Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We Got to Meet ❯ It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Wow, I really thank you guys for having patience with me. I feel really bad since I have some of these chapters already written out and just have to spell check them, I’ve just had a lot of bad things pop up at once. Not giving you guys any excuses this time though, just want to apologize for the extensively long wait for this chapter. As an added apology I’ve finished a picture I’ve been working on for a while. Pretty lill GxV for those of you that are waiting for that part of the story. Just look for the link in my PROFILE. So with that, thanks to those of you who are still with me and hopefully I’ll soon have another chapter put up as well as a few whole new ones.

Disclaimer: Wow would you look at that…I still don’t own DBZ or any of the characters…But should anyone feel the urge to buy me that sassy Vegeita I’d be forever grateful ^_^. Yaio, boy on boy duh, perhaps some fluff. And a super snuggly ‘Geita, Mwarr!

Chapter 6 “It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want To"

Trunks landed with a loud crash as he pushed up the ground around him forming a huge crater where he now stood. Teal eyes glanced up in the sky searching for their target, the one who'd just knocked him out of the sky. A familiar ki popped up behind him and Trunks didn't even have time to defend himself before he was launched into the air flipping head over heels only to be immediately knocked back down with a hand elbow to his stomach. He landed in the same spot making a smaller deeper crater within the crater. It took a tremendous effort to pull himself up and he stood panting for a few seconds before he stood up strait and saw Gohan positioning himself for another attack.

"Hey Gohan," Trunks held his ribs as he called out waving his free hand to signal the other demi-saiyajin even though it caused some pain. "That's good for now. It's getting late and we better get back otherwise you're gonna be late for your surprise."

"Ha, you sure I didn't just beat you up too much boy!" Gohan stood hovering a few inches off the ground arms crossed in front of him wearing a smug smile as he floated over to the beaten looking Trunks.

"How quickly you forget it was you standing in my shoes last time we fought."

Gohan smile turned sheepish and he set down in front of his friend walking over to his side, slipping a shoulder under his arm to help him stand. "Yea well, I'm rusty. Not all of us have spent four years away having fun and training."

Trunks frowned for a moment wondering if Gohan could still be upset with him for leaving so long. He didn't have long to worry though because his ribs soon interrupted making him give out a small grunt of pain.

"Damn it Trunks I told you to warn me if I took it too hard on you!" Gohan growled as he bent down and scooped up the younger demi's legs carrying him as he launched into the air and towards their house. Funny he thought to himself, that he kept thinking of it as "their" house.

"Don't sweat it Gohan I’m fine." Of course fine was three or four broken ribs, but what were a few ribs between friends. "'Sides, I can always just get a sensu from my dad later. Anyways it was worth it. I knew you were holding back on me the other day when we fought."

Gohan lit down in front of the small capsule house and kneed the door open walking inside to the back bedroom and gingerly set Trunks on the large silk covered bed. "Well, I guess I was holding back on myself too. I didn't realize I had all that in me until we started fighting tonight."

Gohan looked apologetic as he scurried around the room gathering up wraps and ice packs for Trunks' ribs.

"Seriously Gohan, I'm ok." Trunks said as he shifted and a sharp pain kicked him in the side. "Gah! Ok...maybe just a little ice."

Gohan couldn't help but smile at his friend’s stubbornness. He helped Trunks peel down the top of his spandex suit and set about arranging the ice packs on his chest and wrapping them into place. He couldn't help but stare at Trunks toned body glistening with all that sweat as he raised his arms so Gohan could tie the wrap around his midsection. Blushing, he finished up and helped Trunks lean back against the big soft pillow propping him up so his ribs were comfortable.

"Thanks Gohan." Trunks took his hand and squeezed it softly smiling up at him. He had his fair share of bumps and bruises too he noticed with satisfaction. So far they were evenly match, Gohan just seemed to have more energy pent up inside of him this time. "So why don't you go shower up, I promise I'm not going to move." He said where he saw Gohan start to protest. "I'll lay right here and rest up and after I'll shower then we can get going to your surprise ok?"

"Alright." The dark demi said softly touching the bulge of an ice pack on Trunks chest. "But you need to rest. Don't be getting up and getting stuff, I think I can handle picking out our clothes this time. And if you get up and make your ribs even worse I’m not going with you tonight."

Gohan stared hard at Trunks with this ultimatum and the lavender haired boy had to laugh.

"Alright mom," Gohan stuck his tongue out at the laughing Trunks. "Hai hai Gohan go on. I promise I'll lay here and rest. If you’re not careful you’re going to make me start thinking you care about me."

"Of course I care about you Trunks." After a moment Gohan blushed once more realizing just what he had meant. "Well, that is, I-uh..."

"Hehe yea yea, now get going otherwise we'll never make it on time."

Gohan nodded and hurried off to the bathroom and soon the sound of the water rushing out filled the room as he turned on the shower. Trunks noticed Gohan had left open the door and chuckled getting a chest full of soreness in return. The blue eyed demi stared off into space as he thought about tonight. He had worked really hard to get everything right and he hoped tonight would be the night he could tell Gohan how he felt about him. First though he had to tell him his little secret. He could never be at ease with Gohan until he was sure he would not be mad at him for what he had done. No one knew in fact, but tonight...well he would try to tell him anyways.

"Why won’t you just tell me where we're going Trunks?" Gohan said as he came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and drying off his hair with another.

Trunks hadn't noticed the water turning off and looked up surprised to see him finished so quickly.

"Because then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it silly."

Gohan tossed the towel at Trunks who caught it with a flinch.

"Oh shit, sorry, sorry Trunks!"

"Don't sweat it Gohan." He sat up and carefully swung his feet over the edge as Gohan came over and gave him a hand up. "I guess it's my turn huh. You gona help with that too?" He asked teasingly raising an eye brow.

"I don't think you that hurt." Gohan mumbled blushing as he let go of him and went over to the closet to pick out some clothes.

Trunks chuckled and shook his head making his way into the bathroom. He took a quick shower, preferring to get all the pain out of the way at once, and got out giving his hair a shake. Bad idea. Pain flared up and down his sides and he had to bite his lip to avoid crying out and being heard by Gohan. Being much more careful, he dried off and left the bathroom, this time wrapped up more because the tight towel felt good on his ribs then from modesty, and sat on the edge of the bed where Gohan had laid out a few sets of clothes.

"I didn't know what we should wear since someone won't tell me where we're going." Gohan said as he leaned against one of the bed posts his brows furrowed as he looked at all the selections.

"Heh, its ok Gohan. Here," Trunks pointed to a plain red tee-shirt and a black pair of slacks and Gohan picked them up holding the up. "Those ought to go well with my jacket that you've confiscated."

Gohan made to protest but Trunks just laughed watching the blush build up in his friends face. "It's alright Gohan. You wear that and after you've changed you can get my black turtle neck and a pair of dark blue jeans out of my drawers and I'll wear those ok?"

"Alright." Gohan agreed as he went into the bathroom to change.

Trunks used the time to carefully unwrap himself and pull on his boxers and socks, taking advantage of Gohan's absence to wince and curse as his messed up ribs insisted on bothering him. By the time he was finished Gohan was coming out of the bathroom looking so hot Trunks wished he could just rip the clothes right off his body, bend him over, and take him now. He watched rapturously while Gohan went about gathering up Trunks' clothes for him and laid them out before him.

"You want some help getting them off....." Cough!! "I mean on! Your clothes that is..."

Trunks laughed and shook his head yes thoroughly enjoying watching the other demi squirm under his own words. Blushing Gohan moved over to Trunks' side and carefully began pulling the black turtle neck over his head taking his time as he pulled it down his chest, shivering when his fingers brushed against the taunt smooth skin there. He kneeled down before the lavender haired boy and carefully helped him slip each foot into his pant legs then pulled them up to Trunks’ slender hips as the younger demi stood up and buttoned them himself.

Trunks looked down thoughtfully at the still kneeling Gohan and smiled reaching down and touching the top of his head. Gohan's head snapped up and he looked into those dreamy blue eyes blushing when he realized he still had his hands on Trunks’ hips. He hastily removed them and stood up fussing with Trunks' turtle neck which seemed to want to scrunch up to one side.

"Almost ready." Gohan said as he gathered up their shoes helping Trunks on with his before he slipped into his own sandals.

"Thanks Gohan."

Gohan straitened up and looked at Trunks smiling. "Heh like you said, anytime."


"You ok Trunks." Gohan had been in the process of putting on his borrowed jacket and stopped looking at his friend with concern.

"Yea just..." Trunks sighed and shook his head. Tonight he promised himself. He'd tell him tonight. "Nothing, I'm just nervous. I hope you like your surprise."

"Hey don't worry, I'm sure I'll love it Trunks."

The light demi took Gohan's hand and squeezed it softly. "Thanks sweetie."

Trunks led them out of the house and Gohan opened the door of the car for him with a wink. "Perhaps I should drive since, you know, your ribs."

"No need." Trunks hovered into the air smiling down at his friend. "Where we're going there's no need for cars. We can fly just fine."

Gohan looked wonderingly at Trunks then shrugged following after him. They flew west for a while and Gohan could tell Trunks was being deliberately slow because of the pain in his chest. He reached out and took the younger demi's hand and gave it a squeeze startling Trunks. He looked over to Gohan and chuckled squeezing his hand back as they both continued on high about the ground enjoying the flight, and the company, as much as any Saiyajin could.

"Were almost there." Trunks said after fifteen or so minute as he looked over to Gohan. "Now I want you to close your eyes until we arrive ok?"

"Almost where Trunks. We're in the middle of nowhere!"

"Aww come on sweetie. Please. For me."

Gohan melted and with a sigh closed his eyes. When Trunks turned those blue eyes on him he could get him to do just about anything. "Alright. Closed."

"Good. No peeking now."


Trunks smiled as they suddenly disappeared from view a reappeared back in the sky some ways away from where they had been. A small cottage loomed ahead of they and Trunks took them down landing in front of it. The lights were on giving the small brown house a very cozy look and a myriad of wonderful smells were coming from it making Gohan's stomach growl nosily.

"Hold your horses Gohan, we're almost there."

"I hope so, I haven't eaten in hours!"

The light haired demi-saiyajin shook his head with a smile and pushed open the front door leading his friend in. He let go of his hand the walked off leaving Gohan standing alone as he groped blindly for something to hold on to.


Gohan’s eyes snapped opened and he was floored by what he saw. He was at his parents’ house, impossible since they had been flying in the opposite direction when he had closed his eyes a few minute ago, and his entire family was standing before him. His mom, dad, Goten, Vegeita, Bulma, Bra, Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha and all the other fighters. He couldn't believe his eyes. And in the middle of all these people was Trunks, grinning from ear to ear holding a gigantic sized cake inscribed with "Happy Birthday Gohan". He was speechless as they all came forward hugging him and wishing him a happy birthday swamping him in their love. Even grumpy Vegeita gave him a hard pat on the back, which he thought was the most emotion the Saiyajin Ouji had ever shown him.


"Surprise honey." Trunks said as he came over and gave Gohan a tight hug.

"But how? Why?"

"Trunks told us you had a really bad time with your friends Gohan, and he wanted to throw you a proper birthday party. So he got all of us together and put together this surprise for you because he knew you'd never agree to it." Goku explained with his goofy grin.


The lavender demi shrugged blushing. "I couldn't let you have a bad birthday my first year back could I."

It was Gohan's turn to grab Trunks hugging him as tears fell down his cheeks. "Thank you so much Trunks." He whispered in the other boy’s ear.


"Ngh. Enough with this mushy garbage. Let’s eat!" Vegeita shouted as he walked off to the patio out back.

"Heh sorry. Hey 'Geita wait for me." Goku cried running after the smaller Saiyajin.

Trunks and Gohan looked at each other and shrugged. Gohan's stomach let out a loud growl and Trunks laughed grabbing the darker demi's hand.

"Yea, come on. Let’s go eat before your stomach eats itself alive."

Everyone laughed and soon the backyard, which really was just a clearing in the forest surrounding the house, was filled with the sound of laughter and hungry people. Trunks and Gohan sat side by side, both putting away a Saiyajin amount of food, and Gohan couldn't have been happier. It was the night he'd been yearning for when his friends hijacked him days ago and forced him to that sleazy club. Just a wonderful night with good food and the people he loved. All of them, Gohan thought as he looked over at Trunks who was leaning against the table delicately licking his fingers clean. He leaned over and quickly planted a kiss on Trunks cheek blushing and looking down after.

"Thank you so much Trunks."

"Heh, anytime sweetie." The light demi said as he wrapped an arm around Gohan pulling close.

"Ok everybody. It's time for cake!" Chichi and Bulma shouted as they came out of the house carrying the large confection, with the help of a few of the z-fighters.

They set the large cake down on its own table and Gohan was pulled away from Trunks to stand at the head of it while someone went around lighting the candles. There were a few flashes going off as Bulma snapped everyone’s picture, even Vegeita's who was being held in place by the larger Goku and looking like he had a time doing it.

"Thank you, all of you. It's wonderful." Gohan said choking back the tears that threatened to overwhelm him.

"It's time Gohan. Make a wish and blow out the candles!" Chichi said standing by her eldest son.

Gohan looked over everyone standing around him, smiling at them all. Then his eyes fell on Trunks standing off to one side, whose bright blue eyes were dancing with the candle light making him look like some serine angel. "I wish..." I wish Trunks loved me and we could be together forever, Gohan thought as he closed his eyes and leaned down blowing out all the candles.

A loud cheer went up and as Gohan opened his eyes he saw Trunks was gone. He looked all around himself for the younger demi but to his dismay could not locate him anywhere. He tried searching for his ki but Trunks must have been blocking it for he still couldn't find the other demi. Someone placed a plate with a square of cake in his hand but he hardly noticed it. Gohan milled around the crowd of people looking for his lost friend with no success. Trunks seemed to have disappeared into thin air. Dejectedly, Gohan sank into an available chair and stared at the slice of cake in his hand letting the tears fall down his cheeks.

Goku looked over and saw his oldest son in his sad state. The younger full-blood elbowed Vegeita in the side who had been just about to dive into a large piece of cake and now had frosting smeared on his face.

"What do you want Baka!" Vegeita growled wiping frosting from his cheek.

Goku nudged him and pointed to the mopping Gohan who was doing his best to hide the tears staining his cheeks. Vegeita groaned and looked up at the dark pleading eyes of Goku and sighed.

"Alright, alright. Can I at least finish my cake thought?"


"Ok, I'm going."

Vegeita turned to go and Goku caught his wrists turning him and pulled him in for a quick kiss. Vegeita pulled away and looked around mortified hoping no one saw. "Kakkarotto I'm going to-"

"Going to hurry and find Trunks before Gohan gets any worse or else."

"Or else what?"

Goku wrapped a hand behind the Saiyajin Ouji's neck and pulled him in close extending his tongue so he could slowly lick off the remaining traces of frosting from his face. "Or else you won't be getting your surprise tonight."

Vegeita moaned softly before remembering where they were at. He resumed his gruff exterior glaring at the laughing Saiyajin. "Yea yea, don't worry, I'll find the brat."

He walked off depositing his cake on the table and went in search for the missing demi. Mean while Goku decided to try and cheer Gohan up till then. He grabbed a chair and sat down by the tormented boy who quickly turned his face sniffling as he tried to hide his face.

"Hey son, you ok?"

"Yea, hi dad, I just..."

"You know Goten missed you this weekend."

"Oh shit I forgot. Dad I'm so-"

"Don't worry about it." Goku said chuckling. "Besides, Goten was happy that you were out actually having a good time and not cramped up in that little office at work. He worries about you, we all do Gohan."

Gohan nodded his head and looked around once more hopping to spot Trunks but only felt the heartache deepen with still no sight of the lavender boy.

"Don't worry Gohan, he'll show up soon I'm sure."


Goku looked at his son then smiled crossing his arms behind his head. "Oh, you know."

Gohan could only stare at his dad trying to figure out just what he was getting at and how much about his liking Trunks he knew about.

"Look son, I know I wasn't always around and that I don't really know a lot about us like Vegeita does...no let me finish..." He said raising a hand when Gohan tried to protest it. “But I know you’re a very strong boy, and you’re also very smart. How many times I wanted to get mad when your mom wanted you studying instead of training, but I guess in the end it turned out alright. You've gotten strong Gohan, even stronger then you realize I’ll bet, and you’re much smarter than me. I guess what I mean is we all love you Gohan. Whether you’re out fighting bad guys with us, or doing something smart at work, we all love you. There's nothing you could do that would make us stop loving you son, so I think it's time you started thinking about what makes you happy, not everyone else."

"But dad I-"

"I know son. But if you don't even try for what you want, soon you may end up losing him for good."

He didn't know what to say. He was at a complete loss for words. Gohan turned and hugged his dad and Goku squeezed him tight patting his back softly. Slowly Gohan sat up wiping his face with the back of his hands. Goku handed him a napkin and he blew his nose slowly getting himself under control.

"Thanks dad." Gohan said a smile finally touching his face.

"Hehe no problem kid. Heh I better go see what your mom's up to. Looks like your Grandpa is trying to wrestle someone again."

"Yea, ok dad."

Gohan watched smiling as Goku ran over to the ox king and started trying to get him to put Yamcha down. The dark demi took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He started out this day well; he was going to end it well too. Even if it just meant finding Trunks and figuring out why he disappeared all of a sudden.

Gohan opened his eyes and as if on cue Trunks staggered out from the tree line rubbing the back of his head as a smug looking Vegeita followed him out before going over to cause a little more trouble for Goku. The slightly dazed looking demi stumbled over to the large food table and grabbed up a bottle of water taking a quick sip before he held it up to the back of his head. His azure eyes slowly traveled over the crowd finally landing on the down trodden looking Gohan. A heavy sigh left him before he started walking over to the dark angel.

Gohan cast his eyes down looking at the long forgotten piece of cake in his lap. His stomach felt as if it where performing and acrobatics show inside of him getting worse as the light eyed demi got closer. Finally, a pair of toes came into view and Gohan tilted his head up keeping his face partial covered by his thick bangs as he stared at the boy standing in front of him.

"Hey...again." Trunks said softly. He licked his dry lips trying to think up something witty to say but fell short.

"I-I thought you took off..." Gohan looked back down at his cake and used the fork to push around the frosting smudging the colors all together.

"Yea well, I didn't leave I just needed some time to think...and some sense knocked into me apparently." Trunks added taking the cool water bottle off his head.

Gohan raised and eye brow looking over to Vegeita, who was now trying to squirm out of the ox kings bear hug, and then back to Trunks putting two and two together. "Yea well, you don't have to stay you know. Your dad’s gona be caught up for a while by the looks of it if you want to leave again."

"You know I don't want to leave you Gohan." Gohan merely shrugged his shoulders and resumed mashing his cake into the plate. "Kami this isn't how I planned things."

Trunks dropped down to his knees and grabbed up both of Gohan's hands in his forcing the older demi to look at him. "Let's get out of here...Please."

"Wha-now? Where? Why?"

"Please Gohan there's something I have to tell you, well some things I have to tell you."

Gohan swallowed and nodded blushing at Trunks proximity to him. The blue eyed demi smiled and took the plate from Gohan's lap setting it aside and took his hands pulling him to his feet. Gohan fell against Trunks' chest pulled along by his friends strength and felt his face practically glowing with the blush that enveloped it as Trunks stood there just holding him.

"So, where should we go?"

"Follow me."

Trunks pulled back and led Gohan off towards the woods in the direction he had just came out from not long ago. Soon the two demi's left the sound of the continuing party behind them as they traveled deeper and deeper into the trees. After a while they came to a small clearing. There was an old fallen log lying in the center of the over grown spot and Trunks took Gohan to it sitting down and motioning for the other demi to do the same. Gohan hesitated a moment then took a seat next to his friend still confused about what he was doing so far out here.

"Look Trunks I-"

"Please Gohan."

Gohan looked at the normally cheerful boy who now had his head hung, lavender bangs hiding his beautiful features. He reached out and pushed back the obstructive hair and realized that Trunks now had tears rolling down his cheeks. An instant wave of worry spread over him as he quickly wiped away the foreign things from his friends face. He was the one that was always and emotional wreck, not Trunks.

"Gohan, there's something I want...need, to tell you." The younger demi said as he ran his fingers through his hair pushing the nearly translucent locks out of his face. "But before I do, I have a confession to make, one I'm not sure how you'll react to. But please know this; I’d do anything for you Gohan, even if you hate me after I say what I have to say."

Gohan swallowed hard but nodded not trusting himself to talk right now. Trunks words had made a ball of hard fear weld up in the throat, one that he couldn't force back down. A hundred different scenarios ran through his head about what Trunks was about to tell him, none of them good of course and most of them about how he didn't feel the same way about him.

Trunks saw the fearful look on the dark demi's features and smiled, ever so slightly. Even now, as blatantly worried as Gohan was, he was beautiful. Here he was trying to lay out his darkest secrets to the black eyed boy and all he could think about was how wonderful it would be if he could just scoop Gohan up in his arms and take the older demi back to their house where they could just cuddle together and wait for this night to be over with. That would never happen though until he got this off his chest.

"Gohan. The reason that I know you were at that bar the other night, and had such a bad time, is because I was there. Watching you."

"But..." Gohan's face screwed up in confusion as he tried to remember if he'd even thought he's seen Trunks there that night. "I didn't see you there at all. What are you talking about Trunks?"

"You saw me, you just didn't know it was me..."

Gohan's lips formed into a frown which he turned on the light haired demi. "Honestly Trunks I don't remember seeing you. I mean I know I was pretty out of it in the end, and with all the guys yelling and the girls dancing," An involuntary shiver crept up Gohan's back forcing him to push back those bad memories. "But for the life of me I don't remember...seeing..."

Gohan's eyes lit with understanding as he stared in surprise at the blushing demi. He opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to find his words still not believing what he knew had to be true.


Trunks nodded and stayed silent letting the realization sink in. He knew he was going to have to explain, but that was going to be hard without breaking down into an emotional mess and confessing everything to him at once.

"You were the girl weren't you!" Trunks nodded again and glanced up at the painfully white face of his friend. "But how? The whole time! I mean- HOW!"

The lavender haired boy winced slightly and his head dropped even lower till his chin rested on his chest. He figured Gohan wouldn't be all sunshine and giggles over finding out, but if he was going to confess his feelings to him tonight he couldn't have anything hanging between them. If he got the chance to tell him.

"Long story short. I got wind a few weeks ago from some of your friends that they were going to throw you a birthday party at that place. I knew it wasn't your cup of tea but I thought it was the perfect time to find out...umm...some things...about you."

"What kind of things?" Gohan asked his voice still shaky with shock.

"Like girl guy things....whether ya know, you might like someone other than a girl, for sure."

It was Trunks turn to blush and he heard the dark haired boy's jaw drop wide open.

"Why in the-what's that got to do- How!" The black hair boy stuttered again feeling like he might soon faint out of sheer shock.

"The dragon balls. I had been collecting them for a while, and when I found out what they were going to do I quickly found the last two and made a wish..."

"You wished for a girl that looked just like you to show up there. Why?" Gohan asked so confused he felt like he was in a bad episode of the twilight zone.

"No, I didn't wish for that. I wished to be a girl, for that night. That's how I knew where you lived, and who your friends were to tell them you were ok, and got you home safe and sound after you passed out."

"So you were what? Spying on me?"

"No, no, that's not why I was there. I mean- damn it Gohan I love you." Trunks braced himself holding his breath, steeling himself for what was to come.


It was now or never the light demi thought.

"I said I love you Gohan. I suppose I always did, but only once I came back did I realize just how much. I-" Trunks squeezed his eyes shut afraid to see rejection on his friends face as he pressed on bound and determined to get it all off his chest. "You’re all I can think about Gohan, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. Hell, your even there in my dreams. I don't know if what dad says is true, but what I do know is I love you Gohan and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. That's why I wished for the eternal dragon to turn me into a girl that night. So I could be close to you, so I'd have some inkling of how you felt. Don't you see, I was, still am, scared shitless to lose you Gohan. Even if all you can be to me is a friend, life without you is...well it's not worth living!"

Trunks slouched down sliding off the fallen tree and buried his face in his arm no longer holding all his emotions at bay. For so long he'd kept it all bottled up inside of him, being strong for Gohan, so that he couldn't stop now that he'd started, even if he'd wanted to. The minutes ticked by and the only noise heard in the forest was the muffled sobs of the light demi who's hands were covering his face trying desperately to get his crying under some kind of control.

A gentle hand rested on top of his head tangling its fingers into his hair and Trunks looked up slightly puffy eyed at the solemn face of his friend. Gohan reached down and cupped Trunks' chin in his hand like the other boy had done to him earlier that day and smiled as he gazed down at the lovely demi-saiyajin. Even as distraught as he was Trunks was the loveliest thing in the world to him. Gohan slid down till he was kneeling next to the tear stained demi and brought his other hand down so that he was holding Trunks face between both his hands.

"I'm so sorr-"

Gohan cut him off as his mouth captured the full moist lips of the light demi's, tasting the salty tears that continued to streak down his hot cheeks. He pulled Trunks up to his knees till they were kneeling in front of each other and he dropped one hand from his cheek wrapping his arm possessively around the younger boys waist. When the kiss broke both boys were left gasping for air as their stared at each other with amazement.

"It's wrong, I know-but I don't care anymore. Kami Trunks I love you so much!"

Trunks started laughing and threw himself at the older boy tackling him to the ground where he covered his face in kisses and tears squeezing him so tight Gohan saw spots and had to get him to loosen up a bit. Trunks turned a lovely shade of pink as he held himself up with one arm on top of Gohan wiping furiously at the wetness on his face and still laughing. Gohan lay there staring at the other demi with disbelief wondering if something this amazing could really be true. Trunks laughter was contagious though and soon both boys were laughing and rolling around hugging and sneaking in quick little kisses when the other wasn't looking. It was obvious neither of them had really been prepared for such a happy ending, but were more than willing to run with it and give it a try.

The two demi's laid quietly wrapped up in each other’s arms gazing at the sparkling blanket of stars that covered the sky above them. Trunks turned and nuzzled his face against Gohan's neck and the dark demi smiled closing his eyes, pulling the younger boy tightly against him as a satisfied purr slowly built up in his chest. Gohan felt Trunks' soft kisses against his neck, the pleasure causing the skin there to break out in tiny goose bumps. Soon the soft kisses turned into small nips, then a rough bite that caused Gohan to gasp, eyes going wide, as a hot lustful passion began to take over his body. The dark demi felt Trunks' warm hand suddenly under his shirt pinching the hardened nipple hidden there before it started to slide lower into his secret territory.

"Trunks, wait." It took all the energy Gohan could muster, but he managed to reach down and grab Trunk's hand slowly pulling it up from the buttons his nibble fingers had been quickly undoing.

"I'm sorry I just..." Trunks sat up quickly chewing on his lower lip refusing to look at Gohan when he tried to turn him to face him.

"Koi, I'm not mad at you." Gohan insisted sitting up himself. The dark eyed boy hugged Trunks and kissed him lightly before pressing his forehead to the younger demi's. "Please don't think that. It's just-I don't want to rush anything. Believe me I want to rip your clothes off right now and-"

Trunks looked up and saw the deep shade of red Gohan had turned and smiled feeling some of his confidence come back. "And what sweetie?"

Gohan gave him a look then smiled shaking his head. "But I want to make sure. I love you so much Trunks, and I wouldn't want to ruin it just because we rushed into things before one of us was ready. Which reminds me..."

"What sweetie?"

"Have you ever....umm..."been" with another guy before..."

Trunks chuckled and shook his head planting soft kisses on Gohan's cheeks. "Nope. I’ve never been with anyone Gohan."

"Oh," The dark haired demi smiled secretly feeling better. "Me either." He whispered as he leaned in and suckled lightly on Trunks' earlobe.

Trunks closed his eyes and lean his head back pressing his body against the slightly shaking form of the older demi's.

"Don't start what you can't finish love." Trunks whispered in a husky voice sending chills over Gohan's body.

With a regretful sigh Gohan pulled back from the younger boy and content himself with resting his head against his shoulders, arms slung tightly around his waist.

"Will you stay here tonight?" Trunks asked leaning his head down so he could look at him. "Here at your parent's I mean."

"If it's ok with you, I'd like to go home."

"Sure sweetie. I can drop you off at your apartment when ever you’re ready."

Gohan shook his head and sat up strait plucking absentmindedly at the blades of grass around him. "I meant our home. Together."

Trunks smiled and pulled Gohan in kissing him long and hard, his tongue prodding the other’s mouth, begging for entrance. Hesitantly Gohan opened his mouth sighing as Trunks' warm tongue slid in over his touching and tasting every part of the orifice. Gohan had never kissed someone like that, and so very hesitantly, he began trying to imitate Trunks' movements pushing his tongue back over the younger boys. Soon passion took over and Gohan was pushing Trunks back into the damp grass pressing his body down on top of his as he massaged their tongues together, rubbing his body against lavender demi's. Gohan felt Trunks' fingers clawing at his back and let out a sharp hiss when his nails penetrated his skin sending a hot throb of heat deep into his loins. The dark demi moaned and whimpered rubbing his swollen groin against Trunks' as his hands raced down trying to seek perchance on the other boy’s zipper.

"Gohan!" Trunks gasped catching the other demi's wrist just as he felt his soft finger tips wiggle their way into his shorts bushing against his aching need. "Please don't if you’re only going to ask me to stop again." He pleaded blushing as his hardened member betrayed him reaching up for Gohan's hand, pulsing with a mind of its own.

"Oh god Trunks. I want to wait, but it’s so hard. You don't know how long I've wanted to fuck you."

Both boys blushed at the open admission, but Trunks took control taking Gohan's hands and wrapping them around his neck safely away from his partially exposed member. He took his time kissing and suckling Gohan's mouth, showing him how to use his tongue and soon they both lay silently looking at each other exchanging quick kisses and bites.

"Do you think we should head back?" Gohan panted feeling surprisingly hot even in the cool evening breeze.

"If you want sweetie. I'm sure someone's got to be wondering where we are." Trunks brushed Gohan's hair back from his face pushing the wet strands that clung to his forehead and cheeks behind his ears. "Besides, it is getting a bit late."

Gohan sighed and nodded knowing he was right.


"Yes love?"

"Should we tell them? I'm afraid of what they might say."

"Honestly, I think I'm more worried about our mom's then our dads." Trunks said giggling as he tried to imagine the somewhat proper Chichi’s reaction. "But who knows honey, maybe they'll surprise us. I know two things though. One I'm not ashamed and I want everyone to know that I love you and that I'm yours and yours alone, and two, no matter what they'll always love us because they're our family. Just like I'll always love you Gohan."

"Thanks Trunks." Gohan chastely kissed him least something start up again and sighed sitting up. "No time like the present huh?"

"Yup." Trunks got up and helped Gohan to his feet. "Just remember, even if some of them take it hard right now, eventually everything will turn out ok, alright honey?"

Gohan nodded. As long as he had Trunks he could deal with anything. The blue eyed boy led them out of the forest and back to the party that was slowly slowing down. Just about everyone was there looking well fed and content, even though some people were already asleep in their chairs like his dad, oddly enough using Goku as his pillow.

A few people noticed their sudden appearance, one of them being his mom Bulma, and she waved them both over to where she and a few others sat. She seemed to be deep in discussion with Yamcha and Krillin about some new gadget she'd invented while Chichi and Piccolo were having them same argument they always had when they talked, was training or studying better for a young boy, though thankfully after all these years it was more of friendly talking then the real arguments they used to have. The only odd couple out of the bunch was the sleeping Saiyajin Ouji who was snuggled up rather uncharacteristically to the tall dark warrior at his side making Gohan pause and wonder, thinking back to how perceptive his dad had seemed about his situation earlier.

Goku smiled as the two boys approached waving at them careful not to wake the sleeping Saiyajin at his side. "Hey boys! I saved you some marshmallows." He said holding up a tray of the fire blackened treats.

"Thanks." Trunks said taking two as he sat down next to the full-blood.

He noticed Gohan quietly just standing by him since all the available chairs were occupied. Trunks grabbed Gohan around the waist and pulled the dark demi into his lap hushing his protests with a kiss. He'd never remembered seeing someone turn white as a sheet then beet red as fast as Gohan did. He just hugged the other demi holding him protectively to him ignoring the blatantly shocked looked on Krillin's face. Noticing the worried look on Gohan's face Trunks tried to distract him from the steadily growing stares by handing him one of the toasted marshmallows and taking the other one for himself delicately sucking all the gushy insides out of it before eating the burnt outer shell.

Gohan watched fascinated as younger demi devoured the marshmallow, his mind wandering back to the other night and their campout. He shook his head and tried to act normal biting into the sweet making quick work of it though it left a sticky residue all over his fingers. Trunks saw this and took the other boys hand slowly dipping it digit into his mouth suckling all the sugary mess off.

"Hhmuh hmuph." Goku cleared his throat snapping the two demi's out of the intense stare they were giving each other.

Gohan realized that all eyes were on them and silently prayed that some kind of natural disaster, or planetary killer like Cell would suddenly show up and save him from the mixed stares he was receiving from everyone present. All he could do was burry his face into the crook of Trunks neck wishing now more than ever that he could disappear on command like this father.

"I don't understand." Chichi finally spoke up looking over to her husband for an answer.

Goku squirmed nudging the sleeping Saiyajin beside him gently not wanting to get in the middle of it.

"What don't you understand?" Trunks asked softly rubbing the shaking Gohan's back as he looked boldly at all of them.

"Why-what are you two doing?" She asked clearly still in shock at seeing her little boy sitting on another male’s lap, not to mention their other open shows of affection.

"Did you know about this Goku?" She asked accusingly before giving everyone else the same look.

"Chichi, its ok." Bulma said trying to keep her best friend calm. It wasn't so much a shock to her that they were together, she knew the two boys had been feeling something for each other, but more for the fact that they both finally realized it. "Vegeita wake up. Why don't you get Gohan another chair?"

The sleepy Saiyajin opened one eye looking over at the blue haired scientist, ignoring the other panicky woman, before closing it and snuggling deeper into the larger Saiyajin's side. Goku could only look on helplessly smiling worriedly since he and Vegeita hadn't "officially" told everyone about their mating, though they figured both their wives had a clue as to what was happening.

"He's fine where he is mother, and we're not doing anything but sitting here with our families trying to celebrate Gohan's birthday. But if that's too much for you we can leave." Trunks took turns staring down each pair of eyes that he met challenging anyone to speak up against them.

"No...Don't leave Trunks." Chichi said slowly getting over her initial shock. The look of disapproval was clear on her face, but so was the fact that she was at least trying to get along, even if only because of Gohan.

Trunks shifted so that Gohan had no choice but to face his mother, though the older demi clearly didn't want to and let Trunks know it by pinching his side hard. Trunks winced but remained silent knowing that Chichi could quickly undo all the work he'd put into their relationship if she freaked out on Gohan now, but better now than later he figured.

"Gohan?" Chichi looked at her oldest trying to figure out where she'd gone wrong.

"Mom please, I'm happy."

Chichi looked hurt but didn't press the topic anymore.

Trunks let out a small sigh of relief. Everyone else around them seemed to share his sentiment as the entire atmosphere relaxed. Trunks let the dark haired demi hide his face back against him and hugged him tightly refraining from anymore kisses, better not to goat Chichi on to much at once.

The Namik had gotten up sometime in the procession and retrieved a cup of water which he now gave to Chichi who was staring blankly at her son curled up so tight against the blue eyed demi. Bulma tried to take her attention away from them for a bit by asking her some cooking questions before she realized she wasn't paying any attention and gave up picking up her conversation with Yamcha and Krillin. Chichi sipped at the water, eyes drooping closed as her head bobbed up and down, fighting to stay awake despite the upset look imprinted on her face. She didn't have a choice though and was soon fast asleep snoring away as the cup fell out of her hand spilling its contents onto the grass.

"I didn't think you'd have that in you Piccolo." Vegeita smirked not bothering to open his eyes, able to smell the mild sedative from here.

"Shut up Vegeita." Piccolo mumbled picking up the cup and setting it on the table.

"I better go put her in-Hmph!" Vegeita's strong arms tugged the larger Saiyajin back into his seat when he tried to stand and wrapped themselves firmly around Goku's waist refusing to budge.

"Don't worry Goku. I'll do it." Piccolo bent down and picked up the sleeping woman and carried her off into the house.

Trunks watched the happening silently amused. It was amazing that everyone was taking things so well, almost everyone anyways. He heard Gohan yawn and felt his warm breath against his neck as he shifted around on the younger demi's lap letting out soft cross between purring and snoring. Trunks caught Goku's eye chuckling softly as he watched the younger full-blood try and wrestle Vegeita's face out from his crotched where it had landed when he'd turned over. He wondered how much he'd missed since his obsession with Gohan started, seeing as how he'd been oblivious to his father's own little mating.

"Hey sweetie, you awake?" Trunks' asked the snoring Gohan getting only an incoherent mumble in return. "Yea, thought so. Hey mom, I think we're gona head home." Trunks said as he stood up pulling the sleeping demi with him cradling him in his arms.

"You know you two are always welcome at home sweetie right." Bulma said as the blue haired woman leaned back in her chair stretching tired muscles.

"Yea I know, but he wanted to go home. It's-" Trunks paused blushing as he brushed a chunk of black bangs from Gohan's face. "Well kinda our first night..."

"You behave yourself Trunks."

"Mooom." Trunks turned and even deeper shade of red as he felt Gohan squeeze his shoulder softly. He bent down and gave his mom and kiss on the cheek.

"Don't worry about Chichi Trunks, and please, both of you come over as often as you want." Goku said as he continued to stroke the sleeping Saiyajin's flame touched hair.

"Thanks Goku. Night guys." The light demi called over his shoulder as he leaped into the air heading for home.


Trunks looked down at the boy cradled in his arms and smiled kissing his forehead. "Thanks for leaving the talking up to me like that imp."

"What? I was tired." Gohan stuck out his tongue getting a surprise when Trunks licked it.

"Well then. Don't keep offering it to me sweetie." Trunks said with a little wink.

"Yea, well..." Gohan gazed down below then watching the world silently slip by. "You know, you could have just asked my dad to take us home. Would have been quicker."

"Why, you planning on doing something once we get home?"

"That's not what I meant." Gohan said wondering if he'd ever stop blushing around the lavender haired boy or if red was going to be his new skin color.

"Heh ok. And yeah, I suppose I could have, but I kind of like flying with you in my arms cutie." Trunks winked at the blushing demi and hugged him tight. "Besides, you obviously didn't see the death grip my dad had on Goku. I don't think he would have let him go even if supreme ki showed up and said the world was falling apart."

"I noticed." Gohan said softly letting himself drift off in his own thoughts.

Trunks let the issue be and concentrated on getting them home safely. Their small house came into view and soon the light demi was setting down in front of it holding his precious cargo to his chest. Gohan had once more fallen asleep and he let his azure eyes linger on the dark haired boys face still kind of shocked that his dream had really come true. Quietly, so as to not wake the sleeping demi, Trunks entered their cozy house and took Gohan strait to the back room laying him on the large bed while he went to close the front door and checked on the house getting everything ready for the night.

When Trunks came back, Gohan had curled up into a tight ball hugging a pillow as he slept peacefully. Trunks hated to disturb him but he had to at least get the sleeping boys cloths changed. He gently took his thick hair out of its ponytail then took off one sandal, the other having already fell off onto the floor, and undid his pants tugging them off and folding them setting them on the small night stand. The dark haired demi mumbled flipping onto his back while Trunks was trying to take off his shirt making the light demi chuckle as he looked down at Gohan with his shirt tangled around his head. It was too good a moment to pass up. Trunks grabbed his small camera from the desk drawer and snapped a picture of the sleeping demi looking fondly at him before he put the camera down and finished undressing him.

Trunks finished and went into the bathroom grabbing up his toothbrush and quickly brushed his teeth. He took his long hair out of his confinement and shook it out watching it cascade down his back in the mirror. He let out a small yawn and stretched walking back into the bedroom shutting off the lights as he went. He pulled down the blankets and managed to get the sleeping boy under them then crawled in himself pulling the blankets up around them as he snuggled tightly to the warm body beside him. It was all just too good to be true. How many nights he'd lain just like this, curled up with a pillow pretending it was the boy he now held tightly in his arms. Trunks nuzzled into the back of Gohan's neck breathing in his special scent. Life couldn't get any more perfect.

"Night Koi. I love you."

Gohan squeezed the lavender haired boys hand and they both quickly fell asleep happier then they had been in a long time.