Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What Really Happened During The Three Year Gap ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: (singing) If I had a million dollars, if I had a million dollars, then I would buy my way into the DBZ merchendise and be able to say I at least owned a part, but I don't...

Hey, me again, I'd just like to say that I'm probably the most die- hard B/V fan to ever walk this sweet green planet, and I'm also well aware that I'm supposed to be writing chapter 4 of my other fic, but this idea has just been haunting me endlessly, and well, needless to say, it just had to be written... And it might as well have been me to do it. Now I am (somewhat) proud to present...


(Let the Bells Ring Out and the Banners Fly!)

Ah yes, the infamous Three Year Gap. Probably the most pondered and over- written era in all DragonBall Z. I doubt there is a DBZ site or author out there who hasn't put their two- cents worth in a one time or another. I figured I might as well add my own to the already much over- used topic of every true fan's mind: Exactly _HOW_ did Bulma and Vegeta stay in the same room without killing eachother long enough to create Trunks!?! (I know very well *what* they were doing to result in our lavender- haired hybrid, what I really ment was _what_ on Kami's sweet green earth (Chikyuu... whatever) were they thinking!)

Here are three options. Don't be suprised if the first two are frighteningly familiar, they are the most popular opinions. The last one is what I believe deep down in my wittle heart passed between the most lemony couple (with Trunks and Pan coming (no pun intended) in at a close second) in all of DBZ:


Vegeta was in the gravity room, training restlessly for the coming of the dreaded androids that the mysterious boy from the future had forwarned them of. His mind drifted to the boy, there was just something about him that seemed so familiar, but he just couldn't place it! And the fact that a mere boy, a _halfling_ brat no doubt, could do the one thing that he could not, no matter how hard he tried....

Tap into the legendary power of the Super Sayain.

He grit his teeth in frustration. Why? First that Kami- forsaken third- class circus clown Kakarotto, now some mystery bratling that most likely wasn't even born yet! It was as if the gods took pleasure at ripping everything he cared for from him and dangling it just out of his grasp... This herolded in a thousand memories that he had tried to forget. The loss of his father, the cruelty of Freeza, the destruction of his people, death... Faliure. His hands fell limply to his sides. Failure. That's all he was, a complete and utter failure. He drifted over to one of the small viewholes in the capsule. The stars glittered with a detached beauty, unhidden by the semi- transparent tufts of cloud that hung in the night sky. Oh how he longed for those stars again, the sad comfort they gave him, the endless reatchs of space streatching on for eternities of solitude. The lonliness of space was a reflection of the emptiness he felt inside. He mentaly cursed his weakness, he knew that it was his destiny, he was born alone, and would die alone, plain and simple... But he couldn't help but be tortured by those two most horrible words: 'What if?' He shook his head, it wasn't like there was any sayajin females left anyways, and be damned if he was going to sire some hybrid brat.

He turned back to his training, but for some reason, could not get the picture of the blue- haired woman out of his head. Her silky hair, her rounded face, the way her ocen eyes lit up when she laughed, the way that whenever she was around, everything was as it should be in the universe. He squeezed his eyes shut. Damn her! Damn her for haunting his thoughts and making him feel this way!

Suddenly, the gravity room's door started to hiss open, the generator died imediatly as it was programed to do, leaving him feeling dizzy and lightheaded from the rapid change of pressure. He swayed slightly as he turned to give all hell to the fool who would interupt his training, but the words died in his throught when he saw Bulma, shadowed by the moon and trembling. His sensitive hearing could pick up her soft sobs. He dived for her when he saw her start to colapse, both of them landing rather uncerimoniously on the gravity room floor. He held her tightly as she cried into his chest, enthralled by her sweet scent. She soon calmed down enough to speak.

"It's over. This time it's really over for good," she gasped thickly onto his shoulder, his own musky smell intoxicating her, his warm arms around her, comforting. "I won't be played a fool by that bastard ever again..." she choked out. Vegeta's eyes narrowed, so she finally saw through that weakling's lies, she was better off without a cheating coward like him anyway. He whispered this softly into her ear, gently nibbling on her lobe. She gasped quietly, but she didn't pull away. "You're right," she answered in a hushed tone, "I don't need him..." she wraped her pale arms around his waist and looked him straight in his hypnotyzing, obsidian black eyes. "...I need you Vegeta, I've needed you since the first day I saw you... I love you." she whimpered softly as the gentle tears streamed down her face again, her eyes shining into his own, like a beam of scencerity pericing through the layers of ice he had built around his own heart, and in that moment, he knew. He knew. He felt his own eyes become dangerously moist. He didn't have to be alone. Not anymore.

"Do you have any idea how long I've waited to hear that?" his voice cracking slightly with the raw emotion that was pounding in his chest. She looked deep into him with awe. He gently brushed his fingertips across her plush lips.

"Promise that you'll never leave me..." she whispered quietly, her lips brushing against his fingers.

"Never." was his soft reply as he slowly leaned in and gently melded her lips with his own. They kissed in an almost shy way, their lips massaging eachother as they each explored the other's mouth. After a few minutes, Bulma laid her hands on his chest as a signal to stop. They parted reluctantly.

"Vegeta..." a pink blush stained her lovely cheeks. "Will you be my first... and only?" He looked at her, blushing softly and innocently for a few seconds before re- uniting their lips, this time more passionently, and they joined as one that night in their before undiscovered love for one another.


And there we have the first scenario, the other two will be written as seperate chapters as this page is getting far too long. Feedback would be greatly appriciated ^^