Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What's Simple Is True ❯ Bardock's Secret ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Vegeta eyed the taller Saiyan in disbelief. Yes, it was definitely Bardock. He looked exactly like Goku except with scars on his face. What was he doing here? Frieza had told him that Bardock, along with all the other Saiyans, had been destroyed when Vegeta-sei was blown up.
Bardock squinted in the bright sunlight as he looked around. Who was talking to him? He leaned forward in the shade and gasped when he saw who it was.
"P...Prince Vegeta!" Bardock immediately dropped to his knees and bowed in front of his Prince, forehead pressed to the ground.
"Hey Vegeta! Vegeta!" Goku cried, pointing to Bardock's backside, hopping up and down like an excited little kid. "He's got a tail! Does that mean he's a Saiyan?"
"No, baka. He's a Namekian." Vegeta growled, irritated as he stepped closer to supposedly dead Saiyan.
"Oh. Too bad." Goku frowned, looking very, very confused. Vegeta slapped his forehead as Bardock looked up, disbelief written all over his face.
"Argh! Kakarrot! I was being sarcastic! Of course it's a Saiyan! And he's your father, idiot!"
"Kakarott? That's Kakarott? That's my son?" Bardock replied, getting up. He stared in shock as Goku grinned and blushed.
"So you're my real dad, huh? Nice to meet you! Oh, and my name's not Kakarott. It's Goku."
Bardock glanced at Vegeta who only shook his head. “A story for a different time Bardock. Now why the hell are you here?”
Bulma had been inching closer and closer to the three Saiyans, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. She kept glancing at Vegeta apprehensively, lest he grab her and throw her to the ground again.
"Oh no! Not another Saiyan!" she groaned, looking up at the sky.
Vegeta chose to ignore her little comment. He wanted to know why Bardock was here and where he had been.
"Bardock!" Vegeta snapped, taking the older Saiyan's attention away from Bulma. He didn't like the way Bardock was looking at her. Vegeta walked over to Bulma's lawn chair and grabbed the towel, throwing it at her. She glared at him but wrapped herself up nonetheless. "Where did you come from Bardock?"
Bardock cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. "I actually came here looking for my son, Kakarott." His eyes flickered to Goku as he waited for his long lost son's reaction, but Goku was busy telling Bulma who the strange Saiyan was and what had happened.
"That's not what I meant, third class." Vegeta growled. "I meant where did you come from? Where have you been all these years?"
The older Saiyan cocked his head in puzzlement. "Vegeta-sei, your Highness."
Vegeta's mouth dropped. "Wh...what?! But Frieza destroyed Vegeta-sei when I was a boy! Frieza told me all about it!"
Bardock's eyes narrowed in anger. "That son of a bitch. No, Vegeta-sei is alive. And flourishing. Ever since Frieza was mysteriously killed a few years back, we've regained control of our planet. When we heard Frieza and his minion's had been destroyed, your father assumed you'd been killed too. He'll be so relieved to know that you are alive and well sire!" He suddenly became quiet as realization dawned on his face. "You did it, didn't you Vegeta Ouji? You killed Frieza."
Vegeta's eyes became dark as he hung his head in shame. And then he said the hardest words he felt he'd ever have to say.
"No." He growled softly. "Your idiot son over there did. He became the Legendary Super Saiyan and killed Frieza."
"Bu...but that's impossible! He is only a third class Saiyan! You...you are a Prince!"
Bardock suddenly felt Vegeta's hand clamp around his throat. The Saiyan Ouji snarled and lifted Bardock of the ground, tightening his grip.
"Do you not think I realize that, fucker?!" he hissed. "I have to think about it every second of every fucking day! And I swear on Vegeta-sei, if you ever mention that again, you'll find yourself blasted to HFIL before you can even say 'Frieza'." He dropped Bardock unceremoniously to the ground, wiping his hand on his swimming trunks.
"What's going on here Vegeta?" Goku asked, frowning. "That wasn't very nice you know."
"Shut up baka. Bardock, what are you going to tell my father when you return?"
"Prince Vegeta, I was hoping I could take my son back to Vegeta-sei with me- "
"Oh, oh, oh! I'll go, but only if I can take Chi Chi and Gohan with me! I've always wondered what Vegeta-sei is like!"
"Chi Chi, Gohan? Who are they?" Bardock asked his son.
"Chi Chi is my mate and Gohan is my son. They can come too, right?"
Bardock looked a little overwhelmed, but nodded his head anyway.
"Oh, Vegeta and Bulma, you should come too!"
"Why?" Bulma and Vegeta asked at the same time. They glared at each other.
"So Chi Chi can have someone to talk to and so I can have a really strong sparring partner!" Goku told them, acting as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Bulma looked skeptical for a minute. "Well, okay. I've always wanted to see alien technology. And Namek wasn't the most technical place. Yeah, okay."
Everyone turned to look at Vegeta.
"Of course I'm going! And once I return to Vegeta-sei I'm never coming back to this mud ball planet! I will finally fulfill my destiny and become the strongest King Vegeta-sei has ever seen!"
Bulma only rolled her eyes.
It took Vegeta, Goku, Bardock, Bulma, Chi Chi and Gohan nearly eight hours the next morning before everyone was settled and ready to blast off for Vegeta-sei. Goku was already raiding the fridge while Chi Chi was fussing over Gohan who was desperately trying to get away so he could talk to his bewildered Granddad. Vegeta looked ready to kill, his left eyebrow twitching dangerously. Bulma was the only on who was still in a generally happy mood because she was the one everyone had to wait for while she made sure she had everything she needed.
"Okay guys, here we go!" All she got in response was a few groans and a rather threatening growl from Vegeta. "Oh, 'Geta, don't be such a party pooper!"
"Do not tempt me Woman." was the only reply she received.
Bulma harrumphed and set Vegeta-sei's coordinates into the navigation system of the space ship. Since Bardock's pod had been far to small to fit all of them comfortably, Bulma had borrowed a state of the art spaceship from her father.
Bulma stood up and stretched, deciding that a nap would be a good idea. It would take them nearly a week to get to Vegeta-sei and she thought sleeping might make the time go by faster.
Just as she took a step towards one of the bedrooms, the ship lurched dangerously and she went sailing into Vegeta's chest. Vegeta opened one eye.
"Woman, I know you find me irresistible but honestly, if you want me all you have to do is ask." He chuckled as she snarled in outrage.
"Oooohh...VEGETABLEHEAD!" she shrieked, not being able to come up with anything else as she stormed out of the main room. Chi Chi shot a glare at Vegeta before following Bulma into the bedroom, wanting to find out what was going on.
The Saiyan males looked at each other and all cleared their throats.
"So..." Bardock started.
"Hey, Granddad, what's it like having a tail?" Gohan questioned, eyeing the 'fuzzy belt' around Bardock's waist. Bardock looked at Vegeta, Goku and Gohan, noticing for the first time that they didn't have their tails.
"What happened to your tails?!" he asked, wide eyed.
"Grumblegrumblegotcutoffgrumble..." they all mumbled together.
Bardock flinched.
They all talked for a while about missing their tails (except Bardock), how they wished they could go Super Saiyan (except Goku) and fighting (all of them). However, their discussions were cut short when all of their stomachs rumbled. They looked at each other and proceeded to march to the kitchen.
What ensued next was pure chaos.
~ * ~
After persuading Chi Chi that everything was fine, Bulma had fallen into a light sleep.
She awoke to the smell of something burning. She rolled over and groaned. 'What the HFIL? Chi Chi has never burned anything in her life.' She drowsily thought to herself. She opened her eyes, sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed and screamed. Chi Chi shot out of the bed next to Bulma and immediately crouched into a fighting stance.
"What?! What's going on?!" she looked at Bulma, then straightened up, sniffing the air. "What's that smell?"
"Oh Kami Chi. Promise me you won't freak, but I think Bardock, Vegeta, Goku and Gohan are all in the kitchen. Cooking. By themselves!"
"They wouldn't DARE!" Chi Chi growled, pulling her boots on.
"Now wait a minute Chi! It might not be as bad as it...smells!" Bulma said as she tried to reason with an irate Chi Chi. Chi Chi only ignored her friend as they made their way to the kitchen.
Bulma prayed silently that Chi Chi wouldn't kill them. After was seemed an eternity to Bulma, they reached the door to the kitchen where the smell of something being burned was unbearable. Bulma wasn't sure if Chi Chi ripped the door off the hinges when she kicked it, but couldn't see anything as they were engulfed by black smoke.
"Oh no! Chi Chi! I can explain...! You were asleep and I-"
"Ouchies! Chi Chi! Put the frying pan down! It's okay! We'll clean it all up...!"
"To HFIL you will! ALL OF YOU!"
"Listen, mate of Kakarott, the Saiyan Ouji does not-"
"Oooh...you just sealed your fate, bitch."
"No Vegeta! Don't hurt Chi Chi!"
"Yeah, leave my mom alone!"
"Oh dear Kami, 'Geta, don't kill Chi Chi!"
Bulma leapt on to Vegeta's back, knowing that it would do no good but figuring she'd try anyway.
"Woman, get the fuck off me before I blast you." Vegeta snarled as he stopped dead in his tracks.
"Oh 'Geta, you won't kill me." Bulma giggled in his ear.
Vegeta repressed the shudder that threatened to run through his body. This was oddly arousing to him...He shook himself, disgusted.
"Oh yes I will."
"No you won't."
"Yes I will."
"Damn it woman! I WON'T blast you!!!" Vegeta's eyes widened as soon as the words were out of his mouth.
Bulma giggled, smirking. "Told ya so."
Vegeta looked up at the ceiling, seething with unreleased anger. It was six days later and he still couldn't believe his woman had gotten him to say that!
Wait a minute...HIS woman?
"Argh, where the fuck did that come from?" he groaned as he rolled over and covered his head with the pillow.
What was wrong with him?
It had all started that one-day when Vegeta had blown up the GR. He remembered waking up the morning after and seeing Bulma asleep at her desk. Then suddenly he found himself being thrown head first into a friendship with her. Vegeta hadn't known what to say, much less how to act for the first few weeks. You could imagine his relief when that first fight broke out and he realized nothing had changed.
Vegeta rolled over again and glared angrily at the wall. And now his woman and somehow enchanted him, making him feel strange feelings that he had never felt before. Wait a minute...HIS woman?!
"'Geta, everything okay in there?"
"Everything is just FINE woman!"
"Well it doesn't sound like it! I'm coming in there right now!"
"You...you can't!" Vegeta panicked, not wanting to see Bulma after he had been thinking all of those things about her. "I...I'm not dressed Woman!"
Pause. "Oooookaaaay, Veggie-chan."
He sighed, relieved that his lie had worked. Humans were so peculiar when it came to nakedness. Outside the door, Bulma's hand grasped the doorknob gently and she tested it out, her grin getting bigger as she found it was unlocked. She decided she didn't really mind if Vegeta was naked or not. In fact, she giggled, she might even enjoy it. She barged through the door and leapt onto the bed, landing right on top of Vegeta. Vegeta jumped a mile in the air and they both ended up entangling themselves in one big mess of arms, legs and sheets.
"Hello 'Geta." Bulma giggled, looking at him. She propped her head on her hand and continued, ignoring Vegeta's murderous glares. She felt a little disappointed that he was fully clothed. Why had he lied to her? "I just wanted to let you know that we'll be landing on Vegeta-sei in a little over an hour. I thought His Royal Highness might like to make himself presentable."
"Woman, I am always presentable. I don't take fucking five hours to get ready like you do. I was born with my good looks." He smirked and tugged at the strand of aqua hair that fell across her face playfully.
Vegeta quickly snatched his hand back, angry with himself for doing something like that.
"Right 'Geta. I'll come get you when we land, okay?" Bulma snickered as she disentangled herself from his bed sheets.
"Whatever Woman."
Bulma smiled and shut the door softly behind her. Vegeta could be such a softy sometimes. She found herself oddly pleased that he only shared that side with her.
~ * ~
Minutes before landing everyone on board was running around in complete disorder, making sure no one left or forgot anything.
"TWO MINUTES! Two minutes everyone!" Bulma bellowed as she yanked the controls up, sending everyone flying into the opposite wall. As she brought the ship down, everyone went sliding into the other wall.
"Watch out Vegeta-sei, here we come!"
All the response she received was a chorus of grumbles and one threatening growl from Vegeta. Bulma rolled her eyes and pushed the big blue button and the door swung open slowly.
“Welcome to Vegeta-sei. State your name and business please.”
Vegeta stood and strutted over to the door, the biggest smile any of them had ever seen plastered on his face.
"It is I, your Prince, Vegeta the Fourth of Vegeta-sei."
A/N: I've always seen Vegeta as a potty-mouth, hehe. Please REVIEW and let me know what you think! ^_^