. He was unable to react, hell he wouldn't even know how to react even if the feeling hadn't just drained from his body, as he stood motionless except for his eyes, which made the mistake of rolling up to read the scrolling marquee above the giant light woman’s head.

Madame kitti-katts exotic dance club......Hot!....Juicey!....and ready for YOU!....

"Oh Kami please no..."Horror filled the already traumatized demi-saiyajin as his friends began to push and pull him towards the vulgar looking entrance. "Look guys.." He choked out shutting his eyes tight as they started to pass through the girly door. "Maybe we could just go bowling instead!"

The entire entourage and boys stopped and stared at him like he was crazy and perhaps just a little not right.


"Oh Gohan, your sooo funny!" The blonde boy spoke up as he pushed him through the entrance and into the gaudy stripe club.

Bright flashing lights and loud music assaulted his strong saiyajin senses as he was nearly dragged along the floor, pausing only as someone paid their way in. The club was jam packed with men and women alike hollering and cat-calling at anything that was unfortunate to move in the over crowded room, while the strong smell of stale cigarettes, rancid beer, and the thick sweat of all these bodies packed to tightly together washed over Gohan making that sour taste rise up in the back of his throat again. Everything about this place revolted him, though the sour mix of all these weak pheromones the humans gave off, which seemed to linger in the air like the acrid smoke from the cigarettes, had to be the worst. It was the same horrible smell that invaded his high school gymnasium during dances and one of the reason he avoided such functions at all costs.

Before he knew it, Gohan was being ushered into the very thick of it all, pushed down in a seat in front of the clubs main stage, on which a overtly thin young girl was shyly performing, and handed a drink which was mostly spilled on him in the process. He rolled his eyes and sunk as deep as he could into the wide low backed chair he found himself captive of. The multi-colored strobe lights, were flashing in every which direction, hurt his sensitive eyes, which already stung from the ungodly amount of smoke both from the cigarettes and the club's smoke machines, as he squinted looking about the room, mostly for the quickest exit. There were three or four lesser stages scattered around the large dance hall and tables and chairs littered the tiered floor in no particular pattern. Two of the other stages had a few women gyrating and jumping around them, some swung from an assortment of things attached to the ceiling, and he saw many of the smaller tables were clustered with men as some form or another of "entertainment" was performed on them.

Next thing Gohan knew, someone was elbowing him in the ribs and when he looked over to see who it was and get them to stop he caught sight of a group of women doing some, very bizarre..very tricky looking things to each other that involved way too many gadgets for his comfort. Without hesitation, he diverted his eyes, a bright hot flush reddening his cheeks, and tossed back what was left of his split drink grimacing as the foul tasting liquid burned his mouth and throat. Under normal circumstances he wouldn't even touch the horrid alcoholic drink, being part saiyajin made him sensitive to the stuff and he just couldn't get over the taste that was like something that came out of a car engine, but what he just witnessed was bound to be haunting him for a while unless desperate measures to forget were taken.

When the strobe lights, that had been beginning to make him feel epileptic, stopped he looked about in confusion and dread instead of relief wondering what new horror was about to be forced on him that required the twinkling of the annoying lights to be cut. In fact, all the lighting in the club seemed to be slowly dimming as the sound of feet and chairs being shuffled across the bare floor filled the room only confirming his suspicions that something was happening. Everyone seemed to be crowding in on the center stage, making him feel very, very claustrophobic as he was jarred and bumped from every angle. The smell of so many cheap colognes and perfumes mixing at once made his stomach churn and he quickly swallowed hard before something decided to come up, a feeling of panic slowly rising in him, as he desperately about him for and escape.

Just as he thought he could take no more, a loud obnoxious voice boomed to life on the clubs P.A. causing him to dig his nails into the chair's arm, teeth gritted together.

"GENTELMEN!...and Ladies. Madame Kitti-Katts is PROUD to bring you and event like NO OTHER!" The announcer’s voices swelled and rolled about his words reminding Gohan a lot of the time he went to a circus and heard the ring master announcing the acts. Fitting he supposed. "We've scoured across the GLOBE to bring you the most LUCIOUS...HORNEY ladies we could find!! TONIGHT! our special ladies will be taking the stage and for this ONE NIGHT ONLY...they will be taking a special few BACK into out kitti-katt lounge..."

The announcer paused dramatically as murmurs and excited whispers went up around Gohan, though he was still clueless as to the cause. "But FIRST! Leme introduce ya to a LUCKY fella whose friends have bought him first pick from our THROUGH-BREED FILLIES tonight! SON GOHAN!"

A spot light suddenly blared to life and focused on the horror filled face of the dark haired demi. They couldn't possibly be talking about him. He knew his friends were overzealous about this whole thing but this was...they wouldn't!

"Come on, stand up BIRTHDAY BOY!"

Oh god, they did!

"Man what a LUCKY fella to have FRIENDS like these huh!"

Friends, Gohan thought as someone grabbed his wrist thrusting his arm up in the air making the crowd cheer as he stared mortified at the floor, with friends like these who needed enemies! Fighting Cell had been easier then what he'd already been through tonight, hell give him Buu, just get him the hell out of here!

If it had been possible to sink any deeper into his chair he gladly would have. To make it worse, some raunchy heavy based rap song began to play as a score of ladies took turns coming on stage grinding and gyrating parts of their bodies wildly in the air as they danced about methodically with each other looking more like drunken prom dates then the sexy dancers they were trying for. Gohan closed his eyes looking for some relief from all the yelling and carrying on going on around him. He had always found these types of places to be so horrible. It wasn't that he had an aversion to females, but rather that he hated being stuck in a room full of strangers, drunk and disorderly, calling out countless crude remarks and ass grabbing everywhere he turned.

He raised his hand to his head massaging throbbing temples and wondered crestfallenly how much more of this he was going to have to, or even could endure, before he went mad and tore through this place to get out. Back home, he could be back home enjoying a good meal, watching movies, and just relaxing with...

His thoughts were cut short as he was yanks forward, a wad of cash shoved unceremoniously into his mouth, and pushed into the mammoth breasts of a waiting girl leaning over the stage. She wrapped her ridiculously larger mammaries around his head, smothering him as he struggled in vain, till he thought he would pass out from lack of oxygen, seemingly much to his friends delight. Just when Gohan thought he'd have to force her off him, she released her killer boob grip on his head and he gasped spitting the filthy tasting bills out of his mouth which the girl snagged up in her cleavage before dancing away wiggling her breasts at the next guy.

A round of cheers went up as all this friends crowded around him, congratulating him and shoving another drink in either of his hands. Gohan drained both cups without even thinking about it in an attempt to get the taste of dirty fingers and sweat left by the money out of his mouth. Realizing that they weren't giving up, he adamantly pushed away the money they were already shoving in his face again as they called over another foxy little girl to no doubt repeat that last fiasco. Luckily for him, most of the guys were now getting too engaged in their own pleasures to notice his total aversion to the whole animalistic scene. The throbbing in his temples worsened to near maddening levels as he screamed for someone to turn down the music, his pleas lost in the loud room.

Just as Gohan was sure he was going to empty what little was in his stomach, the music ended giving him a brief reprise from the gun shells that were being set off in his head. Struggling to lean forward without getting someone’s ass in his face, he rested his elbows on his legs and cupped his hands protectively over his ears feeling corybantic to black out the babble going on around him. All too soon the music started back up and the sick feeling demi groaned tossing himself back into his seat wishing someone would come and save him from this nightmare. It took him a few seconds to realize he'd at least been spared the torture of another rap song. Instead it was an older band; he couldn’t remember the name of it off the top of his head which was strange because he really liked them.

He closed his eyes swaying his head slightly in time to the lusty guitar rift as he pictured Trunks slowly moving towards him with a sensual smile on his face. He imagined what it would be like to run his hands over the other demi-saiyajin's taunt muscular body, to feel every fiber of him respond to his touches and caresses. He could picture the golden skinned angel laying on a bed of dark red silk, hair spread in a glorious lavender halo around his head, his long slender fingers clutching and unclenching the sheets as he twisted and moaned on the bed in anticipation. Gohan's eyes drank in the beautiful boy’s body and his tongue reached out to lap at his perk nipples teasing and pinching each one in his teeth, then trailing a line of nips down his stomach before he reached his long hard...

His eyes opened, half lidded, as he fell into the mesmerizing patterns of the stage lights flashing before him, no longer caring about their brightness as a hot lust filled his body. At first he thought he was still dreaming when a beautiful lavender haired angel danced out onto the stage moving exactly as he had just pictured his dream boy would. Gohan blinked and slowly, then much more vigorously, rubbed his eyes thinking that all the alcohol was finally getting to him and he'd lost it. There was no way that that was Trunks! All he had to do was open his eyes and see for himself. He did just that, slowly lowering his hands, opening one eye then the other, and what he saw stunned him so badly he thought he might actually pass out.

There, snaking and twisting its body on stage in such an erotic manner that it made the charcoaled eyes boy blush was not his koi, but rather and out of this world girl, that for all intent porpoises, could have been Trunks identical twin. Gohan sat stupefied for the tenth time that night as she danced gracefully around the stage teasingly striping off the gauzy layered veils on her body that seemed to hide nothing, yet everything, all at the same time. He studied her intently noting how every part of her looked exactly like Trunks, who's body he knew very well having been his training partner for so many years. Everything, from her sultry azure eyes which seemed to be permanently set in the half lidded come-hither look, to her chest length lavender hair and perfectly bronzed skin, right down to the tight tomboyish body that was so strong yet delicate as she kneeled before him.

//Your love is Strong, and You’re so Sweet. You make me Hard, You make me Weak...//

Before he knew what was happening, she had crawled half way off the stage and was now leaning over him supporting herself on his chair. She was so close to him that he could see the lights shimmering in the light sheen of sweat that covered her body and could feel the intoxicating heat that seemed to pour off her skin like a fire.

//Your love is Strong, and You’re so Sweet, and someday Baby, we Got To Meet...//

When she swung her hair around dipping and twisting over him he swore she even smelt like Trunks. This was impossible though he thought as he leaned in closer to her, her hair lashing against his face, breathing in deeply the smell of something sweet like caramel but more delicious to him than any food he'd ever had. She smelt nothing like these humans and everything like what his instincts told him a true saiyajin in heat should smell like. Try as he might, Gohan could not resist staring fixatedly at the young girl as she crawled back on stage and started dancing before him pivoting and flexing her body in ways that filled his mind with so many erotic desirers. Problem was he wasn't sure if they were for her, or Trunks. His head started to hurt again and he quickly pushed aside all these thoughts and focus solely on the girl before him.

//A Glimpse of You, was all it Took, A Strangers Glance, it got me Hooked...//

Her azure eyes never left his as she danced just for him ignoring the many other cat callers and money being thrust at her. Suddenly, a large white curtain fell down between himself and the dancing angel and a bright purple light flashed to life behind the curtain illuminating it brilliantly, leaving a sexy silhouette of the dancing girl. For some reason Gohan found this shadow play even sexier then fully seeing her and was now aching with an urgent heat between his legs. Now that she was behind the curtain, he could fully imagine that it was Trunks back there putting on this little dance for him, smiling because he'd know how much he was teasing the dark hair boy. The throbbing in his loins had become almost painful now as he fought to control himself when all he wanted to do was run up there and ravage that girl who looked so unfairly like his Trunks.

//I'll follow You, Across the Stars, I'll look for You, in Seedy Bars...//

Gohan was surprised again as her silhouette suddenly ran across the stage as she leapt up onto one of the poles around the edge of the dance floor and spun round and round letting her hair fly out behind her as the roar of cat-calls doubled, along with banging of hands against the tables. He had unconsciously left his seat and was now leaning heavily against the edge of the stage raptly following every move she made as she suspended herself upside down; legs wrapped around the pole, and slowly, let herself slide down till she was lying suggestively on the floor.

//What are you Scared of Baby, It's More than just a Dream. , We make a Beautiful Team...//

The young Saiyajin was astounded, unphased by the jests and teasing of his friends who were encouraging him, as the beautiful girl emerged from behind the curtain, crawling on hands and knees towards him. She stopped and kneeled before him, running her hands slowly up her body, leaving faint red marks from her long nails. Dreamily he watched her, feeling like this was unreal, reach behind her back with one arm and unclasped the tiny hooks there as she skillfully covered her chest with her free arm. The bra came sliding down landing at Gohan’s finger tips, which he just stared at dumbfounded.

//Your love is Strong, and You’re so Sweet, and Someday Baby, we Got To Meet. Just Anywhere, Out in the Park,Out on the Street, Out in the Dark. The thought of You, though Swirling Seas, down Darken Woods, with Silent Trees. Your love is Strong, and you’re so Sweet, You make me HARD, You make me Weak...//

A blush covered Gohan’s entire body as the realization hit him that she was before him naked except for the tiny blue panties that covered the secret triangle of skin between her legs. He felt a guilty excitement as she flashed him a smile before standing up and turning to leave, swaying her hips in that same sensuous way that she had come out, making him think of Trunks.

//I'll wait for You, Untill the Dawn, My Mind is Ripped, My Heart is Torn. Your love is Strong, and You’re so Sweet, Your love is Bitter, and Tenderly. Oh, Love is Strong, and You’re so Sweet...We Got to Meet...//

He was unable to move until she had disappeared completely from sight then fell back into his chair open mouthed, still stunned by what had happened. his mind was filled with so many questions and thoughts that he didn't realize the announcer had started talking until one of his friends elbowed him in the side.

"Hey come on, didn't you hear him?"

Gohan just stared back at him with a blank expression that caused all of them to laugh.

"Hey! I said come on! Look, their calling you back!"

He looked around him to see two scantily clad girls smiling at him obviously beckoning for him to follow them. He snapped out of it enough to start a meek protest when the two girls suddenly took his wrists and pulled him from his seat with the help of a few of his friends. A light woozy-headedness came over him as he was tugged along by the two girls towards the curtain that hid the hallways that led to the back rooms. He vaguely remembered walking down the hall and soon found himself sitting in a large over stuffed couch as one of the girls poured him a glass full of strong smelling liquid and insisted that he drink it. By now he was feeling the effects of the first drinks heavily but was too tired to complain so obligingly swallowed the nasty alcohol in one gulp, coughing a little as it burned down his already sore throat.

Soon the girls left, leaving him alone in the small gaudy room. It reminded him a lot of the outer club area, with its bright paint and colored lights flashing off glittery pieces of glass which he guessed were all supposed to "Enhance the mood" of the room. His mind swam with images of the girl dancing around him which turned into Trunks smirking at him as he walked towards him slowly pulling up his shirt and...

Gohan shook his head hard realizing he's nodded off as he looked about him. The small room felt sweltering and he managed to squirm out of his jacket and loosen his tie before unbuttoning the first couple of buttons on his white dress shirt. The idea that he was still in his three piece suite reminded him that he should be at work, not here in this seedy club and he pushed himself to his feet only to be rewarded with a thundering pain in his head that forced him back onto the couch clutching impetuously at the hurting area.

"Easy there Tiger..." A husky voice rang out that made Gohan’s heart lodge itself in his throat.

Slowly he raised his head, swaying slightly as he did, and looked about the room that seemed to swim before him. His eyes soon focused on the owner of that voice leaning up against the far wall of the room and he nearly fell out of the couch as he realized it was the same girl he had been watching not too long before. She began to come closer and he saw she was wearing a white silk robe tied loosely shut and he swallowed hard wishing his head didn't feel like it was clogged with oatmeal so he could think clearly.

"You seem surprised to see me handsome...Was there someone else you were expecting?"

She stopped in front of him and once more the intoxicating smell of her filled his mind as he tried to stammer out and answer. A dulcet giggle came from her as she sat down upon his knees startling him so badly that he jumped back into the cushions, his fingers digging themselves into its soft fabric.

"Oh come on Gohan! I'm not going to bite you..." She said as she reached out and brushed her finger tips across his hot cheeks.

"You...You know me.....un...my name?"

Closing her eyes she smiled then turned her dreamy gaze upon him and he felt like there was something there, just beyond him, that he was missing. By now his entire body felt like it was floating and he hardly felt her body shift as she moved to straddle his legs, wrapping one hand behind his neck. That same familiar smirk was on her lips as she tilted his head up to her and leaned in brushing her lips against his in a ghost of a kiss. Gohan sighed as his eyes rolled back and his head lolled to the side with unconsciousness only one word on his lips as he blacked out.


She couldn't help but chuckle as she gently laid him back against the couch and lovingly looked down over him.

"If only...Koi...Gohan..." She sighed his name as she got up and started making arrangements to take him home.