Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Videl's Accident ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note: If you wish to receive an email every time I update this or any of my other stories, then leave your email in a review! Thanks!      Chapter Twenty Four: Videl's Accident       

Gohan flew close to Videl, their arms touching as they tested how fast she could go now. He easily went ahead of her, and he could see how mad she was getting even through the short ebony hair whipping into her purple eyes. He grinned when she gritted her teeth, clenching her hands at her sides and forcing herself to catch up to him. He was amazed when she abruptly broke the sound barrier, the blast resounding through the blue sky clear proof as she shot past him. His eyes widened even as a shocked smile appeared, and he actually had to fight to catch up to her. He frowned at himself, realizing for the first time that he really needed to train. He hadn't done much of anything for seven years, and now he was competing with a girl!! His girlfriend to be exact!!


He growled, forcing himself to go faster. He didn't see his father or anyone else, and little did he care. He took this as a serious competition, considering it was his speed she was messing with. He had always been pretty confident when it came to how fast he was, and now he was wondering if he was slacking off a little too much.


Videl flipped over onto her back, getting used to the energy flowing through her while she brought up her arms, letting her head rest on them as she closed her eyes, smirking when Gohan finally caught up. He saw that smug grin and growled again, wondering if he should do something evil to her. Nah, he thought. I'll do something to her later. Hehehe....


Goku heard that blast, and wondered what the hell had just happened. He told Vegeta and the Supreme Kai that he would be right back as he caught up to Videl and Gohan, who were much further ahead of them, doing flips and tricks in the air, and weaving back and forth, laughing at each other. Ah, the joys of love, Goku thought, his famous Son grin on his face.


"Hey, dad. Is something wrong?"


"No, but it appears Videl broke the sound barrier!!"


Videl had such a happy smile on her face that it affected everyone around her. Goku shook his head and told them to slow down, and that they were out here to look, not to have fun. Gohan said he was sorry, along with Videl, whose smile was wiped off. However, Gohan jerked her against him, kissing her soundly on the lips, and causing her silly grin to reappear. Goku rolled his eyes, doubting seriously that the two "lovebirds" would get any searching done.


"What are they doing up there?" Vegeta demanded, pissed.


Goku shrugged. "Just having fun."


Vegeta snarled, ready to go up there and beat some sense into them. "They shouldn't be playing around when we are trying to save this stupid dirtball."


Goku got a sad look on his, but ignored Vegeta. He didn't care what the Prince thought; it wasn't like he could really do anything to Gohan anyhow, especially with him around. He definitely wouldn't dare. At least he didn't think so.


Gohan held onto Videl as he had when they had first went to Babidi, and tried to teach her about ki signatures. She caught on soon enough, but she didn't have much to test on except Vegeta and Goku, and even normal human's could have sensed something from them. She told him how funny it was to feel his ki when he was right there, and he couldn't help but laugh at her odd sense of humor.


As time went by, and they didn't find Babidi, Gohan started to drift off, going into a peaceful sort of mind, almost like a light meditation. Videl didn't even notice, for she had actually fallen asleep against him again. Gohan's awake consciousness was keeping a sense of direction, so that they didn't fall, or fly straight into a mountain or something just as equally unpleasant.


He had no idea how long they were like that, but he was snapped out of it when he heard his dad shout, and he stopped slowly, still feeling tired. "Huh? What's going on, dad?"


Goku stopped next to him, pointing down to the ground below. "We think that's where they are at. The Supreme Kai is going down to check it out, and meanwhile, keep Videl asleep, because she doesn't know how to suppress her ki yet, and they will sense it, especially since she is stronger now."


Gohan nodded, looking down at the sleeping woman in his arms. He held her closer, knowing that she would ease into a deeper sleep since she was closer to him, and could feel his heat. He was still too nervous about completely pressing her against him, and it seemed like he would be taking advantage of her in her sleeping state. To him, women were something precious, to be taken care of, respected and cherished with everything a man could give her. He himself was no exception to this Saiya-jin rule, and he realized without even thinking that he had adopted it from hanging around his dad, and now Vegeta too much. When Vegeta was younger, he wouldn't have even hesitated to blow off a woman's head, but now he would think twice, especially since he had his own mate, and son.


Gohan grinned. He wondered what it was like to be mated. His father had told him before he had died that he would talk to him about it when he got married, but not before then. He had been mad at the time, and had wanted to get married right there, he remembered with a bigger smile, but now, come to think about it, he was happy no one had told him about it. Vegeta had almost slipped once, but Chichi had been there, and so had Bulma, and they had whacked him a good one upside the head. Vegeta had ended up cursing up a storm, and retreating with his son into the GR.


Goku disappeared, reappearing down on the ground with the Supreme Kai as Vegeta came up next to him, his arms crossed over his chest. They both observed the activities below, watching carefully. They were getting ready to leave when they all felt a sudden ki signature up above them, one that was dark, not something you felt everyday.


Everyone's head jerked upwards, only to hear maniacal laughter float around them in a never-ending stream. Gohan got so sick of it that he wanted to scream for the person to shut up, but he knew who the person was. It was Dabura, and he had still had to deal out a little revenge on him for Piccolo and Krillin, who were still turned to stone. He had seen them about a mile away, in the same exact condition. He felt horrible about doing all these things, like going out to dinner, and every other thing when his friends were more than likely dead.


"Well, look who's back," Dabura sneered, appearing before them, an evil grin on his ugly face. Gohan growled, baring his sharp teeth and unconsciously gripping onto Videl a little too hard. She stirred, her face forming an intense frown at the slight pain before her beautiful eyes opened. His senses always finely tuned to any of her discomforts, he was distracted, and Dabura took this to his advantage. Videl shouted for him to look out, and Gohan threw her out of his arms before Dabura slammed into him, sending him hurtling to the ground below. She watched in horror as he disappeared deep into the ground, forming a huge crater. She yelled with such anger that even Vegeta had to turn, only to see her kick Dabura as hard as she could in the side of his big-eared head. Spit and blood flew as he dropped at an incredible speed to the ground below just like Gohan had, his momentum too great for him to stop himself and his descent.


Everyone watched in shock as Videl crossed her arms over her chest, a serious look on her face as she lowered herself to the ground below, next to the two newly formed craters the size of large houses. She was just starting to step forward when the ground started to shake violently and burst apart, rock, dirt, and stone flying everywhere as Babidi's ship reemerged from the ground below. Her arms shot out to balance herself as the white top appeared, a distinct "M" etched on it. The ground slowly started to stop quaking, and she brought her arms back down to her sides as Goku, Vegeta, and the Supreme Kai materialized next to her. The door opened, letting out a slow and annoying hiss and blowing the disturbed rock and dirt around. The air filled with red dust, no one able to see much. It finally cleared, and everyone was grateful that they hadn't been ambushed during that short amount of time.


"What is going on?" Videl demanded, getting into a defensive stance and looking around carefully. Goku motioned for her to go get Gohan while he watched her back, and she nodded, creeping carefully over to the deep hole in the ground. She saw him standing up, dusting off his tattered green gi and mumbling something about being stupid as hell. He looked up when he heard her whisper his name, and she stretched out her hand, letting him take hold of it to help him out of the crater. He thanked her, asking her if she was alright. The only thing she did was point to the huge hole in the ground a few yards away, and smirk. He gave her a surprised smile as he hugged her, happy that he had shoved her out of the way just in time.


They both walked back over to the group, wondering what to expect. They all jerked around when they heard a loud growl, and Videl suddenly was blasted clear away from them, smashing into the hull of the white ship, and falling to the ground with a loud groan. Gohan cried out, getting ready to run over to her side when he too was blasted away by a bright yellow light, slamming into the hard white metal next to Videl, sliding unconscious to the ground.


Goku snarled, fisting his hands at his side. "Show yourself you coward!! Are you so weak that you have to hide yourself and use such attacks!!?" he yelled, jerking around to find the enemy.


That laugh again, deep, annoying. Vegeta's expression became disgusted, and the Supreme Kai looked scared, as always. Their opponent emerged, flicking his cape over his shoulder. "I thought that I was going to get a better fight than this...I guess not."


Goku growled, forming a ki blast in his hand and flinging it at Dabura, who dodged it easily. "Pathetic," he said, laughing. He didn't expect for Goku and Vegeta to look at each other, smirk, and then both start flinging powerful ki blasts at him, and then all over the place. When they both thought he was done with, they stopped, breathing hard. The Supreme Kai was looking on in complete shock, wondering where they got the audacity to dare and attack the King of Demons, and think they were going to beat him.


Videl groaned, holding her head in her hands as she sat up, closing her eyes when the world around her dipped and swirled. She felt arms go around her, and she opened her mouth to scream. A hand covered her mouth and she started struggling, but the arms prevented her from being able to move much. Her only defense was to bite down with her teeth, and the hand was ripped away, along with a loud cry of pain. She jerked around; getting ready to kick the being upside the head, when she saw it was Gohan, cradling his profusely bleeding hand to his chest.


"Ow!!! Videl, why did you do that?!"


Her eyes widened, and she crawled over to him, taking his hand into hers and inspecting it. "Oh, Gohan, I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else, and you were going to kill me or something." She touched her fingers to the bite marks, which were pouring blood. She hadn't realized she had bitten him so hard. She let his hand go long enough so that she could rip a piece of fabric off her shirt, and wrap it around his hand. He didn't have the normal look of pain on his face, but a smile instead. After she tied it, she gave him a small chaste kiss, telling him she was sorry again. He told her it was alright, and helped her stand as they heard explosions all around them. They watched as Goku went flying past them, then Vegeta, and finally the Supreme Kai. They were the only ones left as far as they could tell, if the others had fallen unconscious. They stood, walking over to where Dabura was standing, looking rather bored.


"Well, I see that you two are back from the dead. Why don't you just give up and hand over your power now?" Dabura asked, getting into a fighter's stance just like Videl and Gohan. The couple looked at each other, but didn't really heed Dabura as they both charged him, trying desperately to defeat him. Even with both of them paired up, it was hard. They landed a few good hits, but Dabura was too good, and had gained power from last time they had seen him. Gohan didn't understand how, and he was suddenly distracted as he saw his father and everyone else come into view. He was getting pissed off from letting himself get off-track, and look where it was getting him.


He felt a fist smash into the side of his head, and the mind-numbing pain sent him flying down to the ground, where his dad caught him before he hit. Goku smacked his son lightly to wake him up from his daze, scolding him for letting himself get distracted. Gohan shook him off, ready to start screaming at his dad to leave him alone for once, when he heard a pain-filled scream echo through the air. Everyone jerked around to see Videl being crushed against Dabura's chest, her back dangerously close to snapping. She couldn't get out of his hold; she was stuck, no matter how hard she tried to save herself. Both Goku and Gohan took off towards him, but were thrown back by a ki wave Dabura formed and shot at them from his place high in the sky. Gohan jumped right back up, getting ready to charge again when he felt what little blood he had left in his face drain.


He watched as Dabura lifted her away from him by her white neck, her bruised form laying limp in his killing hold. The Demon King's laugh was heard as he threw her away from him, kicking her as hard as he could, sending her to the ground below.