Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ Too Many Things Happening!! ( Chapter 69 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 69: Too Many Things Happening!!
Wow...she's really improved since the first day. I can't believe that she's Goku's daughter-in-law...it's just uncanny. There has to be some sort of a coincidence here.

King Kai watched Videl fling punches and kicks through the air, or what he liked to call, basic maneuvers. The stubborn girl had been skeptical of training under him since day one, but he had a feeling she was changing just a little. She was strong...no, strong was an understatement. She had power beyond what he thought possible...he just had to bring it out. She seemed to have a well of unending power, like no matter how hard you tried, you could never get to the bottom of it. She was wallowing in it...and she didn't even know.

The Supreme Kai smirked. He was enjoying reading the lower Kai's mind at the moment, like he had been doing for the past two weeks. He had found the Kai shortly after Videl and him had left the presence of King Yemma, and he had quickly introduced himself and then the girl to his right. King Kai had been a little shocked, but had gotten over it quickly, considering he knew all about Earth and the peril the universe was possibly facing. The Supreme Kai had explained that even if Buu was never released, they still had to make sure they had someone powerful enough to stop him just in case he was. And that someone...was Videl.

He doubted that she knew he was using her for that. She probably wouldn't care though...the girl was obsessed with becoming stronger, and she had lost that chance the first moment she had become pregnant off Gohan. Since then, she had stopped training, and had begun to slowly lose what great power she had already acquired. Good thing he didn't have to worry about that anymore.

Only after being in King Kai's annoying presence for several minutes, his higher authority had told him about Videl's condition. The girl had been out exploring the area around them, still amazed over everything. King Kai had started stuttering and complaining that he wouldn't be able to train her without sacrificing the child, and the Supreme Kai had almost told him outright to shut up. However, he hadn't. He almost wished he had, the bumbling idiot. Who the hell had let this guy become a Kai? Any of the Kai's for that matter? They were too stupid to comprehend...obsessed with fighting, and just plain annoying.

So now Videl's little "problem" was solved after the continuous complaining of King Kai. He had used his powers to temporarily relieve Videl of her pregnancy, and whenever she was ready to take it on again, he would just "give" it back. It had been amazing the way her power level had shot up the instant the child was removed. Videl had been pissed that the only thing she had to remember Gohan by was now gone, but she dealt with it quickly, knowing that she would have her child back as soon as the fighting was over with. She just thought it was the weirdest thing to be without her child...and just plain weird in the first place that she could have it removed just by a glance and "poof" it was gone.

Videl sighed loudly, almost like she was bored. It was like this Kai dude thought she was weak or something, and forced her to stay at these annoying basic things. She was about to shoot a ki blast at him...he probably didn't even know she could manipulate ki in the first place. Stupid blue blob...who did he think he was? She would be better off training under the Supreme Kai...now that guy was awesome.

Shin, who had been listening in to her silent conversation as well, suddenly grinned. "Videl, there is no need to worry. I will show you some of my own tricks. I've heard your kind have excessive mental capabilities, and I would like to see what you can do."

Videl stopped mid-punch and blinked. Oh, forgot he could read minds. Yeah...definitely awesome.

"Mind stuff, huh? Sounds cool," she said, lowering herself to the ground without another thought. She felt her stomach starting to protest, and she realized then that she hadn't eaten for almost nine hours. "I'm hungry."

King Kai frowned. "You shouldn't be eating that much now since you're not pregnant anymore. You aren't...going to eat like Goku, are you now?"

Videl rolled her eyes. "No, King Kai, I'm not. But can we get some food? I've been training all day. I need a break."

King Kai looked over to his higher authority for permission. He was afraid of this guy, he had to admit. He hadn't even cracked a joke since he had arrived. Who knew what he would do if he didn't think it was funny?

Videl was given food almost out of nowhere—she suspected the Supreme Kai had used some of his cool powers and gave it to her. She hurried and ate, deciding that she would sit there and complain to King Kai that she needed to advance in his so-called "training" or she would never get anywhere. Annoying blue guy....


Babidi stared at the large battered ball before him. He was almost ready to come out....Majin Buu was almost here! He could barely contain his excitement. He just needed a little more energy and he would be ready. He smirked, looking over his shoulder to a small group of men who were now his personal servants. That stupid boy and girl just had to take away his Dabura...they were going to pay.

"Someone send out some more men to get some more energy. I'm sick of waiting," he said in a snide tone. He was sick of waiting, that was true. He just wanted to evaporate this pathetic planet and go onto better things. He couldn't wait to see the people of this planet suffer...suffer for taking away his precious Dabura.

One of his henchmen nodded. "Yes, Master Babidi," he said quickly, leaving the room in a hurried pace. Everyone knew now not to mess with their Master...especially after everything that had happened.


Goku moaned with exasperation. "Will this Babidi guy give up? I mean, does he have a never-ending supply of guys just to fling about or something? I'm getting tired...and hungry. Vegeta, can you take care of these guys? You're barely doing anything!"

Vegeta snorted. "I shouldn't have to waste my time with these pathetic morons. Why this stupid ass Babidi guy is even sending them out to get more energy is beyond me. He must be fucking stupid."

Trunks, who had come along at his father's orders, tried not to laugh. His dad was getting pissed, and his language was getting fouler by the minute. He must be hungry, Trunks thought, realizing that he was too. He looked expectantly up at him, and his father's glare surprisingly softened. "What do you want, Trunks?" he asked, not as harsh as he had been talking to Goku moments before. It was still a little meaner than normal, but the boy was used to it.

"Dad...I'm kinda getting hungry. Maybe we could—"

"Shut up, boy. Learn to suck it up and take the pain."

So much for being soft. Trunks wanted to hurt something now, and he took his anger out on a pile of rocks. Vegeta smirked, watching his angry son. Now this was some real entertainment.

Goku sighed wearily, watching Babidi's men pour into the ruined streets. Babidi had been sending his men out left and right since the day Videl had died, and Gohan had slipped into his coma. All of the Z Fighters had been taking turns going out and fighting them off, coming back every few hours to rest up and get some food. Needless to say, after two weeks, it was getting old, and everyone was getting worn down. They needed Gohan...or just about anyone who could help.

Vegeta, suddenly sick of everything, growled and blasted whatever was in front of him straight to hell. Goku frowned, but he knew just as well as everyone else did that Vegeta was tired and hungry too. They had been out for seven hours, and eating and no breaks in between wasn't helping in the least. What was even worse was that they had Trunks along, and sometimes his incessant whining over food drove even Goku up the wall.

Krillin, who had been the other in the group of four, was ready to pass out from fatigue. He had been sitting here for the past hour at Goku's order, and now he was tired and bored. He just wanted to go home and fall asleep on his wife. Yeah...that sounded really nice right about now....

Goku yawned, realizing that their job here was done now that Vegeta had vaporized everything in sight, including what was left of the nearly empty city. He blinked hard when he turned, seeing Krillin drooling and staring off into the darkening sky. He waved his hand in front of his old friend's face, not receiving any response. His shoulders slumped, and he motioned Trunks over with his finger. The boy hopped over, and Goku merely pointed at Krillin, Trunks getting idea instantly. He bashed his shin with his foot.

"OWWWW!!! HEY! What was that for?!" Krillin yelled, holding his injured limb. "Damn you, Trunks! You did that on purpose!!"

Trunks grinned. "Yep! Now can we go home since Krillin is done drooling?"

Krillin turned red, much to Goku's and Trunks' amusement. Vegeta had already left, and soon Goku and the rest took off as well, eager for some food and some sleep.

They made it home about an hour later, ready to collapse. The Son house was quiet, and so was the large capsule house Bulma had erected in their front yard. People only stayed in the large building to mostly sleep, so no wonder why it was silent. Goku shrugged, deciding just to head into the house, get some food, and possibly sneak away with Chichi and take a nap with her. She always helped him fall asleep.

Bulma was already all over Vegeta by the time Goku was inside, and Trunks was looking somewhat denied and neglected as he stood a couple feet away. Goku didn't waste any time searching for his wife, and headed straight for the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks and frowned, not seeing her anywhere. Well, if she's not in the kitchen...then she must be—

Gohan. He closed his eyes, leaning against a wall as he sighed. Gohan isn't going to last much longer...and Chichi knows it too. She hasn't even been eating herself...just staying by Gohan all day and talking to him like he can hear her. She keeps telling me that he can hear her...I don't know where she's getting that idea. It's not like Gohan can answer back or something.

He walked back into the living room, which branched off into the hall that led to Gohan's old room. Trunks now seemed to be receiving some attention from Bulma, and Vegeta was currently having a glaring contest with Yamcha, who seemed a little too eager to watch Bulma as she bent down to her son.

Goku found his wife exactly where he had expected her to be. She looked to be fast asleep, her head resting on the bed and her hand clutching Gohan's. The small desk light by the bed was switched on, and Goku visibly flinched at his son's appearance. He was white as a ghost, his lips nearly blue...almost like he was suffocating or really cold. He was fast losing body mass, and he looked extremely fragile. He hated to see his oldest child like this...it was hard just thinking about him, let alone looking at him. He couldn't understand where Chichi got the strength to stay with him like that all the time...knowing that he was dying right before her eyes. He felt a faint smile touch his lips. She probably thought she was protecting him. It was funny though, even on Gohan's death bed he was still extremely powerful, and his mother could never compare.

He shook his head, moving over to the bed to place his hand on his wife's shoulder. She stirred, blinking sleepily a few times before she gave Goku a dreamy smile. He smiled back, but it was somewhat forced.

"Hey, Chi. It's nice to know that you're getting some sleep."

She sat up, and then looked at her hand clasped in her son's. "Y-yeah," she said shakily, clearing her throat. "I um, are you hungry, Goku? I can fix you something to eat if you want."

You would think my appetite would be gone after coming in here. Kami...I can't stand to see you like this, Gohan....

"Yeah, just something small though. I'm gonna take a nap and I don't want to get all energetic."

Chichi grinned, unable to help herself as she released her son's hand and stood up, straightening her Chinese-style dress. "Alright, Goku. Come on, I want to hurry and get back here. I hate leaving him alone."


Videl was nearly squealing she was so excited. Ok...maybe she wasn't. She was as nervous as hell, and the Supreme Kai could tell. As of this moment he had an agenda arranged for today, and he looked proud of himself for thinking of it. King Kai probably wanted to slap him for thinking of it before him.

"Today, Videl, we are going to train for two hours or so, and then I'm going to try to teach you a couple small mind tricks. After that, we're going to take a break...and then we'll go see your mother."

Videl stiffened at the mere mention of the word "mother". So she was going to see her mother...she wondered how weird that was going to be. She hadn't seen her in how long...fifteen or so years? She sighed, placing her head in her hands. What would she think of her only child? Ugly? Too short? Too fat? Too strong? Too everything?

"Second thought, why don't we go now?" the Supreme Kai asked suddenly. Videl almost fainted, and her shoulders slumped. She couldn't very well disagree with him, who knew what he would do. She shrugged, standing up and shaking herself. It's just your mother. She isn't going to hate her own child. She'll just be like every other woman who loves her child no matter what they look like or what they do.

The Supreme Kai started walking away, and Videl followed his swift pace. She noticed that they were heading back to where she had met King Yemma, and she frowned, catching up to the small purple guy's fast stride.

"Um...where are we going?" she asked, seeing the building King Yemma worked at quickly approaching.

"We are going to the Lower World."

She blinked, almost stopping dead in her tracks. "L-Lower World? Y-You mean...Hell?"

He nodded, not stopping for her. She ran to catch up to him, trying to cope with this information. "You mean...my mom went to Hell? Why...why would she go to Hell?"

He shrugged. "I'm not the one that admits beings into the Upper and Lower Worlds. King Yemma probably didn't think your mother worthy enough. He has a grudge against many people and races. Like the Saiya-jins...I think Goku was the only Saiya-jin he ever admitted into the Upper World. The Barakians were a race extremely similar to the Saiya-jins besides the Super part and the tails. The body structure, hair, powers, almost everything was the same. They loved war; they loved a good fight. The only difference was that your kind had more of a technologically advanced nature. You didn't have to go to other races and buy their technology off them. If Frieza hadn't taken your planet by surprise and destroyed it, and your race had had a chance to react to their odd powers, then Frieza probably wouldn't have had a chance, especially against the Royal Family."

Videl quickly digested this information about her kind. The Supreme Kai seemed to know what he was talking about.

"Um, Shin, can you tell me about these "powers" of mine? I really don't understand them. It seems like every time a time of crisis arises I get this intense pain in my stomach, and all of a sudden, I have this huge amount of power. But once the threat is gone, it seems to go away."

The Supreme Kai nodded, noticing that they were getting close to the Lower World. Videl was barely paying attention to anything but what he was saying, so he didn't bother with a tour.

"Your powers are unique, that is true. It's mostly a disadvantage though. The threat has to be huge in order for them to come to the surface, and if your body thinks that the threat isn't enough to be worried about in the least, it won't react to it and bring them out. You can be extremely strong without your powers; you just need the right training. Gohan had the right idea, if you want the truth. Once all this fighting is over, if it ever is, you will lose almost all that you have gained. You will be much stronger, that is true, but it won't even compare to what you have now."

Videl was going to ask another question when the Supreme Kai abruptly stopped. She almost ran him over, but stopped just before she did. He seemed to be looking at something ahead of him, and her eyes widened when she saw what he was looking at. It seemed like everything hit her like a tidal wave...all the memories, the laughter, the tears...the happiness. Her mother was right there, a stark contrast to the ugly barren landscape around her. Her hair was still almost past her waist, in big, soft waves. She didn't look like she had aged at all, and still looked as young and youthful as she had been fifteen years ago. She wondered if people didn't age in Other World or something, or if it was very slow.

The Supreme Kai cleared his throat, snapping Videl out of her dream world. Videl looked at him, and he nodded this head in her mother's direction, telling her that she should go forward. She gulped, wondering what she should say. She was sitting on a plain boulder by a pathetic-looking lake, looking out over the murky water. She was wearing an oddly beautiful white dress that went down to her ankles, which were curled up underneath her as she looked at nothing in particular. Videl gathered up all the courage she had in her and stepped forward, clearing her throat.

Talayia turned her head, her long black hair being swept aside by her hand. She blinked a few times when she saw she a very pretty young woman standing in front of her, her hands clasped and a shy expression on her face. She felt something odd coming from her, almost like she had seen her before. She studied her closely, noting her long hair, the thin, high arched eyebrows, and the eyes—

"Videl? Videl, is that you?"

Videl nodded as her mother stood, tears immediately coming to the older woman's eyes as she ran to her daughter and embraced her. Videl hugged her dead parent close, fighting off an onrush of tears at the chance to finally meet her. She hadn't ever dreamed of anything like this happening, and now it seemed like she had a thousand questions to ask her mother all at once. Things about what her life had been like, about her race and people, about how her father used to be before she had died and had changed.

Videl felt her mother pull her back as she cupped her face in her hands, looking at her closely. She still had tears in her eyes, but they were happy tears. Videl gave her an encouraging smile and her mother let out a soft laugh. "I can't believe how beautiful you are. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter. But..." she trailed off, a confused look overcoming her angelic face. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here, Videl. Surely you didn't—"

Videl shook her head, still smiling as she pulled away her mom's hands. "No...I'm not a resident of this place, but I did die. I don't have to worry though, because I'm going to be wished back. I'm only here for a short amount of time."

Talayia nodded, as if she was completely relieved. "But dear, how did you die? It would be kind of hard to kill someone of your...um...strength."

Videl shook her head again. "No, don't worry, mom. I know all about the Barakians and how Frieza destroyed your planet and how you were a Princess and everything about Vegeta-sei and—"

Videl's mother frowned. "But how? How do you know all these things? And Vegeta-sei...was it destroyed? Were the Sai—"

"Yes, Vegeta-sei was destroyed, and only four Saiya-jins survived. One was Prince Vegeta, and then there were Nappa and Raditz. The other one was Kakarott, who was sent to Earth as a baby to destroy it, but he was hit on his head and forgot what he was supposed to do. Vegeta and Goku, or Kakarott are living on Earth right now, and I'm marrying Goku's son, Gohan. In fact, I'm pregnant with his baby, well, I was pregnant with his baby, but the Supreme Kai kinda—"

"Whoa, slow down, honey! We have forever to talk about these things, don't worry. We have so much to catch up on. Come, follow me, and we will talk."

Videl nodded, willingly doing whatever her mother wished of her. She smiled, looking forward to a good long talk.

He looked over his shoulder, a small smile playing about his lips. He knew she was here, he had felt her the instant she had come into the Lower World. Being able to sense ki was a specialty that few knew, and something that had taken him years upon years to get the hang of. A few men that he didn't particularly like had mentioned something about these people on the planet Earth being able to sense ki, and he had started learning it for himself. He didn't want to brag, but he thought he was pretty good at it.

That's why he had been so shocked to feel her come here. He had been having visions about her for about two years now, and being able to actually see and feel her for the first time was amazing. Her power was incredible; it just flowed off her. He was strong, that was true, but being able to reach that level had to be hard. However, that was the problem. It would take years upon years to reach that, and she was only a teenager.

He frowned, standing up from his hiding spot behind a large boulder. He wanted to meet her face to face, not sit there and spy on her. He wasn't one to be rude like that.

She was sitting really close to a beautiful woman that he could have sworn he met before, or at least gotten a glance of. They seemed to be quiet, as if they were just enjoying each other's company. A small purple man that emitted an odd sort of energy stood a couple yards away, his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed. He didn't seem to be listening.

Shin frowned, opening his eyes. There was an odd man moving closer to his charge and her mother, and he felt instantly suspicious of him. He didn't like the look on his face, nor the way he was maneuvering himself. Looking out for Videl's safety was his first priority, although any injury could quickly be taken care of.

He stepped forward, telling him to stop. The man froze in his tracks in an odd position. Videl and her mother turned in his direction, looking at the man that stood a few feet away from them. Videl stood, wondering who the man was and what he wanted. He looked extremely familiar, almost mysteriously so. She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Do I know you?" she said coldly, fighting the urge to smirk at her old Videl impersonation. She didn't really use that much any more.

The man straightened, realizing he was surrounded. He cleared his throat, scratching the back of his head nervously. Videl's frown dropped off immediately, recognizing that gesture anywhere.

"Who are you? What is your name? Tell me now," she demanded, stepping forward. The tall man gave a small shrug, his hand fisting over his heart as he went down on one knee and looked up at her.

"My name is Bardock. You might not know me, but I think I know someone you might be acquainted with. His name is Goku...I'm his father."

Videl blinked, watching him straighten and stand. "You're Goku's father? Wow...I think I heard your name before...I think I heard it from Vegeta."

Bardock smirked, watching the girl's surprised expression. "Vegeta, huh? As in Prince Vegeta, or King Vegeta?"

Videl frowned again, an arrogant looking overcoming her face. "I am Vegeta, Prince of all Saiya-jins and I am going to kill you. Prepare to die," she mocked, laughing to herself. "Actually, he only says the Prince of all Saiya-jins part, not the killing part. He isn't actually all as bad as he makes himself out to be...he can just be a little annoying with his arrogance."

Talayia giggled. "That's royalty for you. My nanny pounded that out of me. Heaven only knows how arrogant the Royal family of Baraka was." She glanced over at the handsome man in front of her, seeing both a scared and shocked look on his face as he stared at her. He swallowed hard and then fell back down to his knee, looking at the ground almost in shame. "Your highness...I didn't recognize you. I knew I saw you before...I just haven't seen you for years."

Talayia waved her hand as if dismissing it. Videl guessed her mother was used to that or something. She wondered how her mother's arrogance had been "pounded" out of her when she seemed almost as arrogant as Vegeta to her.

Bardock raised himself up when Talayia waved her hand. He was waiting for her to offer her graceful white hand for him to kneel over, and wasn't in the least disappointed when she did. Videl and the Supreme Kai were just standing there, wondering what the hell was going on.

Talayia noticed her daughter's confusion as Bardock took her hand and kneeled over it with the utmost respect. She liked this man. He seemed genuinely nice...and he was handsome.

"Videl," she said, watching as Bardock stood and kept his eyes down. She wanted him to stop it, but she had to admit that it felt good to be treated like this again. She could tell him later that he didn't have to treat her like the royalty she was.

"Videl, I guess I have to explain some things. First of all, your father might have had been off on a few things because, well...when I told him about everything, I was in delirious pain, and completely out of it. I wasn't ever going to tell him, but I felt like I had some obligation to you. I had told him about me being an alien, and he left me for about a month, and then came back. When I told him the rest, I was dying. So, if some things are different from his story, you will understand, right?"

Videl nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I understand. So, what do you want to tell me?"

Talayia smiled warmly at her daughter. "I guess I can start out by saying that my family was commonly seen residing on Vegeta-sei, visiting the Royal Family and helping them with technology and other various things. Our planets were relatively close, and we were very close allies. I think I told your father that we only became allies when Frieza attacked my planet for the resources and because we had refused to join his side." She paused, looking distant a moment before she started again.

"Vegeta-sei had very, very few allies, let alone ones as close as us. We were, I guess, friends. Prince Vegeta and me grew up together, along with my parents and his parents. My family immediately went to Vegeta-sei for help against Frieza when we found out he wanted our planet. When we refused him, we knew he was going to destroy us. My parents stayed on Baraka to keep our people calm while they sent my older brother and me for the Saiya-jins to help us. However, by the time I arrived, we were sent unfortunate news and my brother, or your uncle, killed himself. I was the only one left, or at least that's what I thought at the time. Vegeta-sei was under threat from Frieza constantly, that's why I wasn't surprised to find out it was destroyed when you told me. Frieza hated Saiya-jins with a passion, and I have no idea why. I wished the Saiya-jins the best of luck as I left, and I searched the universe for any of my kind left. When I didn't find any, I planned on going to the planet Earth and conquering it. But unfortunately, I fell in love with your father."

Videl blinked at the "unfortunately" part. "Why is that unfortunate, mom? I don't understand."

Talayia shrugged her graceful shoulders. "I realized after we "married" or whatever that bizarre ritual humans have is called, that it was a mistake. He was obsessed with how supposedly strong he was, and the only reason why I stayed with him was because my race is renown for staying together with their mates. I lost my love for your father quickly, but then I had you, and I got sick a few years later. The sickness isn't known on Earth, but it was on Baraka. It's rare, that is true, so I don't know how or why I got it. I was killed from it, and I ended up...here. I don't really know why though...I never really did anything bad. I've only killed a few people, and that was to protect myself."

Videl felt her lips almost twist, and she glared at the Supreme Kai. He just shrugged.

"Um...so, you were known on Vegeta-sei, and that's why Bardock here knows you? Cool. What an odd coincidence."

Talayia nodded. "Bardock, you can stop groveling. I have the feeling you hate doing that, and my title is empty. You can look at me, I'm not going to have a guard come out of nowhere and kill you."

Bardock nodded, a small smirk on his face as he looked at the vision before him. "Yes, your high—err, may I call you by your first name?"

"Of course. My name is Talayia. Just treat me like you would anyone else."

"You mean pounding them into the ground because they disturb me? I don't really think that a woman such as yourself would appreciate that."

Talayia giggled, watching as Bardock sat down next to her. Videl felt her jaw drop nearly down to the floor, and the Supreme Kai had to nudge her to snap her out of it. She just couldn't believe it...they were flirting with each other!! Wasn't there like, a huge age gap between them or something? Let's see...she started counting on her fingers, trying to figure it out. She shrugged, giving up. She knew age to Saiya-jins didn't mean much, and from the look of youth from her mother, she wondered if it was the same for Barakians. Age probably didn't matter or something to them....

Shin shook his head, grinning. "Well, I can guess you never expected something like this. I bet you still have many questions, especially how Bardock knew you. I think that your mother and your new friend would enjoy a little trip to Upper World, don't you think? Would you like that?"

Videl nodded quickly, so excited she looked ready to burst her seams. The Supreme Kai smirked, telling Videl she couldn't be distracted from her training now, and that the only reason they were allowed up there was because she was helping to save the universe. Videl didn't care...she would do anything to see her mother...and seeing how happy she was just talking to this Bardock guy made her want to bring him along as well. Not to mention that she wanted to know more about him and how he knew her. Damn...there were too many questions to ask. She just hoped she had enough time to ask them all.