Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome, My Mate ❯ The New Duo ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi guys! What’s up! Hope life’s treatin’ ya great!

Disclaimer- I don’t own any of the Drangonball Z/GT gang, even though I wish I did.

Trunks- 18-senior
Pan-1 7-senior
Marron 16-junior
Chi Chi-53
Krillen- 54
Welcome, My Mate
By: Cowgirl USA
Chapter 1-The New Duo

“Goten, I hate this school and your brother!” Trunks growled as he loosened his tie on his school uniform that he had to wear.

“I know, but it’s our last year. And you’ve be complaining about this school for the LAST four years, give it a break,” Goten said back exasperated at how annoying Trunks was getting.

“Hey guys, wait up!” a voice yelled above the crowd in the too small of hallways that has part of the school that everybody loathed, well, practically everybody.

“What up Marron, how’s the baby of the gang doing?” Trunks teased as he draped his muscular arm over her shoulders and smirked, spookily familiar to a smirk of his father, King Vegeta.

“Oh, Trunks! I’m only TWO years younger than you, give it a break!” Marron screeched as her face turned a bright red that sent her two companions into an all out, stomach busting fit of laughter as her face turned even redder, making her blonde pigtails stand out even more than normal.

“Hey sis, what’s up?” Trunks asked his sister who had walked up beside him, her long red hair falling to midback, violet eyes a twinkle, and her face glowing with mirth.

“What’s so funny?” Stephanie asked as she stared at her friend that now resembled a tomato at a grocery store.

“Not a word Stephanie Briefs. Not a word,” Marron huffed as she stomped off ahead of the group finally stopping and waiting for them by the office staring to her right.

The rest of the group joined her as they stared at the office, not knowing exactly why, but just staring. The two new girls were breathtaking as they looked at their new schedules and lockers that they were supposed to figure out.

“What’s going on?” Lisa Son asked, her light blonde hair putting Marron to shame and her green eyes curious as to why these particular new students were so important.

“I don’t know, it’s like I know them. They seem so familiar yet, I don’t remember them at all,” Goten replied back as he stared at the two young girls who still were oblivious to their small audience. His body starting to react to the newcomers presence in rather embarrassing ways.

“I know what ya mean,” Trunks said agreeing with his best friend as his ocean colored eyes took over a glazed look. His own arousal becoming apparent to him as well.

“Shit.” The two males cursed as they ran from the area leaving everyone behind, hurrying off to get control of themselves.

“Hey, Trunks I thought only you mother had blue hair. Trunks?” Marron asked as she turned and found herself talking to thin air.

“She does, or so I thought,” Stephanie answered for her missing brother, as the two newcomers finally looking up to the now gawking crowd.

The blue haired girls hair reached to her shoulders, her blue eyes shining, and her cheeks colored pink as she was caught under the stares of the students. The other girls hair tied tight upon her head in a high ponytail, two loose strands fell and framed her delicate face, steel black it was, and her cobalt eyes scowling as she stood her ground at the unwelcoming appeal the student body gave off.

Marron soon made herself known as she walked up to the new girls and grabbed their hands in a firm grip, smiling a genuine smile, apologizing for their scrutiny earlier. The three walked back silently as the other two girls repeated the same motions that Marron had done previously.

“It’s nice to meet you, I’m Stephanie Briefs, but you can call me Steph, my friend to the left is Lisa Son, and the girl on the right is Marron Chestnut,” Stephanie said sweetly to the girls as they too gave off friendly smiles.

“Hi, my name’s Pan Baxter and this is Bra Kimball,” the girl known as Pan said as she introduced the both of them.
“Well since you’re new here, you should come eat with us. We will probably be joined by my uncle and Steph’s brother,” Lisa offered.

“Thanks, I’m starved,” Pan said as she rubbed the back of her neck and let off a very familiar grin that had all the girls besides Bra staring at her, Pan’s growling stomach broke the tension soon as they all broke out into a fit of giggles that filled the now empty halls. The group of five laughing as they headed off to the cafeteria that would shatter the serene moment.

The cafeteria was huge, and the smell of burnt food was unpleasing to the nose, as all who entered suddenly was hit by a wave of sickness. Pan’s once tanned skin turned to a light shade of green as her growling stomach protested at the thought of eating that. While the other girls, turned a dark shade of green and ran out of the doors towards the trash cans, hands over their mouths. A few minutes later they returned, to the scene and the five headed to the line of students that were waiting get the food that the school thought was healthy.

“What is this stuff?” Bra whined as the slop was spilled upon her tan tray, some spilling onto the floor.

“They think that this is food,” Pan said in disbelief, trying her best to keep her upset stomach in check.

“Yep, get use to it, this is pretty much what you are going to eat for lunch now,” Marron hissed as she stared at the glob that she had now got use to over the years.

“Ok, does anybody see the guys?” Stephanie questioned as she jumped up and down looking over the heads of the student body.

“Nope, how about you Pan and Bra?” Lisa asked as she stood on her tip toes shading her eyes and scanning the crowds.

“Um, we don’t have any idea what they look like,” Pan said as she smirked at her new friends forgetfulness.

“You are so hopeless, just like your uncle. Let’s head outside and eat there, there’s no seats here anyways,” Marron reasoned as she led them out the door and onto the virtually empty grounds that gleamed in the noon light.

“Uub!” Marron squealed once the group of girls were seated and the chocolate colored man walked out of the building with his own tray of slop.

“Hey, babe, what’s up? And who these gorgeous ladies that I’ve never had the pleasure of laying my eyes on?” Uub flirted teasingly as Bra blushed, Pan rolled her eyes, and the rest of the girls giggled at the comment.

“This is Pan Baxter and Bra Kimball. And have you seen Trunks and Goten?” Marron asked her boyfriend of five years.

“Yeah, they’re comin’, we saw you in that mess in there but couldn’t get your attention,” Uub replied kissing the blonde on the cheek lovingly.

“Ewwww, get a room!” Lisa squealed as the pair almost started making out right in front of the group, grossing them all out.

“Hey guys!” Trunks called out as he and Goten walked over, both gulping at the sight of the two new students.

“Hey! What happen to you two?” Stephanie asked as she eyed the two with a unnerving look that set them into a whole new gulping fit.

“We had to talk to a teacher about some work,” Trunks quickly lied, as Goten quickly shoved the green and brown bubbling slop into his mouth.

Pan stared on in disbelief as she stared at the dark haired teen in front of her, she didn’t think that even her stomach of steel could handle that, heck, it couldn’t even handle the smell of the stuff. Sliding her tray away from her, she reached around behind her into her bag and pulled out an apple that her mother had packed for her. Taking slow bites, she enjoyed the taste of the delicious crisp taste and the juice that ran down her throat into her grieving stomach.

Trunks looked on in amazement at the black haired girl who had immediately stolen his heart and his soul by her aura alone. He looked on as her eyes opened and stared in his direction, her cobalt eyes showing her soul, her lips forming a small smile as their gazes met and lingered upon each other. He was no longer hungry as he watched the pleasure she had for a simple apple that was her only source of food. Their moment was shattered as a voice was directed towards the raven haired girl.

“Are you going to eat that?” Goten asked as he eyed her food hungrily, not noticing her blush along with the blushing of his best friend beside him.

“No, here,” Pan replied back as she turned up her nose in disgust and without hesitation gave it to the hungry boy.

“Thanks,” was his simple reply as he practically dove head first into the concoction.

“That’s just not normal,” Pan muttered as she stared at the rapid intake of the food, glad that she herself had not been forced to eat it.

The bell rang five minutes later and the group split. Marron and Uub heading off towards Art-101 with Mr. Easel. Steph and Lisa going to Music/Band with Miss. Flute, and Trunks, Goten, Pan, and Bra went to Science with Mrs. DNA and Mr. Cells.

“Great! I never was really that good at science,” Bra sighed exasperated at her first class of the day.

“Don’t worry, it’s not that bad, you passed it in our old school,” Pan said cheerily, trying to help her depressed friend.

“Easy for you to say, you got an B+ in that class, while yours truly got a C-, and that’s only because you tutored me,” Bra snapped back as the classroom came into view.

“Oh, well, just think about it, this is your last year, isn’t it?” Goten asked trying to cheer her up as well.

“Yeah, it is, that is, if I pass,” Bra sighed as the foursome strolled into the talkative room of students, and two teachers at the front of the classroom.

They soon found seats in a row with Trunks on the outside, then Pan, next to her was Bra, and last was Goten. As soon as they were settled the bell rang signaling the beginning of class, and the rush hour of students flooding into the classrooms. Many more students entered, but Pan’s attention was solely on the teachers as they began their lessons.

Thirty minutes later, the two teachers announced a project that would be done in twos. The students were allowed to pick their own partners as long as they were not of the same sex. So that is how Trunks and Pan, Goten and Bra became partners, and so began the project.

“You have only today to work on this project at school, the rest is to be done on your time,” Mrs. DNA explained as the students went to their respected spots.

All went well until the experiment Pan and Trunks were working on exploded, turning Pan’s hair purple and Trunks’ face the same hue. Both of them laughing as the went to the sink in the room to clean up themselves and the mess they had created. As soon as that chaos had ended another one followed. Goten and Bra’s, neither one of them any good at this subject, project exploded only this time there was smoke and the room was filled with it as the students struggled to breath normally through the dense gas, the sprinklers turning on, and the bell for fire sounded as the students ran outside. All the students happy to be relieved of class, and the funny antics of the teachers as they fell over one another trying to open all the windows to let the smoke out. The funniest thing was when the principal, Mr. Turnip, not realizing it was only smoke, ran in with a shrill cry saying “Do not fret my students, I shall save this beloved school and your lives!” Turning loose the fire extinguisher and coating all of the teachers with white foam, and the charging of the angry teachers running after the whimpering principal.

“I think I’m gonna like this school,” Pan commented as her and Bra headed to the right towards the girls’ gym for their last hour class of P.E. with Miss. Jog. And the boys heading to the left towards the boys gym for P.E. with Mr. Hoops.

The girls’ locker room was ten times the size that Pan and Bra were use to, thanking Dende for their luck Marron, Steph, and Lisa were waiting for them with their standard gym clothes and two empty lockers.

“Thanks, guys,” Bra said relieved as Pan merely nodded in agreement.

“You’re welcome, but you better hurry it’s almost time for class to start,” Marron chirped as she checked the clock on the wall.

The bell rang two minutes later, Pan and Bra just got dressed in time. As the whole congregation of girls charged out the doors and ran full blast to the gym. Where the coach was waiting, which unfortunately for them she was one of the people who got sprayed by the principal and was overly pissed at the moment.

“Alright girls, start running laps, for the full forty-five minutes!” Miss. Jogs screamed as the girls took off around the gym.

Thirty minutes later, Marron, Steph, Lisa, and most of the other girls were about to collapse, finding hard to walk let alone run. Bra had hung back with the large group of girls, talking about shopping and what not, while Pan ran ahead of everyone with a brown haired, brown eyed girl, who had perfectly painted lips, that smirked when her and Pan were running side by side,

“So your name’s Pan, huh?” the girl said with a way to sweet of voice.

“Yeah,” Pan said back, wary to why this girl was acting this strangely towards her.

“My name’s Cary, and this is my school, so watch out. And Trunks is mine, so stay away, I saw you two in science,” Cary seethed as her brown eyes turned cold, trying to stare down Pan.

“Is that a threat or a challenge?” Pan asked coyly, as her smile turned into an evil grin of her own.

“Both,” was Cary’s simple reply as she slowed down to talk to her clique that laughed as they thought that everything was in the bag, they couldn’t of been more wrong.

Bra ran to the front again, sensing the tension between the two girls, curious to what was going on. When she finally got up to Pan, she could see the smirk plastered to the raven beauty’s face, as Pan’s cobalt eyes glinted with mischief.

“What was that all about?” Bra asked curiously as she thought about the old saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and smiled when she thought of the last part of it ‘but satisfaction brought it back.’

“Oh, nothing I can’t handle,” Pan replied back as she ran even faster with a new found burst of energy and Bra could of sworn that when Pan had ran off she heard something like, “Let the games begin.”

The End of
Chapter 1-The New Duo

Again review so I don’t get mad and believe me, no one likes me mad. See ya!


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