Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Got ❯ Sticking to my guns ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 11: Sticking to my guns -

The smirk on his face never once faded as he moved down the dark corridors of the castle on Frieza's planet. Few people paid him any attention. Aliens that littered his path, as usual, darted away in fear of death, but at this moment Vejita wouldn't have killed any of them for any reason. Only one thing tinted his mind - Frieza. Inside he felt the surging golden power screaming to be released, for that demon's blood to coat his hands. He wanted it more than anything he had ever wanted before. Finally, his people would be avenged. The Saiyajin name would remain only coated with the blood of those who had betrayed them and now regretted it as they suffered in hell. All across the universe people would remember that they could not be defeated. A new Saiyajin Empire could be built. The universe would belong to him… as it had always been meant to.

Behind him, Raditzu and Nappa silently followed. He could feel their excitement and eagerness. They would do anything for him now. Their loyalty could not be doubted. If Vejita told them to die, their bodies would drop to the floor before he'd even completed the sentence. He knew Raditzu was trembling with the small betrayal, shocked that Vejita didn't know, waiting to be punished, and it only caused more amusement for the Saiyajin no Ouji.

There wasn't a way he could be defeated. Kakarrotto was nowhere near becoming a Super Saiyajin. He wouldn't be able to intervene and, if he did, his life wound end. Vejita was the only one who could possible defeat Frieza. It would be a long and tiresome fight, but one that he would emerge victorious. The advantage of surprise was in his hands. Frieza wouldn't be expecting this. No one would.

"Ouji-sama!" exclaimed the familiar voice of Bardock. Vejita paused, Raditzu and Nappa mimicking his movements, and turned to see the father of Kakarrotto walking down the halls, with the son in tow. His eyes narrowed as they connected with Kakarrotto's. The elder Saiyajin appeared to be nervous, ashamed, and extremely frightened. A dark smirk grew across Vejita's face, and it caused the young senshi to pause with wide eyes. "Vejita," Kakarrotto offered with a small bow of his head.

Vejita chuckled and looked to Raditzu and Nappa. "Don't tell them. I want them to see it. Nappa, when it begins kill Zarbon. He's more powerful than he looks. Raditzu, kill Dodoria. Kakarrotto, Bardock, you assist them if they need it. Don't any of you die. Run if you must. I can take care of them, but Frieza is my first priority."

"Hai!" the both exclaimed with dark grins. They exchanged amused looks with each other before looking back to the confused father and son duo. Bardock and Kakarrotto stared with confusion, suspicions of the truth visible with the quiet excitement that their eyes showed. Vejita turned and continued down the dark hallway, the four other Saiyajins following silently. There was a definite tension in the air where they walked, and all those they passed by sensed it and trembled in fear of it. It was dark outside of the large castle corridors, as if the sun was afraid to shine, but in the hallways the lights that burned above created light.

Within only a few moments they reached the large room that Frieza normally occupied. It was much like a lounge, couches and seats made lavishly thrown about in various places. The ceiling was made of a clear unbreakable glass, showing the heavens above. The walls were almost completely white except for the occasional banner than hung about the room. The floor had pale blue mixed within the white wood-like material. Vejita paused as he reached the center of the room. Against the far wall Zarbon stood, gazing at a large map that hung on the wall. At the sound of their footsteps he turned with a glare. "Vejita," he snarled in that calm voice that he always seemed to have. The man hadn't changed at all in the month that Vejita had been away, and it wasn't surprising. Frieza wasn't one to like change, especially not in his favorite play toys. Rage filled Vejita as he realized Frieza wasn't in the room. "Where is he?" he demanded.

"Whom?" Zarbon questioned with an annoyed quirk of his brow as he folded his arms over his chest. Behind Vejita, Nappa's quiet and eager growl echoed out. He wanted the battle to begin. Vejita held up his hand and silence followed. His grin only grew. "Frieza, Zarbon. Who else? Where is Frieza?"

"Searching for HIS Prophetess," Zarbon responded with a smirk, causing Vejita's to fade at the reminder that there was a Saiyajin completely beneath Frieza's control. His fists clenched at his side. "I want Frieza and I want that him now."

"Your eagerness for me is quite intriguing, Vejita," came the purr of the demon from the doorway. The five Saiyajins turned to see Frieza standing in the doorway, pink tipped tail curled around his feet. Vejita's pleased grin returned. "Frieza! Finally! I have…" he was cut short as the Prophetess appeared at his side, smiling devilishly at him. She fell against the opposite doorframe, the end of her tail running along the pale wall. "Hello, Vejita."

"Prophetess, silence," Frieza demanded. "Vejita has something to say to me. I want to hear it."

"Hai, Lord Frieza," she nodded, white eyes locked on Vejita's.

Rage filled Vejita as he looked at her slender and beautiful form. This Saiyajin, who could have been a wife to an Elite, was completely loyal to Frieza, and yet at the same time was not. Even the Prophetess didn't know where her loyalties lay. She was helping Vejita in every possible way, but if he attacked Frieza at this moment… with her here… like Zarbon and Dodoria, she would give her life to protect the demon. He didn't doubt it at all. "Bardock," he hissed. The Saiyajin stepped forward with a frown. "Ouji-sama, what is it?"

Vejita grabbed his shoulder and pulled him close. "Prophetess. Get her, take her out of her, far away, off the planet if you can find a ship," he hissed in a whisper.

"Vejita…" Bardock hissed.

"Do it! The second you get the chance do it. Knock her out if you must, but take her away to safety!" He threw Bardock back and stepped forward towards Frieza. "Lord Frieza, there is something I would like to show you, if you will allow me."

"Of course, Vejita," Frieza said with a chuckle as his eyes warily watched Bardock. Before the horned demon had a chance to blink, Vejita flew forward, fists connected with the hard white skin. As he knew it would, Frieza only turned to him with an annoyed glare, but the demon's reaction faded form annoyance to confusion as he saw the smirk on Vejita's face. "Are you searching for death, Vejita?" he asked in a bored voice. Vejita chuckled. "No, death is searching for you."

Zarbon moved forward, prepared to drag Vejita off of Frieza, but, as commanded, Nappa jumped forward and swung. Zarbon fell backwards, clutching his blemished cheek. "What the hell is this?" he exclaimed, but Nappa only answered with another fist, causing Zarbon to go on the defensive against the brute Saiyajin.

"Kakarrotto, help him," Vejita snarled as he stood straight, shoving his shoulders back. The power inside him was screaming with lust, overwhelming his senses. It was bliss to be a Super Saiyajin again. He'd been taking the power for granted for so many years. He began bringing it out, forcing it to the surface. His body was overwhelmed with the familiar gold aura. It wasn't hard to control it. His mind remembered everything, only his body needed to learn. Within merely a few months he could ascend, and perhaps in a few years reach the level above. None of that mattered at the moment, only defeating Frieza, and he knew with every fiber of his being that he could do it. "What the hell is this?" Frieza exclaimed as he stepped back, eyes cautiously watching the transformation. Vejita only laughed aloud, head tossing back as the black locks were set aflame. His burning blue eyes fell upon Frieza. "Tremble, Frieza. It was true, and your destruction of Vejita-sei had no effect on changing the destiny of our race. Bow before the Densetsu no Super Saiyajin, or die."

"You cannot defeat me, you worthless monkey," Frieza snarled as he fell into a defensive position. Vejita chuckled faintly. "Frieza, you are wrong. I know I can defeat you, and you bore me. If you do not transform to your final, pitiful level, then you cannot possibly even inflict damage on me. You're a waste of my time, and shall suffer for all you have done to me."

Frieza's thin red lips curled into a smirk. "Oh, Vejita, don't tell me you didn't enjoy all those nights in my bed, crying my name, begging for me to give you release."

With a feral roar he launched as the demon, fists swinging madly. Each fist connected with speed that even Frieza couldn't dream of. The demon cried out with pain as each blow was struck, and there was nothing he could do to stop any of it. Bardock rushed forward to the Prophetess's side as the fight exploded through the walls, destroying everything in their path. The Prophetess stood in the newly created doorway, hands against the shattered barrier. "Onna, we have to get out of here. Come with me."

"Leave me be!" she exclaimed, shoving him back with surprising strength. She seemed too helpless when she walked down the corridors, surrounded by guards and protected by Frieza. Bardock had forgotten that she had been bred first class, and had not only the beauty, but also the power to go with it. "I have to assist Lord Frieza. He needs help," she exclaimed in a panicked voice, moving over the wreckage. It was the first time Bardock realized that he had never seen the Prophetess fly. He grabbed her arm and hurled her to the floor. She slid across the ground with a painful grunt and looked up to him with eyes that were filled with tears. "Bardock!" she cried out, her voice betraying her. She was nearly in tears. "Lord Frieza…"

"IS NOT YOUR GOD!" he screamed out, rushing towards her. Behind him he heard Raditzu rushing in to help Nappa and Kakarrotto against Zarbon. The scent of blood was in the air, but it was not Saiyajin blood. He knelt down before the panicked Prophetess with a frown, grabbing her wrist. "Listen to me. That creature that has broken your mind and body is not someone to be worshiped. He killed your entire family, blew up our home planet, and made the remaining Saiyajin senshi into callous slaves! DO NOT WORSHIP THAT! Vejita is all that we knell to!" The tears were falling from her face now, and Bardock felt his heart bleeding. She wanted so much to betray Frieza, and she had tried again and again to do so, but with each betrayal she was wrapped further around his white fingers. "He's going to die, Prophetess. Vejita will kill him. All you have to do is let him. Just let him. Come with me, and free yourself." He took hold of her other wrist and pulled her up. The Prophetess fell against him, sobbing. She was just like a child. She'd never been raised properly. The world was a frightening, cold, and cruel place. Without resistance, Bardock led her out of the room and down the back hallways towards the docks.


