Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Help! Gohan, He Hurt Me! ( Chapter 52 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 52: Help! Gohan, He Hurt Me!
It was nice not having to get up early anymore and go to school, since it was so much more closer, not five hundred miles away, literally. He woke up to Videl moaning for just one more hour, and he was tempted just to let her sleep and not go to school at all. However, he knew that their education was important, and they had been gone long enough from school. He woke her with a light kiss on her soft lips, and the way that her eyes opened in their own sleepy way, and how their beautiful color darkened, made him feel like the most lucky man in the world. He felt suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, especially when she said in a soft voice, "I love you, Gohan," and snuggled deeper into his warmth of his body.

He hugged her against him, feeling the need just to hold her. He couldn't help but think about all the times he could have lost her, or how she could be dead now. He only had the chance to hold her for about five minutes before she gave the excuse that she needed the bathroom. He released her with a sigh, watching her walk in her own graceful way into the small white room and closing the door. He turned over onto his back, slapping his hand over his face and giving it a good old-fashioned rub. Once he laid there for about a minute, he got up, wondering what Videl was going to wear that day. Probably her wonderful baggy clothes. He loved her in tight clothes, but he didn't like the way that guys looked at her. Now he knew why she always wore her baggy clothes. He would have to specifically tell her to always wear those clothes to keep the guys away.

She came back out a moment later, brushing her long hair, and giving him a naughty grin when his eyes widened. She was only wearing her spandex shorts, and a white lacy bra. He cocked his eyebrow at her in question. "Where's the sports bra today?"

"In my backpack. I liked the thought of you knowing what I'm wearing under all my clothes, and that you can't have any of it for a few long and agonizing days."

He blinked, and then realization dawned on him. She was going through another one of her teasing sessions. He turned around, stomping over to grab his clothes sitting on a chair in the corner of their room. He heard her laugh as the bathroom door closed again, and the water turned on a second later. He grabbed his toothbrush and left the room, not in the right mood to start the day. He walked down the stairs and went into the downstairs bathroom, brushing his teeth a little too hard. He jerked on his clothes a little too roughly as well, but he didn't care, nor did he notice.

His ire had calmed somewhat once she stepped down the stairs, a happy smile on her face as she walked right over to him, placing an innocent kiss to his lips like she always had a tendency to do. He was so tempted just to give her a hard and long kiss that it was driving him mad. He took a step back, taking a red shiny apple that was sitting in a basket along with some other fruit. He bit half of it off in one bite, making Videl wonder if he was all right.

She rolled her eyes, pulling the little white bottle Bulma had given her out of her pocket. Screwing off the cap without even trying, she popped one into her mouth, not seeing the suspicious look Gohan had given her. She smiled at him as she grabbed a glass of water, and she knew then that maybe teasing him when he couldn't do anything about it wasn't a good idea. She took a big drink of water, and then poured the rest of it out into the sink, setting the glass on the counter. She decided that she needed to apologize, so she said, "Gohan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do all that stuff. I'll try not to tempt you in any way."

He frowned as he tossed the rest of the apple in the garbage, grabbing his book bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "No, even if you didn't try to do anything, all I would have to do is look at you and get 'tempted', Videl. Just try to act like we aren't bonded. We are just going out, ok?"

She nodded, walking over to him as she saw him smile. He instantly noticed her hair was back in its old pigtails, except with much longer hair. For once, she was the one that held out her hand, and he took it hesitantly, wondering if it was a good idea.

As they walked out of the CC housing area, the sun just barely risen, and the sky dull blues and pinks, Gohan realized it wasn't as bad as he had thought it would be. In fact, he barely even noticed as he watched reckless teenagers in expensive cars go by at speeds faster than necessary, and younger, more little kids running to school with too much energy than was needed in the morning. He just wanted to crawl back into bed and hog all of Videl's warmth.

Videl felt that he was in a better mood now, and attempted some conversation as they walked slowly to school. "Gohan, are you mad at me?"

"Huh? What? No, why would I be mad at you?"

She shrugged, smiling. "I don't know. I think I went overboard this morning."

He nodded, looking ahead of them. "Yeah, maybe. But I can get over it. I have to learn somehow. After all, we're going to be together forever, right?"

She loved hearing that. Maybe at one time she would have been scared, but now...hearing it come from him made her feel wonderful. He grinned when he felt how happy she was at that moment, and gave her hand a light squeeze as the school loomed closer in the distance.

As soon as they were on the premises, they were bombarded by hundreds of people, girls and guys alike. First person he saw was Erasa, who got a little too enthusiastic and jumped right into his arms. He actually heard Videl growl, and he all but threw the girl off him when he saw the dangerous intent in her eyes. She seemed to calm down once Erasa was far enough away, and then they had to deal with Sharpener, who was a little too happy to see Videl. Gohan ripped her out of the crowd before the guy even got ten feet within her, and nearly ran into the school, hoping that they wouldn't be attacked in there. Maybe once classes started, and it was a little more orderly, it would be better.

He was wrong. Even the damn teachers were trying to get their attention, trying to talk to them and ask them where they had been. Telling the truth was absolutely out of the question, so they just said they had gone on an...extended vacation.

Gohan felt proud of Videl as the day progressed, and she didn't seem to have too much trouble with the guys. She seemed a little hesitant at first, but after he told her she was the second strongest one in the whole school, she didn't have much of a problem, especially knowing that he was there with her.

They were in the middle of the day and getting ready to end the period before lunch when they were called down to office. Videl looked like she didn't care, and Gohan was endeavoring not to get too alarmed, thinking that they were going to be expelled. Videl starting incessantly making fun of him, and before they were even down at the office, they were laughing so hard that they couldn't breathe. When they stepped into the small room with two secretaries, two computers, two littered desks, and a stern looking principal, they shut up instantly. The way that Videl's mouth sealed shut after she saw the large, heavy man with a shiny bald head and white whiskers, Gohan almost had to cover his mouth with his hand to prevent himself from laughing. She nudged him in the side hard enough so that the pain took over his laughter for the time being, and he gave her a grateful look without the principal seeing.

The man motioned them to follow him, and led them into the far recesses of the school, a place that few kids had ever seen. Videl stayed close to Gohan, but didn't dare to take his hand. He felt her worry increasing through their bond, and he wished he could tell her that everything would be alright, it was just some big fat guy that used his authority to try to scare off kids. She rolled her eyes when she felt how amused he was getting at this situation, and was very tempted to stomp on his foot.

Once they got to the very rarely seen principal's office, the plump man offered them the two seats sitting in front of his large and orderly desk, complete with a new computer. They were both checking out the room when the man cleared his throat, and they looked towards him, waiting for him to say something.

"Well, I know that you are probably wondering why I called you down here. However, that doesn't matter. What I'm wondering is why two of my very top students have been missing from school for almost three months, and then appear out of nowhere, and both at the same time. My only assumption has been thinking that you two ran away together. Were you having some sort of...liaison? You know that kind of thing can get you expelled. You had better explain right now."

Videl felt her anger build up inside her until her hands were gripping onto the handles of her chair to stop herself from murdering the man. She asked in a calm voice, "What is your name?"

He looked insulted the way she had spat that out, but nothing had compared to the way he had made her feel at the word liaison. She wanted to strangle him, wanted to break all his bones, wanted to burn him, wanted to smash his-

"Mr. Pollus. Now, back to my question. You had better explain before I bring in your parents."

Videl closed her eyes and crossed her arms, looking rather arrogant. "Maybe that would be a good idea, Mr. Pollus," she said in a mocking voice, standing up out of her seat. "Come on, Gohan."

He gave a nervous look to the shocked principal, and then chased after Videl. Once he caught up to her, the first thing he asked was, "Videl, what was that? We can get in a lot of trouble!"

She snorted. "So what. My father can set them straight, and you're best friends with the Capsule Corporation president. Both, I remind you, have extreme amounts of money that they don't even use. Not to mention myself, and how wonderfully beautiful I am how I can charm any man out of his socks."

He started laughing, wondering where she came up with half the things she said. "Wow, Videl. Sometimes I wonder about you...anyhow, do you think it's a good idea to stay in school the rest of the day? I mean-"

They were both stopped when they heard a series of beeps. Videl looked around, and then finally pinpointed her watch. She frowned. "I swore I took this stupid thing off...." She sighed, pressing a little black button on the side and saying, "Go ahead captain."

Gohan listened as they conversed about a hold-up at a bank, and he almost groaned from disappointment. He didn't have his watch with him, so that meant no Saiyaman. He was just about to tell Videl not to go when she kissed his cheek, telling him that she had to go. He lifted his hand to tell her not to go anyhow, but she was off down the impossibly long hall and gone in a second. His shoulders slumped. She was too fast for her own good.

He was trudging back to the office from where they had come, looking like a little kid that had just had a present taken away and then had been spanked. The office secretaries even noticed the abrupt change in his disposition, and asked if everything was all right. He just shook his head, sighing as he walked back to class, planning to have lunch by himself.

Just when he was about to walk into class, he stopped in his tracks. Wait a second, he thought, brightening. What about...the Gold Fighter?

He was grinning even before he started running up the stairs to get to the roof of his high school, and as soon as he got there, he stopped in his tracks. His smile grew as the familiar power flowed through him, and his hair flashed gold, and then turned the solid blazing color he was so used to. He quickly jumped off the roof, flying as fast as he could over the city to find where she was.

He found her soon enough, creeping around a building, trying to sneak up on the bad guys. There were ten men altogether, much to his disappointment. As usual, the cop cars were demolished, and the pathetic "pig" policemen were cowering behind their vehicles, wondering where Videl was. Gohan almost felt bad for the poor bastards.

He was almost tempted to sit back and relax as he watched Videl take her wonderful, luxurious time, considering she was perfectly fine dealing with it by herself. However, when they started retreating, Videl got pissed because she wasn't done with them. He wished then that they had gotten far enough in her training so that he had taught her ki blasts, but he hadn't, and now she couldn't blow off their heads.

She was just getting ready to run after them and jump onto their super-enhanced custom designed specialty great van of the twenty third century, when the most beautiful woman she had ever seen daintily stepped out of the vehicle. She tossed her glossy long red hair over her creamy and elegant shoulder, moving her head in the tiniest tilt so she could look at the cops over behind their demolished cars. Everything went eerily silent, except for the sound of countless men's jaws dropping to the pavement.

Gohan looked around, wondering what was going on. "Huh? Why did everything go all quiet?" He hurried over to the shocked policemen and hid behind a car as well, next to a skinny half-bald man with scarce black hair. "Hey, what are you looking at?" he asked, confused.

The man lifted a shaking finger, pointing in the direction of the exotic beauty, scantily clad in black leather that hid nothing from view. He turned to the teenager next to him, and frowned. "Hey, aren't you Gohan, the kid at the tournament that got-"

Gohan wanted to quite simply, cry. He had totally forgotten about that! Oh, man, he said to himself, sighing as he nodded. "Yeah, I guess you could say that...."

The other policemen hardly paid attention, for they were drooling over the woman too much. They had forgotten about Videl period, and only few men knew about Gohan a couple feet away. They were just getting ready to ask the woman for her telephone number when she let out a light lilting laugh, tossing her long hair over her shoulder again.

"Well boys, looks like we have these men under control. Get the wonderful money into our special van, so we can get out of this dreadful place. It stinks," she said in a soft voice, a smile on her red lips the whole time. She glanced around the pathetic scene, seeing familiar looks on the men's faces. However, her eyes stopped on one in particular, who was now standing. He didn't even seem to be looking at her. She smirked. "Oh, dear. Look at that one over there. I must have him," she whispered, but Videl heard her, considering she was only three feet away. She growled, and the woman turned around in a graceful movement, frowning at the girl. She was rather pitiful standing there, a mean look on her face and her fists clenched at her sides. The redhead sniffed, looking away. "Look girl, I don't know why you are standing there, but you are offending the glorious area upon which I stand. Leave now, before I have you taken care of."

Videl's jaw dropped, completely in shock at the words of the arrogant woman. She was worse than her!! Her evil growl came back, and she was just about to deck the stupid lady when she followed her line of sight. She was staring straight at Gohan, who had transformed into a Super Saiya-jin. She looked back at the sleazy woman, seeing her making suggestive movements in his direction that she wouldn't even do. What she didn't know was that Gohan was completely oblivious to the woman, and that he was watching her, a smile on his face.

She opened her hands like she was going to use them like wicked claws, and jumped on the unsuspecting woman. "You stupid whore! I'm going to kill you!!!" she yelled, slamming her fist into the woman's perfect face. She heard the woman scream, but she didn't even notice as she laughed at the pathetically weak woman, smashing her face into the ground and hoping she would bleed and bleed and bleed...."Hahaha...stupid whore, I'm going to kill you for looking at him! Do you want to die?! No, don't answer that, because you are!!!"

Videl started laughing like a maniac as the woman went limp, pretending to be passed out from her beating. She stood up, looking triumphant as she shook her fist in the woman's direction. "Stupid wench," she muttered, dusting off her hands. She stopped suddenly, looking at her hand. Her eyes widened. "I broke a damn nail!!!!"

Gohan paled. That stupid lady hurt Videl!!! He jumped up, racing over to Videl and taking her hand, inspecting her tiny hurt as he asked her if she was all right. Neither of them noticed that the woman had stumbled back up to her feet, and was advancing on them, bringing a gun out from a holster on her side. Gohan was just about to bring Videl to the hospital and to the emergency room when the woman cocked her gun, pointing it straight at Videl's head, two inches away. Gohan frowned, knocking her out of the way and making her fly down the street, never to be seen again. The men in the woman's group dropped the money they were carrying to their super-enhanced van, and jumped into their vehicle, taking off at an incredible speed for a van. The couple let the police deal with the getaway vehicle while Gohan powered down, not seeing the need to be in Super Saiya-jin form anymore.

Videl grinned. "Well, that was interesting, huh?"

Gohan nodded. "We should get you home so we can bandage your finger."

She rolled her eyes. "Alright. But I still should have been able to kill that lady...."

He smiled. "Want me to go find her?"

She shook her head, taking his hand in hers as they walked away from the crime scene. "Nah, let her suffer for all eternity, knowing that a girl of considerable less beauty kicked her ass."

He frowned. "What are you talking about? She looked average, maybe less than that. I didn't get why everyone was looking at her when they could be looking at you. Wait a second." He paused, getting a mean look on his face. "Maybe that isn't a good idea, because then I would have to make them sorry for looking at you." He smiled at his own sense of humor. "Anyhow, they should realize by now that no one is more beautiful than you, Videl. You're a fighting goddess."

She grinned, wondering if she would ever get used to him, and where he came up with the things he said. "Alright, whatever you say, Gohan."

As they walked, Gohan started thinking. Man...what am I going to do. I mean, this whole time I'm having fun with Videl...Piccolo and Krillin are still statues of stone, stuck out in the middle of nowhere. I hope that stupid Babidi guy and Dabura come back. Otherwise...I might not ever see my friends again.