[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is just a little something I put together one day. It's a poem about Vegeta. It's MINE so anyone who takes it will die a horrible death. You think I'm kidding? Anyway, please R/R, NO FLAMES please, get a life instead of insulting people's hard work.

What's the Matter With You? By Shauna Mc.

What's the matter with you,

My bold Saiyan Prince?

I know that you can't help it since

Frieza made you what you are,

Without a chance to be anything more.

Why hurt those who never harmed you,

My brave Prince Vegeta, what's the matter with you?

Why do you have to fight everyone,

Whether under moon or sun?

I understand it's in your blood,

But your barrier is thick as mud.

How can I get through to you?

To tell you that you shouldn't do

All the things you seem to enjoy,

Ever since you were just a boy.

You've always had a bloodthirsty way,

Right until this very day.

Why do you like to destroy and kill?

Watching how the blood does spill

Onto the ground, fly through the air,

Under your cold, uncaring stare.

Your cocky grin and evil laugh,

Come on now, Prince, just do the math.

Killing people and hearing their screams,

Without ever knowing what it means

To seal your fate to eternal damnation

From your time of birth, your time of creation.

Why can't you understand what I'm saying?

The ultimate price you will be paying!

Don't be so cocky all the time,

There is a reason to this rhyme.

You'll get caught by that one flying punch,

From then on in, you'll be out to lunch.

You'll be dead before you know it!

You're really afraid, but you don't show it.

What good is it to end up dying,

Cruel Saiyan Prince, I am not lying.

Some care for you but you don't see

What could have been, what still might be.

You might know love, it might be cool

To be swimming in a different pool

Of different feelings, thoughts, emotions,

As vast and wide and deep as oceans.

But, instead, you choose to fight,

And sometimes it just isn't right,

The things you do, the things you say,

You know one day you'll have to pay.

Maybe with guilt, perhaps your life

You truly need to end this strife.

You choose to kill and fight and blast.

Is it to escape your past?

It will not work, I tell you now,

You'll never get people to bow

Down at your feet if you kill them all.

Prince Vegeta, hear my call.

Picking your victims and running them through,

My cold Prince Vegeta, what's the matter with you?