Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Problems with Intimacy ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
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They strolled down the flat, cracked pavement, hand in hand, through the pitch-black darkness of the night. Neither of them noticed, for they were both absorbed in each other.


Gohan lifted his face to the cool, sweet-smelling breeze, not able to breathe deeply enough. Videl was in the same state, her eyes closed in a dream-like world as they both walked in silent commune with each other. Their hands swung slowly back and forth between each other as they walked, their steps in perfect sync. They didn't realize how fast time flew by, and soon two hours had disappeared, easing them further into the dark night, and early into the morning.


Gohan came to a gradual halt, seeing Videl stop in her tracks, covering her mouth with her hand as she gave a big and tired yawn. He granted her one of his rare lop-sided grins, going up to her and picking her up in his arms. She gave a small sound of protest, but then just let her head loll back on her neck, allowing it rest against his black-clothed shoulder. Her eyes drifted shut, and she wrapped her arms around his neck so she could hold him closer. She felt content, warm, and protected all just from his arms holding her near his body. She felt his power just radiating off him, but all she had ever felt was his gentleness, his kindness of heart. She snuggled deeper into his chest, wishing she could be close to him like this forever.


He found the Viper about five minutes later, for he hadn't really tried getting there fast, he had just wanted to hold Videl. She was as light as a veritable feather, he could have held her for hours on end, and willingly, too.


When he stepped up to the small red car, he went to the passenger side, just leaning over and placing Videl on the cushiony seat. She shivered as soon as his heat left her, and he hurried to the other side, turning on the vehicle and pushing the button for the automatically closing roof. She was still trembling with cold, and he wondered why, for it wasn't even that cold out. He turned the heat on low, knowing that if he turned it on any higher they would be roasting.


He sped towards home, which was weird that he was calling it that in first place, since it really wasn't. He shrugged, not really caring at the moment. He did care, though, that he was getting tired, and he was driving, and with a passenger without a seatbelt. He wished he could just fly, but that would just be plain annoying to get out, take Videl out, encapsulate the stupid car, stick it somehow in his pocket while still holding his girlfriend, and then fly. Well, maybe it wouldn't be that annoying, but he was just too plain lazy too do it in the first place.


He smiled as he pulled into the long driveway of Capsule Corporation. All of the lights were off except the one in the living room, waiting for them to come home, and be greeted with just a simple light that should have been turned off hours ago. He sat there a moment, letting the engine idle as he watched the young woman with her eyes closed next to him, her arms wrapped around her slender form to keep herself warm. He smiled, turning off the engine and pulling out the keys. They made a light jingling noise as he stuck them in his pocket, but he didn't notice as he walked over to Videl's side, opening her door. Her sleepy purple eyes opened, brightening when she saw him. She opened her arms, letting him pick her up smoothly, nudging the door shut with his hip, and leaving the car to sit in the drive as he walked into the house. He was planning on falling asleep on the floor, since he doubted he would be able to walk up the damnable stairs.


He found soon that no one was up, just as he had expected with his shutting down brain. He toed off his fancy black shoes so that they flew into the white wall, and plopped onto the ground into a pile of other various shoes, sneakers, and boots. He remember that Videl had taken her shoes off earlier, and realized that they must have been left in the car since he didn't see them around. He forgot about it as he walked into the dimly lit kitchen, which was being illuminated by a small nightlight Bulma had probably had up since Trunks had been born. The thought made him smile, and he pushed a kitchen table chair back away from the table itself, sighing as he practically fell into its comfort, Videl still in his arms. She made a low sound in her throat, her arms moving to around his midsection to hold on tight as her face nestled deeper into his chest, as if searching for something. He watched slightly amused as she breathed in deeply, letting it out with a blissful sigh.


"Hmm...Gohan, you smell so good...."


A light smile touched his lips as he pressed them to her forehead, brushing his fingers through her wispy and soft hair. He felt her fingers clench the white shirt he had under his coat, and he realized briefly how uncomfortable and itchy the thing was. He somehow managed to shrug it off, letting it drop noisily to the white tiled floor. Her fingers loosened, and her face relaxed in peaceful sleep.


Gohan slumped lower in the chair, happy that he was cozy enough with it to fall asleep within its cushioned depths. He felt the all-too familiar smile tug at his lips as his tail curled around her slender waist, finding a wonderful spot to stay warm at. He closed his eyes, falling asleep in the next moment.


Bulma rubbed the sleep out of her blue eyes, walking carefully down the stairs that seemed to tilt as she took each step. Somehow she managed to find the floor without breaking her neck, and she stretched, letting out her morning yawn and scratching her stomach, just like most men. She walked to the coffee maker, and stopped dead in her tracks, turning to look at the scene at the kitchen table.


There was Gohan, asleep in a chair, his head tilted to the side and resting against Videl's. Videl?!?! An evil and wicked laugh went off in her head as she inspected them closer. She was asleep in his lap, her arms lopped around him as he purred. Wait—purred? Yeah, that's what that noise was, and it was loud. Gohan must really be liking it to be purring that loud, Bulma thought, grinning as she continued to watch the adorable couple. Saiya-jins only purr like that when they are loving what is going on, or are in some sort of tender moment, that or practically forced by manipulative little fingers....


She stopped her train of thought, trying not to think about the wonderful and naughty things that Vegeta and herself had done last night. She gave a small laugh, padding back across the floor to make some yummy and black coffee.


Only a short few moments later, Chichi walked in, presenting Bulma with the same display she had gone through. After she was done gawking, she got the dreamiest look on her face, clasping her hands together in front of her as she sighed. "Oh, they are going to be married, Bulma, I just know it. You know Saiya-jins, they only do those kinds of committed things when they feel deeply about a person. Aw, aren't they the cutest little things ever? Just imagine Bulma, I'm going to be a grandmother soon!"


Both women jumped when they heard a low groan, and Gohan bring up his large hand to rub his eyes, blinking them open and then glaring at his mother and Bulma. "Can't you be quiet? I only got like-" he looked at the clock on the wall, "-three hours of sleep. How can you get up so early?" he whined, closing his eyes again and unconsciously bringing the still sleeping woman in his arms closer. Both Bulma and Chichi giggled, grabbing the coffee and tiptoeing out of the kitchen to go relate the wicked news to their mates.


Great, Gohan thought, growling. I'm not going to be able to fall back asleep even if I tried, or even if I get knocked upside my hard head. He reopened his black eyes, watching the young woman curled up to him as if she would never let him go. He felt something move inside him, and something warm and conscious go through his mind, body, and soul. He sighed with the feeling, burying his fingers in her soft hair. He regretted now telling her to cut it short, for now he couldn't think of anything but running his fingers through its lustrous length.


She stirred, moving slightly on his lap. He grinned as she opened her eyes slowly, almost in a child-like way, and blinked when she saw him. "Gohan."


He cocked his black eyebrow at her, causing a smile to appear without thought. "How...why am I asleep on you?"


When she was still sleepy like that, she just oozed innocence, Gohan realized, wishing he knew what true innocence was really like. Not to see death, carnage, people suffering, the pain. She reminded him for some reason of what he used to be, what he wanted to be. Sure, in many ways he was innocent, but not in the ways of the world, especially the universe. He closed his eyes, feeling suddenly old. He wished he could have grown up like a normal kid, not having to fight, not having to worry about who or what he was going to have to kill next in order to save all the helpless lives on the planet.


Videl watched all the harsh expressions cross his handsome face, and brought her hand up to his cheek, sitting up more in his arms. His eyes shot open, and she never thought she had seen such pain in them. They seemed darker, if that was possible, and filled with some sort of betrayal. She understood him in many ways, but not all. She doubted she ever would, either. She leaned forward, pressing her lips against his to offer some semblance of comfort, and tell him that she was there. She brought her hand around his neck, pulling him closer as his arms wrapped around her waist, somehow finding their way under the back of her dress. She wondered wildly how the hell he had managed that, and found out seconds later that he had just ripped the back until he had access to the smooth and amazingly soft skin of her lithe back.


Videl was lost in a world of wonderful warmth as his fingers explored her back, tracing all the contours and the softly defined muscles. She didn't even realize she had moaned until he grinned against her mouth, pressing his lips harder against hers.


She soon got curious, wanting more without even realizing it, and started to undo the small white buttons marching up the front of his shirt. She wanted to feel his skin against hers, wanted to know what his bare skin smelled like, what it tasted like.


Gohan felt her push his shirt off his broad shoulders, and vaguely realized he should tell her to stop. He almost jumped out of his skin when her fingertips lightly touched him, and her hands flattened out against his chest, feeling his breathing steadily increase. He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, he wanted to fling her onto the kitchen table.


Videl let her hesitant fingers move, feeling them tingle at the mere touch of his heated skin. She felt her own breathing hitch as her fingers brushed over his hard nipples, and she shifted to get into a more comfortable position on his lap. He made a low sound in his throat that sounded like half moan, half plea as she straddled his hips, purposefully arching her body into his. He groaned so loud she wondered if the whole house was awake now, but forgot about it seconds later as his hands left her back, moving down to her hips. She gasped into his mouth when he pressed her down hard, letting her feel his very evident arousal. She had never felt anything even close to this before, but she was scared, and with good reason.


Gohan suddenly tore his mouth away, breathing so hard that he wondered if his heart was going to burst from his chest. "Videl...." he panted, swallowing. "Videl...we have to stop. I can't...I don't-"


"Gohan," she whispered, looking him straight into his gorgeous eyes. He stared back, amazed at how her own eyes had gone such a dark purple. "I'm not going to lie to you," she said, her voice low as she traced his fuller lower lip with her fingertip. "I want to be with you. I want to be with you now."


Gohan wondered if he was in a dream, or if he was quite simply dying, and going to heaven. He swallowed again, rubbing his hands up and down her arms just to have some sort of contact with her, even if she was sitting on his lap and could still very likely feel how beyond horny he was. "Videl...this is wrong. We barely even know each other. I know that you want me...I bet you can tell that I want you too," he said, trying not to laugh at how pathetic he was. "But this is wrong. I don't want to do this, even if our bodies are telling us otherwise. My mind knows that this is dead wrong, and so does yours."


She looked down, but then back up, her expression hurt. "But, Gohan...please...."


He wanted to cry. He wanted to destroy something. He wanted food. He wanted Videl. He especially wanted to cry because of the sweet and longing tone of her voice, at how utterly open she was with him, and how she didn't lie when it came to what she wanted. He thought it amazing that anyone could want him, for he had always thought himself a horrible creature for all the deeds he had done. He shook his head. "Videl...why?"


She looked back down, at her hands now laying dormant in her lap. "I...I don't know."


He smiled, despite the situation. "Not a good enough, reason, Videl."


His smile fell right off his face when she glanced back up, and he saw actual tears swimming in her expressive eyes. He saw how hard she was trying to plead with him, and it was taking all his strength, honor, and will just to fight how bad he wanted her. He closed his eyes. "I'm sorry, Videl."


Videl let the tears fall. She wanted to cry harder, wanted to bawl until she couldn't bawl anymore, wanted to smack him as hard as she could. She was so confused, not just mentally, but physically as well. Her body was demanding the man beneath her, and her mind was telling her exactly what Gohan had: this is wrong. Was it really that simple? Was Gohan just teasing her? No, he wouldn't do that...would he? She shook her head, climbing off him, and walking absently out of the kitchen, and up the stairs.


Gohan let out a shaky breath, the one he had been holding ever since he had told her no. She hadn't lashed out like he had thought she would, and for that he didn't know if he was relieved or not. He stood, albeit painfully, and walked over to the sink, ready to pour some cold water down his pants. He laughed to himself, instead getting a drink. He had to think about this situation now, another wonderful worry to add to the growing list. And what the hell was he going to do about himself? He growled as his tail lashed around behind him. He doubted he was going to cool down for about an hour. He snorted at himself, walking up the stairs Videl had just gone up to go take the wonderful and famous cold shower.