Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ The Explanation ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Thirteen: The Explanation


Knock, knock. Hercule looked up, frowning. He knew it was his daughter, but he was busy at the moment. "Sugar Pea, daddy's busy right now. Come back in a little bit."

The door was ripped open, and there stood his daughter, and...that scrawny kid again? Hercule stood, getting ready to yell for that punk to get out of his house. However, Videl interrupted him, saying, "Father, I need to talk to you, and don't even try to tell Gohan to leave."

Hercule knew something was wrong immediately, since Videl never called him "father". It was either daddy or dad, or something not quite as formal. She commanded him to sit, and he reluctantly did so. "Videl, I want to know right now why this boy is here. You know I told you that you aren't allowed to have a boyfriend unless he is stronger than me, and those cheap tricks he and his little friends do don't count, young lady."

Videl smirked, for once having fun with having her dad under her thumb. "Dad, I want you to know from this point on that you are not the strongest man on Earth. Gohan could probably kill you with his pinky nail if he wanted to, but he isn't that way. So, now that we have that settled," she said, sitting down on a dark leather sofa against the wall, "I would like to discuss something."

Videl motioned Gohan to follow after her, and patted the seat next to her as well. He hesitantly sat down, and looked around. The whole study was lavishly furnished with dark and tailored furniture, and with thousands of books that Hercule probably never even looked at, graced the walls from ceiling to floor, except for where the fireplace was. There were two large leather sofa's situated against the walls, and a desk and chair where Hercule currently was at. There were also small antique tables along the walls, supporting pretty and oriental plants from exotic places. Gohan frowned. At least it didn't stink like those women in here.

Hercule stared at his daughter. What had gotten into her? Was it that skinny moron that was causing her to act like this, so unrespectful to her own father? "Videl, I want an explanation, and right now. And I want to know the real reason as to why this kid is here with you," he demanded, trying to look fierce, but not accomplishing it.

Videl looked calm, but inside she was seething. Her father could never understand her, could never take her seriously. What could she say to convince him to listen to her? She smiled inwardly. "Dad, I want to talk about my mother," she said, looking him straight in the eyes. She could practically see him squirming in his chair, and she was loving every minute of it. He deserved it for all the times he had dodged the subject. She deserved more than anyone to know. She had brought Gohan along with her for the support, but also because he would help her figure out certain things, and just plain help her through it period. She knew he was very nervous, she felt him stiffen beside her every time her father insulted him. She placed her hand over his; giving him silent support, and gaining her own in the process as he laced his fingers through hers.

Hercule pretended he didn't see his baby girl holding hands with that boy full of tricks. He growled, and crossed his arms, saying, "Well, what do you want to know?"

"Why did mom really die? I want to know everything about her right now," she said, and then added, "If you don't tell the truth, Gohan will do some sort of ancient Japanese torture ritual to you."

Gohan tried not to laugh. He didn't know any 'ancient Japanese torture rituals'! Sure, he had read about them, but he never planned to implement them. He could tell Videl wanted to laugh too, especially at the look Hercule got on his face after that.

Hercule tried not to get up and run. "Alright," he said, swallowing hard. He turned around in his swivel chair, looking into the empty grate of the fireplace. "Your mother was a beautiful and strong woman, Videl." He paused, thinking about something that he had that might help her get a better image of a mother long forgotten. He opened a drawer in his desk, and shuffled through piles of paper, pulling out a framed picture. He handed it to Videl, who stared in wonder at a picture of her mother. When her father had said beautiful, it had been an astronomical understatement. She had long and flowing black hair, almost past her trim waist. She was pale, and now Videl knew where she got her coloring from, for her father was so tan.

Gohan watched the expressions on Videl's face before he too turned to look at the framed picture. She was very beautiful, that was for sure. She had the same black and high-arched eyebrows Videl had, and the big, expressive eyes as well, except hers were bright green. Well, that gets rid of the chance that Videl might have been part Saiya-jin, he thought, wanting to sigh with relief.

"What was her name?" he asked, still staring at the picture of the woman sitting on a iron wrought bench, flowers blooming madly around her as her long and flowing white dress was held forever in a silent and still dance.

"Talayia Alys Satan," Hercule said, turning back around, his hands clasped and held together over his stomach. "You might be wondering why she has such an odd name," he muttered to his daughter, seeing her nod. He took a deep breath and started.

"Your mother wasn't from Earth, Videl. She was from a planet called Baraka. It was occupied by the Barakians, a very, very powerful race with high intelligence and technology to rival ours by hundreds of years. She was on a mission at the time to make peace agreements with some race called the Saiya-jins, and that was when this tyrant called Frieza attacked her planet for the resources, and because they had refused to join his side. That was why she was trying to make allies with the Saiya-jins, so they could join and attack Frieza together. Your mother was royalty, Videl, so she was hoping that by going there to talk to their king personally, that it might help in some way." He sighed, not even hearing both Gohan's and Videl's gasps throughout the speech.

"They did become allies, but by the time they were ready to attack Frieza together, your mother found out that her race had been wiped out, and that Frieza was coming to do the same to the Saiya-jins." He closed his eyes, turning back around. "She apologized to the Saiya-jins, and left, searching through the universe for anyone of her race that still might be alive. She found no one. She was the last, and she had no where to go."

Videl felt tears come to her eyes, and she closed her eyes, trying to hold them back. She managed somehow as her father continued, and she wiped at her eyes, not noticing the concerned look that Gohan gave her.

"She came here, hoping actually, to take over this planet. She would have easily been able to do it, but she decided against it once she saw what kind of race we were, and for other obvious reasons." He couldn't help but smile. "She met me, and we fell in love. Shortly after we met she told me what happened, and it was very hard for me to believe. I didn't talk to her for almost a whole month, but then I realized what kind of mistake I had made, and I searched her out, and proposed to her. She had no idea what getting married was, for her race did some sort of odd mating ritual," he said with a wave of his hand, letting out a loud sigh. "We got married, and then she became pregnant with you. We never fought once, if that's hard to believe. However," he paused, looking away. "She contracted some alien disease, like I told you before. It attacks your body from the inside, like some sort of spontaneous decaying or rotting disease. She died slowly in front of me, and she was in constant agony, her screams and cries would make me leave the house, for I loved her too much to hear her go through that kind of torture."

Videl was crying earnestly now, unable to help herself as she listened to what kind of emotional pain her father had gone through with the loss of his loving wife. She heard him sniff, and she gave him a reassuring smile when he looked up at her. He smiled back, remembering the exotic beauty his only wife had been. He didn't even pay attention to the shock and sadness written all over Videl's new boyfriend's face, just tried to finish the story.

"I kept you far away from her, just in case it was contagious, and so that you wouldn't have to hear the pain she was going through. It took almost a whole week for her to finally...go, to leave me. She gave me something," he stopped, suddenly remembering something and standing up, telling them that he would be right back. Videl and Gohan looked at each other, and he gave her one of his smiles to try and make her feel better as he wiped away the tears still pouring down her cheeks. She leaned into his palm, closing her eyes as she tried to keep herself from sobbing uncontrollably. He brought her into his arms, holding her close as she cried on his shoulder. He couldn't help but wonder what Hercule was going to bring back, and if it would have any important significance to Videl. He also wanted to ask about that woman's power, and in what way it affected Videl. He wondered if Hercule even knew anything about it. He sighed to himself, hoping that once this was over, Videl would feel better, and they would both be able to understand what she was going through.