Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Happenings on the Set ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Nine: Happenings on the Set
I feel so tired, so weak, so...drained. What are they doing to me? Where am I? What's going on? Where is this place? What do they want with me? I'm so scared....
She felt welcome wet tears come to her dry eyes, and she didn't bother with the tedious job of holding them back. They fell down her blood-smeared and dirt-covered cheeks, leaving watery streaks noticed by her hideous captor. He grinned, giving an obscene laugh and gesture in her defenseless direction. She was too exhausted to flinch back when he came closer to her, dragging his rough palm across her sensitive cheek, and going downwards faster than she appreciated. She whimpered, trying to hopelessly to pull away from his filthy and wandering fingers.
"Dangi, stay away from her. We need all her energy, we don't want anyone to drain it more than what is already being taken."
Dangi took his hand away, growling at the pretty, grubby-looking girl, and promising he would be back later. Babidi stepped up to her, looking at the screen next to her and gauging the process of her energy drain. They were slowly sucking her dry of all energy, but not quickly. If they did it slowly, she had the chance to regain it as she lost it. All they had to do was feed her and take care of her, and she would get her energy back. However, she looked rather thin and disgustingly pale, and it wasn't like he couldn't tell. The girl was half-naked anyhow. The only thing covering her was thin and ripped pieces of bloody white fabric that he had allowed her only because she had screamed so loud it had hurt his sensitive ears. He had planned on letting all the men raping her until she died, but then he got a wonderful idea from Dabura. Why not use her energy to revive Majin Buu? It was an excellent idea, that was for sure. The girl seemed to have a never-ending supply of it, and Majin Buu's power was almost three fourths full. It had taken almost two weeks, but that was only because of how slow the process was. They had to keep her strength up, yet drain her of it at the same time. It was agonizing, but everyone dealt with it. It was going to take a long time in order to get the rest of the energy needed, more than a month, maybe even two. They weren't sure, nor did they have a correct estimate.
Until then...why not let the boys have some fun? He wouldn't let them do anything too physical, he had to worry about her wellbeing all the time to make sure Majin Buu got all the precious energy he could ever need. He smiled at her, laughing as he walked away.
She opened her weary eyes. Her wrists were killing her. She was chained to a wall, her wrists held up by jagged metal that was painfully chafing her skin. It was already ripped, torn, and bleeding, the red blood that was streaking down her stretched arms was long dried, created from her many fights, encounters, and conflicts to get away from the countless eager men. She was always punished when she tried to get away, nothing that could really ever hurt her, just bruised her strong pride, and made her feel horribly worthless. The room was roasting, and she felt salty sweat pour down her face, making her itch like mad.
She lifted her head weakly when she heard the white-armored guard coming back, a leering grin on his ugly gray face. She sighed, her shoulders slumping into an uncomfortable position. At least she knew that they weren't going to rape her.
Two weeks went by, leaving Gohan so frantic with worry his hair should have been falling out in huge clumps. All he could do was try to lend his genius mind and help Bulma with the new space ship.
The project was so big that all of Capsule Corporation had ceased to function, and half of everyone in the multi-billion dollar company was in the biggest warehouse available, which had been cleared out to use for the building. Constant trucks and other various vehicles were always being seen in an unstoppable stream, coming back and forth from the Capsule Co. main building. It kept everyone awake all day and all night in the surrounding neighborhoods, but no one that worked noticed, nor did they care. They were getting paid double their normal pay.
The other half, or the scientists, were in the countless labs, working 24/7 on some of the most high-tech stuff on the planet. Bulma and Gohan were head of it, Gohan bringing her ideas and Bulma authorizing them.
Vegeta was stuck helping Bulma with the advancements of the GR, and even though he didn't enjoy it, he secretly liked the thought of better training. Bulma always said that he never used his brain enough anyhow, and he was a smart man in the first place. He just didn't try to prove it.
Goku, well...Goku was just kind of catching up with his family while he had the chance, to the gratefulness of anyone working on the project.
Shin was pretty much gone the whole time, no one knowing were he was. He only came back to check up on everything, and see how much longer it would take for the ship to get done.
Gohan was currently in the GR, trying to show the men with what little "sight" he had how to use a new and better reinforced technique of wielding him and Bulma had stumbled upon by accident. They had also come up with a much needed and better metal, called Trison. It was twenty times stronger than any metal yet, and would be used in the GR walls. With the gravity pressure, the old metal wouldn't be able to hold very long, and would crack and split, like the old one was starting to do, especially now that he had gotten hold of it. If they had used the old metal, it wouldn't have lasted more than an hour. All of the men were training beyond levels they had thought possible, and even Trunks and Goten were joining in, even if they were reluctant. Vegeta just barked at them, and they obeyed pretty much everything he said. If he told them to go eat garbage they probably would.
Gohan swiped his arm over his forehead, sighing as he stood. It was hard doing all this when you couldn't see, but he was enduring. It was as if he could see, except he was just a little slower than normal people were. Well, he wasn't normal in the first place, but that wasn't the point.
Bulma walked into what was so far built of the newest and best GR ever, seeing Gohan trying to stay awake. Both of them had been up for thirty-eight hours, and were ready to collapse from exhaustion. They were both going back home to get a good night's sleep at the next shift change, and they were taking a good long break. They had been the hardest working people out of them all, and were up all night and all day constantly, only taking an hour or so to sleep, and then go back to work. They were running themselves into the ground, but they had to get this done as soon as possible.
"Gohan, come on, the shift's about to change. I know you're tired and hungry, so don't even try to fight me," Bulma said, latching onto his arm and dragging him out of the almost finished GR. She wished that he could see it, because he would be pleasantly surprised.
Gohan didn't even try to resist, knowing better than not to in the first place, since knowing Bulma, she would probably whack him over his poor head, which happened to be killing him at the time. She tugged him down the various and numerous halls in the half-built spacecraft, nodding and waving to some people, and then leaving the ship down a large ramp. Gohan was following along side her like her own personal dog, and it was telling her that he was extremely tired. Whenever she offered to bring him around so he wouldn't run into a wall or something, he would just shrug her off, or just let her keep her hand on his back, or hold onto his shirt. He hadn't ever run into a wall, which was good, because she didn't know what she would do. Cry, or laugh her head off. Gohan however, didn't seem particularly bothered with it, and was making his way around perfectly fine. She was happy for him, and sad at the same time. She shrugged, opening his door and leaving him to get in by himself, knowing that he wouldn't ever be tired enough to want her to help him sit down. He would probably flip out on her.
Once they got into the car, she was amazed that he didn't plop his head on the dashboard and start snoring. He was just keeping his eyes down, like as if he was looking down at his lap or hands. She gave him a sad look, and then drove home, happy that she was going to get a chance to sleep, get some real food, and get a nice long shower. Not to mention a sweet sexy man in her bed. She grinned like a fool, speeding towards home faster.