Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ His...feelings? ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Seven: His...feelings?


Vegeta didn't see it coming; the fast slash of a wicked blade as it embedded itself into his side with sickening ease. It dug into the soft skin all the way to the hilt, and yet Yamcha still pushed it in as hard as he could, twisting it violently as Vegeta gave a choked cry, his grip loosening around Yamcha's neck.

Yamcha smiled and turned it even harder, feeling warm blood run over his hand and down his arm as Vegeta clung to him, trying to keep himself from plummeting to the ground below. He rather liked the look of fear on the smaller man's face as he stared up at him, trying to keep himself from gagging on his own blood.

Yamcha started going down slowly, but decided at the last moment to fling him away to the ground below.

Bulma watched as Yamcha let go of Vegeta, chucking him away from himself as if he was nothing put a feather. It seemed all in slow motion; Yamcha letting him go, Vegeta flying out of his hold, falling half-conscious to the ground below.

She screamed, knowing that Vegeta was going to hit the ground...being killed instantly because his power level wasn't raised enough to save himself from being hurt from the impact. She wished she could fly, just so she could save him, but she was pathetic, she was weak, she was all those things the Saiyan-jin no Ouji had always called her. She felt tears run down her face and she struggled up to her feet, running over to where she thought he would collide into the ground.

Yamcha blinked, watching as his girlfriend ran desperately over to where Vegeta was going to hit in a few seconds. He paled. "Oh, no," he said. "What have I done?"

He knew he wouldn't make it, but he had to try. He dived downwards, reaching for the man that was too far ahead of him to even come close to touching. They had been so high up in the air; at least a mile. He still had to try.

Bulma didn't even notice Yamcha trying to save Vegeta, for just as she got there, she got an idea. What if she broke his fall? She would kill herself, but it would save Vegeta, who was a key to saving the Earth from the Androids. She didn't matter, he did.

She closed her eyes and felt the wind of his falling body flow over her...

Vegeta's body smashing into her...

And then there was nothing.

Yamcha cried out, hitting the ground hard and causing himself to fall over painfully. He got back up, not giving a shit about himself when he just saw the woman he loved break the fall of a murderer. He didn't want to look...he was so scared that she would be dead. He was going to kill himself. His fate was already decided because he was so fucking stupid.

He hesitantly reached her side; she was almost smothered by the Saiya-jin Prince's body. He knelt down, stroking his fingers over her glorious hair. He knew what he had to do.





Bulma didn't open her eyes, just screamed. She was in such intense pain that she wanted to die. She opened her mouth, begging for someone to kill her. She heard people yelling, someone cursing. There was so much noise, sirens sounding, things like doors slamming. It hurt so bad....

She felt her body being jostled around, but she didn't know why. She heard someone yell, "Get the other guy over here! He's in critical condition!! And someone arrest that guy over there and bring him to the hospital for questioning!!"

She couldn't stop crying, but she heard a soft soothing voice tell her to stop crying, it made it hurt worse. She tried, but she couldn't. "Please, make the pain go away...." she cried, wishing she could do it herself. Her brain felt like it had an intense pressure building inside of it, it was going to explode any second....

"It will be gone in a few moments, sweetie. Don't worry. I'll make it all better. You won't feel a thing."

Bulma felt herself relaxing at the soothing voice, felt herself drifting away slowly. The last thing she said was, "Vegeta...."





Yamcha sat outside of the operating room, where both Bulma and Vegeta were currently at.

He wished he could get out of here and run away from it, but he was hand cuffed to a chair that was bolted to the floor. Just lovely. What the hell had he gotten himself into? Just all because he loved Bulma so much....

He had been sitting here for about two hours, waiting for some sort of news. He knew that Vegeta was more than likely going to live, the bastard, but Bulma....

He had been told that she had internal bleeding in a few places that could kill her in a matter of hours if they didn't get to it now. Vegeta, well...he had a severe concussion, was possibly in a coma, had a shattered arm, and a deep stab wound in his side. Bulma's ribs and right hip were smashed, for they had taken most of the hit. Her shoulder had been dislocated, but that wasn't as big a deal as the internal bleeding in her brain.

He hoped they put him in jail. He prayed to Kami that they did. He hoped that he would never see Bulma again, because he would kill himself if he saw how much pain she was in...all because of him.

But his wish was not to be granted an hour later, as they wheeled the woman he was thinking of out of the OR.

If she had anymore hair, it was probably on a floor somewhere. She had a huge white bandage with a few red spots wrapped around her head, her beyond pale face contrasting against the white of her light bed blankets. He stood up, watching as they pushed her past him, not even saying anything, just glaring at him with accusing eyes. They all but said he was lucky she was alive.

A few moments later Vegeta came out, being pushed along like Bulma had, unconscious from drugs, also like her. The IV connected to his arm was being impelled forward by another woman, who was along with several other men and women. Someone said, "Put him in room 73."

He was about to get up and follow, but he couldn't. He cursed the cop who had chained him like a dog. Well, he was no better than one.

The cop in question came up to him a moment later, saying, "If you be good and promise not to go anywhere but somewhere in this hospital, then I'll let you go. But I still have to stay with you."

Yamcha nodded slowly, thankful. The man undid him and he stood, rubbing his wrist as he went in the direction both Vegeta and Bulma had gone down.





Goku came by the next day, beyond panicked. He had been called by Mrs. Brief's the following morning, and she had been nearly insane. He told her he would be right over, along with his wife and Gohan.

Mr. and Mrs. Brief's tried to explain to him what had happened, but they weren't quite sure themselves. Only the three in question knew.

They had all gone to the hospital, where they were now. Yamcha had been re-handcuffed to the chair outside of Bulma's room, which also happened to be Vegeta's. He hadn't liked that at all, and had expressed it angrily. He had told them that this was what had started it in the first place, but no one would listen to him. He had just fallen asleep in the beginning hours of the morning, and no one had the heart to wake him.

Goku was the only one allowed in, for the Brief's lied and said that he was Bulma's little brother. Apparently they bought it, for they let him in.

He approached the curtain surrounded beds carefully, nervous about opening it and what he would see.

He pulled back the maroon curtain gingerly, stepping behind it and closing it again. He turned around and stared.

Bulma was laying on her back, hooked up to about a thousand beeping machines, which seemed to echo Vegeta's. Her head was wrapped up in a white bandage that was spotted with large blotches of blood. He paled when he saw needles hooked up on both of her arms, and fought the urge to run out of the room. He calmed himself and went closer to her, sitting in the chair that was next to her bed.

He got a closer look at her, spotting all the bruises and cuts. Her whole torso looked twice the size of what it normally was, but it was covered with a very light blanket, so he couldn't see. He wanted to take her hand, but he had been instructed not to touch her. "Bulma...I hope that you're not mad at Yamcha. He was scared that he would lose you because he loves you so much."

He got up, seeing Vegeta stir slightly in the bed a few feet away from her. He had never thought once in his life that this would happen to the proud Vegeta. He went over to him, seeing a mask of pain on his face. Neither of them had woken up, and no one was sure if Vegeta was in a coma or no. Goku had had no idea what one was until Chichi had explained to him that you don't wake up for a very long time...in simplest terms.

He heard a sudden beeping noise above his head, and jumped, not knowing what it was. A few short moments later a woman rushed in, holding two syringes in her hand. Goku backed up against the farthest wall and made the sign of the cross with his fingers.

The woman gave him a weird look, wondering if the man was alright. "Uh, I'm just giving them their pain medication...just in case you are wondering. I have to give it to them every two hours." She pushed it into Bulma's IV machine, pushing the pump down and injecting it into her sugar drip. She then went over to Vegeta, seeing that he was showing intense pain signs. "Hmm...maybe we should increase his dosage again or something. He seems like he can't get enough to keep the pain at bay."

Goku shut his eyes tight, not wanting to see her torture Vegeta with a needle. When he thought she was done, he opened his eyes slowly, happy to see that she was about to leave. When she left, he went back over to Vegeta, seeing that the look of pain on his handsome face was disappearing.

After spending about a half an hour with his unconscious friends, he came out, sighing. Everyone stood up quietly, still careful not to wake Yamcha up. "They are still uh, sleeping. That one lady came in and stuck needles in them. It was scary...." he shuddered. Chichi smiled and went up to him, wrapping her arms around him to tell him it was ok. He seemed to feel a lot better after that.

"Well, me and my wife have an important trip to go on, and we tried to cancel it, but it was too close to time to do so. We are leaving tonight and won't be back for two weeks. I was wondering if some of you guys could check up on them every once and a while. We heard that Yamcha was going to be taken to jail until they wake up and tell what happened. Yamcha wasn't able to tell anyone," Dr. Brief's said, looking down. Yamcha was a good boy, he hoped that he had nothing to do with this.

Goku laughed lightly, his hand scratching behind his head. "Yeah, Dr. Brief's. We'll all be glad to do it. Tien, Chiaotzu, Piccolo, Krillin, and everyone else are going to be stopping by, if not to check up on Bulma and Vegeta, then just to visit. You guys be careful, ok? We don't want anyone else to be in the hospital!!"

Everyone gave a small laugh, trying to lighten the mood. The Brief's left, waving goodbye.

Goku and his family left after Yamcha was taken away by the cops. He was surprised to find the older man not protesting.





Five days later, Bulma opened her eyes, hearing someone moan. She turned her head with a lot of difficulty, but somehow managed. She saw Vegeta laying only about two feet away from her on a different bed, tossing around. She cleared her throat, trying out her voice. It cracked, and nothing came out. She needed some water. She searched around desperately, seeing some over on her left only an arms reach away. She took hold of it, feeling pain lace up her arm, but she ignored it and drank it down thirstily.

When she was done with it, she tried her voice again. "V-Ve-Vegeta...." she got out, and she smiled, proud of herself. "Ve-Vegeta, wake up." He was tossing back and forth more violently now, upsetting the blankets. He seemed to calm a little bit at her voice, but it started up again a moment later. "Vegeta, p-please wake up. Your g-gonna hurt y-yourself."

He stopped thrashing around and laid still. She smiled when he opened his eyes, turning his head towards her voice. He blinked a few times at her, and then flinched. He wanted to say that she looked more hideous than he ever thought she could possibly be, but then it hit him: this Onna saved my life. He remembered the brief moments when he had seen her run out underneath him and then he had fallen unconscious. He could almost picture his body slamming into her smaller one. He grimaced again.

"Vegeta...are you alright?"

He checked himself over mentally, and nodded slowly, catching himself when pain shot straight to his head. He tried to turn over so he wouldn't have to keep his head turned just to look at her, but he felt a bolt of pain stab him in the side. He sucked in his breath, cursing. For the first thing he had said since he had woken up, it sounded beautiful to Bulma. She was so happy that he was alive that she could just cry. So she did.

Vegeta finally managed to get himself turned onto his side without killing himself, and stared at the Woman. She was nearly bawling her eyes out. "What is wrong with you, Onna?"

She sniffed and smiled, although every movement was a trial. "I...I thought you...we...were going to die."

Vegeta looked down at the ground, feeling weak and foolish. In the end he had proven that he was the weak one, and Bulma was the strong one. She had been willing to sacrifice herself just so he could live, a person who didn't have the right to live himself after all the lives he had taken without a second thought. And yet this small woman had been willing to get herself killed just to save one life. He wanted to turn away from her so she wouldn't see the expressions that he couldn't hide on his face.

"Vegeta...do you know what started this? Why this all...happened?" she asked him quietly, knowing that he was having a hard time with his raging emotions.

He was still looking down at the ground when he said, "Your boyfriend came over our house after I brought you home and you were asleep. I...I made sure you were comfortable and I went downstairs when I heard the front door slam. I thought it was your parents...but it was Yamcha. A long story short, he was pissed because he thought you were cheating on him with me or something, so he attacked me...err, I attacked him and we almost got an innocent killed."

He turned over, showing his back to her, not caring about his pain at the moment.

Bulma stared at his muscular back that was exposed through the hospital gown he wore. She saw the white bandage wrapped around his middle, and remembered how Yamcha had stabbed him. "What do you mean, you attacked him?"

He was silent for a moment, trying to sort his emotions out about this whole situation. "He...he hurt my...feelings when he said something about my race."

Bulma felt her eyes water. His feelings...."Vegeta...I'm so proud of you."

He stiffened. "Wh-what?"

"Do you remember that night long ago when I first came home, telling you about how happy I was? Do you remember that?"

He nodded his dark head. "Do you remember how I said I hope you never find happiness, that you are alone your whole life, and that you never find love? I'm...I'm really sorry about that, Vegeta. Please forgive me. I didn't really mean it."

"It's alright, Onna."