Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon ball or its characters. I do own my original characters.
Edit notes: I cleaned up this chapter some and added some more descriptions of the planet
Please Read and Review!

Bulma stretched lazily as the warm sun made its way into her room. She sighed happily. There had been peace for three years. She really didn’t consider the mess concerning Tarble to be anything of consequence, it hadn’t even interrupted dinner. She looked to the empty space in bed next to her and frowned. Three years of peace didn’t keep her husband from training every morning. She almost wished something new would come along and challenge him. Not something that would endanger anyone. No she wasn’t crazy, but with Son-kun all but ignoring them, she wanted someone that Vegeta could fight.
“Be careful what you wish for Bulma-san.” A soft voice spoke to her. Bulma looked up a woman with long red hair and slanted golden eyes stood in front of her. But she didn’t seem solid Bulma could clearly see the wall right through her.
“Who are you?” Bulma asked.
The woman smiled. “I am sorry my appearance shocked you. I am the Western Kai.”
“But Son-kun told me you were killed by Buu.”
“I was, but he was not informed of the remained of the story. My duty now is to govern over death and rebirth. Occasionally there are too many planets to restore and I must be reborn. Such happened,” She turned to face Vegeta as he rushed into the room.
“Explain what you are doing here now.” He growled as he prepared a ki blast.”
“Vegeta Matte.” Bulma said walking over to him. “She doesn’t even have a physical form.”
“I am sorry to interrupt you like this Vegeta san.” She said softly. “I will continue with my explanation.”
“Make it fast.” Vegeta growled.
The western Kai sighed. “As I was saying after I was killed by Buu all of those years ago I was reborn to my current purpose. Which is restoring destroyed planets. I was given a new form and new purpose. My fellow Kais weren’t so lucky.”
“I know the story.” Vegeta growled. “Why are you here now?”
“Recently I expended too much energy restoring planets that Freezer had destroyed and I had to be reborn again. But I did not choose wisely upon my choice. This child is in terrible danger of being in a position to destroy the universe with what has been given her.” She looked away with a look of sadness and pain upon her face.
“So why exactly are you telling me this?”
“I want you to intercede. Surely you know that when you were judged upon dying that all of your sins weren’t weighed against you. Didn’t you notice that a great many were not on the list.”
“The reason they weren’t on the list is because they were removed when the planets were restored. I am simply asking you to repay the favor.”
“A favor I didn’t ask for.”
“But one you did receive. Much of the evil you did, has vanished like it never happened. I am asking you to help me to keep a child from walking down the same path you had no choice in taking.”
“What do you know of it?”
“You would be surprised Vegeta san, but I am not here to speak of the past, and I do not have much time before she awakens. For I can come to you now because my body is in slumber, which she does not get much of. Because of the pain and torment that is heaped upon her.”
“You want us to save you?” Bulma asked
“Yes, right now I am separate from her but as she ages she and I will merge, but her will is already the dominate one. Even with my memories I give her.” She looked at Vegeta. “Please help. I know that matters of the universe do not concern the Earth, and this will not come to fruition for some time, but I can see the path she is being set upon and she would be capable of destroying the universe and I would not be able to prevent it.”
“Where is she?” Bulma asked softly. This story horrified her, the last thing the universe needed was another tyrant imposing their will on it.
“The newly restored planet Sheik.”
Vegeta’s eyes widened. Now he recognized the woman. She looked just like the one he killed, the queen of Sheik.
“I do look like this child’s mother don’t I?” She smiled. “I already carry the appearance of my newly reincarnated self once I reach adulthood.” She glanced out the window. “I must go, please help.” The woman vanished like she had never been.
“How do we get there?” Bulma asked. She was already working out the schematics for an improved ship in her mind. One that wouldn’t get accidently destroyed by a battle.
“We’re not going.” Vegeta growled.
“She looked familiar to you didn’t she. Is the reason you don’t want to go because you were the one who destroyed that place?”
Vegeta just looked away.
“It doesn’t matter, she took that sin away, if you won’t go, I just have to go by myself. It’s been awhile since I’ve done anything exciting.”
“Onna, you will not go there by yourself.” Vegeta growled.
“Good than you’ll come with me.” Bulma chirped as she kissed Vegeta on the cheek and left the room. “I have so much to get ready.” She said as she hummed to herself.
“That’s not what I meant, Onna!” Vegeta growled chasing after her.
Bulma walked towards her lab getting ready to start her work. She would have to call Chi-chi and see if Goten could come. She knew that Trunks would never let Goten live it down if he got to go to space and Goten had to sit and home.

A week later Vegeta found himself in one of Bulma’s ships journeying with the two brats and Bulma. But somehow the Onna had gotten her way. He didn’t think there would be anything dangerous that the brats couldn’t handle. He glanced up at Bulma as she was entering something in the ships computer. But there was a small chance those mystics on the planet finally awakened whatever ‘great terror’ they were going on about those years ago. And he couldn’t risk the Onna getting hurt, not when it was his duty to keep her safe.
“We should be there soon, but this will be the first field test for this model.” Bulma said. I’m going to get some sleep wake me if I am needed.”
“Onna, you shouldn’t have come.” Vegeta muttered. “I don’t even know how you talked me into this.”
“Papa it’ll be fun I’ve never been in space before. And things have gotten so boring lately.” Trunks laughed.
“Yeah!” Goten agreed I can’t wait to see a whole other planet.”
Bulma smiled and left Vegeta to deal with the boys. She knew he would get her back for this later, but whatever he came up with she could handle.

A small red haired girl sat in the clean cell. She couldn’t stand to be surrounded by filth, so when the guards didn’t come for her she cleaned. She was only given the barest supplies; she wasn’t even given any utensils in which to eat with. Everyone feared what would happen should she have something. The girl sighed and traced the strange bands that lined her body. The cursed markings kept her more of a prisoner than anything her captors could do. She burned with fury. She knew she was the rightful ruler of this planet, but she didn’t want it anymore. She thirsted for revenge. Daily she plotted and planned. She knew they would come, she even knew they would unbind her for entertainment. But escape then was futile. Only a word had to be spoken and she would be reinprisoned. No, she would have to force the guards to act, then maybe they wouldn’t have time to rework the spell, and if she got far enough she would have a weapon to start over again. Yes they would come soon, and then she would have what she wanted even more than her freedom. Vengeance.
Bulma sighed happily as she capsulated the ship. She learned years ago when she was on Nameck that it would be best to keep the ship with her.
“Hurry up Onna.” Vegeta growled. “I don’t want the people of this planet to know we are here. Not until we find what we are looking for.”
Bulma snorted. “It’s not like we’re going to blend in.” She looked around her. “It is beautiful here. Very similar to Earth.” She looked around and stared in awe at the landscape. The sky was almost golden. Purple flowers were growing everywhere, and not far away she could hear the soft sounds of a stream. She could only imagine how clear and fresh the water was.
Vegeta picked Bulma up. “It will be much faster this way.” He turned to the two boys. “Follow.” He ordered. He then started flying off towards the nearest city.
“Hai Papa!” Trunks exclaimed as he and Goten followed after them.
“Hey Trunks-kun.” Goten said. “What do you think the people here are like? Do you think they are scary?”
“Why would they be scary Goten?” Trunks asked. “It’s not like anything can beat papa, and we can always form Gotenks.”
Goten scratched his head and thought, or maybe just gave the appearance of thinking. “You’re right Trunks-kun. Nobody can beat us.” He then looked around. “Um Trunks-kun?”
“How does Vegeta-san know where he is going?”
“Papa said he’s been here before, I mean were looking for the princess, how hard can she be to find?”
Goten smiled. “You’re so smart Trunks-kun!” Goten looked up a question forming in his mind. “Trunks-kun? How do we know we’re looking for the princess?”
Trunks sighed. Goten was his friend, but sometimes he annoyed him. “Because Ka-san said the Western kai is inside of the princess.” Before Goten could ask his next question Trunks continued. “Mama said she needs our help, so we came to help.”
“Oh.” Goten said his questions over for now.
The four continued on their journey to the capital.