Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What T.V. Didn't Show: Dragonball Chronicles: Emperor Zolly Saga ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This story is something I thought of after Dragonball GT showed the last episode. I had been wondering what happened after Goku leaving? What happened to Pan through her life before she was old? What new enemies did they encounter? And what was the fate of all the other characters in the story? These and many more questions popped into my head when they said the end. Well, since they don’t plan to tell you, here’s my version. This story is completely made up. The only thing that isn’t imagined is the characters, though the personalities of the people may change. Well on with whatever.

Disclaimer: Really wishing I did, but sadly, I don’t. Again, this is stupid, there is no way someone is going to write fanfiction on their own story.

What T.V. Didn’t Show: Dragonball Chronicles: Emperor Zolly Saga
By: CowgirlUSA

Let me tell you something, everyone thought that after the evil dragons of the Black Star Dragonballs were defeated that all would be just fine and dandy. We were all wrong. In fact, things just got worse. Terrible tragedy struck. Many deaths occurred, some because of fighting enemies, others because of old age. What your about to read is just the beginning. Emperor Zolly was the leader of a very peaceful race in the universe. Some say that he had been controlled by a greater force, causing the once peaceful Zimbolians turn into a terror to the entire universe. Everything seemed to go down hill after that. Nothing good could come. With Goku still gone and the Dragonballs forever missing, we were forced to face a great threat that we had no time to prepare for. Maybe that is why things happened as they did. But, maybe first I should tell you a bit about everyone.

Trunks is still mostly the same, except, he no longer works at Capsule Corps. Believing he needed to train more since Goku was gone, Trunks has been training really hard with Vegeta, Piccolo, Gohan, Uub, Goten, Videl, Dende, Yamcha, Marron, Uub, Tien, Krillen, Eighteen, and Bra.

Bra has changed drastically. Seeing that I, only a quarter Saiyan, was stronger than she, became jealous. Some of Vegeta’s genes playing in there, I suppose. Anyway, she now leaves behind her red mini skirt, slutty top, and over the knee boots, for black t-shirts, camouflaged baggy jeans with chains, and black hiking boots. Her blue hair has been cut about to the middle of her ears, similar to Trunks’ style I suppose.

Bulma now once again is president of Capsule Corps. Though upset about her children falling in their father’s footsteps, she accepts it. Now working on a machine that can read people’s thoughts, she spends most of her time down in the lab. It’s about the size of a hearing aide, and can work quite nicely in certain situations. Her orange dress has been replaced by jeans and boots. A purple t-shirt, and a Capsule Corps denim jacket that has the logo for Capsule on the sleeves.

Vegeta is the only one who stood a chance against the tyrant when he first arrived. Thankfully he did buy us time to train, but he lost his life in the process. The loss of Vegeta to Bulma makes her give up her project, sending her into old lady mode. Bra felt the loss as well. No longer having the head of her family there as sent her into a state of confusion. Now, all she has to look up to and train her, is her older brother Trunks. Vegeta left behind a giant hole of devastation once he left.

Goku was still a little boy the last time I saw him. Flying away on the back of Shenron, the day he waved goodbye to his friends and family was the last day I ever saw him. Hopefully he would return before the entire world was destroyed.

Chi Chi is pretty much the same. Still got the frying pan that sends any Son family member and Trunks into a nervous wreck. She now lives without her two sons and mate because of the evil that plagues this planet. Though she does not live alone. I live with her. The same year that Grandpa Goku left was the year everyone, except little old me, left to train in a remote area somewhere. So now, I’m being raised with two women, Bulma and Chi Chi, we’re always over there, and I am not allowed to train.

Goten is no longer the guy that could of been Goku’s double. He now is colder, darker, in a way I suppose. Or that’s how it seems from his letters home. Oh yeah, it seems that they(Bulma and Chi Chi) have disowned him from the family, along with all the others. They don’t want the fighting, they even think it better to let the world blow up. So, in results, Goten now only opens up to Trunks. Hell, they think that I too, do not like them. That’s what grandma and Bulma say in the hateful letters they send.

Gohan is, of course, my loving father who is still way over protective. But, even though I love him dearly, he now disowns me, because he thinks I betrayed him, by turning my back on them like grandma and Bulma. Man, can life ever be complicated. Though I’m sure you figured it out, that dad is no longer the geeky genius he was previously, he now fights full blast like the old days.

Videl is my mother and believes that, along with all the others, I let them down. You see she returned to fighting as well, hoping to be of some help when the need arises. She will be, she’s the strongest (both emotionally and physically) woman I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Too bad I haven’t seen her in the last three years.

And then there’s me. The person no one trusts anymore. The one that the entire family thinks turned my back on them. And the one that seems to get in more trouble than Trunks got himself and Goten in when they were younger. Every time I turn the corner, I am always getting threatened with the frying pan. Oh yeah, and just because they didn’t allow me to train, I still do. There is a secret area that only Trunks, Goten, and I know about. It was our special spot since we were the youngest of the fighters, and constantly being picked on by the rest. It was our place to feel equal. But, now I’m the one that is secluded from the group. All alone, I stand tall. Never going to give in. Ok, one more thing, my wardrobe has changed slightly over the years. Instead of wearing the family color red, I now wear a white tank-top. Instead of wearing chains that I had picked up from the tuff Briefs’ family, I now wear normal flared denim jeans. No longer do I wear the boots that everyone else sports, I wear white tennis shoes instead. I still have my bandana, since it was my style, and mine alone, though it is no longer orange, it was replaced by a white one. My hair has grown some, as well. Two long strands fall to frame my tanned face. While the other strands are held back by the bandana.

Well, that’s all I’m gonna say or I’ll ruin the story. And with these final words that I say to this very day, I’ll end this.

‘Dear Dende, please help us!’

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The ones that have the words made-up by them are the ones I couldn’t find the age on so I just wrote something down. Remember, that these are not the ages when the show ended. They are three years after that.

Trunks: 32
Bra: 19
Vegeta: 69
Bulma: 64
Goku: 53 (you must remember that Goku did die several times, that is why he is so young)
Chi Chi: 60
Gohan: 42
Videl: 42
Pan: 18
Uub: 26(made-up)
Marron: 21
Krillen: 61
Eighteen: 55(made-up)
Piccolo: 65(made-up)
Dende: 41(made-up)
Master Roshi: 92(made-up)

Another thing you need to know is Sayains live for a very long time. So, these ages are very young compared to their life span. In fact, the oldest living Sayain in history lived to be 5, 264 years. Again this is made up, not real, but something I wanted to add to the story.

Ok, what did ya think. Please review and tell me. I hope you like where this is going. I just wanted to say what I think could be a possibility for what happened after, the series ended. All the villains do belong to be unless I state that it is the return of someone. Well, with nothing more to say, I believe it is time for me to say bye-bye. See ya!

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