Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Western Kai Reborn ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon ball
Vestia belongs to me.
Please review!

Vestia pulled herself foreword with the last once of her strength. The crawl through the tunnel was exhausting. And she really hoped there wasn’t any more running involved once they got out. She honestly couldn’t take it. As Vestia crawled from the tunnel she was filthy and tired but she was free. She closed her eyes and frowned. However no amount of washing will get some of the filth off of her.
Trunks came out of the tunnel behind her. He was glad they made it out, but they needed to get out of here quickly. He figured she couldn’t make it on foot, and while he could feel something inside of her, it seemed like it wasn’t really there. He most likely will have to carry her. “Vestia” he said putting his hand on her shoulder. “We have to keep moving.”
She whirled around a glared at him. “I didn’t say you could touch me.” She hissed.
Trunks frowned. This girl was nothing but trouble. Maybe once she got cleaned up and some new clothes she’d be nicer. “I have to carry you. Unless you can fly on your own.”
Vestia glared at him. How dare he treat her like a weak useless thing.
Trunks backed up wanting to reassure her. “I’m not trying to insult you. But flying is the fastest way out of here.” He desperately wanted her to accept this. They really didn’t need to stay out her auguring the point.
“Trunks-kun, Vestia-chan.” Goten piped up.
“Not now, Goten.” Trunks said. He turned to Vestia. “Look if you don’t let me carry you we will be stuck here all night or we’ll have to walk. If we walk anyone could see you.”
Vestia crossed her arms. She was not going to let this boy order her around, even if he did rescue her. “And If I let you carry me and someone sees me it will let everyone on this planet know of my condition.”
Trunks stared in Vestia in amazement. “What condition?”
“Um, Trunks-kun? Vestia-chan?” Goten attempted again.
“What?” They both asked at the same time.
“I don’t think we are alone out here.” He pointed to the top of the cliff. A long line of soldiers had their weapons pointed at the group. In addition there were a group of hooded figures holding candles over to their left. And judging by the sounds coming from the forest in front of them, more people were about to come join them.
Vestia looked at the group of soldiers surrounding them and smiled. “Remember that favor I asked you to do?” She said to Trunks with malice in her voice.
“Yeah?” Trunks said “But this really isn’t the time for favors. We need to get you out of here.”
Vestia laughed softly. “No I have a much better idea.” She said. She turned and looked at Trunks, her expression completely unreadable. “Kill me.”
Both Trunks and Goten almost fell over. “Why in the hell would I want to do that?” Trunks asked. The shock not leaving his face. “I did not go to all the trouble of helping you escape for you to die here!”
Goten blinked. “Why do you want us to kill you?” He asked innocently.
Vestia smiled another dangerous smile. “I won’t stay dead for more than a moment.” She looked around at the soldiers who were waiting for something. “And my life’s blood will break these seals.”
“I’m afraid you won’t get the chance my little niece.” The three turned to face the new voice. A tall woman with red hair piled on top of her head in braids stood in front of them. She wore a long black dress. And was surrounded by more hooded figures holding candles. “I’m afraid the two of you are guilty of helping a political prisoner escape. You’ll make good food for my pet.” She raised a hand to her mouth and laughed. Her nails looked like they were dipped in scarlet.
Trunks narrowed his eyes and looked at Goten who nodded. While the woman herself had no ki, they both could feel something rising up from beneath them. Something big.
“Just what the hell are you doing?” Vestia shouted. “You can’t summon that thing! It would destroy everyone and everything.” The ground started to rock beneath their feet and Vestia struggled to stand. She almost fell over, but before she hit the ground she was being lifted off the ground. She looked up and saw Goten carrying her in one arm. He smiled and held out a V sign.
The queen seemed to rise above all the hooded people that surrounded her. “You’re mother was a fool for not releasing it. Maybe if she did we wouldn’t have been wiped out all those years ago.” She laughed as the ground continued to crumble around them. As the queen rose up, the mystics and soldiers started to fall.
“You’re insane!” Vestia shouted. Damn it. She needed to find a way to get hurt and fast. She could almost taste her power just beyond the seals. But always out of reach. She was still powerless. Powerless to stop anyone. Powerless to save herself.
“Vestia!” Trunks said floating next to her and Goten. “If I kill you, are you certain you won’t stay dead?”
Vestia nodded. She may not have power, but she could feel this thing that her aunt was summoning. And it terrified her.
“Close your eyes.” Trunks whispered. “Goten only hold her by the wrists. I don’t want to hurt you.” Trunks gathered his ki into a small ball. If he could just push it into Vestia’s heart it should kill her.
Goten held Vestia away from her body. “Trunks-kun maybe we could try something diff”
Trunks pushed the small ki ball into Vestia’s chest she screamed only for a moment than she went still. Goten could only look on in horror as Trunks did this. He held Vestia closer to him. For the first time he noticed the jewelry that was in her hair. “Trunks-kun. It didn’t work. Now she’s dead.” He whined. He heard a cracking sound as the jewelry in her hair shattered. The bands that lined her body faded like they were never there. Goten almost jumped when Vestia drew a sharp intake of breath.
“That hurt you bastard.” She muttered. She closed her eyes. She could feel her power again. She could touch it. And now she could make her aunt pay. She would make the other bastards pay to but most of them were already dead.
“Of course it hurt, you died.” Trunks pointed out. He blinked feeling Vestia’s real ki for the first time. “Can you fly?” He blinked. The difference was amazing. She was probably as strong as he was.
“Of course I can fly.” She floated out of Goten’s arms. “Now what are we going to do about that thing that my Aunt is summoning. If it is what I think it is, we don’t have much time left.” She brushed a lock of hair out of her face. “But I can take care of the trash so it won’t have a master.”She started gathering energy to make one shot. It wouldn’t be the enjoyable end to her aunt that she dreamed about, but at least the bitch would die.
“Vestia wait.” Trunks said. “What is this thing?” He looked over at the queen. She no longer appeared to be floating in mid-air but she seemed to be on top of something solid. A monstrosity of claws and teeth. He couldn’t tell if it was a giant dragon or something else. But it was large and very powerful.
“It’s something out of ledged. I’ve heard stories of it as a child, but I thought it was a myth. It is the Great Destroyer.” Vestia said softly. “It will not be sated until every living thing is dead. My aunt is a fool to think she can control it.” She laughed. “If we just wait long enough, it will probably eat her. It serves her right for everything she has done to me.”
The three turned to face the monstrosity before them. Long red arms reached out from its torso. Its head took shape and it had wolf like jaws. The very ground shattered under its feet. “Destroy them my pet!” The queen called out laughing. “After your done, you can eat the rest of the enemies to the throne.” She smiled. “You should enjoy the girl. I’ve been feeding you her energy for awhile now.” The monster sniffed the air and looked right at Vestia with hungry green eyes.
“You have a plan Trunks?” Vestia asked watching the monster below them. This was bad. That monster wanted to make her dinner. She was immortal, but she might be digestible. She really didn’t want to find out.
“Hit it until it dies?” Trunks suggested.
“I like Trunks’ plan.” Goten said. “Maybe it has a weakness.” Goten eyed the monster carefully. Maybe he could try hitting it in the middle. Things didn’t like getting hit in the stomach.
“All at once?” Vestia asked.
The two boys nodded. All three rushed the large beast hoping to kill it before it hurt them.