Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ The Seduction Plan ( Chapter 42 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 42: The Seduction Plan
She sat there, staring blankly at the wall in an absolute daze. She didn't see, nor hear the door slide open, revealing a woman who dashed over to her, lifting the blanket up to cover a half-naked Videl, who was sitting upright in bed, off in space. Bulma felt her motherly instincts kick in at the sight of the younger woman, and she lightly tapped her pale cheek, trying to snap her out of it. The young woman blinked, turning to an almost panicked Bulma. She blinked again, wondering why she was there.

"Hi, Bulma."

Bulma drew back. Huh? She acting like she's...fine. She must really be in shock. "Honey, are you alright? Gohan came running out of this room like no tomorrow. He almost ran right into me, telling me to come here now. Honey...did he hurt you? Are you alright?"

Videl gave her a faint smile, holding the blanket around her more securely. "Yeah, I'm fine. He just scared me, I guess. He told me not to tease him, and I did."

Bulma didn't know what to think. As far as she knew, Gohan had almost raped Videl, and the girl seemed to be taking it rather well. "Um, Videl, I think there is something about Gohan that you don't know. He's—"

"I know, Bulma. He told me everything."

"Wow," she said, surprised. She couldn't believe Gohan had even mentioned anything about it.

Videl smiled dimly, her shoulders slumped so low Bulma wondered if it was painful. "You're probably wondering why I'm taking this so well, especially with everything that's happened to me."

Bulma scooted closer to the girl, placing her hand soothingly on her bare shoulder. "What happened?"

Videl went silent, wondering what she should say. "The men on the ship...they—"

"Those bastards fucking raped you?! They're going to die!!"

Videl shook her head, smiling to try and calm down the seething woman, who was nearly frothing at the mouth, her hands curled in front of her as if she was strangling someone's neck. Videl thought it was kind of funny to see such a composed woman looking quite insane. Now she knew why Vegeta had fallen for her. They were practically the same, but different. "No, Bulma, they didn't rape me. They...did stuff."

Bulma calmed down, taking in a deep breath and placing her hands in her lap, straightening her back. "Are you ok? Did you tell Gohan?"

The younger woman nodded. Bulma had to comment on the girl's courage to tell her own boyfriend something that horrifying. Most girls wouldn't have even said anything, would have kept it buried inside them, rotting, until the day they died with it. She would have done the same thing if she were in this situation. She didn't like holding anything back from Vegeta, even if it seemed like he wasn't paying attention. She always knew that he did.

"So...you're alright with what Gohan just did? What exactly did he do? He came running out, nearly hysterical. He even had tears in his eyes. What happened?"

Videl felt absolutely horrible. "I should have known better. He told me not to tease him, and look what I do."

Now this was getting interesting. "What did you do?" she asked, excited.

"After you left, he told me to get a shower, and he brought me in there, telling me that he was going to go get me some of your clothes to wear. I feel kinda mortified about saying this, but I really want him, Bulma. All I want is to be with him, but for some reason, no matter what I do, he doesn't believe me, and he runs. I don't understand either, especially with the condition he's in. It's like he's purposefully trying to make himself suffer."

"Yeah, so what happened?"

Videl didn't notice the enthusiasm in Bulma's voice. She just needed someone to talk to, and a female that would understand at that. She sighed, her shoulders slumping even more. "I tried convincing him by dropping my shirt, which left me uh...half naked." Bulma gasped, but smirked at the young woman, saying, "Oh, that was good. What did he do?"

"I don't know whether or not to say drooling, or he almost died. But anyhow, I walked over to him, and I uh...tried to convince him further by um...pressing myself against him." She paused. "I wish I hadn't done that. He started to go nuts, and I guess it scared me, and I panicked. I need to come up with a better thought-out plan."

Bulma's eyes widened. "You mean...you're trying to seduce him?"

Videl looked thoughtful. "Yeah, I guess you could put it that way."

Bulma got the most evil look on her face imaginable. "I have a plan," she said, grinning.

Videl gave her a suspicious glare. "Oh yeah?"

Bulma nodded, the grin still on her beautiful face. "Yeah. Operation Seduction."

Videl couldn't help but laugh. "Really? Are you serious?"

Bulma snorted, waving her graceful hand through the air. "Of course I am. I have the feeling that we too are going to have a lot of fun."

They both smiled.

She found him curled up on his side, up against the cold GR wall, sleeping wrapped up in a blue blanket. She smiled as she walked over to him, hearing him emitting a light snore of the heavily sleeping. She knelt down before him, slapping his face. He didn't move.

She growled, using the same technique she used with a certain 'person'. She bent down to his ear and said, "Oh, Gohan, dinner's ready."

He shot upward, startling her so bad she fell flat on her ass. She got up, rubbing her wounded behind as she glared daggers at the sleepy Gohan. "Huh? What? Did someone say something about food?" he asked, rubbing his eyes like a little child. He looked so adorable all sleepy like that. She just wanted to pinch his cheeks and tell him what a cute little boy he was.

Instead, she straightened, crossing her arms over her abundant chest. "No, actually, I wanted to talk to you, young man. You have a lot of explaining to do."

He fell back to the floor, groaning half-heartedly. "What do you want?"

She sat down in front of him, looking successfully mean. "What did you do to Videl? She's bawling, screaming her heart out that you raped her!"

Gohan jumped straight up, his face going instantly pale. "What? No...I wouldn't—I mean, I didn't rape her! Where is she at?!" he asked, but ran out of the GR even before Bulma answered him. She smirked. Everything was going to the plan.

He almost broke through the door, looking frantically through their room, and not finding her. He felt something go through him that made his blood boil, and he bared his teeth, growling as he tore back out of the room. His first victim was Vegeta, who was walking by in the hall, looking like he was going to the GR. He grabbed him, slamming him up against the wall. Vegeta snarled, swinging his fist at Gohan's face. The much younger man caught it easily, not even flinching. Vegeta growled, hiding his shock as he tried to take his hand out of Gohan's impossibly strong grip. It didn't even budge.

"Where is she?!" he yelled, making Vegeta's eyes widen.

"Get your damn hands off me, boy!!" he demanded, trying to get free once more. Gohan refused to let him go.

"Just tell me where she is, damn it!!" he shouted, starting to feel his anger pass and panic set in.

Vegeta had no idea what was wrong with him, but he knew it had to do something with that girl he was ever so gallantly obsessed, and probably would mate with. He managed to get free, shoving Gohan away as he said over his shoulder, "Why don't you go and look for yourself? She isn't my bitch. You need to screw her before you destroy this whole ship."

Gohan just let it pass, knowing that it wasn't a good idea to mess with Vegeta when he was mad. Well, he was pissed himself, even if he was calming down. Now he was getting scared, wondering why in the world Videl would leave the room when she seemed so scared of everyone except him and Bulma. He hoped she was alright...this was all his fault. If she hated him now, he knew why. He closed his eyes as he hurried down the hall, hoping that she wouldn't go that far. He didn't know what he would do.

He looked in the kitchen; she wasn't there. He searched the cockpit; she wasn't there. He ran through the whole ship; she wasn't anywhere. Now he was really scared, thinking things along the line of she had ejected herself out into space and killed herself, or had just plain killed herself. He didn't like that thought at all, and it even brought tears to his eyes. He started wandering aimlessly through the halls, his hand running along the wall so he could keep his balance. He looked up pathetically when he saw his dad standing in the middle of the corridor, a serious look on his face, and his arms crossed. He looked rather disapproving.


"Gohan, stop acting like a child. You are all grown up now, and you're sulking like I would expect Trunks or Goten to. Stand up and stop crying right now."

Gohan stood up, straightening his shoulders and staring his father right in the eye. "There? Happy now?" he said in a snide tone, making his father's eyes narrow.

"I suppose. Now why don't you go back to your room and go complain about your woes there? You're making everyone on this ship sick."

Gohan growled, walking past his dad and not looking back. Yes, he was acting like a child, and he realized that. But he just wanted Videl back....

He stepped through the portal of his room, hearing the door automatically close behind him as he collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in a pathetically flat pillow. He grabbed another one, chucking the two out of four flat pillows away from the bed and letting them find their new home on the carpeted floor. He punched the stupid thing into a more comfortable position, and then immersed his face in it again. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. It smelled just like Videl's hair. Videl....

He felt a soft drift of wind pass over his back, and he jerked around, expecting an enemy or something. He didn't see anything. He sighed loudly, annoyed. He felt his tail whipping behind him, as if it was mad itself. "Stupid thing," he muttered, grabbing it and flipping around onto his back, examining the writhing tail in his hand. "I don't get women," he said to it, as if it were another person. It wiggled around in his grasp, trying to get free. When it realized it wasn't going to, it went limp, contenting itself with a small twitch every once and a while. Gohan stared at it for a while, wondering why he had gotten it back in the first place. He had just woken up and...there it was. He frowned. Goten and Trunks had asked the Supreme Kai to have theirs back, and it made him wonder if Shin had known about the increase of strength it gave them all. He must have, because every Saiya-jin, whether half or full-blooded, now had their tails back.

He didn't notice a silent presence in his dark room, just got up, walking over to his dresser to pull out a button-up shirt that he was rather fond of. He tugged it on, sitting back down on the bed after he was done. He sighed, placing his head in his hands as he stared at the white wall in front of him. He missed being home. Even though it was rather nice sleeping in a bed instead of on the floor on a futon bedroll thing.

He heard a light whisper of sound, and by now he was getting suspicious. His Saiya-jin hearing was picking up on the tiniest sounds, like breathing. He smirked into the darkness, standing up in the middle of the room. He knew that she was in here. He just had to find her.

"You know," she said from a corner of the room, her back up against the wall, her arm resting on her knee, "you are rather pathetic."

He turned around, seeing a faint outline of her body, and the spark in her beautiful eyes. He took a step forward, but she stopped him. "Move, and you die."

He was shocked, but he obliged her, an apologetic look on his face. "Videl...you know I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you. Why were you screaming that I raped you? You know I didn't...."

"I know. I didn't scream. I didn't even cry. Well, I didn't cry after you left."

He felt horrible, but there was one thing he didn't understand. "But...but why did Bulma say that you were screaming?"

"Because I told her to," Videl said flatly, standing up, but still staying in her corner.

"I don't think that I understand," Gohan said, watching her dark form. She seemed to have changed into the spaghetti strap shirt and baggy pajama pants that he had gotten from Bulma, and she looked rather mouth-watering leaning nonchalantly against the wall, her hair falling across her face in a cascade of softness that he wouldn't mind getting his hands on. He took a step forward without even realizing it, and she shook her finger, deciding to come forward herself. His eyes were immediately drawn to the delicate sway of her graceful hips, and he couldn't help but wonder when she had started walking like a girl.

Videl smirked as she watched him, noting how he was staring at her with obvious lust. He was gripping onto his jeans like he was trying to keep his hands from doing something, and she found it amusing as she stepped up to him, her body only inches from touching his.

He got a nervous look on his face, and he looked like he wanted to take a step back, but his senses immediately became alert to the change of scent in the air. His eyes widened on her face, and she grinned wickedly. He went to turn around, but she grabbed a hold of his shirt, causing him to say, "Videl, what are you doing? I thought you were mad at me...at least scared!"

She shook her head, leaning dangerously close to his lips. "No...I'm not mad at you, Gohan," she whispered temptingly, hearing him draw in his breath. "You know...you really should stop running away from me. Next time I might not come back to you."

His face turned apologetic. "Videl...I'm just...I don't know any more," he said, getting frustrated with himself. "But...what are you doing? Why are you here?"

"I'm here to seduce you."

He almost fell over. "What?" he asked, shocked beyond belief.

She shook her head at him. "You heard me. And if you run this time, don't even dare to come back to me, and I won't ever look at you again."

He instantly became distraught. "Videl...you can't do that to me. It's not fair. Please—"

"No. I'm sick of you and your excuses. Listen to mine for once. I want you, and if you leave, then don't ever come back. I can, and I will do this, Gohan. It's your decision. What's your answer?"