Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ We All Must Suffer ( Chapter 55 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 55: We All Must Suffer
Two days went by, and Gohan rarely got a chance to see Videl. Him and everyone else were preparing for the possible chance of Babidi coming back, and were gone most of the day. There were only two stupid reasons why he never saw her. One, Bulma kept taking her away at odd hours and experimenting on her, and two, she wasn't prepared to fight on such an extensive level. The only time he could train her was at night, and it was only for a few hours, not as long as neither of them would have wished.

On the forth day of being separated a little too much from Gohan, Videl snapped, sick of being Bulma's new experiment toy, and the media's. News had spread that her and "Saiyaman" were seeing each other, and a wonderful romance was blossoming. If they only knew, she thought, frowning. The media was having an immensely fun time exploiting them to death, especially when they found out both were staying together on the Capsule Corporation housing compound. The media was soon swarming all over Bulma's front yard in a massive horde, and she immediately sent out her ultimate weapon: Vegeta. In under three seconds they were all screaming and running for their lives, Vegeta walking back into the housing complex and smirking his evil smile. Bulma instantly kissed him and dragged him up the stairs. Goku and the Supreme Kai, who had been discussing strategy, blinked at the couple, and then went back to work.

Gohan strode into the house at that moment, wondering where the hell the media had disappeared to. He was actually left alone for once as he walked into the house, just getting back from school. Videl had left at the normal time, and he had stayed later, trying to catch up on the stuff he had missed. Videl had gotten almost all her stuff caught up the first few days, and he had kind of slacked off, not in the mood for being smart.

He grinned, happy that he wasn't being practically attacked by the Supreme Kai at the moment, like he normally was. So, he took the valuable time he had and searched for Videl.

He asked his father where she was, who was at the table with the Supreme Kai, papers strewn everywhere and on every surface. His father grinned, and pointed to the back door, which was down the hall, saying that she was outside. As soon as Gohan thanked him, he became engulfed in his conversation again, and forgot all about him.

He found her throwing Trunks into the pond in the beautiful green backyard, hearing the boy laugh as he flew through the air, smacking the water with a loud splash. He surfaced a second later, and Gohan grinned, seeing him drag Goten out along with him, both begging Videl to do it again. He watched the two boys in blue swimming trunks run back to the young woman in a black bathing suit, and his smile grew. She looked good in black, not to mention a bathing suit that clung to every delicious and alluring curve. He wished she would take off her dark gray shorts.

Videl had just finished tossing Trunks back into the water when she spotted him, and she waved him over, silently drooling over his muscular form and the way he moved. She asked with a devilish grin, "Want thrown too?"

He smirked. "How about you pretend to throw me, and I fall on top of you?"

She turned red, and then pointed furiously down to his brother, who was latched onto her leg and begging her to throw him now. She rolled her eyes, picked him up, and threw him half way across the pond Bulma herself used to swim in when she was a little girl. As soon as Trunks came back to shore, he complained that she had thrown Goten farther than she had him. She sighed, saying, "Well, if you wanted to, I could throw you past the pond, and into a tree...."

His eyes widened. "Cool...."

She started laughing, amazed at how "cool" he thought it was when he could have his brains smashed. "Hey, I got an idea. How about both me and Gohan throw you two, and see who throws the farthest."

Goten ran out of the pond, screaming that he wanted Videl to throw him past the pond. She sent Gohan a look, and said, "Alright. How about we throw you straight up into the air...maybe you won't come back...." She saw Gohan shake his head at her, and they each grabbed a boy, getting into position.

"Ready...set...go!!" she yelled, gritting her teeth and throwing poor Goten as hard as she could upward. She looked up, hearing a loud, "Yeah!" disappear into thin air as the boys did. Both Gohan and Videl blinked, wondering where they had gone.

"Err...maybe we threw them too hard," she said, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand.

They stood there, wondering where they could be. Videl grinned suddenly, saying as she grabbed his hand, "Come on, let's get out of here before they come back."

He nodded, and they ran into the lush green forest in Bulma's backyard, seeing the trees flash by and birds and other various animals make their noises of protest as they disrupted them and their normal daily pattern of calmness. They ran far enough until it was safe, and then they took the skies, flying away as fast as they could. All they wanted was to get away from the world, and have the solitude of the mountains and each other.

Videl didn't even realize she had really missed Gohan's company until she was near him, hearing his bright laughter and seeing his happy smile. Her bleak mood disappeared as she felt how he was feeling at that moment, and let his emotions amplify hers.

As soon as they were in the air, she went closer to him, wanting him just to hold her on their way to the mountains. He laughed at her antics and flew as fast as he could to their training area, wanting so bad to be in her company. He couldn't wait to start sparring. The way her muscles flexed, the way she moved and how she got all hot and sweaty....


He looked down at her, wondering what she wanted. "Huh?"

"Gohan, you look like you're ready to drool."

He got a big grin on his face. "I was fantasizing about you."

She blinked. "You really have gotten shameless, haven't you?"

He looked blank for a second, and then he smiled. "I guess I have, haven't I? I'm sorry, I'll stop."

She rolled her eyes, shrugging in his arms. "It's alright. I guess both of us have changed a lot. I forgive you."

His smile grew. "So I can continue to fantasize about you?"

She nodded, jumping when she felt Gohan touch down on the ground.

"We're here," he said, dropping her in the dirt. She growled, and swept her legs under him, causing him to fall with a loud thump on his back. He jumped up quickly, scanning the surrounding area with practiced eyes, for she had disappeared without a trace. He felt for her ki, stretching his senses to the max. He blinked, and then smiled, realizing that she had almost mastered the art of masking her ki.

He turned around again, only to be hit by a surprisingly powerful energy blast. He flew a good fifteen yards, dragging across the dirt ground another few feet when he landed. He laid there for a minute, watching as she approached, standing above him in a superior way with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I suppose you had that planned, that, or you have gotten really good."

She beamed. "Really?! That's great!! Did I really take you off guard? I didn't really think I could kick your butt so good! Are you alright? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

He shook his head, getting back up to his feet and dusting himself off as he managed a smile.

"No, you didn't hurt me. I'm just surprised that only after learning how to mask your ki and create energy blasts two days ago that you did this well. I didn't even do this good."

She got a big grin on her face and jumped into his arms, ecstatic. "Gohan, are you proud of me?" she asked, wanting to hear his approval more than anything.

He blinked, wishing she wouldn't look at him like that. The way her eyes darkened and got all pleading like that made him swallow, and slowly pry her hands off him, desperate to get away.

"Yeah, I'm extremely proud of you. If you keep doing this good at this rate, you'll be just as strong as me," he joked, seeing her eyes narrow.

"Bastard. You're just playing with me, aren't you?"

He backed off, giving a nervous laugh as he waved his hands in front of him. "Huh? What do you mean? Of course I'm not playing with you!"

She growled, stomping up to him. "Fine, turn Super Saiya-jin and fight me!!!"

He didn't really have a choice. If he didn't, Videl would be pissed, and if he did, Videl would still be pissed. He swallowed again, and then let out a loud sigh. "Alright, you asked for it."

Her eyes narrowed again, and she got into a practiced aggressive, but defensive stance, planning on taking it careful with him, because even though they were bonded, she had no idea how truly powerful he was, and she had the feeling she wasn't going to find out today, either.

She watched with complete amazement as he flexed his long fingers, and then fisted his hands. She was wondering and praying and wishing that he would go to his most powerful level, but all he did was turn simple Super Saiya-jin. She had heard Vegeta and Goku talking about a level two, and she just had the feeling that Gohan could do it. She knew that if the two older men could do it, then Gohan should be able to do it as well. Little did she know was that she had seen it before.

She smirked at his bright golden hair, and his gold-colored aura glowing around him. She especially loved his blue eyes. She had only seen him turn Super Saiya-jin a few times, and it still amazed her. She wished she could do that.

"So, you gonna fight me?" he asked in a cocky voice, and she snorted.

"No. Why don't you come after me first? If you hurt me, I can always blame you because you came after me first."

He balked. "What? Videl, you know that I would never purposefully hurt-"

He was taken off guard a second later, for she came after him with a straight-on attack that was meant to immediately take out your opponent. However, after fighting his whole life and being used to this kind of thing, he blocked it easily, leaving Videl frustrated. After that she went on the defensive, letting him attack her, throwing powerful punches and kicks meant to paralyze your victim. Videl held her own pretty well, and felt the wonderful and familiar muscle strain that only Gohan could give her, considering she was the strongest "human" on the planet. No one knew except choice people knew that she was only half human, and she was planning on keeping it that way.

Gohan ducked out of they way when she suddenly went offensive, aiming to kick him in the side of the head.

"Jeez, Videl! You really mean this, don't you?!" he asked, hearing her growl and fist her hand, only to slam it into his unprotected stomach, causing him lose his breath and stagger backwards a few steps, trying to get air into his lungs. She took complete advantage of him, sweeping his legs out from under him and then kicking him in the side, and sending him careening into a tree, which instantly broke, shattering into a million pieces. She watched almost amused as he hit a flat mountainside, and then slid to the ground. She walked over, planning to see him getting up, and then getting pissed at her as he always did when she bested him. Except this time he didn't get up.

She instantly became worried, and felt through their bond to see if he was alright. She didn't feel anything, which made her wonder if he was unconscious or something. But she could still feel his emotions even when he slept, which made her worry even more. Was he...dead?

She licked her lips, getting an extremely worried look on her face as she crept over to him, asking in a timid voice, "Gohan? Gohan...are you alright?"

No answer. She started chewing on her lower lip, and she knelt down beside him, rolling him onto his back. His eyes were closed, his face smeared with some dirt. No blood. No blood anywhere. She leaned down, swallowing as she pressed her ear against his chest, feeling for a heartbeat.

It was pounding away, and if anything, it was beating even faster. She grinned wickedly, burying her face in his chest.

"Gohan! Oh, Gohan...I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kill you! I didn't mean to, please don't be dead! I don't want you to die! I didn't...mean to. Please...don't die," she wailed, pounding his chest a little harder than was necessary. She continued to bawl on his chest, pounding away until she was sure it hurt, and hoping that it did.

Gohan cocked open one eye, seeing Videl throwing a fit that he was "dead". He brought up his arms, grinning as she jumped, and looking up at him, fake tears pouring down her pretty face. He was confused, but he said, "Videl, I'm fine! Look, I'm not dead! I was just pretending!"

She tried to hide the evil look on her face. "Oh, Gohan, I thought you were dead, I really did, and it scared me so much! I'm so sorry! Please, don't ever scare me so much again...."

He saw that she was "genuinely" upset, and it scared him that she was acting this way, and he had only pretended. He didn't want to know what it was like if he really died. "Videl, I'm sorry. It was my fault. I'm the one that pretended and got you all scared."

He brought her up against him, drawing her onto his lap and letting her twine her arms around his neck and bury her face in his shoulder. He stood, holding her close as he jumped into the air, planning on bringing her home. Maybe she was all emotional from the medicine Bulma had started giving her. It was just like her old one, except it was compatible with her body and species. He had been told only by Bulma, not by Videl because she was too embarrassed about the topic, that she would probably still be messed up some from it, and would need to take it easy. And one thing he especially didn't like:

No sex for a week.

He remembered how he had paled and looked like death for a good day, and then had decided to lay down for a few hours, compliments of Bulma and the hell she was going to put him through. Damn it, he thought, looking down at Videl, who had her eyes closed. She looked peaceful, maybe she was asleep.

He sighed, reserving himself for a quiet ride home, and a good five more days of celibacy.