Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Expect ❯ In the End, It Doesn't Even Matter ( Chapter 75 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 75: In the End, It Doesn't Even Matter
The full Saiya-jins cries filled the air as they powered up, Goku and Vegeta both plowing through the air at an incredible speed. Everyone watched blankly as Goku headed for his son and Vegeta for Majin Buu. Maybe they would have a chance now....

Videl grunted in pain as the pink blob suddenly flung her off him and into a pile of sharp rocks, and she landed with an agonizing thump. She saw Goku and Vegeta charging in to help, and she felt herself smile half-heartedly. Dende...maybe once they freed Gohan, they would be able to defeat Majin Buu together....

Buu didn't seem to notice the two Saiya-jins diving through the air, both heading for him. What he did notice though, was the delectable looking specimen in front of him, struggling to draw in once last lung-full of air. He grinned evilly.

"Turn into a COOKIE!!!"

Vegeta and Goku seemed to halt in the middle of the air, as if knowing that there was nothing they could do now. Videl watched in horror as a stream of transparent pink ki shot through the air and hit Gohan, his pain-filled cry echoing through the still air. Videl felt her heart clench as agony seized a hold of her whole being, pain an obsolete word compared to what she was feeling. She watched with black eyes as Gohan was there...and then was...gone.

She almost couldn't breathe. No, she couldn't breathe. Her hand gripped onto the front of her gi over her heart, the sore, tired muscles in her body going into a paroxysm of torment and distress. Not all the pain in her life multiplied by a hundred could compare to what she was feeling now...nothing could.

Buu stepped forward happily, seemingly not noticing the horrified expressions on everyone's face there, and the girl several yards away trying to live to the next moment.

He picked up the Gohan-shaped cookie, and popped it into his mouth almost nonchalantly. No one was prepared for what happened next as Buu contentedly munched on the large cookie, looking happy as could be as he swallowed.

Everything seemed to explode. The air turned to electricity as Buu let out a high-pitched shriek, everyone being blown back by the force of the sudden explosion. Videl covered her face with her arms and managed to stay rooted to her spot, anger building and seething inside her when she realized what was happening. Apparently by...eating her fiancé, he had gained Gohan's energy as well. As the explosion died down and the billowing smoke around Buu cleared, she feared what she would see. She could feel the change in the creature's ki...it couldn't be possible! How could anything be that strong?!

Goku pushed himself through a pile of rocks, grunting with exertion as he pushed a boulder off himself. He shook himself a little bit, looking around with a slightly dazed look before his eyes centered on the clearing smoke. His eyes widened.

There was Majin Buu...a thinner, much more muscular form of what he used to be. He now donned the blue undershirt that had been under Gohan's red gi that he had gotten from his father, and Buu's old baggy white pants. The most noticeable change was his eyes. They were Super Saiya-jin turquoise. It looked odd with the mixture of pink skin, but it only added to the evil shining in the monster's pupil-less eyes.

If there was ever a moment that anyone had wanted to run during the fight, it was now. Feeling the creature's ki was a scary experience all in itself, and Krillin, Yamcha, and nearly everyone else fought the intense urge just to turn tail and flee. The Supreme Kai seemed to be in a daze as he just watched the scene, and everyone suddenly looked up when they felt a spike in someone's familiar ki. Every head there turned to look at Goku, and they were surprised to see that he was only standing there, in his familiar Super Saiya-jin form. Next they turned to Vegeta, but he was the same way.

Their eyes were drawn to a huge blast at their left. There they saw Videl, standing there with her hands fisted, her face a contorted mask of pain and rage. Her teeth were bared in a silent growl, and everyone drew back in fear just feeling her ki. Kami...the pain coming from her was deep, utterly profound. No one could see it, but she had tears running down her cheeks in an unstoppable stream, the salty water streaking through the dirt covering her face. Everyone was confused as to where this sudden power had come from, but they didn't question it. It was a miracle all in itself.

But Videl didn't do anything. She stood there, her hands still fisted, staring at Majin Buu with violence clear in her blue eyes. The amazing sight of her silver-white aura had returned, a remarkable contrast against the barren landscape around them. Her whole frame was shaking with the force of her power, and everyone's jaw dropped when she smirked. They had to wonder if Vegeta's best would ever compare again.

"No. No! Videl, NO!!! Don't do this!!! I said you can't let the loss of someone affect you!! It will only make this worse!! Your judgement is clouded; you aren't thinking clearly!!!! STOP NOW!!!"

Everyone turned to the Supreme Kai, who had just screamed his lungs out. They then heard something equivalent to a snort, and they turned back to Videl. Her smirk was gone, and she looked almost desperate.

"Screw you, Supreme Kai," she said blankly, emotionlessly. "I don't care anymore. I don't care if I die, I don't care if everyone else here dies. Nothing matters anymore. Gohan's gone."

Her voice was empty, dull. Lifeless. The Supreme Kai drew back in shock, but no one said anything about what she had said. It was true in a way; what hope did they have anymore? Videl was their last chance, and from the looks of it, she didn't care. Shit, what were they going to do?!

The answer seemed to appear as Videl lifted her hand, a small, bright white light forming at her fingers. She stared at it with interest, letting it grow to about the size of a basketball before she flicked her fingers and sent it a couple yards up into the dull gray sky. It seemed to bring lightness to the dark world at the moment, and everyone stared, including the new form of Majin Buu, as it suddenly shot up into the sky, its size increasing each second.

Vegeta suddenly jerked his head away from the sight of the bright white light in the sky to stare at Videl, and the girl watched with some amusement as a slow, evil smirk spread across his lips. He turned back to the sight of the ball of white ki in the sky, throwing his arms out as his deep, rough laugh filled the air and echoed around them.

Piccolo seemed to appear out of nowhere as Videl's energy suddenly disappeared as if it had never been there, her eyes closing as her feet went out from underneath her. The Namek caught her in a smooth movement, lying her down on the ground as she clutched at his white cape. Piccolo could tell that her sudden power boost had been an act of desperation, of anger. Something that a Saiya-jin would do. He was proud of her.

"Videl," he said softly, tapping her cheek gently. Her eyes fluttered open in a tired sort of way, and Piccolo tried to smile as best he could. She smiled back, and then grimaced.

"Piccolo," she whispered, feeling the sudden pain return as her energy died away. She had been bugging Gohan ever since she had been back with what it had been like for him when she had died...now she knew. Kami...how could he have survived....

"Hmm?" Piccolo tried to keep her calm as she struggled to sit up, but he forced her to stay in her place, knowing that she needed every ounce of energy she had left. She closed her eyes again, drawing in a deep breath.

"Did...did it work? Did my trick...work? Did Bardock teach it to me correctly?"

Piccolo glanced off to the side, and then looked somewhat surprised before he smirked. "Yeah," he said in an amused voice. He watched as all the Saiya-jins present began to transform into their oozaru forms, their skin stretching and their clothes ripping as dark brown fur covered their bodies and they towered into the sky with a loud roar. This had been the last idea if everything had gone wrong. They had discussed this earlier the other day when they had met by the waterfall, but at the time, they hadn't known that Videl would be out of commission, and Gohan gone. Piccolo was afraid to leave Videl in her current state, especially when he could feel how erratic her heart was beating. Not a good sign. She was clutching at his arms now, struggling to breathe. He could tell that she had no will to live any longer...not when Gohan was gone. He knew that their bond would bring some consequences, but he hadn't expected this. Damn it...they had miscalculated at every turn...Videl had been too cocky...Gohan had made more mistakes than Videl...Goku and Vegeta were no long the ones to rely on...the list went on and on. They should have been more serious about this. They shouldn't have just relied on Videl alone to defeat Majin Buu. Shit...stupid, stupid, stupid!!

Videl felt the pain in her heart grow, and she felt her breath catch in her throat. She feared for a moment that she wasn't going to be able to draw in another breath, but she somehow managed. She didn't notice the tears pouring unheeded down her cheeks and into her hair, but Piccolo did. It felt odd being protective of a female, but he knew it was only because she was Gohan's mate and because they were close friends. He tried to keep her calm, but he knew that she wouldn't survive like Gohan. There was just no way....

What was left of the small group took off running as soon as the Saiya-jins transformed into their oozaru forms. They were rampaging everywhere, blowing up everything in sight. At this rate, they would destroy the planet. Had they made another mistake doing this? Just looking at Trunks and Goten made it scary enough. Who would have known that two little kids could blow up so much stuff? Ok, stupid question....

Vegeta seemed to be the only one in control. He was standing there, chuckling every once and a while. Majin Buu was staring up at the towering were-apes, a shocked expression on his face at the threat now presented in front of him. This was not good....

Almost as an afterthought, Vegeta whacked his son over the head. It looked funny to see his son growl and rub his head in his oozaru form, but it seemed to get him in control as Vegeta pointed down to Majin Buu. Goten—thank Kami and his tendencies to do whatever Trunks did—followed right after. Goku was rampaging all over the place, blowing things into oblivion. The whole planet shook with the force of the destruction he was wrecking upon the planet, but Vegeta just ignored it. Let Kakarott blow up the planet; he didn't care.

Majin Buu floated up to Vegeta's eye level, his arms crossed over his chest and a smug look on his face. He was Buu; you couldn't defeat him, no matter what!!!

"Hmph, am I supposed to feel threatened by this new form? All you look like is some rabid monkey."

Not the right thing to say to Vegeta. The Saiya-jin Prince swung his fist out and connected with Buu's whole body, sending the pink, muscled creature into a dive straight into the planet's crust. He chuckled again, which sounded extremely evil in his oozaru form. Trunks followed soon thereafter, and then Goten. Goku seemed to pause to see what that noise was coming from, but then just proceeded in destroying some more stuff.

Piccolo was happy that they weren't near any towns, or they would have been in trouble. Goku could basically do whatever he wanted to do in this state so long as he didn't kill anyone or anything but Majin Buu. He watched as Buu came flying back out of the earth, darting all over the place and dodging around the were-apes swinging at him. He thought he had an advantage over speed; he was very, very wrong. It was almost funny seeing Majin Buu get scared, especially when Goten and Trunks both punched him at the same time, leaving his pink body a deformed mass of skin and twitching muscles. Vegeta was standing by just watching as his son and his rival's youngest brat played with Majin Buu like he was naught but a toy, which was extremely funny.

Piccolo held Videl closely as he watched the fight. While it was amusing, he had more important things to worry about. Like the girl trying to stay alive just one moment longer...just long enough to see Majin Buu be defeated. She wanted to see the bastard dead...she wanted to go back to Other World a happy woman. Well, as happy as she could be now.

Vegeta flicked the pink creature away from him when he came too close. Majin Buu was clearly pissed, and was thinking unclearly as he flung around ki blasts desperately. One went off target and went flying towards Goku, hitting him square in the shoulder. Crimson blood sprayed everywhere as the youngest full Saiya-jin took the hit full-force, but leaving him nothing but pissed. He turned, and revealed his sharp, deadly teeth in a smirk.

Who would have thought that Goku would get so mad just by being hit in his shoulder? He took off after Buu like no tomorrow, Trunks and Goten looking on with grins on their faces, looking decisively evil with their pointed teeth. It was fun giving Majin Buu a taste of his own medicine!!

Piccolo didn't like how they were playing with Majin Buu, and Vegeta seemed to catch the Namek's glare. The oozaru form of the Saiya-jin Prince let out a sigh, which looked ridiculous coming from a huge ape that could blow up the planet at random.

Vegeta waited until Goku had chased Majin Buu close enough to him, and stopped the pink being by saying, "Hey, you bitchy blob! How about you come over here and rub some of that pink body against me?!"

Majin Buu seemed to snap at Vegeta's odd comment. He came flying at Vegeta with incredible speed, no one even seeing it except Vegeta and Goku. He let out an enraged cry just as Vegeta's mouth opened wide and a bright blast of yellow ki erupted from his mouth. Majin Buu brought up his arms in a desperate attempt to shield the blast, but he didn't have a chance in the world.

Videl let out one last sigh as she closed her eyes, seeing the smoke clear. Majin Buu was gone. Somehow it all seemed simple and easy...uncomplicated. She didn't know why. She didn't care. I'm coming, Gohan....

She didn't even realize that she had spoken aloud until Piccolo yelled at her, shaking her shoulders and telling her not to dare. She smiled faintly up at him as she lifted her hand, grazing her hand affectionately across his smooth cheek before her hand fell. Her eyes closed, and Piccolo felt her body go completely limp. The ball of bright white ki in the sky disappeared, and the Saiya-jins dropped out of their oozaru forms. Kami...it had happened all too fast. Now Gohan and Videl were gone...the planet was in complete ruins, 3/4 of the population was dead.... What else could go wrong?