Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ We're in Heaven ❯ Chapter 1

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disclaimer- i dont own the remixed 911 song by dj sammy, nor do i own the characters of dragonball z, wish i did but i dont. its a cruel world but thats the sad, dissapointing truth. anywho enjoy this song fic and please review, i know my last 3 fanfics were a bit weak but i'll try as hard as possible to make the others better. im thinking about adding another chapter to Never Again. please review my fics and tell me the errors...... i know they aint worth reading, lol. go ahead enjoy the sad fanfic i have in store for you. Thoughtless!!!!!! love you all.

We're in Heaven

It had been a whole year since bra had seen her father, her mother was sad a lot and her brother was always out, but when he was home he never had time to play with her. In the past her family was happy, complete and content with each other, now they shouted and argued, and there was now a member missing, and the most important member of all, Daddy.

Bra seemed to be the only one who didnt really worry as much, but she still felt a little left out. After all Bulma and Trunks both knew vegeta a lot longer than her, so they knew what they were missing, but Bra had only known her father for 4 years, not so long if you take into consideration that she was only 5. Bra sat in her room, alone as usual reading a book that meant nothing to young demi-saiyan. It was 8pm, she should have been in bed an hour ago, but because everyone was shut away in their own little world she could do as she pleased and when she pleased, but she never took great advantage of it, only when it came to bed time.

Bra put down her book and walked toward her Disney princess CD player, she looked at the bright pink peice of electrical equiptment and smiled, Vegeta had bought it for her birthday one whole year ago, 3 days before he left for work and never came back. She remembered exactly what happened.


On the eleventh, her and mama went shopping for 'pretty dresses' for daddy's promotion dinner. They were just coming out from Starbucks, when bra pointed to one of the double towers, "Thats where papa works mama!" she had shouted, just as Bulma was about to reply to her daughter, she had noticed an American Airlines plane fly straight into the north tower, the very building where Vegeta was having his ritual tuesday meeting. Bulma screamed at the top of her lungs, "oh my god someone call......" she stopped half way through her sentence, who do you call when you know that the inevitable has just happened?
Both Bulma and Bra ran at top speed toward the first tower, only to be almost flattened by half of america, running out of the salvaged part of the building. Bulma looked through the crowd looking for Vegeta, she prayed deep in her soul that he would be the next one out of the building, running toward her, then everything would be ok, after all its just the top of one building, right?


A few minutes later the other tower was hit, by yet another plane, by now the building was slowly beginning to fall apart, and Bulmas little idea fell to peices along with her heart. She wanted to get closer just incase he was nearer, a police officer let her away, "please ma'am, its not safe go home thats all you can do now" he told her over the blazing sirens and screams. "look mama" Bra was pointing to the half destroyed building, bulma looked towards her daughters sudden interest, she was mortified. people were taking last resorts, jumping from the 1,368 foot building, knowing they were too late to dare the stairs. she sure as hell hoped one of them wasnt her husband. but what if that was someone elses husband or wife? she screamed to herself. "please ma'am take your daughter home, its not the safest here for you or others" Bulma complied to the officer and slowly walked away from the devastation.
~x~x~x~end flashback~x~x~x~

Bra stood infront of the stereo and pressed play, she positioned herself at the side of her bed and placed her palms together, she always said her prayers while she had on her daddies favourite song...... we're in heaven, by dj sammy.

She placed her elbows on her fleece comforter, and began her prayer to her daddy.

"Its been a year daddy,
I really, really miss you,
Mommy says your safe now,
in a beautiful palce called heaven.
We had your favourite dinner tonight,
I ate it all up, even thought i dont like carrots.
I learned how to swim this summer,
I can even open my eyes when im under water.
Cant you see me?
I started kindergarten this year,
I carry a picture of us in my Blues Clues lunchbox,
You are the greatest daddy!
I can swing on the swing by myself,
Even though i miss you pushing me.
Cant you see me?
I miss how you used to tickle me,
Tickle my belly.
My belly hurts,
I try not to cry,
Mommy says its ok,
I know you dont like iy when i cry,
You never wanted me to be sad,
I try daddy but it hurts.
Is it true your not coming home?
Maybe someday i can visit you in heaven ok?
Its time for me to go bed now.
I sleep with the little light on,
just in case you come home,
And kiss me goodnight.
I love you so much,
I miss you daddy!" Bra wiped the tears from her eyes and climbed into bed, she blew the stars a kiss. "make sure my daddy gets that, ok?"

She slowly drifted off into a deep sleep. Wonderful dreams awaited her, they were her own personal dreams. Meant just for her and daddy. Bed time was her favourite time, she could see her daddy and tell him about her friends. He would always smile, a special smile, only for her.

The moon was bright and the wind was cool, a breeze floated through the young girls sleeping quaters. The cd player turned off and the light shut off, as if some one was there. Vegetas essence flowed like a river to the sea, towards his sleeping daughter.
He laid an invisible kiss upon her cheek and whistpered silently. "I miss you too, sweetheart" Then as quickly as it was there it was gone. Another year until she said a new prayer, another year until he returned, another year closer until they remembered him no more.


Discliamer-so what did you think, tear jerker or what it made me cry and i bloody wrote it. ok now this is the part where you click the write review button and get the insults and congrats in. on another note, i apologise for any rekindeled memories, i only had the idea from a random song my pal gave me. im british so please correct me if i got any facts wrong. a feel free to flame if you felt personally victimised in the 911 incident, tell me to stick to my cold weather and bad fashion stories. r.i.p all to those brave men and women who lost they're lives in september 11th 2001. you a missed dearly.luvs guys, Thoughtless. xxx