Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ I Love Thee ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Nine: I Love Thee


Two days later, Bulma was being carried into her house by Goku, who had a big smile on his face because she was so excited to be home. Vegeta, who had absolutely refused to be carried in, was walking, his arms crossed over her chest. They were both exhausted and weak, so they, or at least Bulma, was going to sit down in front of the TV and fall right asleep.

"Goku, please put me on the sofa. I think I wanna go to bed there." She yawned, and then smiled, happy to be home and in familiar settings. Vegeta didn't seem to care, was only happy to be home to his GR.

Goku brought her into the living room, setting her down and grabbing a blanket to immediately cover her with. He even grabbed some pillows and put them behind her, making sure she was comfy. "Is that ok, Bulma?" he asked, trying to make her happy and comfortable. To Bulma it was like having her own personal slave. "Slave, go get me my medicine."

He didn't seem to notice it, either that or he didn't get it. Bulma giggled and Vegeta smirked. "He seems to respond well to your orders. Too bad we weren't back on Vegetasei, because then I could get you a thousand slaves, including Kakorot."

He sat down on his favorite spot, which happened to be at her feet. She could tell he was pushing himself, for he was looking rather pale, and he was bent over slightly from the pain in his side. He seemed to relax a lot when he sat down, and he sighed with pleasure. Bulma smiled and let evil thoughts run through her head. Oh, it seems my feet are cold...again. Why don't I just....She dug her feet under his leg, just like before, except it was higher up and in deeper. He growled at her, but didn't do anything about it. He made sure the blanket covered her feet so when Kakorot came back in he wouldn't see it. That baka would probably say he was raping the Onna.

Bulma started falling asleep waiting for Goku to come back with her medicine. Her parents were home too, and they had driven them all back. They still hadn't come back inside, for they were being bombarded by reporters asking all kinds of questions. Some were about Capsule Corps new capsule, and then the accident that had happened two weeks ago. She didn't really care, she was too tired.

Goku came back in, her medicine in one hand and a cup of water in the other. "Here ya go, Bulma. Do you need anything, Vegeta?"

He snorted, telling him to go away. Goku just gave Bulma a careful hug and told her he would come and visit in a few says with everyone else. She just nodded and practically fell unconscious after he left.

Vegeta was tired, but he was too angry to sleep. He felt so damn weak, and there wasn't a reason for it. His wounds weren't healing as fast as they should be; in addition, he was acting too nice. Was it because he had gotten brain damage? Yes...that had to be it. He closed his eyes and drifted off, liking that scenario, but not believing it.





A week later, Bulma was in front of her mirror, trying to come up with ways to hide her hideous head. She took a stylish looking bandana and wrapped it around her head. It was a simple black, and it matched her white shirt and black pants perfectly. She turned her head this way and that, not finding anything too wrong with how she looked at the moment. She was still dealing with the horror of not having any hair, but it had some good points. She didn't have to wash her hair anymore, well, she wasn't even allowed to get her head wet until she got her stitches out, which was today. She gulped, terrified. She didn't like that thought at all.

She turned away from the mirror and walked out of the room, wanting something to eat. As soon as she walked down the stairs, she heard the door slam. "Woman!!!"

Bulma sighed and walked to the fridge, digging something out to munch on. "What now, Veg-head?"

"Nothing. I just thought I would annoy you."

She gave a half-hearted laugh and plopped down into a chair at the table. She couldn't believe it, but she missed Yamcha.

Vegeta sat down next to her, studying her for a moment before he demanded what was wrong. "What the hell is the matter with you, Onna?"

She looked away, blinking back tears. Yamcha had been allowed out of jail with a bail she had paid, but he hadn't talked to her yet. She wondered what he was thinking right now. "Vegeta...is it right that I still have feelings for Yamcha?"

Vegeta felt an odd pain in his chest, but it wasn't from his wounds. He stared at her for a moment, wondering what was wrong with both of them. "Onna, you aren't serious."

She nodded pathetically. He growled at her, mad. He stood up from his chair, knocking it over. "You stupid bitch! How could you possibly still have feelings for that baka?! He almost killed you!! Hell, he almost killed me!! Which reminds me, I have to repay his ass."

He stalked out of the room, getting ready to leave the house. Bulma ran after him, screeching. "Vegeta!! Ve-Vegeta, wait!! Don't do this!! I still...I still love him!!!"

He stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't turn to face her, but she saw his shoulders visibly slump. "Onna...he almost killed you," he said calmly, his body stiff. "He hurt you, all because he was jealous. How could you-"

"Vegeta, I know you don't understand. And he didn't almost kill me, you-"

"I almost killed you."

Bulma shook her head, seeing how tense he was getting with him facing away from her in the doorway leading out of the house. She took hold of his arm, turning him around. He had his eyes closed, he refused to look at her. She didn't let go of his arm, she gave it a hard squeeze. It caused him to open his eyes, and they stared at each other for a while, until Bulma spoke up. "No, Vegeta. He didn't almost kill me. You didn't almost kill me. I almost killed myself. I...I didn't...."

She trailed off, not knowing what to say. She let go of his arm, walking slowly away and back into the kitchen. But he stopped her, taking hold of her arm and dragging her back. "Onna, I think that maybe you should think some things out before you make any rash decisions."

Bulma looked back at him, not understanding. "I don't understand what you mean, Vegeta."

He drew her closer hesitantly, studying her expressions as he did. She didn't seem scared or alarmed. One of the few people who didn't. He felt something inside him soften. Sometimes it was nice not having someone scared of you, someone who trusted you. Wait...does she really trust me, a murderer? "Woman, do you trust me? Are you scared of me?"

Bulma blinked once, not understanding what he was getting at. "I don't...I don't understand, Vegeta."

He brought her closer to him, until her body was pushed lightly against his. He wanted just to hold her so bad, just wanted to know what it was like to have an actual nice feeling, a soothing and comforting feeling. Not pain, not hurt, not death...no more death....

His hand drifted down to behind her neck, his fingertip lightly tracing her nape. It made her utterly melt in his arms and she fell forward against him, letting him hold her up with his own weight. "Ve-Vegeta...what are you doing to me?" She felt so weak, so relaxed and peaceful, but wanting, wanting something....

He lowered his lips to hers, lightly brushing them, once, twice, then covered her mouth with his completely, gently parting her lips with his and kissing her deeply. She held back a moan, digging her manicured nails into his shoulders as he gave her the most beautiful kiss she had ever had. She had only ever dreamed about this kind of kiss, one that would sweep you off your feet and make you dizzy with delight, making you feel like butter and wishing you could melt into the one kissing you in such a way.

BANG! Vegeta instantly broke the kiss, not knowing what that had been. He tried to turn to look around, but she was clinging onto him like a lifeline that needed more help. He looked back down at her, seeing the unconditional need in her expressive blue eyes...the absolute trust. He didn't want to look away, but he had to. He let his hand rest on her cheek a precious moment before he slipped away, going to investigate what that loud noise had been.

Bulma sagged to the floor, her weak knees unable to support her. Oh, my Kami, she thought, laying her hand over her pounding heart. What had just happened?





Bulma walked, or at least she tried to, out of the doctors office. He had just removed her stitches, and now she was in so much pain she could have cried, but she held them back in. Even though they had given her numbing medication, she had still felt it. What a horrible feeling to have something tugged through your skin non-stop for two hours. She had had over a hundred stitches, but now they were gone...forever. She thanked someone high above her and left, planning on going home and calling Yamcha. She wanted to know what was going on between them still.

When she got home, she didn't see Vegeta, and for that she was grateful. She still tingled from that kiss he had given her. She had felt so wanton, so delicious. Yamcha made her feel some things, but not they way Vegeta did. She had never experienced in her whole life what Vegeta had yielded to her in only a few short seconds.

She walked straight to the phone, determined. She dialed him up, nervously twirling the cord in between her fingers.

He picked it up after three rings, as he always did. "If your hell, take me away, please."

Bulma felt something inside her shift at his words. "Ya-Yamcha?"

Silence. She didn't hear anything on the other side, not even his breathing. "Yamcha, I know that you're probably not going to talk to me. But I wanted to tell you that...that I forgive you. I forgive and that...I love you."

She couldn't say anything else, she immediately hung up, dropping herself into a chair at the kitchen table and crying into her hands. She didn't know how long she was there, but it seemed like it was an eternity.

The doorbell rang. Her head shot up and she ran to the door, wondering who it could be as she wiped her face off quickly and ripped open the door.

There stood Yamcha, pale and holding a single red rose in his hand. He gave her a pathetic smile and held the flower out. Bulma didn't even notice it, just jumped right into his arms, pressing her mouth against his. He jumped, but let his arms wrap around her tenderly and hold her close as she devoured his mouth desperately. She finally let him go when she needed air, and gasped, "Oh, Yamcha. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry!!!"

She clung to him at the doorstep and bawled on his shoulder while he held her, rocking her back and forth as he told her exactly what happened, begging her for forgiveness. She told him over and over again that she forgave him, but he continued to ask her. Finally Bulma quieted and he held her up, for she was too weak to hold herself up. He knew she had been pushing herself too hard from work and everything, and she was still healing.

He picked her up, carrying her upstairs to her room. She seemed to be asleep in his arms when he sat her down on her enormous bed, but she said, "Yamcha, please don't leave me ever again."

He gave her a smile and kissed her forehead, laying down next to her on the bed just to be close to her. "I love you, Yamcha."

His smile turned softer and then disappeared all together, but he didn't have a sad or mad look on his face, he had a peaceful one. "I love you too, Bulma."