Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome to our world ❯ And So It Begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z, and never will. Sniff sniff

Welcome To Our World

Chapter 1: And So It Begins…

The day dawned bright and clear in the world of Dragon Ball Z. The earth was -well fairly peaceful, and our lovely heroes were having a good time relaxing, and taking advantage of the momentary calm.

"Huh! Aaaaghaahhhhhhhhh!" Gohan launched a series of minnie kamehameahs at Videl, forcing her to jump and dodge, remaining on the defensive.

Videl's violet eyes were determined as she jumped in a somersault over Gohan's head, and came back lightning quick, a kick aimed for his back.

But Gohan wasn't that easily fooled, and he was ready for her. With lightning speed, he spun around and grabbed Videl's foot, turning it. She lost her momentum and fell, her face in the dirt and Gohan still holding her foot.

Gohan peered down at her, a smile on his face.

"Watcha doin' down in the dirt?" Gohan said, his amusement evident in his eyes.

"Hmph" Videl ungraciously pulled her foot away from him and kicked up on to her feet.

"I would've gotten you if you weren't so damn quick." She replied, scowling at him, her violet eyes bright under a coat of dirt. Gohan smiled at her.

"But I am" He said, infuriatingly calm.

"Hmph!" She said again, and turned away from him, crossing her arms.

Gohan smiled at her temper, and walked up behind her, putting his arms around her. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

"You're so cute when you pout." he whispered in to her ear.

Videl blushed and relaxed, turning in the circle of Gohan's arms. Giggling slightly, she kissed him gently on his cheek.

"You're such a charmer." She whispered back.

Reaching up, Gohan gently brushed the dirt off her face, the kissed her softly on the lips.

"You bet I am." Videl laughed and smiled up at him, her eyes soft.

Gohan turned and walked away, one arm around his girlfriend.

"C'mon. If we start now, we can get in a good hour of training before dinner."

* * * * *

"More food please!" Chi-chi turned to see Goku and Goten looking at her, piles upon piles of bowls and plates surrounding them. They were both holding their bowls out to her, smiles on their faces.

"Of course." She walked over to them and took their bowls. Taking them over to the stove, she re-filled them, heaping the food up in to large piles.

Once they were on the verge of spilling, Chi-chi brought them over to the boys.

They took the food from her eagerly, and with a heartfelt "Thank-you!", they dug in.

Chi-chi smiled, and watched them fondly. Now that earth was peaceful, she got to see all of her family a lot more now.

And she was happy to see a blossoming romance between Gohan and Videl.

`Those to are so right for each other,' she thought to herself. `And I always did like that girl.' She gave a nod of satisfaction, then turned back to her boys.

"Now Goten, as soon as you're done I want you to get back to you're studying." The little boy looked up at her, his eyes pleading.

"But mom, I wanted to train with dad!" Chi-chi shook her head and frowned down at him.

"No. You're studies are very important, and you have been neglecting them."

The pitch and volume of her voice got higher as she went in to a very characteristic hysteria.

"There is no way you will ever get a job, or do well if you don't do well in school. Take a look at Gohan! He would have ended up with a second-rate education and bad marks if I hadn't made sure that he worked hard."

She turned away and clasped her hands, her eyes starry. "And now look at him. He's a straight A student with a good girlfriend."

Chi-chi swooped down on Goten again. "So that's why you have to work hard at your studies. And that's why you can't train with your dad today."

She looked at him expectantly. Goten sighed.

"Yes mom." Chi-chi smiled.

"Good. Now finish eating, then run along and get your books."

"More please!" Chi-chi looked over at her husband, startled. Goku smiled at her, and she sighed. At least she knew where her children got their appetites from........

* * * * *

Bulma sat back with a sigh, and wiped an oil covered hand across her sweat soaked brow, leaving a black streak.

Grabbing an already dirty rag, she wiped her hands, getting most of the grease off.

Sighing again, Bulma looked at the project she was working on. It was a new prototype of one of her newly designed spaceships. She had been working on it for hours now, and she decided that it was time for a break.

Standing up, she was about to walk in to the kitchen for a drink, when the sound of breaking concrete brought her attention to the training room.

Peering through the window, she saw a gaping hole in the wall, and Trunks and Vegeta still going at it.

Bulma frowned, and entered the room, her presence still unknown. Walking with evident difficulty over to the control panel, she turned the gravity back to normal.

The two males looked over to the control panel, and, seeing her, dropped their guard.

Bulma glared at them, her hands on her hips.

"Not again you two! If you keep this up, I won't be able to repair everything fast enough and all of Capsule Corp. will be in ruins."

Trunks bowed his head in shame.

"I'm sorry mom. I'll try not to destroy Capsule Corp." Bulma's features softened.

"Good. Thank-you Trunks." She turned a frown to Vegeta. "Now what about you."

"Hmph" Vegeta crossed his arms and angled away, his nose in the air.

"Vegeta" Bulma's tone was warning.

"Fine." A scowl was fixed on his face. "I won't reduce the stupid building to rubble."

"Thank-you." Bulma turned to Trunks. "Now why don't you take a break from training, and come have a snack with me." Trunk's face lit up at the prospect of food.

"Ya, ok!" His face darkened. "If it's ok with dad, that is."

Bulma rolled her eyes.

"Of course it's ok with your dad."

She turned towards the door. "Now lets go get something to eat." She walked off, Trunks running up beside her.

Vegeta watched them go, his trademark scowl softening a little as he watched his wife and their child.

Turning towards the ruined training room, he frowned at the hole in the wall. `Damn,' he thought to himself.

`I can't deny that woman anything. I know it and she knows it.'

Walking out of the training room, he entered the doorway, and observed the room that he and Bulma shared. Bulma had insisted on decorating it. He thought back to that argument.


"I am not letting you decorate our room!"

"You stupid woman, if I let you decorate, it'll be all pink and fluffy. There is no way in hell!"

"Argh! Vegeta, you stubborn goat! I don't know why I married you, but I did, so at least let me decorate our fricken room!"

End flashback

Shaking his head at the memory, Vegeta walked in to the bathroom.

His accusations of Bulma had been far from the truth. She had decorated the rooms with practicality as well as comfort, and as much as he didn't like to show it, let alone admit it, he had come to trust her decisions.

Looking in the mirror, he admired his muscles. `I'm amazing,' he thought to himself. Basking in his ego, Vegeta quickly stripped off his clothes and climbed in the shower.

Frowning at the shower head as if it was it's fault there was currently no water coming out, he leaned down and turned on the tap.

Straightening up, Vegeta gave a nod of approval as he felt the water cascade down on his back. Closing his eyes, he cleared his mind, and was soon lost in the rhythm of the water.

* * * * *

Piccolo glared at the two men in front of him.

"Why can't you just leave me alone?" He roared, his arms crossed, and his back straight.

Tien and Yamcha were standing in front of him; both dressed in their training clothes. Chao-Tsu was hiding behind Tien, and Pour was sitting a little ways off.

"C'mon Piccolo," begged Yamcha. "Just for a little while?"

"No!" Piccolo yelled again, "I am not going to train with you!"

"But why not?" Asked Tien, his three eyes fixed on Piccolo. "It's much easier to train with someone else than just with yourself." Piccolo glared at him.

"Well it's not for me!" He yelled. Chao-Tsu gave a little "Eep!" and curled up into a tighter ball behind Tien. Yamcha and Tien's eyes met, and they both took on a fighting stance.

"Fine." Yamcha's voice was hard. "Then we'll just have to do it the hard way."

Before Piccolo could say anything, they charged at him. Piccolo suddenly found himself having to fend off three different attacks at once.

A couple hours later, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chao-Tsu were all exhausted.

"See," Yamcha said, his voice tired. "I told you we'd get you to fight."

* * * * *

Half an hour later, all of the gang we're gathered at Capsule Corp for dinner, with the exception of Piccolo and his training partners, who were on their way.

While they were waiting, Bulma took them in to her lab to show them her new inventions.

As they were looking around, Trunks and Goten ran over to a table, where a small jar was giving off an eerie blue glow.

"Hey Bulma, what's this?" Goten asked, reaching a finger out to poke the glass.

"Don't touch that!" Bulma yelled, alarmed. Goten looked back at her, confused.

"But why not?" Bulma walked over to the table, the others following her. Slipping on a pair of plastic gloves, she carefully picked up the jar.

"I've been experimenting with chemicals and essences." She turned to the group. "My long-term goal is to discover a way to breach the layers of time and space, and find an ecomagnectul warp."

The others stared at her "Oops." She smiled in apology. "Basically I want to travel to another dimension."

"Cooooool." breathed Goten, staring at the glowing blue jar. Trunks, who was standing beside him, nodded his head energetically.

Suddenly, they heard an explosion, and the building trembled.

"What the heck?" Bulma looked at the others, confused, and ran towards the explosion.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, Chao-Tsu, and Pour were flying towards Capsule Corp.

As they were flying, they saw a cloud of dust come up from one side of the building.

"What was that?" Piccolo asked, looking at the others.

"I don't know," replied Yamcha, looking alarmed. "But it came from the area where Bulma's lab is."

"Hmm. I'm going ahead." Said Piccolo, increasing his speed rapidly, and zooming ahead.

"Hey!" Yelled Yamcha, starting after him. "Wait up!" Tien, Chao-Tsu, and Pour looked at each other. They couldn't keep up with the other two.

"Ah well." Tien shrugged his shoulders. "We'll get there eventually." Chao-Tsu and Pour nodded in agreement.

* * * * *

The explosion came from Bulma's testing room, where she found Vegeta standing in front of a mass of rubble and parts.

"Vegeta!" Yelled Bulma, one hand on her hip, the other holding the jar. "What did you do?!"

Vegeta glared at her, enraged, as he crossed his arms and stuck his nose in the air.

"The stupid thing insulted me, so I destroyed it."

"Vegeta!" Bulma was mad, but couldn't help but smile. Vegeta glared at her again. "That was a probe I was testing! Now I have to build it all over again!"

Vegeta turned away.

Piccolo and Yamcha arrived at Capsule Corp, and quickly flew down in to the hole in the wall. There they found all the gang standing just inside a huge room, watching Bulma yell at Vegeta.

"What happened?" Yamcha asked Master Roshi.

"Vegeta blew up one of Bulma's inventions, that's what." He replied, his arms behind his back. Yamcha winced, and shook his head.

"Ouch. He's in for it now."

"You bet. Bulma's gonna let him have it, no mistake."

Bulma finished yelling at Vegeta, and turned around to talk to the group.

As she took a step forward, her foot slipped on a piece of rubble, and the gang watched as she fell to the ground, the jar flying out of her hand.

Bulma watched in horror as the glass shattered, and the blue liquid poured out. Turning to the others, she quickly scrambled to her feet, and started running towards the door.

"Run!" She yelled, the group looking confused. "The liquid is not stable! I don't know what will happen."

But it was too late. A cold blue smoke had already engulfed the room.

When everyone breathed in, they felt the frigid smoke enter their lungs, causing them to cough.

Suddenly, there was another huge bang, and all they could see was black.


Ok, so this is just the first chapter, and I kinda did a cliffy, but not really. I'll try to update as soon as I can, but school has started again, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to write.

Oh, and if you see any grammar or spelling mistakes, please e-mail me and tell me! And please review!!!! Thanks!

- Ritsu-chan