Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Dreams May Come ❯ Dream a Little Dream of Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Last Time: Vegeta's torments be daily nightmares and Bulma's happier then she's ever been. What's a writer to do? Well, mess it all up of course. ^_^
~ * Name * ~ -Breaks in dream scenes and perspective.
* * * -Breaks in regular scenes

Chapter Two
"Dream a little dream of me"
~ * Vegeta * ~
The darkness pressed in around him. Undaunted, Vegeta stood patient and alert for what new nightmare awaited. Taking in the surroundings he seemed to be in a large space devoid of light, with no way to see what lay beyond, behind or in any direction. Turning a slow circle he surveyed the darkness for any clues to where this dream would lead. Just when he had given up on seeing anything in the thick blackness, a dim glow off in the distance caught his eye.
Cautiously he approached the light, and was taken by surprise when he finally reached his destination. Dimly lit by an unknown source, a bed sat alone in the vast void. Even more surprising to him was the fragile woman half hidden in shadows. She lay half-curled into her self, half exposed to his piercing gaze. Vegeta blinked, expecting her to vanish. But she remained - mysterious, provocative - and clad only in a short scrap of silk that barely passed as a nightgown.
He crept nearer for closer inspection. She lay with her cheek pillowed on her folded hands. Her breasts rose and fell with patterned breath. Vegeta observed her with open suspician. She was a strange creature with an elfin tilt to her nose; the soft, subtle pout to her lips,and a silky curtain of hair spilled which over her shoulders; though in the darkness it was impossible to decipher its exact color. Her frame was slender but possessed all the curves a woman should. One would be hard pressed to fine and inch of untoned baby fat on her body.
He raked a hand through his wild hair and tried to clear his thoughts. Regaining a more logic state of mind he set to sorting out why she was there. Had his subconscious formulated a new form of mental torment for him to endure? Present him self with this woman only to snatch her away once he let his guard down. Any second now would she melt away to reveal Freeza, Zarbon, or any number of the mocking figures form his past?
The sleeping nymph murmured incoherently in her slumber before rolling onto her back. The move caused her lips to part in an inviting manor and the hem of her gown slipped a few dangerous inches up her thighs. When it was clear that she had not waken, Vegeta let out a breath he wasn't aware he'd been holding. It came out as more of a groan. Unsure of what else to do, he simply studied her for what seemed like hours. If she was a threat then it was always good to know one's opponent. If she was simply a figment conjured form his desperate mind, then she was a fantasy he did not want to soon forget.
What was he doing? He finally asked him self after what seemed like a small eternity. Standing here like some mindless imbecile staring at some scantily clad wench in his own dream; he really must be loosing his mind. Too much training and not enough rest must be finally taking its toll. Of course he was sleeping now, so that didn't really follow. <Damn it. > He thought, raking his finger through his hair once again. <I really am loosing it. I'm not even making any sense to myself anymore. >
He sat on the edge of the bed and tried again to explain the situation. In all reality he should be thankful for this break in his nightly memories. Ten seconds in his mind was enough to drive some of the strongest warriors mad. But this, this simplistic scene was driving him insane. Maybe if he reached out and touched her she would just melt away into thin air. It was worth a try.
Turning to look at her once more, he lifted a hand. His fingers hovered, millimeters above her glowing skin. What happened if she did disappear? Would he wake up? Would he go on training the rest of the night away and forget this dream ever existed? His questions were left unanswered when he found himself caught dead in the sights of two sparkling eyes.
* * *
~ * Bulma * ~
It felt like her whole body was wrapped in a glowing warmth. She rolled onto her back and murmured. Dosing back into a state of more sleep then wake, she was brought out of her reverie when the edge of her bed dipped under a foreign weight. Her eyes fluttered open to see a man perched mere inches from where she lay. His hand was raised to her face a whisper away from touching. He looked surprised to see her awake.
After a second of confusion, Bulma realized that she must be dreaming. Peering into the darkness she tried to make out Yamcha's face, but the shadows where too thick. She smiled, wishing him to continue and touch her face with his out stretched hand, but instead he seemed frozen and confused.
She wanted to call his name, to tell him it was okay, as silly a thought it was to reassure a figment of her own imagination. Somehow; she felt he needed it, to be told that she was not a threat to him. Her voice seemed to have died in her throat. It felt wrong to break the sabbath stillness around them.
Taking matters into her own hands, she turned her face so her lips brushed against his palm. His hand recoiled as if she'd bitten him. Truly confused, she searched the shadows of his face for meaning. The only determinable feature were his eyes; black and thick with emotion. Yamcha had always had such dark, trusting eyes. You could read the emotions in them like words from a book. She concentrated on those eyes and gasped. Something wasn't right; they were the right color but the wrong shape, and when she looked deep into them a cold shiver ran down her spine. They held no warmth, no joy, no hope for life and a bright tomorrow, and all that other dreams that made Yamcha's eyes shine. This man was something else all together.
~ * Vegeta * ~
Vegeta sat stunned, locked in her questioning gaze. She seemed confused for a moment, trying to make out his face. Then, without warning, she smiled. The innocence in that smile shook him deep down. Creatures of innocence and purity did not dwell in his mind.
For a moment she looked as if she would speak, wanting him to do something, instead she moved her head so her mouth grazed his palm. He retracted his hand in surprise. This creature was truly puzzling him. She looked at him with trust and love, something no one ever dared to do before. She searched his face for answers, as if she'd known him for years and could read his thoughts like her own. She finally settled on staring into his eyes. She gazed deeply into them and shivered. After a moment, confusion filled her gaze, and then finally a feeling he was familiar with seeing in other people's eyes when they looked upon him, fear. Who ever she thought him to be, he obviously was not and she was afraid of what she truly saw.
They simply stared at each other for what felt like days. Who ever she was, she didn't look to be attacking him any time soon. Their stand off between them was broken when she opened her mouth, as if to speak. He never heard her voice, it was over-ridden by a sound that echoed in the silence like a gun shot resounding in his ears.
* * *
The dream faded a way as another clap of thunder rang through Capsule Corp. Bulma's eyes fluttered open at the sudden noise. It took her a few moments to orient herself. She was in her own bed and the mysterious man was no where to be seen, much to her relief. She looked at her window to see it glittering with raindrops, the thunder rolled again but farther away this time. The storm must have passed while she slept. Looking to the clock she saw that it was almost four in the morning. Throwing off the covers she padding across the room and opened her window to let in some air. The scent of fresh rain filled the room. She breathed deep, basking in the summer smells.
A sound off to her right made her turn. Vegeta flew out his window, landing in front of the GR capsule. She studied him for the minute it took him to punch in the access code before disappearing into his training room. She'd seen him very rarely in the time he had lived there. His appearance had changed, she noticed. Of course he still had the wild, up swept flame of hair and the perpetual scowl, but he'd bulked up quite a bit over the past months. On Namek he had been muscular but verging on scrawny.
<No wonder Goku won against him, > She thought. The younger saiyan certainly held a physical advantage over the compact prince. <Vegeta deserved whatever beating he got. >She scowled darkly. Admittedly, she knew very little about the alien, but anyone who wanted to use the dragon balls to wish for their own immortality so they could rule the universe had to be bad news. Still, that was obviously no longer what he wanted or else he would have taken her dragon ball radar long ago to make his wish. That left a good question, if not for the dragon balls then why was Vegeta here? To become a super saiyan and beat 'Kakorrot' is what he would tell her.
She sighed. Vegeta's affairs were of no concern to her as long as he didn't threaten her friends or planet again.
Not wanting to go back to sleep just yet for fear of dreaming about 'him' again, she decided to get a snack. It wasn't that the dream had made her afraid, it was something else. This man set off a general unease in her that she didn't want to have to experience twice in one night. Padding off to the kitchen she decided against the ice cream this time, just in case her dream had been cause by something she ate.
* * *
Next Chapter: Vegeta and Bulma write off their dream as just some crazy one-time deal. Bulma goes on dating Yamcha, Vegeta trains. More dreams ensue. And what will happen much later in the story when Bulma starts unknowingly invading Veggie's memories?