Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Need ❯ Part Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Genre: Angst/Romance

Rating: NC-17 for Gratuitous Sex and Language SM NON-CON

Warnings: Yaoi Gohan x Trunks -A present timeline Truhan. Oh and unbeta'd. This is my first attempt at writing by myself, so excuse any mistakes, please.

Disclaimer- I don't own them. Just thought I'd take them out and let them play a bit in my world.

AN: Gohan is divorced from Videl and works at Capsule Corp. Has recently been made Vice-President of Research and Development now that Bulma has retired. Trunks and Gohan live in the Corporate High Rise. One floor away from each other.

Part Two

(Trunks' POV)


He hit me.

That frigid, uptight son of a bitch hit me.

Yeah, I know I'm a saiyajin, but when you're not expecting it... Well, let's just say I was out of it for a while there. I'm not sure exactly how I got up to my suite. There's this gray patch fuzzing those necessary details. All I know is that I woke up with a sensu bean on the pillow beside me and a headache that would stop a fucking bull in it's tracks.

Kami. He hit me.

I should fire his ass, really, I should.

Hold that thought. I provoked him.

I chuckle out loud.

Can't deny that.

Damn. You know it's almost funny when you think about it. I know that he's been wanting to punch my lights out for almost as long as he's wanted to jump my ass. If you look at it in a certain light, this could be a good thing.

I mean he's gotten the angry part out of the way now, so we can move onto the "let's fuck like rabbits" part.

Okay. So I'm crazy. No denying it. What can I tell you? I hate being told no.

I have to wonder about myself at this point. You know... ask a few pertinent questions like- What the fuck am I doing?! Why can't I just let it go?!

I snort at myself. I must be a masochist...

Oh Kami. Definitely.

I get up off the bed and, grabbing the bean, make for the bathroom, turning on the lights.

Oh Fuck! Good job, Gohan. I gingerly touch the swelling around my eye. I can't believe how painful this is. Suck it up, Trunks, you're a saiyajin, you can handle a little pain, I tell myself. Even so, I'm glad for the sensu bean.

I'll give him this much, he's got one hell of a punch when he's mad. I'm surprised I didn't go right through the fucking floor. Must have pulled back at the last minute.

Oh well, now for the disgusting part. I place the bean between my lips and start to chew. For a minute there I debate whether the healing is worth the taste of this foul substance I have in my mouth.

You'd think as often as I've had to turn to one of these small delicacies to patch myself up, I'd have gotten used to the taste by now. No fucking way. In fact I think it only gets worse.

Maybe it poetic justice. All this miraculous healing in exchange for the worst Kami-fucking taste imaginable.

Of course I wouldn't even have to be eating the damn thing if I'd just stayed away from Gohan to begin with.

Why am I letting this happen to me? Now I know I'm crazy. Certifiable. Because deep inside, I'm practically begging Gohan to treat me rough. For some reason I want his anger, his rage. I need it.

I meet my own eyes in the mirror and suddenly I know why.

It's pretty fucking hard to lie to yourself. Believe me, I've tried. I always end up discovering the truth, no matter how deep I try to bury it. Damn me.

I can't let this go because... I want more than just his cock up my ass. I was fooling myself. Thinking that a hot, quick, hard fuck was all I needed to get over my obsession.

This afternoon in his office. Earlier in the dining hall. In the elevator and a hundred other different times and places, I have been on the receiving end of one of the most erotically, intense gazes I have ever known.

I have had a brief taste, pun intended, of what it's like to be the absolute center of Gohan's attention and....shit... I have to tell you, it does something to me.

I've never had anyone look at me like that. Like I was water to thirst. Food to hunger.

Fuel to a fire...

It's exciting. It's stimulating. And it's fucking powerful. It makes me feel powerful, so very powerful when I can command the attention of someone like Gohan.

That I can get under his skin. And damn... I want to stay there.

It's not just about sex. Okay, it is, but I... I want all the rest of him, too.

My whole life has been out of my control. It seems to me that I never really had a say in any of the shit that went down around me, from my mom's expectations, to my training with Dad. From the moment of my birth, my whole life has been planned out for me. I was born a saiyajin prince and my father has never once let me forget it. And my mother... well let's not go there...

No wonder I rebel occasionally.

Okay... all the time.

But I have a say in this. I have control when he looks at me that way. Because I've done it to him. I've created his response.

Opposites attract I suppose. I see his control and I want to break it. I want him wild. I see that integrity oozing out of his every pore and I want to strip it from him, break him back down to basic instinct, see him hungry for me and unable to deny it.

Crazy... yes, that is the perfect word for me.

As I lie back on the bed, I find myself grinning again.

This isn't over yet. Not by a long shot. If Gohan thinks he can intimidate me away from him, he's going to find out just how fuckin' wrong he is. After all, I am my father's son.

I've taken worse knocks than this in my life. I know how to roll with the punches.

It's time to pull out all the stops. Even if it means I end up fighting with Gohan. After all to a saiyajin fighting is just one step away from sex. And if you don't believe me, just look at my parents. Now I'll put my expertise in tricks to another use.

It's time to turn up the heat.

I've got some pretty dirty tricks up my sleeve.

And I plan on using every single one of them... if I have too.

(Gohan's POV)

"From Son Gohan, Vice President of Research and Development Capsule Corp. to the Board of Directors...." I press the pause button on the voice recorder and stare at the slim silver device. Pulling off my glasses I take a deep breath and pinch the bridge of my nose for a moment, pulling my clamoring thoughts into some semblance of reasonable order.

Kami, this is not going to be easy....

Clicking the pause button, I begin to record again. "Bulma has requested that I relay a supplemental letter in addition to the regular files that will be handed out at the next board meeting. Detailing my thoughts on the recent events behind the newest acquisition of Capsule Corp. She seems to think I have some pertinent issues to raise and I confess I would agree with her to a point."

For a moment I break off, nearly smiling at the irony of that.

Pertinent issues? Kami... Bulma is the master of understatement in this particular instance.

"I will not, at this point nor will I in the future, be logging any official complaint in regards to my exclusion from the dramatic events surrounding the buyout of Syntanix Incorporated. I have advised my uneasiness about the matter directly to Bulma and she has duly noted it. As far as I am concerned, this is sufficient. Even though she is no longer the President of Capsule Corp, she still remains the largest shareholder, and as such, the decision was her call...."

I pause the recorder a second time, and consider what has happened over the last few days.

I don't think I have ever come closer in my life to wanting to kill someone than I did with Trunks. I honestly believed that his recent behavior was directed solely at me.

Another weapon in his reckless bid to shatter my control. Another way to amuse himself at my expense.

But to find out, after the fact, that his actions were motivated simply by a desire to route out the spy that Syntanix had slipped into my research staff. The spy was taking secret Capsule Corp research and giving it to Syntanix where they used our data and trial test to recreate our newest products, preempting our public launch of them.

Kami... he took a large gamble, as is his nature, and in this instance it paid off. He has benefited greatly from this stint as hero. The staff admires him and have warmed to him greatly. His comments, at the press meeting this morning, inspired much laughter and general teasing directed towards my oblivious role in this drama. Bulma and Trunks left me out of their little spy-hunt, leaving me completely in the dark about my own department. I have accepted it as part of the payment required for finally ridding us of the spy. But I still do not like it.

Of course, Trunks apologized for his behavior. Going so far as to single me out personally. Then he turned the full effect of that pretty smirk on the crowd and confessed to how much fun it had been.

I am finding it more difficult that ever to deal with Trunks interest in me. Now that the dust has settled and things are returning to normal, Trunks has resumed his pursuit with an almost appallingly single mindedness.

He has no idea of how dangerous I am to him right now.

Not because he deceived me about this spy business. I can accept that. He had no choice.

I am angry because he enjoyed it so damn much. It played right into his schemes and he knew it. The extra time spent down in the labs with me and the extra research staff meetings he had to attend.

The sad fact of this whole mess ... is that, Kami help me... it's working.

His utter disregard for my temperament is drawing me ever closer to my ultimate fear. I find myself thinking about him to the point of obsession. I find myself actually believing that if I can just have him, take him, drive myself into his body until he is screaming, until his senses are stripped of everything but my ownership of his perfect flesh, that somehow I will gain some clarity, some measure of control over him and myself.

I find myself wanting to command his complete attention. I want that moment. That perfect moment where all that there is in his universe is me.

So now, I have to take a deep breath and complete the most difficult part...

"I would also like to add my commendation to President Briefs in resolving this crisis. His determination and dedication under difficult circumstances stands as an example to us all."

There, it's done.

Now, perhaps I can finally turn my attention to the work on my desk....

"Good afternoon, Gohan. Working on your day off again?"

Damn it. Not now!

"Trunks," I look up from my desk into amused pools of blue. He's there, standing

nonchalantly in the doorway of my office. I shove a few reports across the desktop. "I'm surprised to see you. I would have thought you'd still be in the conference room, soaking up all that well deserved adoration."

He chuckles softly and move towards my desk, the door swinging shut behind him like a the echoing thunder of doom approaching. "Well you know. There's really only one adoring gaze I want to bask in these days."

"So you say, continually." I look up at him again and sigh, unable to hide my irritation, just barely able to hide the way my hands are gripping the arms of my chair under the desk.

I'm so tightly wound up right now that I can barely think. These last few days have left their mark and I'm tired, both mentally and emotionally. My reserves are low. I don't need this now.

I can't fight this right now.

He leans his slim hip against the side of the desk, idly letting his long fingers wander here and there. Yet something else that he has figured out annoys me.

"Do you really feel that way about me, Gohan?" he asks thoughtfully. I look up to find myself drowning in pools of blue.

I blink, shaking my head slightly. "What way?"

"You know." Blue eyes flick back to meet mine. The heat that hits me nearly rips a groan from my throat. "Determined? Dedicated?"

A fresh surge of anger lances through me, fueling my need, driving my lust.

"Exactly how long were you standing there listening to me, Trunks?" I ask him flatly.

'Get out of here, Trunks.' I want to scream it at him, pick him up and hurl him out of my office before I snap and do something that I know we'll both regret.

"Just long enough to hear that, I promise." He grins at me, moving around the desk towards me. He's so damn beautiful, and he is the uncovering everything I have striven to bury.


"What?" My voice is tight, ragged... Edgy.

He smiles, faintly, almost as if he needs reassurance. "Did you mean it?"

"On or off the record, Trunks?"

He winces theatrically, pursing his full mouth. "Oh very funny, Gohan." He leans over, leans closer. "So," he murmurs, his breath brushing my face. "Are you going to drop all this 'I don't want you' shit, or what?"

I don't even have to consciously think about moving. I just do.

One moment I'm in my seat, the next I'm at the side of my office, Trunks' upper arms in my grip, his chest heaving against mine, as he struggles to regain the breath that I just slammed out of him.

A red haze rises up before my eyes. Thunder roars through my head. It's like I'm watching from a distance, horrified by my actions, my violence, yet helpless to do anything to stop it.

Not really wanting to...

"What do you want from me, Trunks?" I snarl into his shocked face, slamming him into the wall again for good measure. "What the fuck do you want from me?!"

He struggles for a moment, dismisses it as futile and raises his eyes to meet mine. I capture that blue gaze expecting to see shock, maybe even a little fear. I did not anticipate this...

His eyes are steady, wide yes, but clear and defiant. His lips are parted over his panting breath, his face flushed with anger and arousal. "You, I've always wanted you." he whispers at me, his eyes suddenly blazing. Incredibly, that damned smirk returns to mock me.

He thinks he's won.

He hasn't. He has pushed me and pushed me and perhaps I have lost my hold on my common sense, but I have not lost my hold on my pride. If he wants this he will get it... with certain conditions.

"You listen to me, you royal bastard," I whisper the words with vicious intensity. "I am not going to be just another member of your fucking fan club."

He pulls in a breath to reply, his face distorting with sarcastic amusement.

I don't give him the chance. I rear back and slam him against the wall again, watching with both satisfaction and self-loathing as he gasps in another tortured breath. I know that I am hurting him, I know that. But I... don't care. I can't stop now.

He needs to know what I am. What I'm capable of. This is my last grasp for some form of sanity, and I can only hope that if he has any sense he will realize the danger he is in and take the opportunity to end this. To get away before it really is too late.

"Shut up," I tell him coldly. "You wanted this, then listen up and learn what it will mean for you." I tighten my grip on his arms, letting him know in no uncertain terms that moving is not an option. "If we're going to fuck, Trunks, we will do it my way. My rules."

He struggles again, this time I slap him, not enough to bruise, just enough to catch his attention. To keep it center on me. Where I need it. He glares, but he stops struggling, hanging limp in my grip. I force my knee between his legs, I can feel his hard cock pressing against my thigh and I can't control the urge to buck mine against him. At his groan, I press closer to him, my hips and chest glued to his.

"You want me up your ass," I smile grimly at him, feeling my mouth twist. "And you've figured out that I want to be there." I pause for a moment to graze my teeth across his cheek. "Shall I continue?"

"It's your dime, Gohan," he snarls at me.

Something slips a little more inside me at that. I snarl deep in my throat, jerking his head to the side and biting down on the smooth, sweat dampened skin of his neck. This is no tender love bite. It's hard enough to bruise, but not to break that delicate skin. It's a mark, almost a claim. I hear him cry out, unable to hold it in as the pain shoots through him. He jerks in my arms, trying to twist away, but I hold him firm.

He needs to know what I am. My teeth snag his ear ripping the skin. Blood fills my mouth but this time he doesn't move.

I pull back, breathing hard, tasting that rich, sweet blood in my mouth. "You will come when I call you and when you are with me, you will do as I say. If I find out you've been with another, I will end it and I will never touch you again." I shake him sharply. "Do you understand me?"

Sullen, silent... stunning. He nods at me, lips pressed white with rage.

Oh Kami, he's so beautiful like this...


Abruptly I release him, stepping back from him. He has room to escape now. I will not stop him if he wants to leave.

He has to want to stay for there to be any point to this.

He doesn't move. He stands against wall, absently rubbing at his arms, trying to get some circulation into them again. He pins me again with those incredible eyes, and I feel a strange surge of triumph wash through me. I am the only thing he sees right now.

Good or bad, this is what I wanted.

"Those are your terms?" he asks me. Like we're negotiating a contract, and not discussing my need to fuck him senseless, by my rules. "What about my terms?"

"You have none," I bark sharply.

There's a moment of silence, a tense montage of motionless interaction. Blue eyes darkened with anger and rebellion stare at me and I meet them coldly. I can feel the heat surging through my body, pooling into my groin. My cock throbs cruelly between my legs, aching for release. And, right now, I want him to see it.

My desire and my fury war within me, each of them knowing that they will find an outlet within the heated flesh of this rebellious creature that stands here staring back at me.

'Go, Trunks. For Kami's sake, just go... before I destroy us both...'

He takes in a deep breath and moves off the wall, towards me, meets my eyes.

"Well?" I ask him softly. My breath catches in my throat as I wait for his reply.

"I accept."

(Trunks' POV)


I'm so damned restless tonight. Can't sleep. Haven't got a prayer.

Too much going on, I guess. Everything's whirling through this fucking lump of useless shit that passes for my brain these days.

Two weeks.

Fourteen days...

Doesn't sound like a long time, does it?

But it is.

Oh Kami... It is.

I don't know what's gotten into me lately.

Wait, that's the problem. Nothing has. What I need is to be fucked. Again.

Shit, fourteen fucking days...

Damn it, if I jerk off any more I'll probably end up with corporal tunnel syndrome or what ever the hell that crap is...

But it takes away the edge. Takes away the burn.

Two weeks, it's not really that long is it?

Feels like forever...

Cursing into the darkness, I turn on the light and fling back the bed covers. I haul my weary ass out of bed and pad into the living room. Maybe if I drink something warm...? My mom always swears by that.

I set the kettle on the stove. I wait patiently for the water to heat and brew a cup of tea. Taking it over to the couch, I flop down, curse as hot tea splashes over the edge of the cup onto my hand, and I sit there staring at nothing and thinking about everything.

'I accept...'

That's what I said. I have to wonder now... I if has really known what would happen, exactly what he would do, would I have gone that far?

Kami. Probably.

Who am I kidding? Definitely.

It's... it was the most intense physical experience I have ever had and the weirdest part is that I can't tell you if I enjoyed or if I didn't. I... Fuck, I don't know.

I didn't know whether to scream with agony or howl with pleasure. I couldn't stop cursing and snarling at him, fighting with him. Struggling to get away. But at the same time I can remember so unmistakably telling him to keep going, to do it harder, to do it faster, to - "don't you dare fucking stop!"

Did it hurt? Hell yes, it did. For two days afterwards I felt like my lower intestines were bruised to a pulp.

The thing is... it felt incredibly good too.

It's been fourteen days since it happened. Fourteen days since he ripped off my clothes, shoved me down and fucked me, right there on the floor of his office.

Fourteen days since he literally snapped and gave me just what I was asking for.

The again, perhaps he gave me a little more than that.

For the most part, I just don't think about it. I can't. I have a job to do, a company to run. I can't fall apart when so many depend on me. And if I think about it too much, that is exactly what will happen. Because now that he's had me... I can't dwell on it or I'll go crazy. But images flash before my eyes... occasionally, and I can't control that.

In my mind, just for a moment, I'll be back there again. On the floor, on my hands and knees, naked as the day I was born with Gohan's rock, solid cock so far up my ass I swear I could taste it. I'll remember the feel of the sweat that dripped on me, that dripped off me, the bruising, relentless invasion of my body, the searing heat of it, the pounding pain...

The absolute fucking ecstasy.

I'll remember that by the time he reached around to roughly grab my cock, I was so ready to come that I nearly screamed down the building.

The day after it happened, I didn't know what to think. Didn't know what was going happen. We hadn't really spoken afterwards.

He took care of me. When it was over, you know? I didn't expected that. From the earlier anger in his eyes, I expected him to just order me to leave, but he didn't.

He lifted me to my feet, helped me to the sofa in his office. He got a warm wet cloth and cleaned me up. He helped me get dressed and all the while, his face was so calm, so fucking detached.

In silence he stepped back from me and released the door lock.

In silence I left.

I'm not sure how I got home.

Shit. I don't know exactly what I expected. I guess I kind of thought it would be wild, rough, maybe even a little violent.

I didn't expect it be another fucking plane of existence altogether.

Gohan wasn't just fucking me. I know that now. What he was doing was staking his claim on me. Without words he was telling me - "No one else can make you feel this. No one else can give you this. No one else will own you like I do."

And he's right.

I'm his now... and I don't know if I can handle that.

I got to tell you, it scared the shit out of me. I started to think about calling a stop to the whole thing a few days later... just breaking one of his fucking rules and having done with it.

"If I find you with another, I will end it and I will never touch you again..."

I thought about it. I knew that Marron would be there if I wanted her to be. I thought about walking into mom's party last weekend with Marron on my arm and then making sure that I damned well walked out with her too.

I even got as far as reaching for my cell phone and dialing her number. But just before it rang, I broke the connection with a hand that actually trembled. Trembled!

I couldn't.

Kami help me, I didn't want to.

He showed no sign of it at the staff briefing the next day. We went in and sat down, the usual places, the usual agenda. About the only thing that I noticed was any different about him was the fact that he seemed more relaxed, more focused.

I figured two could play at that game. I am sure as hell not going to let him see that he's gotten to me like this.

Fourteen days. Kami.

My hand trembles as I push it through my hair. I can't stop thinking about it.

Wanting him. Needing him.

I'm at a loss here. I don't know what he expects from me. All I know is that I have to have it again.

I'm so wrapped up in my late night reflections that the sound of the my phone ringing on the side table nearly gives me a fucking heart attack.

I reach over and flip it open, thinking maybe it's Goten, but hoping, in the back of my mind, that it's not.

"Trunks here," I say shortly into the receiver.

"It's Gohan."

Oh shit...

Kami, I... can't breathe. I can feel my pulse speed up and now my skin is tingling... anticipating...

My heart slams into double time. This is not company business. I know that. Not at this time of night. My dick obviously realizes it too, judging by the instant fucking hard on that starts to shoot up in my pants.

No! I will not get an erection. I will not! Damn, damn... Shit!

My stupid prick won't take no for an answer...

I take a deep breath, and it takes all my self-control to keep my voice steady. "Yeah?"

"I want you." His voice is soft, sure. But there's an undertone too it. Something harsh... and something strangely needy.

Damn, he sounds like I feel.

"What, now?" Even as I question it, I know I'm not going to deny him. Even though it's after midnight. Even though I'm as tired as hell from a long day.

And even though my pride orders me to ignore him.

To just tell him to fuck off.

"My suite. Don't make me wait."

I'm stunned when he hangs up. Without another word. Like it's a guaranteed conclusion that I'm going to run over there, drop to the floor and hand up my ass to him.

I start cursing, slamming my fist against the sofa, growling over his fucking nerve. Over the conceit of the man. As if he can just snap his damn fingers and I'll just bend over... whenever, wherever.

His personal slut...

And I'm still swearing as I get up to slip on a pair of pajama bottoms and head out my door. Only this time, it's not at him.

It's at me, for needing him like this.

(Gohan's POV)

I close my eyes slowly, I feel a deep-seated need to meditate, even if it's only for a few minutes. To organize this chaos I call my brain. To regain some level of perspective regarding this... deal... I find myself in with Trunks.

I am not proud of the way I am behaving towards him, of how I am using him. And I am using him, there is no denying that. I am not proud of the way he was able to force my hand, how I allowed myself to give in to my base desires. If I weren't so certain that he was enjoying it, I would be unable to live with my own guilt.

But he does enjoy it. His body literally vibrates with lust whenever he comes to me. He's ready the moment he arrives. I no longer entertain the old fantasy of forcing his submission.

It has been replaced by a far more compelling reality. The one in which I already have it.

But he remains rebellious, defiant. Kicking and snarling to the very end, even as he gives himself to me. Even as I fuck him, taking brutally and giving with equal force.

He remains arrogant and prideful even in his surrender.

And he continues to come to me. Every time I call for him, he is there. Just as he fulfills a need in me, I fulfill one in him.

My need is a simple one, I need his complete attention centered on me and when we're together, it is. It is supremely satisfying, I can no longer lie to myself about it.

When I am inside the tight heat of his body, I have peace. There is a certain instant, in the midst of all the cursing and conflict, where I reach a moment of calmness. A moment of clarity. Where there are no more dark cravings, no more furious desires. A moment when the darkness recedes and tranquility replaces it.

It is then that I feel it. I am satiated. I have fed my hunger. The release that I find only in Trunks' body pushes back the beast again.

The satisfaction of the moment is glorious. Almost as fulfilling as sensation of coming into him, of reaching around his lean and straining form and bringing him off with me.

It only takes one touch. One single hard stroke of my fist over his weeping cock and he loses complete control. He roars and bucks against me. Swearing, snarling as his body twists and jerks with his release. It's amazing to watch. And immensely satisfying to know that just one touch brings him so much pleasure. Knowing that only I am able to do that for him. Even if it's only fleeting.

I have regrets. I'm sure he does too.

I regret that this is all we can ever have together. Deep within me, in the quiet and calm place of my conscience, I do wish that I could give him tenderness... offer him affection. It is within me to do so. Sometimes I desperately just want to hold him afterwards.

He doesn't want it. He's made that very clear to me.

So we continue.

For days at a time, I don't need him. I always want him... but I'm able to keep the darkness caged. Our lives revert to almost normal. Of course, it is always there between us. Unspoken. Waited for. Anticipating the next time, I'll need him. I feel him studying me sometimes, and when I turn to meet his eyes, I see an unspoken challenge glittering in those clear blue depths.

How long can you hold off this time, Gohan?

Then his eyes will darken with barely concealed passion, and his body will tense for just one second before he looks away again. And it takes all my willpower to walk away from him.

How long can I hold off?

As long as I have to, I tell myself. I would prefer, if it were possible, not to have to turn to him for this. This release. But he pushed his way into my psyche and demanded my focus. And now I cannot look away.

I have to confess, our strange relationship has had an effect on me. Bulma pulled me aside yesterday requesting a moment of my time. She actually looked a little awkward, which was surprising in a woman usually so confident.

Meeting in her private lab, she had paused and looked closely at me before pulling in a deep breath. "Gohan," she had smiled at me, her eyes warm and even slightly remorseful. "I've been observing you during the last few weeks and I felt it was time for me to say a few things that have been on my mind for a while."

I had leaned forward, my hands on my knees. "You know that you can always speak your mind to me, Bulma. That's what I'm here for."

"I wanted to thank you," she had told me softly. "I know that you were very angry at the way I so blatantly kept you out of the loop during all this business with the hostile take-over of Syntanix. But I just wanted to tell you how much I admire the way you have put it behind you. You seem to have reconciled the incident remarkably well."

I simply smiled at her. "Well, I've... confronted a few issues of my own during this time, Bulma, and I think I've put things into perspective again."

"More than that, I would say." Her smile had turned slightly rueful. "You're more relaxed more calm... more at peace than I've ever seen you since you joined the company. I can only tell you, whatever you're doing, be it meditative or whatever, keep doing it."

I had chuckled slightly. "Believe me, Bulma. I intend to."

And I do. I can't stop this thing between us... and deep inside where I'm honest with myself, I don't want to.

As I pull in a deep breath and open my eyes to the familiar surrounds of my office, I feel content enough in the moment.

It is not ideal. Far from it. In an ideal universe, I would never have entered into such a thing. I wouldn't need Trunks for this. I would have retained my control, my distance.

But now it is too late.

Both Trunks and I seem to be getting what we want from each other. I have the heady pleasure of knowing that he will be there when I need him. And I suppose he gets the satisfaction of knowing that I do.

I suppose...

"Mr. Son, Gerald Tachyo is on line one." My secretary interrupts my musing.

I sit up and hit the speaker button. "I'm here, Gerald."

"I apologize for interrupting you, sir, but the laser is finished and we will begin testing it in a few minutes. I believe you wanted to be here when we did?"

"Yes, Gerald." Even as I reply I stand up, grabbing my lab coat and slipping my glasses back on. "Can you give me any details?"

"The first test we're going to conduct is the puncture test." His voice comes back grimly. "We need to know the depth the laser will cut through different materials."

This is our newest product. The result of over a years worth of research. We're hoping that the laser will be able to cut through steel at a depth of at least four inches and concrete to a depth of eight inches in a single pass. This laser could revolutionize the construction industry if we are successful in our trial.

Grabbing the files with all the latest information and specs, I move towards the door.

"Have you called President Briefs? I think he'll wish to be in on this one."

"Mrs. Briefs called him. He's already here, Mr. Son," he assures me.


The time for pondering my personal situation is over for the moment.

Right now professionalism is required. These test are the future of the company. If we manage to perfect this laser Capsule Corp will be the most important company in the world. But these tests will take precision and knowledge. I have no doubt that Trunks' skills will serve us well here. In fact when it comes to machines, Trunks is just about the best.

For the next few hours we will be completely back to the status quo. Mr. President and Mr. Vice President, working together as a united team. For the good of the company.

And when this is over and the stress builds, I know that I will call him to me again.

I cannot have one without the other.

So it seems.