Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome, My Mate ❯ Strange Stares ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hi guys! I really haven’t updated this for awhile and I’m sorry for that, but I am now, so time to party right? ::sounds of crickets chirping in the background:: Fine! I don’t like you either! Hehehe just kidding!

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the Drangonball Z/GT gang, even though I wish I did.

Trunks- 18-senior
Pan-1 7-senior
Marron 16-junior
Chi Chi-53
Krillen- 54

Sohma Star: Thank you for your wonderful support. I hope to hear from you again.

Jii: Thanks! I know what you mean. It’s cool with the Japanese names if you know some and all, but, little ole me does not. So I’m going to try. Thinks for rating it so high as well. Definitely want to hear from ya again!

Trupan: Thanks for reviewing. I really appreciate it. It’s good to hear from someone with so much enthusiasm. I hope to be able to hear from ya again. Please review again, I like to hear your opinions.

Penny_P: I’m glad you like! I didn’t exactly update soon, but better now than never. Right? Hope to hear from ya again.

Charmed-angel103: I am also glad you liked it. I am finally updating. Sorry about the wait. Hope to hear from ya!

Megan Consoer: Of course I can write some more chapters, since I’m doing so at this very moment. Oh, and look, my real name is Megan, cool. Well, it was awesome reading your review, thank you ever so much.

PanPan: Ok, well, I did like the names, just something I did that was quick and simple, nothing major because those characters don’t matter. You seem really excited, am I correct? Well, I am at this minute anyways, see, I didn’t get enough sleep last night, so I’m hyper. Weird? Yes. But oh well. THANKS for reviewing, I can’t say it enough.

shadow-mistress: Well, I know I take forever on updates, but bear with me, when summer hits, it should be a lot faster, well, unless my mom kicks me off of it. Hope not! And the whole when will everyone figure out the switch, well, if I told ya, it would kinda ruin the suspense, no? Please review again, since I love hearing from each and everyone of ya.

Purple-Punk: Hello friend! I was wondering if you would read this story or not, I hoped you would. Yes, the battle begins, and the guys are definitely having an interest in our young ladies. Thanks for the compliment on the chapter. Review again please, since like I said I like to hear from everyone. Oh, yeah, thanks for being such an awesome reviewer.

R3mz1m@lu: I’m updating! Hurray!

A/N: You guys, again, I am so, so, so, sorry. This story is mainly just romance, ya know the type, the fluffy kind that puts butterflies in you stomach when you read it. Well, I know a lot of people like it, and I like to read them too, but its hard for me to write them. So, please be patient, I’m trying my best!

Welcome, My Mate
By: CowgirlUSA
Chapter 2- Strange Stares

Pan and Bra practically skipped out of the front doors once the final bell of the day had rung. Smiling to themselves, they waited patiently for the other cars and busses to leave, so they themselves could leave this hell-hole. Smiling to herself, Pan looked up into the blue sky, letting the wind whip her now loose hair into her face, and wherever else it decided to move it too.

Smiling, Pan slowly opened her cobalt eyes that shone with a strength not many possessed within their beings. Seeing the Briefs and Sons, she raised her hand, getting their attention, and beckoning to where she and her friend sat in silence. The girls watched as the group approached them, both smiling welcoming smiles, both happy to see their friends.

“Hey guys!” Bra cried cheerfully, waving her hands frantically has Pan rolled her eyes at the girl’s antics, and smiled a small smile of her own.

“Hey,” was there simple reply as they took spots sitting on the bench beside the two girls, starting a conversation until it was not so hectic in the parking lot.

“So, what are you two doing tonight?” Stephanie asked curiously, staring at the two girls that sat beside her on the bench.

“Oh, not much I suppose, except the normal,” Bra replied, looking off into oblivion, where no other seemed to see what captured her attention.

“Oh, that’s nice,” Stephanie said in return as the group returned to their silent ways, completely lost in their own thoughts.

Things were a little tense, and for that, Pan didn’t know why, they hadn’t done anything to her knowledge at least. Her dark eyes searched the faces of the group, each had a pondering expression on them, were they usually this remote? From what she saw earlier they weren’t. Shrugging her shoulders, Pan stood, watching the last bus pull away from the overrun sidewalk. Turning to her friend, she nodded, letting Bra know that they might as well head home for the day.

“Well guys, it has been a wonderful day, but I think Bra and I are gonna head out,” Pan told them, as Bra stood to join her tomboyish friend.

“Hey Pan,” a voice called, a shiver ran up the raven haired beauty’s back at the deep baritone of the voice that reached her sensitive hearing.

“Mmm?” she questioned, turning to look at the lavender haired teen that had called her name only moments ago.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tomorrow to work on our project?” Trunks asked, looking into her deep eyes, that called to his.

“Sure, we need to get that done,” Pan replied, nodding her head in agreement, she really didn’t want to start off here on a bad note.

“Oh, yeah, that reminds me, we should work on ours too, Bra,” Goten commented, staring thoughtfully at the blue haired girl. “Hey Trunks, can we use the lab as well?”

“Yeah, sure, I don’t see why not,” Trunks replied, signaling his agreement to Goten’s idea.

“Thanks, ok, Bra, we’ll all head to Trunks’ house tomorrow, if that’s ok?” Goten looked at her, his mind wondering to unmentionable places.

“Yeah, sounds fine to me, see ya tomorrow everyone!” Bra chirped as the two new students strolled down the hard cement sidewalk.

Pan and Bra looked out into the now empty parking lot which had been filled with cars only a few minutes ago. Reaching the highway, the pair looked both ways, and clutching their over-filled packs, jogged across the street. Their walk remained quiet, having not much to say, just enjoying each others company.

Turning down a friendly neighborhood street, the two headed for the small two story house that sat directly on the opposite corner from where they stood. Sighing, the two ran to the front steps of the weathered, yet, relaxing aura of the home. It’s black shingles glistened in the afternoon sun, blinding them momentarily. The paint of the walls needed repainting, but no one was able to tell that it needed this unless they looked closely.

Pan’s feet hit the steps first, the slight creek in the wood relatively normal now, the grey-blue paint was just starting to peel, little fragments of the stuff coming up when their feet touched it. Reaching the front door, Pan turned the knob to the wire screen door, and the doorknob to the inside door that kept the house safe, and the temperature at a comfortable level.

Entering, their faces still flushed from the heat and the walk home, they relaxed at the feel of the relief of the cooler air around them. Throwing their backpacks down on the floor, making sure they were in a corner out of the way, the duo slipped off their shoes and went into the kitchen, instantly spotting Pan’s parents.

“Hey mom, dad,” Pan greeted, smiling as the two lifted their heads and greeted the two with welcoming eyes.

“How was you first day of school, dears?” Mrs. Baxter asked kindly, rising from her seat at the table to pour herself another cup of home brewed coffee.

“It stunk, mom, except for the whole science incident,” Pan smiled at the memory, chuckling aloud at the memory of it all.

“Science incident?” Mr. Baxter questioned, looking at the two girls with curious eyes.

“Yeah, Mr. Baxter, me and a guy at school, named Goten, accidently blew up our project and smoke was everywhere. Sprinklers went off, fire bell was ringing, and the principal went running in and told us he would save us all. In the end, all he did was spray the teachers with white foam, and the teachers chasing him down the hall. It was quite funny,” Bra explained, helping herself to a snack in the refrigerator.

“That sounds interesting. Are you gonna stay for supper Bra?” Mrs. Baxter asked the blue haired teen.

“No, mom and dad want me home tonight,” Bra replied, putting a pouting face on, her lower lip sticking out, and her eyes remorseful.

“Oh, alright hun,” Mrs. Baxter told her, strolling out of the kitchen to do one of her daily chores in the household.

“Well, I best be going, see ya tomorrow!” Bra chirped, racing out the front door, leaving a surprised man and girl in the dust.

“She’s in a hurry,” Pan commented, seating herself at the small square table in the middle of the room.

“Indeed,” her father replied, eyes wide as he stared at the still swinging door, the slight breeze rustling some of the stray papers in the greeting room.

“Um, daddy?” Pan started, gaining the attention of her distracted parent who was still mesmerized by the quick exit of the blue haired child.

“Uh oh, you never use daddy unless you want something, what is it?” he asked, smiling at his intelligence of the situation.

“Well, I have a project due, and I need to work on it, so I’m going over to Trunks’ house tomorrow. I don’t what time we’ll be done,” Pan explained looking at her father across the table.

“Trunks? A boy? Are you sure this is just for school work? I bet you like him,” her father teased, a small blushed forming on his daughter’s face as she glared at him.

“I do not!” she denied, standing and walking out of the room, Mr. Baxter’s laughter ringing in her ears.

Climbing the stairs to her room, Pan sighed, her purple backpack heavy on her shoulder from the weight of her homework. Going to her bedroom door, she opened the white swinging solid wood object, letting it swing back, hitting the wall ever so gently. Her steps were muffled from the carpet as she lightly went to her desk that took up a corner of her small room.

Sliding the cloth carrying device of her slender shoulder, Pan placed it against the desk, and turned to her radio that sat not far off. Music filled the room, bouncing off the walls, echoing the sweet melody to her senses. Her hips swung to the music, her feet stepping in a pattern, her voice singing along with the words as she went back to her desk to start the night’s homework.

Pan’s cobalt eyes stared with boredom at the endless amounts of books and papers that adorned her desk. Her Calculus teacher had assigned two pages of homework, meaning, about sixty problems per student. The English class was to write a one page report about the events that started since they started school, for her that meant recalling the happenings in the previous educational facility. And then there was History, which required her to write every vocabulary word in the chapter, which was about thirty-four words, answer two short answer questions, and write one essay on the War of 1812 that occurred in America, well, in the year of 1812.

Shaking her head, Pan opened the drawer to her giant desk, and pulled out a pencil, and her advanced calculator. Starting with her Calculus homework, she opened the text book to page 162, and the first problem read ‘If f(x) = sin, to the second power, then f ‘ (square root of pie over four). Is it (A. Square root of pie) (B.1) (C. Square root of 2) (D. Pie) (E. None of these) Calculating on her piece of notebook paper, she blinked her eyes, the force of sleep creeping up into her sagging eye lids.

Scribbling down an answer, she checked it quickly with her calculator, yep, it was A. Square root of pie. Staring at the clock, the time reading 4:56 p.m., Pan hoped that she could get everything done before it got too late, though at the progress she was making, it was highly doubtful.


Hours later, Pan could be still found at her oak desk, closing the cover to her heavy World History book, her homework was finished. Glancing at the digital alarm clock, she smiled wistfully, well, it was 12:42 a.m., great first day. Scooting back in the rolling, swiveling chair, she stood, her weight making her legs shake from the lack of use. Stretching, her hands above her head, and yawning, Pan made her way to her closet to retrieve her pajamas, and head to bed.

The light gray tank top and long pants fell comfortably on her lean figure as she scooted into her cool bed. The crisp covers scrunching as Pan swung her long legs onto the softness of the mattress that she would rest on in the night. Closing her weary eyes, she rested in complete bliss except for the little spot in her that remained empty as it always did.


“Pan! Get up now!” Mrs. Baker yelled at her daughter who seemed to refuse to rise from the comforts of her bed.

“I’m up,” Pan mumbled out, rolling out of her very comfortable piece of furniture, and falling onto her carpeted floor.

Yawning, and crawling, Pan made her way towards her closet, looking for the uniformed she was forced to wear. It’s tiny ruffled orange skirt fell so that it made it practically impossible for one to bend down, I mean, if you did, the nearest person could see your back end with ease. The shirt was in the look of a sailor shirt, it was mainly white, except for the orange collar that had one small white line, and an orange tie of sorts that hung under her collar and fell directly under it.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Pan opened the door that led her out into the empty hallway. Stepping through the threshold of her room, and strolled across the hall to the bathroom to brush her unruly mass of black locks. The tangle of strands made her cringe with each pull of her brush, the moment she had entered the restroom, she had went straight to ridding her head of the funny feel of just waking. Nodding in satisfaction of the end results, she rushed out the door and straight to the kitchen.

The light tapping of her shoeless feet warned Mr. and Mrs. Baker of their daughter’s hasty approach. Looking to the entranceway, the both nodded in agreement as Pan ran into the warm room. Shaking their heads in amusement, they watched with mild interest at the antics of their seventeen year old as she rushed about trying to eat before it was too late.

As soon as Pan had reached the eating area, she had bolted for the cabinets that held Nutri-Grain bars, that were kept there for instances like this one, and grabbing the popped up toast on her way by, she made a quick getaway to the upstairs to finish preparing for the day that laid ahead.

Bounding up the tall stairs, Pan dashed for the bathroom door, already hearing the entrance of Bra as the blue haired girl waited for her. Mentally chiding herself, Pan ran to the sink and grabbed her toothbrush which she had managed to forget to put up the night before. Her Crest toothpaste sat on the ceramic counter as well, and she quickly unscrewed the plastic lid and spread the mint flavored gel onto the brushes bristles. With her teeth clean, Pan went quickly towards the room that had been given to her to grab the homework that was completed last night, and the purple backpack she carried everything around in.

Entering the room, Pan almost yelled out in frustration as she saw the disarray her school supplies were in. Gathering most of it into her arms, and snatching up the almost empty pack, she jumped down the stairs, and glared at Bra, as the teenager mocked her silently.

The trek to school was a relatively quiet one, Pan was desperately trying to get everything into her pack as they moved along, while Bra tried desperately not to break out in a fit of giggles, met for small school girls.

The enormous brick building loomed over the two as they walked side by side into the front waiting area. The walls were of brick in the shades of grays and light blues, the tiled floors clicked noisily with each step the student body took, and the colors of orange and black were everywhere to be seen. Posters recording their victories, streamers from the last basketball game, and balloons that were just slightly deflated.

Pan and Bra looked around curiously, they still hadn’t gotten quite use to the building. The place was huge, and they figured even at the end of the year, they would still be clueless on where to go for every class. Seeing the rest of their friends standing by the lockers, they waved excitedly, and rushed to greet them.

“Hey, guys, what up?” Pan asked enthusiastically, grinning from ear to ear despite the lack of sleep.

“Hey Pan, so, how was your homework filled night?” Lisa asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm at the thought of the load of work.

“How do you think?” Pan shot back, the group laughing in good humor as they walked through the crowded halls, trying their best to make it to class on time.

School ended with the normal antics as always. Kids ran and yelled, racing outside to the busses or their vehicles, rejoicing that the day was over. Pan sat patiently, waiting for Trunks as he finished up a meeting with a teacher. Everyone else had left, well, except for Goten and Bra, but there was no telling where those two had ran off too.

“Are you ready?” Trunks asked the raven haired teen, waking her from her thoughts.

“Yeah, I suppose, but do you know where Goten and Bra are?” Pan asked, wondering where in the world they had gone too.

“Uh, probably some place that deals with food,” he said, and she laughed in response, knowing Goten, that was exactly where they had gone.

Following Trunks out of the building, Pan looked on in awe at the black mustang that flashed it’s lights when the lavender haired boy hit the unlock button. Unable to comment on it, she silently sat in the passenger seat, loving the feel of the black leather beneath her. Shutting the door, Pan tried to site perfectly still, as not to harm the precious vehicle in any shape or form.

Chuckling to himself, Trunks and his companion buckled up almost instantly, the clicking of the metal breaking the silence. Turning the key in the ignition, the car roared to life, and backing out of the parking space, Trunks sped off down the highway.


The building of Capsule Corps was beyond anything Pan had ever seen. It’s huge dome shaped buildings stood taller than the fierce school they had just come from. This was like a modern day castle, fit for the richest, which the Briefs family were.

Placing her foot out onto the cement driveway once the car had reached a halt, Pan looked up with fascination at the giant structure. A light pressure was felt on her tanned elbow in the form of Trunks’ hand as he pulled her towards the front door.

The front door opened, greeting the breathless Pan with the glorious sight of the living room. It’s vast size seemed to go on for miles, the furniture obviously new and expensive. Self-consciously, she fiddled with the end of her short skirt, feeling unworthy of being in such a place.

The room was filled with people, all whom she assumed was Trunks’ family. The people seemed pleasant, for all turned to greet them as soon as the door closed behind their forms. All eyes turned to the two arrivers, and the wide eyed faces filled with unexpected surprise stared at her, and only her. Suddenly she felt like bolting.


A/N: Well, I know it has been forever, but I hope you guys will forgive me. Please review! It means a lot. See ya!

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