Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Got ❯ Make the biddies go balistic ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: Make the biddies go balistic -

'I wonder of your loyalty.'

"Thou then wonder of thy own loyalty."


The Prophetess of the timeline Vejita inhabited rested in half-slumber on a warm bed. Cold air blew in from the vents that opened up from the ceiling. Her eyes were closed, and she was nude beneath the sheets. Only a few feet away her lord rested, slumbering deeply as he had many nights by her side. Though her eyes were closed, she was not blind and wondering in darkness, but speaking to another. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach as she whispered the exchange of words.

"Could thou blame me for wavering?"

'Hai, I can. Thou does not need to speak aloud.'

"I have enough voices in my head without adding my own."

'I understand. I need to know, however. Where does your loyalty lay?'

"To thyself, I be true."

'That is not helpful.'

"I have no reason to help thee."

The other Prophetess, of Vejita's natural timeline in which he had long ago ascended and escaped the leash that Frieza had once held around his neck, rested on the edge of the ocean in a very similar position. Her ankles were crossed, and the pale moonlight glittered down across her skin. Her white eyes were shut as she listened to the voice echo in her mind. 'You have every reason to help me.'

"Thou cannot name one."

The past Prophetess was correct. Although there were many reasons for her assistance in the games that were in play, there was no reason for her to help her past self. She would gain nothing in return. Everything that she had ever coveted or desired was now completely out or reach, including sanity, peace, and happiness. That had all been stripped when she was just barely a child, awakening to the world, realizing her strengths and weaknesses. The past Prophetess sighed heavily. 'Please, tell me, because I honestly do not remember. Is it Frieza my loyalty lies in, or is there, somewhere inside me, my loyalty tied to my king?'

"My king is dead," she muttered callously, a frown appearing on her face as her eyes fluttered opened. The white ceiling greeted the Prophetess. Angrily she shut off the communication link between dimensions and rose, allowing her tail to circle her waist in some form of a blanket. Her eyes fell upon the slumbering demon at her side… so weak, so helpless… and yet so unholy and powerful. She gave a quiet purr and knelt down as her kitten awoke, mewing. With a faint smile she took the creature into her arms. "I want to visit my king," she whispered to the animal, scratching its ears. The animal purred and mewed in agreement, but it gave a sad look as the Prophetess sat it down. "No, thee cannot go. Stay here and keep Lord Frieza company. He might be lonely when he wakes up."

The kitten cried out sadly, watching as the female Saiyajin turned and walked out of the bedchamber. Frieza turned in his sleep, muttering something unintelligible.


Kakarrotto paced madly about in the hallways outside of his chamber. His mind was spinning in circles as false memories filled his mind. Why was he having these visions of children flashing about? He snarled and slammed his fist into a wall. He was raging mad at the moment, knowing that his father slumbered just a few feet away. It had been a day of insanity. Vejita and Kakarrotto hadn't been able to associate with the two Saiyajins because of their duties, to which Kakarrotto was extremely grateful. With the image of his father and brother in his head, the day seemed to have drawn out insanely slow. He'd been so exhausted and frustrated that he'd collapsed in the bed, asleep within moments, but just as soon he'd woken up ready to kill, only to be more angered by the fact that Vejita had opted to sleep on the floor instead of by his side where he belonged!

He'd been infuriated when he'd seen that slumbering form on the floor. He'd nearly fired up a ki blast to strike his prince, but had managed to gain control of himself for a brief moment to escape in the hallway.

Across that hallway, behind that metallic door, slept his brother. Down the hallway slept his father. Kakarrotto wasn't sure which one he was more pissed at. His father had sent him away, and his brother hadn't given a damn enough to stop him.

He paused, trying desperately to regain control of his emotions. Vejita's words echoed in his head as they often did when he was too rash or impatient. His prince was right, too. There weren't enough Saiyajins around to just run about killing everyone that had managed to survive. Not only that, but if he did kill Bardock and Raditzu, Vejita wouldn't hesitate to throw him into the rejuvenation tank, and that was only pending Vejita was merciful enough to not end his life. Kakarrotto frowned, folding his arms across his chest as he managed to slow his breathing. He had to make peace with his family, even if he didn't want to. He didn't have to consider them family, but he needed to make peace. If Frieza allowed them to remain on his ship, pending they swore loyalty to the demon, then for the next few months, perhaps even years; they would be battling side-by-side, saving each other's lives. Some form of trust had to exist between Saiyajins who battled together. Still, the lust for blood was overwhelming. How could he make peace with men he wanted to see scream in pain?


The voice was as if glass had shattered within is mind. Kakarrotto's gaze jerked up with a faint gasp, his eyes locking on the metal barrier that separated him from his brother. A feeling of pure panic seized him, as if he had sensed his mate being defeated, but it was so different. He knew Vejita wasn't in danger. He'd left the Saiyajin no Ouji in the bedroom; sound asleep on those cold floors. The voice was no doubt Raditzu's. He'd recognize the voice and day, even if he'd only heard it as an infant. That panicked cry caused all the rage to vanish in the young Saiyajin. Kakarrotto rushed across the hallway and shoved open the door.

Raditzu lay beneath the thin covers. The long raven locks cascaded over his bare sweaty chest. He turned in those sheets, back arching as he rolled over, tugging the thin sheets beneath his chin. His thin lips moved in silent words, brow narrowed together with an emotion mixed of fear and anger. Behind Kakarrotto the metallic electric door slid shut with a click, and with that click Raditzu jerked awake, sleepy eyes narrowing in the darkness of the room. "Kakarrotto?" he whispered nervously. "What are you doing in here?"

"I…" Kakarrotto swallowed, trying to rip his eyes away. The blanket had fallen away from Raditzu's body, showing the muscular and scared chest, the bones of the hips, the fuzzy tail that had unconsciously twirled around the bicep of his arm. He cleared his throat, trying to regain himself as fear overwhelmed his lust. What would Vejita think… no… what would Vejita DO if he found out that Kakarrotto found himself attracted to another? The entire 'not enough Saiyajins left' speech would go crashing out the closest window, along with the Saiyajin. "Your voice… I heard it…" he managed to ground out.

"Oh…" Raditzu muttered, curling his legs beneath him, only to reveal the carefully shaped thighs. Only the edge of the blanket and Raditzu's arms were hiding what Kakarrotto found himself eager to see. "Gomen nasai, Kakarrotto. I guess, seeing you again must have awaked the bond."

"Huh?" Kakarrotto barely managed to comprehend the words that were being spoken. His gaze was focused completely on Raditzu - the firm jaw line, short and thin nose, long graceful neckline, broad muscular shoulders….

"The bond that family Saiyajin have, you know. I only knew you just a few days before you were sent away to Chikyuu, but…"

"Chikyuu?" Kakarrotto muttered with a frown.

"Hai, that planet you were sent to."

Those flashes turned, followed by an endless series of emotions and sights that he couldn't quite focus on - flashes of white, blurs of green, power, chants, friendship…. He saw faces that he could connect no names to. Kakarrotto growled subtly and shook his head, shoving the vision into the back of his mind. "I… I don't remember the planet," he muttered.

Absently, Raditzu nodded. "I understand, brother. Tousan was just so sure about what was coming… those visions he had. He wanted to make sure you would survive. He pushed to have you sent away, and nothing anyone said would convince him otherwise. They believed in your potential. My power level was low at birth, and Bardock's was as well. It was a trait that ran in our line."

"Visions?" Kakarrotto moved towards the bed, sitting down on the edge of it. Raditzu turned towards him with a nod. "Our father was cursed with visions of the fate of our race. Those visions told him that the Saiyajin race was doomed to death. He pushed to have you sent away so you would survive. He sent me away as well, just a few days before you."

He wasn't there…

The thought cleansed away all rage and animosity that Kakarrotto had held. It was amazing that Raditzu didn't despise their father also. Bardock had abandoned them both as children. Raditzu couldn't have been more than five of ten years old when he'd been sent away, certainly not of the age to understand what was truly happening to the both of them, much less prevent it. Relief also filled Kakarrotto. Unable to prevent himself, he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his brother - yes, his brother. It was the first time the word had happily graced his thoughts. He wasn't alone in the universe. Raditzu was with him.

A soft chuckle escaped the elder Saiyajin as he returned the embrace. The warm flesh of his brother caressed his chest as the warm scent that could only be identified as Kakarrotto filled his lungs. He barely felt the lips grazing across his neckline until they pierced flesh, filling the air around them with the aroma of blood. Raditzu tried to pull back with a gasp, but his brother's firm embrace wouldn't allow it. Kakarrotto wasn't sure what he was doing. Everything in his mind was becoming extremely fuzzy, but as the taste of blood on his tongue drove him towards the cliff of madness the visions in his mind slowly tried to shove him over the edge. Images filled his mind, brief ones. He saw a child that resembled a weak Saiyajin being taken by his brother. He felt rage seep through his fingertips as he dashed into the heat of battle. There was a blinding flash of white light… and pain…

With a growl he shoved Raditzu onto his back. These visions were becoming worse, more detailed. He could smell the heat of that light. Whatever the light had been, it had been powerful, and it had caused something to happen… someone to die. Not only were they causing him lunacy, tormenting his dreams, but also they filled him with the desire for blood. It was as if something was inside his skin, screaming to be released, and if he didn't constantly struggle against them then it, whatever IT was, would be unleashed and would beat him down into some small box where he didn't want to be. Raditzu stared up at the growling Saiyajin as Kakarrotto towered over him. The younger sibling's hands had curled into fists, nails threatening to break the skin of his little brother's palms. "Kakarrotto… what…"

"Shut up," Kakarrotto snarled and leaned forward, his lips causing the silence that he had commanded. Raditzu cried out against those warm lips, shocking filling him. Was this the little brother that he had been missing for so many years? He'd never imaged his brother being so… unrestrained. It could have been the result of so many years beneath Frieza's iron grasp, or merely the influence of the hateful and callous Saiyajin no Ouji. Whatever the reason, Raditzu didn't give a damn! His arms circled around Kakarrotto's neck, pulling the Saiyajin forward as his legs intertwined with his brother's.

His thoughts were blind to Kakarrotto's mind. Whether or note the younger Saiyajin was willing was irrelevant. The Saiyajin instincts had overwhelmed Kakarrotto, screaming for him to take control of something since his mind was slowly defeating him. Victory had to be achieved, and since that couldn't be done mentally, physically was the only other option a Saiyajin could perceive. His hands twisted in the long raven locks that overwhelmed his brother's smaller frame, tugging the head back. He felt Raditzu's eagerness pressing against the material of his gi, and it only encouraged the savage acts. Without a second thought, not even a glimmer of Vejita's name in his mind, his fangs sank into his brother's skin.


