Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Dreams May Come ❯ What Dreams May Come ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well…uh…this is a first for me. For the first time, I'm writing in a series, not a chapter fic, but a series of fics all in the same universe. No Sage in this universe, and things…well…hmmm…how to explain this…*thinks* Ah…these fics won't be to everyone's liking, so I suggest that before you read the fic, you READ THE WARNINGS!!! I am never EVER offended if someone chooses not to read one or any of my fics for any reason. I AM offended if they ignore the warnings and come crying to me whining, "How could you write something like that, you sick, sick bitch!!!" So pay attention kiddies…here come the warnings:


Disclaimers: I don't own Dragonball Z, or any of the characters. I do own some action figures and DVD's an' stuff…I doubt anyone wants to take possession of this universe, but even if you did, you can't cause it's MINE!!!!!!

Dedications: Always to Dasia. And this time around, to Manawolf, *smirks at wuffie and drops a hat* and to *a-san of the Hentai Institute. With more so than usual heart-felt thanks to bakayaro_onna, my beta reader, for betaing this even though it really put her through the wringer!!

This series does not yet have a title. Suggestions are welcome.

Now that everyone's been properly warned and disclaimed…please enjoy…

What Dreams May Come…

By Talon

Gohan sighed into the mirror as he finished brushing his teeth. He had already said his good nights to his mother and was, thankfully, done with her for the day. He didn't want to sit up with her again, listening to her talk about Daddy. It was a horrible thing to think, but gods, he hated his mother's voice. It was shrill and loud and it grated in his brain. Padding into his bedroom, he could hear her close her bedroom door. Good. That meant she had taken a sleeping pill, and he wouldn't hear from her again until late morning at the earliest. He leaned his elbows on the window sill and looked out. It was still fairly light out, but he had no interest in being outside. So it was early. So what. He was still a kid, and he needed his sleep. And…if he slept, maybe he would dream about Dad again.

He knew some people thought he didn't know his father well…he was always dead, or off somewhere, or not being dead but not being home either. It just wasn't true. Gohan knew his father…very well. Deep within himself, Gohan knew his father. He couldn't explain it if he was asked. Sure, he missed him when he was gone, cried for him when Piccolo first started training him, but…he just...always felt very close to his father. Then the three intense years of training before the androids had occurred…every day with Dad and Piccolo…fighting, training, blood and ki, punches and flight…gods…even with the threat of the androids hanging over them, it was the best time of his life…until the Room of Time and Spirit…

A whole year with Dad all to himself. It was…perfect. Training, eating, sleeping, bathing, training more...a demi-Saiyajin couldn't have asked for a better year. Yeah, again this huge, universe shattering threat…Cell…but that year was almost worth it. Almost, because in the end…Dad died…and stayed dead. And it was Gohan's fault.

No matter how many people told him it wasn't, he knew the lies for what they were. It was horrible, hurtful and it tore his soul every day. It wasn't just that Dad was gone…or even that he was staying away. It was that…he was staying away because of Gohan. He was sure of it. And...it was selfish, but he needed his Dad. So he was the savior of the world now. He beat Perfect Cell. Fine and good. So why did he still have a bed time? And...

The eleven-year-old rubbed his eyes. He needed someone to talk to. He could talk to Piccolo...but he was sure his mentor wouldn't react very well to finding out Mirai Trunks had cornered Gohan on more than one occasion, pressing him into walls and trees to kiss him and rub against him, touching him less than gently. What was he supposed to do about that? He liked the older demi…who, it looked like, was here to stay...he had returned home, then had come back at Vegeta's invitation. But...he didn't like what he did to him.

Gohan sighed again and slipped into bed. It didn't matter; he supposed…maybe Mirai would get bored with whatever game he was playing at soon. Maybe...maybe if he told Vegeta...he yawned and laid his head down. Maybe...Daddy...what should I do? I saved the world...I need someone to save me...not just from Trunks, but from everything. It's too much...Please, Daddy...

The young demi-Saiyajin slipped into an uneasy sleep as dusk darkened into night outside and the countryside was blanketed in the quiet of the night.

Gohan awoke slowly, fuzzily, realizing somewhere it was still night, but there was a soft golden glow in his room. "Wha…?" His question was broken by a huge yawn, so big his eyes watered and he struggled to focus on the source of the light.

Goku smiled down at his son. So small and perfect, so powerfully and exquisitely built, so innocent. "Hey, Gohan…wake up, sleepy head."

Gohan rubbed his face along his forearm and blinked blearily. "Daddy? I dreamed you were dead…you wouldn't come back..." His lip trembled. After all, he was still a small boy, and waking in the dead of the night to his father standing in his room, well, one could hardly blame him for the confusion and the near tears.

"I am dead, son. See?" He pointed to the halo over his head and moved closer. "But...I get special privileges, being as I saved the universe and all on more than one occasion. I get to keep my body...and I made a deal with someone high up, so I can visit you." He smiled and sat down on the edge of the bed and held his arms open to his son. "I've missed you, Gohan."

Gohan gave a choked sob and flung himself into his father's arms. For several long minutes the only sounds were those of a son's tears and a father's soft, soothing purr. Slowly, slowly, Gohan's wails quieted and he leaned his head against his father's strong chest, getting his breath back. "Daddy...please stay...don't go back there…I need you." He hesitated, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "I don't want you to be dead…please…"

Goku nuzzled the spiked mane beneath his chin. Mmm…the scent of his son, nothing quite like it. "I can't do that, Gohan, you know that. But...you will always have me, and I'm always keeping an eye on you...when I'm not training, that is." Ruffling his son's hair, he chuckled. "I've seen you having trouble with Trunks. He needs to back off. If he does it again, I want you to go to Vegeta and tell him you want his royal protection from Trunks. He'll require a service from you, but he won't ask for it right away. We can work that out later. But he won't ask questions, and Trunks will leave you alone for the time being, all right?"

Gohan sniffled and looked up at his father, trust in his eyes. "Really, Daddy? He will?" Flinging his arms around his father, he hid his face in Daddy's chest, reassured all over again as his father's arms tightened around his body.

Goku, relishing the feeling of his small son in his arms chuckled again. "Yes, Vegeta will keep Trunks away from you if you request his royal protection." Leaning in closer, he whispered in Gohan's ear, "And I'll be making sure he does, don't you worry, chibi." Smiling, he tilted his son's chin up and kissed his forehead in a fatherly gesture, then slowly, kissed his tears away, and then, softly, ever so softly, exquisitely softly plundered his lips.

So soft…so very soft…softer than anything I've ever felt before…softer than a new rose petal…Goku's eyes closed as he finally, finally lived the dream he'd had for so long.

Gohan's reaction was delayed as his father's lips pressed into his forehead, then down his face. It didn't quite register as his father kissed his lips...first gently, then more insistently, though still, very gentle. When he realized his father was kissing him he didn't pull away, nor did he return the kisses, he simply sat there until Goku pulled away with a satisfied…mewl?

He was shocked, Goku decided. Well, fair enough...the boy couldn't know the attraction he'd harbored towards his son since he came back from being dead the very first time. He'd fought against it...oh, how he'd fought against it. All the way through Namek...and it wasn't until Vegeta had sent him that…vision? Visitation? That connection he still had with the stubborn prince had opened a crack in his Saiyajin self that previously only showed when he was fighting. It was the son's job to please the father. He knew that now. But...he still restrained himself...stayed away... Then when pressed back into close contact with Gohan, they trained, harder than they'd ever trained before. And sweet Gohan, trusting Gohan, never suspected anything...the touches...during their spars, wrestling, bathing, oh, he was careful. Whatever was normal for Saiyajin, and he didn't completely trust Vegeta's assurances on that, it wasn't normal for humans…and his son was half human. And...he knew his other friends, and Chichi, of course, wouldn't approve. But now...now there wasn't any of that to stop him.

"What's the matter, son?" Goku made his voice soft and concerned. He loved his little son…but Gohan was going to have to learn things were going to be different. And the sooner the better.

Gohan's voice was uncertain. "You kissed me, Daddy."

"What's the matter? Didn't you like it?" Goku made his voice puzzled. "I liked it...your lips are soft and warm, and they taste nice."

Gohan was thoroughly confused now, and his face and voice showed it. "But...but Daddies aren't supposed to kiss their sons like that…are they?"

Goku smiled and hugged his son close. "Sure they are…when they love their sons the way I love you, they can do whatever they want to them." His hand strayed up into Gohan's pajama top and rubbed the small, warm nipples there. "Because I love you, I can kiss you…" And he covered his son's mouth with his own again, kissing him a bit more insistently and pulled him closer, hand roaming over the small, strong body.

Gohan was frozen in place for a few seconds. "when they love their sons the way I love you, they can do whatever they want to them." What is Daddy going to…then the hand started rubbing his chest, and his nipples…and it felt…not bad…but not right…and then Daddy kissed him again. He wasn't sure how long Daddy kissed him before struggling to pull away. His father let him go, and he looked up at him with a hurt and confused expression on his face. "Daddy, why? I…I don't think I want you to do that…" He yelped, then, as his father turned sharply and pressed him into the mattress, smirking at him as he reached behind him and grabbed something Gohan couldn't see.

"Hmmm…you don't think you want me to do that...would it shock you, Gohan, if I told you I wasn't really concerned with what you want me to do or don't want me to do?" His hands pulled the ki-binders out of his belt and swiftly fastened them to Gohan's wrists, then, pulling his belt off, fastened his son's wrists to the headboard of his bed. He paused for a moment, sitting up and looking down at his bound and frightened son, the sight and scent of him arousing him harder and faster than Chichi had EVER had a hope of doing. "You are such a pretty boy, Gohan...and you are going to be MY pretty boy from now on."

Pretty? Me? I'm…I'm not pretty…boys aren't pretty…Daddy, stop…please…Gohan's breath was gaspy and he cried softly as his father slowly unbuttoned his pajama top, then sat back to look at him for several long seconds. "I love you so much, Gohan, and tonight you're going to learn how much I love my son." Gohan struggled as Daddy leaned over him again, body pressing him into the mattress as he kissed him again, this time, forcing his mouth open and sticking his tongue inside.

Gods, he never thought it would be THIS good…and they had barely started!! The only experience that even came close to comparing had been when he and Vegeta had Mirai Trunks together. But the future prince had been more than willing, the little slut...it had been wonderful…but this...he pulled back and looked down at his tear-streaked son, his mouth kiss-swollen, his eyes red, his hands bound above him. "What are you crying for?" He gently wiped away some of the tears. "I haven't hurt you…have I?"

Gohan shook his head dumbly. Daddy hadn't hurt him...not really…but he was so scared and confused…and that tongue was so big...

Goku snickered. "Well, you don't need to cry, until I DO hurt you then." His hand caressed Gohan's boyish chest, pinching at the little nipples, then slapping his stomach sharply, smirking as Gohan cried out and tried to twist away. "Mmmm…very nice, boy. You'll learn to love this, you know, but for now it's just as well for me you don't." He smiled at the expression on Gohan's face. "You're mine, son. You've always been mine, for whatever I want. I just didn't know it before. It's the son's place to please his sire...and from now on, Gohan, you're going to please me."

"But...but…but…Daddy...I thought..." His whimper cut through the thick quiet as his father slowly pulled his pajama pants down, exposing him to the still, almost stuffy air of the bedroom. He'd been naked in front of his father, countless times...hell; he'd probably been naked with him more often than he'd been clothed... Neither of them, Gohan being a child, and his father, always being rather childlike in some regards, had any qualms about nudity.

But this was different.

And scary.

Goku smiled as his hands explored his small son, chuckling lightly as the whimpers morphed into cries, soft pleading to stop, to let him go, to "Please. Daddy. don't touch me there…." He left the pajama bottoms around Gohan's knees and proceeded softly stroke his son's thighs. Soft…the hair on the supple skin, downy, like a newly hatched baby bird.

"Shhh...the one thing you must never forget, Gohan, is the fact I love you. You must never, ever forget that, son…" as his fingers caressed the hidden inner thighs, skin that rarely saw sunlight…so...delicate…and delicious as he leaned over to sample that delight. "Mmmm…you even taste innocent. Amazing, considering the death and destruction you've seen, let alone administered yourself…"

Gohan's cries had pitched into whines...he was frightened...terrified actually, but his father wasn't hurting him. The sensations felt strange and wrong, but they caused no pain. And didn't he want to please his father? Maybe...maybe if he could please him this way...maybe he would stay...maybe…he jerked suddenly as his father's large, warm hands drew his thighs apart, knees still bound by his pajama bottoms. "Daddy..."

Goku was enjoying himself tremendously...and taking his time. One good thing about being dead, you had all the time you wanted. And being the savior of the earth, let alone the universe...well...it gave him special privileges. And he had no qualms whatsoever about using them. His fingers were gentle as he traced around his son's soft shaft. No impressiveness here, he was a child, not a porn star, after all. But he knew the potential was there…someday those hormones would start to do their thing, and Gohan would be like him...just like him...and just in time for baby brother.

Oh yes, he knew...he had planted his seed deeply that last night…knowing what the morrow would bring...and it had been far too long between cubs anyway. Saiyajins were a prolific people. Chichi just wasn't his vessel of choice. Maybe Gohan…but there was no guarantee his son would be able to carry cubs. Again, something only time would tell. Smiling as he stroked smooth, hairless balls, he leaned up and kissed Gohan again. "Be quiet. I will tell you when I wish you to speak, and what I wish you to say. This is your first lesson. Learn it well."

Gohan squirmed under his father's touches. He rarely touched himself there, outside of washing, though Mirai was fond of those…places. It gave him strange feelings in the pit of his stomach he wasn't altogether certain he liked. But Daddy's hands were warm…and gentle, so he swallowed as much of his protesting as he could, but he couldn't keep still. My first lesson, he thought. Lesson in what?

Goku was fond of teasing himself, and others. But he had limits and was approaching his. Slowly he drew the pajama pants off, giving him freer access to Gohan's delights and freer movement for his son. Ah…yes, that was better…he pushed Gohan's knees up to his chest and held them there with one massive hand as his other hand caressed and probed his son's tender backside and virgin entrance. Smiling as his son cried out and pulled at the bonds on both his hands and legs, Goku forced the tip of his finger into his son's impossibly tight entrance. "Just a taste, Gohan…" as he let his son's legs fall on either side of his body and moved forward, grinding himself into his son's small groin. "Just a taste of what's to come," he whispered as he kissed and licked around Gohan's neck and ear. "There's so much more to come…."

Oh gods…oh Dende…what…what is he….Gohan could hear his own whimpering around his father's shoulder as the finger in his...was that where he thought it was? It burned…hurt...and somehow Daddy kept it there while he pressed himself into his body. "S…stop…owww…Daddy…don't…" He couldn't help but whine as his legs kicked out. And...Daddy paused, then looked down at him...and Gohan was relieved to see the Daddy he recognized in those eyes.

"Hurts a bit, doesn't it, Gohan?" Daddy's voice was amused and concerned...only a little, and Gohan could only nod in response. He was surprised when Daddy chuckled a little bit. "Well, it's bound to hurt, but this is something I've wanted to do to you for a very long time, so you're just going to have to cry, I suppose." And with that, Daddy kissed him, hard, his tongue filling his mouth, his throat as he tried to cry out for someone, anyone. He barely realized Daddy had taken his finger from him until the weight on his body was suddenly lifted.

Goku wanted his son…NOW. But...not dry, not unprepared. Yes, it was going to hurt Gohan. That was unavoidable. But he wasn't out to damage his small son, that was never his intention. Pulling away from his son, he felt around in the bedside table drawer…what he was feeling for wasn't there. Sitting up and climbing off the bed, he looked around the room, growing more and more frustrated until he finally turned to Gohan and asked somewhat impatiently, "Don't you have any…lotion or anything?"

Swallowing hard and sniffling, Gohan looked up at his father's voice and shook his head, voice wavering. "Mom...makes me keep it in th' bathroom. She…" here he gulped, "never said why…"

Oh for...that was Chichi for you...the brat was barely old enough to know what lovely things you could do with hand lotion, in fact, he suspected he never had done any of what Chichi was attempting to prevent by keeping the lotion in the bathroom. Which just made it all better, but still, he had no wish to run into his wife while getting lubrication in order to fuck his son…

"Where is your mother?"

Tugging on his bonds, Gohan replied, his voice trembly. "Sleeping. She took a pill...so she's sleeping…"

Smirking widely, Goku padded into the bathroom and proceeded to locate the lotion. Cheap stuff…Chichi was good at managing money…still; they'd need to use quite a lot of this to get the job done. Flicking the cap off he sniffed the sharp, tangy scent appreciatively. Orange and tangerine…very nice. Tossing the bottle up and catching it, he whistled contentedly as he walked back into his son's room and paused to admire the view.

Small, perfectly sculpted, bound to the headboard and ki restrained, his face was flushed, tears still apparent on his face, black locks disheveled...Goku didn't think he'd ever seen anything more beautiful. "Well, son…" he smirked widely. "I want you to spread your legs as far apart as you can…go on…" He walked slowly back over to the bed, licking his lips as his son shakily complied, spreading muscular legs to bring even more to view what nestled between them. "Very nice," he said approvingly and caressed the small package there, smiling at his son's not so stifled moan and attempts to get away from his hand. "Gohan…be STILL," he commanded firmly.

Dad's hand was warm…very warm, but it touched those places...he just...he didn't KNOW. It didn't hurt, it kinda felt good, but it also felt very very wrong. "Daddy..." he choked out, "Please..."

Daddy smiled at him and gave his penis a little pinch. THAT hurt, and he yelped and tried to pull away.

"I told you to be still. And what are you begging me for anyway? You want me to get on with it? Is that it? You're ready for what comes next?"

Gohan could only shake his head as he whimpered, "Please…let me go, Daddy…don't…I don't understand..."

His father's voice was soft and he heard the sharp click of the cap on the lotion bottle being flicked open. "I am not going to let you go, Gohan. Don't ask me again, or you will anger me. You don't need to understand. You only need to obey. You are mine. You will give me pleasure, and in time you will learn to gain pleasure from this as well. But for now…I assure you…" here he grabbed one of Gohan's ankles and pulled it up so his rear was half off the mattress, "…the pleasure is all mine…" and Gohan gasped, then cried out as something slick and warm and burning forced its way into him again. Oh gods...it HURT…and it wasn't like before…just a little bit…there was MORE, and the scent of his hand lotion tickled his nose, making him sneeze. He LIKED that lotion, but now...he didn't think he'd ever use it again.

Goku's eyes were eager as he forced his first finger into his son, enjoying the way he had to push to get beyond that tight muscle, and to the heat within. Much better with a little lotion to smooth the way, and Gohan's cries were rather satisfying as well. Lifting the leg a little higher, he added the second finger and wriggled them, smirking at the noises being wrung from his little son's throat. Teasing again...teasing himself, torturing the boy. Better he learn from the first that this was to pleasure his father.

Hn...logistical problem. He wanted more lube, but he had one hand occupied inside Gohan, and the other holding him up by the ankle. Hmmm...well, as much as he liked the picture this made, he'd have to compromise. Dropping the boy back to the mattress he squeezed some more lotion on his hand and worked it in, amused by the way his son's legs tried to close and hide himself.

"Gohan, you're asking for a spanking. Legs down...NOW!!"

A…spanking? Gohan almost wanted to laugh. How could a spanking be a worse punishment than THIS??? Though, since he was seeing a completely different side to his Daddy, he wasn't sure Daddy might not make the spanking worse...so he forced his legs back down to the bed, trying to keep them spread as Daddy seemed to want.

"Good boy," Goku's voice crooned as he leaned over to take the mouthful of his son's soft shaft and balls into his mouth for a tongue bath. Mmmm...soft, smooth, and so small. Well, that really wasn't surprising. He had been fifteen when he'd first met Bulma and hadn't been any bigger or more developed than Gohan was now at eleven. Releasing them, he sat up and wriggled his own pants down and off of his legs, sighing as his erection sprang to attention in the cool, semi-darkness of Gohan's room.

Gohan's eyes were wide...he'd seen Daddy naked countless times. He didn't remember that being so…big or angry looking. He closed his eyes against the sight and so missed his father slowly stroking a palmful of the orange lotion over his leaking erection, though the low moan and hissed exhale of breath were audible to his half-Saiyajin ears.

"This is it, boy..." Gohan's eyes fluttered open as his father laughed lightly. "Time for you to please me." Gohan gasped in relief as the torturous fingers were removed from his body, then couldn't help a cry of surprise as his legs were grasped and his knees pushed into his chest, leaving him feeling wide open and exposed.

Goku smiled at the little form beneath him, so wide open and wet and ready to be deflowered…he moved his hips slightly until his hard, slickened cock head nestled snugly against Gohan's small opening. For a moment, he admired how that looked, and the heat on the very tip of his cock, then he turned his attention to Gohan's face. "Open your eyes and look at me…and don't you close them, or look away." He wanted to see everything. Not waiting for Gohan to answer him, he pushed his hips forward, slowly, firmly, feeling his hardness part the unwilling muscle that fought to keep it out. Gohan's eyes got wider and wider, though he obeyed and didn't look away; tears began leaking out as the flare of his father's head passed the muscle. "IT HURTS….DADDY PLEASE STOP…" Oh that was good…his son's cries made him harder if possible and the weak struggling he was doing was very satisfying. Later, there would be time for mutual pleasure, right now, the power trip he was having was nearly as good as fighting Freeza, and he smiled down at his wailing son as his cock continued to push forward into that searing, small body.

It was too much, there was so much of what was going into him, gods…please Daddy help me it hurts stop Daddy please please please…he was unaware he spoke some or any of those words, unaware of anything except the pain and the heat and his father on top of him. He didn't dare turn his eyes away, and a detached part of himself noticed his father was indeed enjoying this, gaining pleasure from his pain. It must feel good, that part of him decided, for that expression on his face. He's smiling. Is he pleased? Am I pleasing him? Please...

Finally fully within his son, Goku didn't even pause before drawing out and thrusting back in sharply. Yes, this was what he'd been waiting for, gods…"You are so tight, son...so good and TIGHT...and MINE..." he gasped as he settled into a fast, rough rhythm, letting his son's legs fall on either side of him as he leaned down, hips snapping back and forth, in and out, interrupting his son's cries as he fucked him hard. SO much better than Chichi, tighter and hotter than Mirai, and his. That made so much of a difference. He hadn't quite believed Vegeta when he told him, but it was quite true. His son, his. And he wasn't going to let anyone else fuck him, not without him there at any rate. Smirking, he covered his son's open mouth with his own; stifling his cries, though he wasn't worried any longer about the noise, knowing Chichi was deep in a medicated sleep.

His wrists chafing in the ki-restraints, Gohan was gasping and struggling for breath, then began crying once more when his father kissed him again. Was there anything in the world besides his father? He surrounded him, penetrated him, was filled to the brim with him...maybe Daddy was all that existed. Maybe he only existed when Daddy did. And wasn't having Daddy here, even if it hurt, better than not having him at all? He thought, that maybe…maybe it was. His mouth was filled with Daddy, breath was hard to come by and more was being forced out of him with every powerful thrust. Good Dende, he felt as though he was being torn apart, and only Daddy holding him was keeping him from flying to pieces.

So much...so long coveting what he had right this second, so good, his son's scent and taste and heat all combining into a heady mixture that served to make him harder and thrust faster. He could feel how his weight and size was assaulting his small, ki-restrained son. One hand crept to his son's onyx spikes and fisted in it, pulling his head back and forcing Gohan's eyes back up to his. "MINE!" was all Goku growled as he thrust hard into Gohan one last time, fingers tightening in his son's mane as he spilled hot, Saiyajin seed into the boy's battered bowels.

Gohan didn't have any screams left in him; the ones he had wanted to shriek out with had been eaten by his father. He gave a weak cry as he felt something hot and liquid splash inside him, then leak out around his father, still lodged inside him, now squashing him as he'd collapsed on top of him for some reason. He didn't quite dare to wriggle to get a more comfortable position, his father's fist was still hurting his scalp, and his head was nestled beside his neck, breathing hard. This wasn't so bad, though. Daddy was…here. Almost protecting him in a way.

Goku took a few minutes to come down from his orgasm. He was pretty sure he'd never cum so hard in his LIFE. He'd be tempted to do it again, but not yet. This was enough for now. Vegeta had been right in all regards. He was going to have to seriously re-think his habit of not trusting what the dark prince told him in the future. Pulling his semi-soft shaft from his son, he purred loudly and cuddled him, nuzzling his cheek affectionately and kissing his temple. "Good boy, Gohan. You did a good job, son. I'm proud of you, I love you so much Gohan. Good boy."

At that, Gohan opened hesitant eyes and looked over at his father, nearly bursting into tears when he saw his father looking at him so tenderly. Daddy DID love him...he hadn't been lying before, and he was proud of him. He did a good job. He pleased Daddy.

Goku yawned and rubbed a hand down Gohan's body, teasing his groin and kissing him deeply. He would never get tired of his son's body. Not as it was now, nor when he grew into adulthood. He knew that now. He envied Vegeta, having Mirai right now, and baby Trunks to look forward to in the coming years. Though...he reminded himself...he would soon have a new son as well. Unfastening his belt where it tied Gohan's wrists to the headboard, but leaving the ki-restraints on, he rubbed Gohan's little chaffed wrists and kissed them. "You're so pretty when you're tied up, we'll have to try a different position next time, my little one," as he gathered him into his lap, croon-purring. He couldn't seem to stop purring.

Gohan's breath was still coming in hiccupping gasps, but he snuggled into Daddy's embrace automatically. Daddy was purring and holding him and…loving him. So wonderful. This...this was worth…whatever `that' had been. It was. As long as he could have his Daddy, and his Daddy's love, he didn't care what Daddy did. As long as he could please his Daddy, he would be happy. He nodded, not really understanding what Daddy meant, but if that was what Daddy wanted, that's what he would do.

Unseen above him, Goku smiled. The training had begun. He'd had his son, with the promise of more to come.

Life...or death...simply did not get any better than this.


To be continued….in the next story of the series