Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Do I Know? ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
(One Month Later)
Cornilia had followed her orders and stayed close to Bulma. She had noticed what the King had said was true. If you really concentrated on her scent then you noticed the smell of Sayian mixed with her heavy scent of Human. Maybe since she was a half breed female that her Human scent was stronger. Cali, whom she knew was half breed as well, had a strong smell of Sayian and practically no smell of Human. I mean his coloring, though different, was more Sayian than Bulma's, but she didn't have a tail. Then an idea hit her.
'Did they cut her tail off when she was born?' It was not uncommon. Some half breed's tails were disposed of because the non-Sayian parent did not want them to transform or to resemble their Sayian heritage. 'Should I ask her or find out another way?' Cornilia shook her head. No, I know one way to find out, but that is none of concern. I know she is Sayian by her scent, but I am curious as to her tail.' Cornilia smirked. Her couriousity always got the better of her when it came to half breeds. Some were born with tails and some were not. Cali was and that should mean that Humans with Sayian blood should have tails, but what if the males do and the females do not. Cornilia shook her head. She was looking too much into this. She needed to report to the King about Bulma and continue to moniter Dana.

Dana sat down on her bed and laid back. Things had gotten wierd around here and not in a good way, not that she thought there was a good way. Cornilia had paid little attention to her and more to Bulma. She should be estactic, but it pissed her off.
"What is it about that girl that draws everyone?" she asked to the empty room. 'She just has wierd coloring! I mean she is just a stupid weak human, but the Prince doesn't think so.' Dana glared at the bottom of the top bunk and growled. Gactive had told her that he would train her, but she was too lazy and spoiled to want to do that. She would just have to get rid of Bulma. Gactive would help her, but what should she do?

Bulma walked through the hall toward the kitchen. She knew that the crew was going to be hungry soon especially since Kakarot had already groaned to her about that very thing not even five minutes ago. She headed for the fridge in search of what she was going to cook. She didn't notice the shadowed figure walking up behind her slowly until she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. Her first instinct was to blast them, but she turned instead and grabbed said person by their neck.
"Bulma?" the girl chocked out. "I mean no harm." Bulma released her and turned back to the fridge with a frown.
"Dana, you should never sneak up on a person like that. I could've blasted you." Dana smiled, trying to look real friendly. "What do you need?" Bulma asked finally pulling a large piece of ham out of the freezer.
"Do I have to need something to talk to you?" Dana asked with an insulted voice. Bulma shrugged as she pre-heated the oven before beginning to prepare the ham.
"Well, we've been on this shit for almost two years and you have never talked to me once. I just thought it was a little weird that you wanted to talk to me now," she explained as she put the meat in the oven before sitting down at the table to peel alot of potatoes. "So, I ask you, is there something you want to talk about or something that you need?" Dana looked at her, her face pleasent even though she was pissed off inside.
'How dare she not even apologize! She just assumes that I want something from her!' Dana went over and sat across from her. "Not really. I kinda just wanted to watch you cook. I mean you cook such delicious food and I just kinda wanted to learn, so I thought that I could watch." Bulma looked at the older girl with suspicion before smiling, even though she was uncertain as the the actual motive behind Dana's sudden interest.
"I guess that it is okay, I mean as long as you stay out of the way," Bulma said. Dana nodded with a smile. Neither girl noticed the hidden figure watching from a far corner.

(One month and Two Weeks Later)
The group stood in front of the window again looking down at the planet that they were about to purge. The report said that it was very dangerous and contained pretty powerful warriors. Bulma looked at Kakarot with a smirk.
"Are you ready?" Kakarot nodded. "Please be careful."
"You know that I will. You be careful as well." They all watched with anxious minds as the planet grew closer, waiting to fight, to prove that they were strong after almost two years of training. Gactive stood next to Dana who stood close to Bulma, having gotten closer to the girl in the last month. Bulma stood next to Kakarot who stood next to Vegeta who stood next to Cornilia who stood next to Maggie. Dato, Jones, and Fiore stood behind them. Soon they touched down and before any of them could get a reading they were blasted at. They all scattered at the inhabitants of the planet came at them in full force. The creatures were at least six feet tall with green skin and purple eyes. (yes they all look the same) The creatures had no ears, but long tails that lay behind them. Bulma was cornered as two of the creatures came at her. The managed to hit her in the stomache with a 'ki' blast before she knew what was happening. Kakarot managed to annihilate the two creatures that came at him so that he could go assist Bulma, but before he even took one step Vegeta had flown over to Bulma and helped her destroy the creatures that were coming at her.
"Stupid woman, don't let them kill you!" Vegeta barked as he killed another creature. Bulma growled low in her throat.
"Stupid man, always got to say some shit even as you help me!" The both of them glared at each other for a full two seconds before turning their attention back on the fight. Bulma flew at some creatures that were trying to get away from the battle after seeing Vegeta destroy some of their comrades. Bulma grabbed both of their long tails and twisted the large creatures above her head. Dana, who had tried to hide as soon as they had landed watched Bulma in awe and hate.
'There she goes showing off her damn strength.' Then something hit Dana like a brick. 'This girl is not human. She is something else! Why didn't I notice this before!' Dana continued to watch Bulma as she bashed their skulls together making their heads explode all over her. Blood flew everywhere, splattering Bulma's upper body and head as she threw the headless bodies away from her. Dana tried to hold back a hurl as some of the blood hit her in the face. She couldn't stand the feel of blood on her body and had always felt that way even as a child when her dad had come home from a purging mission, her first time ever seeing him after one.
A three year old Dana sat waiting for her dad with her mom sitting on the couch next to her. Minutes later the door opened to reveal a large Sayian with dark brown hair past his shoulders. He was covered in blood, but that didn't faze her from running to him and jumping into his arms. What did faze her was the smell of the blood and the feel of it. She immediatly removed herself from her dad and moved away from him.
"What's wrong brat?" her father asked. "I thought you missed me." Dana nodded, but made no move to hug him again.
"What is that red stuff on you? It stinks and feels yucky," she said with disgust. Her father smirked.
"This is blood and you better get used to the smell because you will be a fighter one day." Dana shook her head. This made her father mad. Her mother picked up her daughter and looked her in the eyes.
"Yes, you will," they both said at once. "If you do not fight then you will never find a suitable mate." Dana frowned.
"You live in our house and you will do as you're told," her father growled. Dana nodded.
End of Flashback
Dana didn't notice the creature coming up behind her before it was too late and he grabbed her. She struggled against his grasp, trying to break free. Minutes later she felt the warmth from a blast and then the warmth of something sticky slide down her body. She opened her eyes to see Gactive frowning before her. She looked down at her hands that now had warm blood trickling down them. This time she could not contain the vomit from leaving her throat. She turned from the now concerned Gactive and spewed into some purple plants next to her. He pulled her close after that and comforted her.
"Stay next to me, don't wander off," he growled, "or next time you will be killed." Dana nodded, her face real pale. They continued through the trees, him firing off shots every so often to kill the creatures heading for them.

Kakarot moved closer to Maggie as they covered eachother's back. Creatures came from every direction, trying to kill the two Sayians with every thing they had. Behind them they heard a sharp scream of pain that did not sound like the shrill sream of the creatures they were fighting, but they could not investigate. They still had to purge the planet and so they continued toward the capital of the planet.

Dato and Jones turned to look at eachother, both having heard the scream of one of their comrades.
"We can't go back," Jones told his brother, "Vegeta would skin us alive if we did." Sayian's usually went back to help their comrades, but on this particulary dangerous mission it was every man for themselves. Sure Vegeta had helped Bulma and Gactive had healped Dana, but they didn't know if this was a trap or not where they were using one of the other crew to bait them to their possible death.
"I know," Dato said as he looked back one more time before the two of them continued forward toward the capital where the rest of the crew was headed.

Bulma flew above the trees, searching for her cousin. She could feel his 'ki', but she wanted to catch up with him.
"Woman!" a voice called from behind her, "We need to get in the trees. You are making yourself a target up here!" Bulma turned toward the owner of the voice and frowned. Vegeta came to a stop in front of her.
"I want to find my cousin!" she growled. Vegeta frowned.
"Kakarot would be pissed if you put yourself in danger just to find him. You know that they are headed for the capital so lets get headed that way." Bulma nodded. She knew she was being stupid, but she just wanted to find her cousin and her friend. They dropped into the trees and began to run quickly though the trees.

All the groups met up at the capital and began blasting left and right. Bulma stood with her back against Vegeta's while they blasted the creatures, some just trying to get away. Kakarot and Maggie stood in the same position while they both continued to annihilate the inhabitants till there were none left in front of them.
"There doesn't seem to be any more," Gactive said as he looked into his scouter. "We seemed to have completed our mission, now we must find our fallen teammate." Everyone looked over at him. Cornilia who had arrived admist the killing frowned at Dana who stood behind Gactive, blood dripping down her body. It looked as though she had seem some of the killings, but she did not smell of 'ki' so Cornilia knew that she hadn't been fighting.
"I think we lost Fiore," Dato stated grimly. None of them had known Fiore all that well, he kinda stayed back from the goup, but he had been a good figher. They would need to locate his body so that they could bring him back home for his parents to bury him properly.

(One Week Later)
After locating Fiore's body, which had been decapitated, they took him back to the ship where they put him in the morgue in the ship.(They have a morgue on the ship for bodies to be taken back to Vegeta-sei. Sayian's do not leave sodiers behind if they can find their bodies. It is disrespectful to do that.) Things had been quiet since they had headed back into space toward their next destination. Bulma had gone back to training with Vegeta and Kakarot so that she would be ready for the next battle. She didn't want to die like Fiore had and she didn't want to be too weak to where she could not protect her family and friends either.

Cornilia looked at the communicator, waiting for the King to appear.
"Cornilia, what have you found out?" the King asked.
"You were right, Sire. Bulma is Sayian." The King nodded. "She is powerful my Lord and I believe that Vegeta likes her." The King looked shocked for a moment.
"She could make a suitable mate for him. She may be human, but she is also a Sayian and very powerful if she can learn his tecniques. Watch them closely. Tell me if anything happens." Before he could disappear though she stopped him.
"There is one other thing that I must discuss with you, my Lord," Cornilia said with urgency. The King looked at her with questioning eyes.
"What is it?"
"Dana has buddied up with Bulma, I fear that she may try to harm her or use her." The King frowned at the news. "She is not a fighter, but she had some wits about her and she may be thinking of a way to dispose of her only competition."
"Watch her. If she tries to pull anything, kill her!" With that said the screen went blank.
"I will," Cornilia said quietly to the room, "I will."