Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Got ❯ 'Bam!' snap your head back, in half ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 4: 'Bam!' snap your head back, in half

His eyes fluttered opened, seeing a pale golden ceiling greeting his eyes. His head ached terribly, but that pain didn't compare to the wounds that coated his body. How long had he been sleeping? The hunger in his stomach suggested a long time. Rising shakily, he searched around him. It appeared to be a simple bedroom, barely furnished. There were two doorways, one probably leading to a closet or bathroom and the other allowing escape. Bardock moved to the closest one and discovered that it led to a long corridor.

He stepped outside, trying to wipe away the dried blood that coated his chest and arms.

"You shouldn't be out of bed, mate," came a snarl. Bardock turned to see one of the infamous men of the Ginyu Force standing in the hallway. He'd never meet the senshi of Frieza, but their reputation didn't allow them to go unknown. The alien was nearly Bardock's height, with brightly colored orange skin and thick white hair that fell to his thighs.

"Where am I?" Bardock questioned fearfully as his memories rushed back to him. Just moments ago he'd been facing Frieza, preparing to die, and now he stood before on of Frieza's most trusted men…

"I sent for thee," came the quiet reply. Bardock spun, his eyes widening as he saw the beautiful Saiyajin women he'd seen when everything had changed. "You…"

"Hai, me," she whispered with a faint purr, scratching the head of her kitten. "I am the Prophetess of Lord Frieza."

Bardock observed the woman, taking in the odd looks and white eyes. There was no telling where Frieza was or what powers the Saiyajin before him held. She could be completely loyal to Frieza or plotting his demise, and until Bardock was able to figure out which, he had to maintain his loyalty to the demon that meant to destroy Vejita-sei, especially sense one of the Ginyu Force stood just feet away. They, certainly, were loyal to Frieza. He bowed respectfully, curling his arm beneath his wounded stomach. "Prophetess, I have many questions."

"I am aware, and thee will like none of the answers thou wilt receive. Jess, thou art dismissed. Bardock, Father of Kakarrotto, follow me."

Shocked she knew the name of his son, Bardock quickly rushed after the Saiyajin as she sat the cat on the floor and begin walking. The black and gray animal mewed and went on with its merry business, moving in the opposite direction. Through endless bare hallways they were led until Bardock found himself in the medical ward. A light-blue skinned alien with three sets of eyes stepped forward and motioned him to a table. Bardock gave the Prophetess a strange look and followed the creature's instructions, allowing his wounds to be tended to.

"Thou wilt be confused. It is understandable, but time is little, and they are coming. His demise will take time, and careful plotting, and you must be silent, wise, and accepting." Her tone was serious, commanding attention and refusing to be ignored. Bardock's full gaze rested in the white eyes that seemed to be alive with off-colored smoke of a vision. She spoke rapidly, as if she had prepared her words months' prior. "The time you are from is not the time that exists now. Vejita-sei was destroyed months ago. Few Saiyajins survived, two being your son, one being the Saiyajin no Ouji. Their lives are being rethreaded as we speak, and they come swiftly."

Bardock nodded, wincing as a burning liquid was rubbed on his burns. His eyes never faded from the women that rested before him. She continued speaking, informing him on everything that was happening, and throughout it all he remained silent.


In a meditative state he sat, legs folded beneath him, hands resting on his knees as his mental world was reshaped inside his mind. Everything was strained as he allowed the Prophetess to soar through the darkest corners that even he refused to visit. Hellish nights were revisited, nights he had buried to never be seen again. Tears filled his eyes as he felt shame and indignity resurface, reliving the nights where not even his pride remained.

In the sight of his mind was nothing but endless white. Vejita knew that only a few feet away Gokou sat as well, seeing the same thing and feeling the same intrusion in on his mind, though his thoughts were not as painful as what Vejita felt. Between the two men stood the Prophetess, a faint white aura circling her carefully sculpted body.

Ignoring the painful memories that were forced to reopen, he instead stared upon the endless whiteness that greeted him. The doorway would appear here and allow him to cross over the veils of reality. Gokou would appear soon, when their minds were linked, and when that happened he could shove back all the thoughts into the tiny box where they belonged.

Something formed amid the white. It was a dark flash before it faded back. Vejita winced as he tried to focus the dark blur as it again began to reappear. 'Kakarrotto?' his mind whispered. He stepped forward, feeling his mental-self becoming more tangible than just thoughts. His soul was leaving his body, embodying itself within his mental projection of self. He stepped forward in the whiteness, reaching for the person who could only be Gokou.

It wasn't Gokou! The thought flashed quickly before the black blur took form in the body of the Prophetess, a sword resting in her left hand, hanging loosely. Vejita stepped back nervously, searching for his ki only to find that in the world of the mind it didn't exist.

'Do not fear the Goddess of Destruction, my malice knight,' she whispered without moving her lips as she stepped through the land of white - an evil empress overtaking a pure land.

'You aren't the Prophetess, are you?' Vejita questioned nervously, eyeing the weapon in her hand. The woman shook her head. 'I am the Guardian of the Gates - known to you only as the last familiar image that you have seen.' She held up the sword, white slowly began to glow with her power, transforming into a long staff with a golden jewel that the end. 'Goddess of Destruction?' Vejita asked cautiously.

The creature in the shape of the Prophetess nodded, motioning towards the whiteness around them. In a flash it had faded, transforming into endless black that held a dark familiarity to Vejita. It was his land: Vejita-sei. He could see the faint remains of his castle in the distance. Rage filled him, but as soon as he felt the emotion she stepped before him, the jewel of the scepter pressing against his shoulder and yet not connecting at all. 'Dash to fight a creature unguarded, and another failure is collected on the stack of bodies until the next brave attempt, my malice knight.'

Vejita nodded. It was a lesson that was hard to learn, but one that he knew well. A senshi couldn't fight until they were prepared, and rage only blinded their senses. "How can I pass?"

"You already have," she smiled faintly and motioned behind her, where the whiteness again blended in. Vejita nodded, moving towards the doorway into the next dimension. He paused, however, and glanced over his shoulder to the keeper of the gates. "Kakarrotto?"

"A mind of insanity is cleansed before it passes through the gates," she replied faintly without turning to face the Saiyajin no Ouji. Vejita nodded and continued on, not seeing the devious grin that plastered the face of the gatekeeper.

As the bodies on the physical realm faded from existence, the Prophetess slowly opened her eyes, a matching smile dressing her face. Through her mental connection with her master, she sensed his questioning thoughts within her own. "Hai, Lord Frieza. Vejita is returning to you."


