Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ A Different Story ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Two: A Different Story

Gohan almost jumped out of his skin when he heard a low, feminine moan, and a soft, female body arch against his. The instant reaction his body had probably had his face as red as an apple, and he shifted Videl higher in his arms so she wouldn't be able to notice.

"Hmm...Gohan?" he heard a muffled voice, and he smiled faintly, still trying to fight off his blush as he leaned down to her ear and asked, "Yes?"

"You're warm," she sighed, snuggling deeper into his chest. That was not what he wanted to hear. He gave a small nervous laugh, keeping his body rigid and trying not to get any more of a hard-on than he already had. "Thanks...I guess."

"Are we there yet?" she asked a moment later, looking up into his handsome visage. Their faces were so close together that he fought the urge just to press his lips against hers. He had never kissed a girl before, and he wondered what it was like.

Wait a second!! his mind screamed. This is Videl we're talking about!! We're only friends...I think.

Videl suddenly smiled, snapping him out of his train of thought and stopping him from staring at her mouth. "Gohan? Are you alright?"

He gave a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm fine." He paused, and then continued. "My dad and everyone else are just up ahead. Maybe you should pretend you're still asleep so I can give the excuse that they all have to be quiet."

Videl closed her eyes, concentrating on the growing powers up ahead. She frowned, for it seemed like her body was confused as to whether or not they were powerful or weak. Gohan watched her dark brow furrow, and he brought up his hand, smoothing away the harsh looking lines on her forehead. She got an almost scared look on her face, but then it disappeared. Gohan frowned, wondering why her expression had gone from practically horrified to blank. She was staring at his chest, as if fascinated with it. She brought her hand up so that it was resting over his heart, and she grinned. "Your heart is pounding."

No wonder, Gohan thought. He had never been in such close quarters with a girl before, and to tell the truth, it was driving him mad.

His head unexpectedly jerked upward when he heard a shout. He grinned, seeing his father, and everyone else. "Hey, dad!!"

"Hey, Gohan!!" his father shouted back, waving to him. He felt Videl shift in his arms as she closed her eyes, pretending sleep as him and Kabito caught up to everyone. Almost immediately, Krillin gave him an evil smile, and an evil laugh. "Hey, Gohan. When's the wedding?"

Gohan scrunched up his face, and fought the urge to stick his tongue out at the small man. "Krillin!! Shut up!! She's sleeping!!"

Almost everyone smirked, especially Krillin and Vegeta. "Sure, she is," Krillin said, nudging him in the side. Gohan gave him a stubborn look, promising that he would hurt him later. He flew up to his father, wanting to get away from the prying eyes. Goku even gave him a knowing smile, and he sighed, giving up. "Videl, you can wake up now."

Her eyes opened, and she looked around, seeing the clouds flash past her as she spotted Goku next to her. She smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Hey, Gohan, looks like we got our work cut out for us now," Goku said, the smile still on his face.

Gohan nodded, "Yeah, so I heard."

Krillin laughed, shaking his head. "Hopefully this won't turn out like the Cell Games, huh?"

Gohan's eyes widened. "Krillin!! Shut up!!!"

Videl looked up, and then lowered her eyelashes. "Don't worry, Gohan. I understand."

He got a confused look on his handsome face. "Huh?"

Everyone turned towards Videl, and she sighed, closing her pretty eyes. "You were that boy...that little boy at the Cell Games, weren't you?"

Gohan knew right then what Videl was getting at. The smile on his face all but disappeared, until it was a small upturn of his lips. "Yeah...yeah I was."

"I always had this...feeling that my dad never beat Cell. I could never understand why or how he could be so strong to beat him. You were really the one who defeated him, weren't you," she said more as a statement than a question. Everyone had a shocked look on their face except the Supreme Kai and Kabito, who just had their normal, expressionless masks on.

The silence was interrupted by a laugh from Goku. "Well, at least she knows now, Gohan. You should be happy!"

Both Gohan and Videl grinned. "Yeah, I guess so. I hope you're not mad at me, Videl."

She shook her head. "I'm not mad at you, Gohan. Why would I be mad?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, I just thought you would be upset that your dad isn't the real world champion."

She smiled. "It's no big deal. I never really-"

She was interrupted by Shin, who shouted over the wind, "Spopovitch and Yamu have just landed. We are here."

Kabito suddenly got a fierce frown on his face. Him and the Supreme Kai talked a few short seconds before they got to a good landing spot, and Gohan took this opportunity to drop Videl out of his arms. She started to fall from lack of balance, and his arms shot out as a reflex to catch her. He grinned when her face started turning a very dark shade of red. "You alright?" he asked over some more of Krillin's evil laughter. She tried to hide her smile, but it didn't work very well, and she ended up looking down.

"Thank you," she muttered, pulling away. He let her go, still grinning at the back of her head. He heard her growl at him as she stalked over to his dad, trying to find some protection from an evilly laughing short man named Krillin, a smirking short man called Vegeta, and just plain mischief-filled teenager named Gohan. His dad smiled at her when he saw Videl, and then he ruffled her hair. She frowned at first, and then gave the older man a goofy smile. Gohan just shook his head, crouching down with the rest of the group as the Supreme Kai said, "Everybody suppress your energy."

Videl got an almost panicked look on her face, not knowing what he was talking about. Suppress my energy? What the hell does that mean? I mean, Gohan just taught me what my energy is...so how do I suppress it?

She leaned over to Gohan, who was looking over a large boulder, along with everyone else. "Hey, Gohan. What is he talking about?" she whispered by his ear, trying to get a peek over the giant rock.

It took a moment for him to acknowledge her, but when he did, he continued to look over his boulder, just saying, "Don't worry about it, Videl."

She pursed her lips at him, but just shrugged, letting it pass. She would have to discuss it with him later.

The Supreme Kai had a serious look on his face as he explained to everyone and pointed, "That is Babidi down there. Don't underestimate him because of his size, because he is very powerful. That other one is...." He went on and on, clarifying the enemy to everyone. Videl was too busy trying to get Gohan's attention, and looking around when he finally just slapped his hand over her mouth. "Shh, Videl!! You have to be quiet. Did you just hear anything that the Supreme Kai just said?"

She gave him a confused look. "Huh? Who's the Supreme Kai? Why don't we just go down there and blow everything up? It would be much easier than just sitting here and assessing everything."

Gohan couldn't help but smile. Vegeta had just suggested that a moment ago, but the Supreme Kai had said no, something about wanting to wait for the appropriate time. "The Supreme Kai is that purple guy over there, and his name is Shin. And yes, it would be easier to 'blow everything up', but we have to take this situation very carefully, Videl. Now, do you want me to tell you what he just said, or do you just want to sit there and annoy everyone?"

She turned away from him, trying to hide her embarrassment. He was mad at her, and she could tell. She looked back to him, presenting him with a sad look, complete with puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry, Gohan. I guess I'm just...excited or something." She rubbed her stomach for a moment, and then took her hand away, placing it on the boulder in front of them.

Gohan let a held in breath out in a rush, and turned his attention to scrutinize the small group of aliens before him, and a slightly submerged space ship. They were talking, and Spopovitch and Yamu were handing over the weird thing they had absorbed his energy with. He glanced back over to Videl, who was still watching him. He sighed, and then started to tell her what the Supreme Kai had just said. She nodded every once and a while, telling him to elaborate on some things when she didn't understand what he was talking about. Their discussion was suddenly interrupted by outraged gasps from the men around them. Videl and Gohan turned to see what was going on just in time, and they saw Spopovitch just...explode. Videl almost jumped up in horror, but Gohan held her down as the Supreme Kai and Goku all but shouted how disgusting that had been, meanwhile Vegeta just stood there, looking almost bored.

Videl looked around frantically, trying to find out what was going on. Gohan nudged her in the side to get her attention, and she looked back over to the group of aliens far below, only to see Yamu take off into the air, trying to get away. She could almost see the scared and horrified look on his face as some odd looking little gray man with white armor on aimed at the fleeing man, and shot him clear out of the sky. She watched as the wizard dubbed "Babidi" laughed hysterically, along with a red, tall creature with bigger ears than Piccolo. Gohan had called him Dabura, the King of the Demon World. Just knowing that made him a scary type of guy, and Videl planned on staying far away from him. She didn't understand why those two men were just killed, so she just ignored it, and asked Gohan a question.

"Hey...Gohan? Wouldn't it be a good idea to blow them up now? I mean, look what they just did."

He shook his head, but then his eyes slightly widened, seeing a pale look come over her face. Her hand clutched her stomach, and she closed her eyes, as if in pain. Gohan took hold of her shoulders, giving her a firm shake to get her out of whatever was wrong. "Videl? Wha-what's wrong?!"

She opened her eyes, staring up into his visage. Gohan got a surprised look on his face when he saw how her eyes were almost black. "Videl...?"

"My...my stomach. I got this weird feeling...it hurts."

Gohan whipped around to his father, yanking on his arm to pull him over to Videl. "Dad, something's wrong with Videl. I...I don't know what's wrong."

Goku looked back over to everyone else to see that they weren't even paying attention to anything else but to the scene below. He took Videl away from his son, letting her head rest up against his chest for support. He gave her a slight shake just like Gohan had to snap her out of it. She opened her eyes, a panicked expression on her face. "Goku...? Ow...my stomach. Make it stop...!"

She started thrashing about in his arms, and Goku had a surprisingly hard time of keeping her still. "Damn...what got into her? I didn't know she was this strong," Goku said, telling Gohan abruptly to lift up her shirt. Gohan almost screamed like a little girl and got up and ran, but all he did was gulp as his father continued to struggle to hold her down.

Gohan took a deep breath and took hold of the bottom of her shirt with his first and thumb fingers, inching it upward slowly. His nerves calmed some when he got past her belly button, and he fought down the urge to study her as he bunched it up under her breasts. He pressed his hand against her flat stomach with some difficulty, considering she was still jerking around. He felt for anything that would be wrong, but he didn't feel anything. She was bathed in sweat, and she was tiring herself out from fighting his father. He shook his head, thinking back to the medical books that his mother had forced him to read and trying to figure out from their basic knowledge if anything was wrong. He shook his head some more. "Dad, I don't know what's wrong. I can't feel anything, and her stomach isn't cramping...what's wrong with her?"

Goku watched a moment as Gohan yanked her shirt back down, his once blushing face now serious. He pinned the pretty teenage girl to the rocky ground, feeling her about to give up for her strength was draining. They both sighed wearily when she went limp, and Gohan let go of her legs, and Goku released her arms.

"What wrong with her?" Gohan asked again, staring down at the unconscious beauty laying in the dirt.