Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ So Damn Close ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Eleven: So Damn Close


What to do...what to do? Bulma lay in bed, tossing and turning as she thought about Vegeta and how he was acting towards her. I want him so damn bad. She squeezed her legs together, trying to ease her discomfort, but it only seemed to make it worse. She started rubbing her legs together, but that didn't help either. She absolutely refused to touch herself, she wouldn't do it.

She jumped up in bed when she couldn't take it anymore. She turned on the touch lamp beside the bed and started pacing like a madwoman, trying to figure something out.

It didn't work. She collapsed onto the floor in a graceless heap, staring at the door that led to the bathroom. Ah, a nice warm shower. She got up and strode into the bathroom, planning on scalding her skin off.





Vegeta pressed his ear to the paper-thin wall, seeing if he could hear the Onna in the other room. He normally would have kicked himself for doing this, but he couldn't help himself. He just wanted to hear her voice, or any kind of noise at all. He heard her tossing and turning, could practically see it, and it drove him nuts, knowing exactly what she was thinking. The bed creaked slightly, giving the sign that she had gotten out of bed. Is she coming over here?! No, she was just moving around. Chikuso...he cursed, his fingers digging into the wall. He frowned at himself and ripped them out of the ten holes.

He put his ear back to the wall, hearing something fall to the floor. Did she pass out? he wondered, but just as he was about to go in and see if she was alright, she got right back up, and went into the bathroom. The shower turned on, and he dropped to the floor, leaning against the wall with his knees bent and his hands resting on them. He sat there and thought about how to approach her without seeming too desperate, but like he wanted her at the same time. Uh, screw trying not to be desperate, he was way beyond that. If he didn't get her now, he knew that he would be really messed up for a long time. Not only physically, but mentally. He would go around so damn horny and pissed off because he wanted her so damn bad.

And that also wouldn't help it, because Kakorot and his pathetic self would know exactly what was wrong with him.

He slumped his shoulders and waited for the Onna to get out. Or no...wait....

He smirked.





Bulma sighed in helpless indulgence as she washed her hair. It already was four inches long. She loved it. She just couldn't stop washing her hair, it was all she wanted to do...besides jump into bed with Vegeta. She sighed again as she washed her hair for the millionth time and dreamed about Vegeta. Such a hard, masculine body, and he always smelled so yummy. It made her want to run her tongue all over him.

She snapped out of it as the lights went out. "Great. The power went out, damn it. Can't I have fun anymore?" she complained, hurrying with her hair and rinsing it out. She turned the knobs to the hot and cold water around until they shut off, leaving her dripping wet and shivering from loss of heat in the middle of the shower. She pushed back the sliding glass door and stepped out, her feet touching the soft carpet.

Taking hold of the warm fluffy towel, she wrapped it around herself and then twirled another one around her hair. It was an old habit from when she had her longer hair. She searched with blind fingers for her toothbrush and toothpaste, and found them, grateful that her mother had put them in here. She hurried and brushed her teeth, loving the tingly clean feeling of her whole body.

As soon as she stepped into her room, she felt a sudden whisper of wind, as if something had passed by her. She stiffened, knowing someone was in her room. "Vegeta?"

Nothing. She warily walked into the room, almost falling over when she bumped into the bed. She wasn't used to this room yet.

Something brushed her shoulder. She whipped around, wide-eyed, but nothing was there. "Th-this isn't funny," she said, her voice sounding scared. When she turned around a couple times in circles, and she couldn't see anything, it got her even more scared.


She almost jumped out of her skin. She could have sworn she heard her name whispered by her ear. Without giving it a second thought, she dashed out of the room, her towel in her hair falling to the floor in a heedless pile.

She ran through the house, knowing someone was behind her. She cursed herself for being stupid when she ran right past Vegeta's room. She would have to somehow divert herself and head back that way.

The house was dark and silent, almost eerie looking as she ran for her life through the house. She knew where everything was, but for some unknown reason she kept running into everything. She cried out in pain when her shin connected to something sharp, and she fell, but she forced herself back up, trying to hold her towel together as she ran. It was flapping about her like it demanded she take it off, and it was hindering her run. She was almost tempted to rip it off, but she would probably give the villain exactly what it wanted if she were to do that.

She finally made it outside the house, slamming the door in the person's face. She heard him laugh, and it sounded so much like Vegeta's that she almost stopped. But wait, Vegeta wouldn't do this, would he? Her dash slowed, wondering if Vegeta really would do this. Knowing him, he would, but he wouldn't scare her like this, would he?

She felt someone's hand grip her ankle and she flew forward, hitting the wet grass hard. She kicked her legs, trying not to scream her head off. She managed to get free somehow, and it seemed to her like her would-be rapist was letting her get away. He was playing with her. It terrified her. It made her blood run cold.

She ran harder than she had ever in her life, her feet flying over the grass as she ran to the ship which housed the gravity chamber. She hoped she could lose the person on her tail if she went in there.

It wasn't to be. No matter how hard she ran, the person just seemed to get ever closer, making her whimper and her eyes water as she thought about what was going to happen to her if she didn't get away.

The person laughed again and tackled her, causing her to crash into the ground. She screamed, thrashing about as she tried to get away. Her captor tried to take off her towel, but she would have none of that. She swung her fist, hitting him so hard that he flew off her. For a moment she was stunned, wondering where that had come from. She shook it off, struggling up to her feet and sprinting back to the house.

As she got to the door, she thought that she would have enough time to lock it, and she did, sighing with relief.

But it didn't matter, for the man knocked right into, breaking it clear off its hinges. Bulma felt the blood in her face completely drain, and she turned around, running so hard that she was struggling to breathe. Please, she prayed, let me get to Vegeta...if this isn't him that is....

She dashed up the stairs, leaping three at a time and accomplishing it easily with her long legs. She had never been more thankful for them in her life.

She was so close, she almost felt evil as she reached out and ripped open Vegeta's door, jumping onto the bed.

Vegeta jerked upwards, feeling Bulma land straight on his stomach. His chest instantly came in contact with her soft breasts clad only in a towel, but he didn't have enough time to pay attention as someone else ran into his room.

His eyes widened. That little fuck.... He gently took Bulma around her waist and set her down beside him on the bed, smiling as he stood up. He could almost see Yamcha piss his pants. The little baka human knew he was dead, but what he didn't know was that Vegeta hated rape almost as much as he hated Kakarott.

"You stupid fucking human," he sneered, walking up to him slowly, making sure he intimidated him and scared him shitless at the same time. Yamcha backed up into the door that slammed shut as Vegeta powered up to his maximum level. Vegeta wished he could see the terror on his ugly face as he killed him.

Bulma watched as Vegeta drove his fist straight into Yamcha's groin, causing the younger man to grab himself and fall over, trying not to heave his guts up.

Vegeta smirked and kicked him so hard in his ribs that he flew into the wall, leaving a nice size dent and a pile of plaster on the one he was beating as he fell to the floor.

Bulma almost felt bad...no she didn't. She grinned when she saw Vegeta grip him by his hair and haul him up off his feet until he was dangling about a foot off the ground. He was whining, begging for Vegeta to let him go. Vegeta snorted and put him back on the ground, only to hold onto his head with his free hand and yank a giant hunk of hair out of his head. Yamcha yelled in pain, and then dropped onto the ground in a whimpering pile as Vegeta let him go and chucked his hair into his face.

Yamcha scrambled up, wondering if he had anything between his legs anymore because he couldn't feel anything. He supposed that he should have stayed down, for the instant he stood, Vegeta smashed his fist into his nose, effectively breaking it and making him hit the door, which broke almost instantaneously.

Vegeta stood in his now-gone doorway, hoping that he would get back up, but he didn't. He dusted his hands off like he had just cleaned up a pile of dirt, and went back into his room, taking Bulma up into his arms and carrying her back to her room. She protested when he sat her down and started to leave.

"I'll be back, Onna," he told her, walking out of the room. In the next moment she saw him in shadows, dragging Yamcha's body hopefully to the end of the hallway, where there sat a rather large window. Almost as soon as she thought it, she heard the familiar noise of it opening, and then something being shoved through it. She grinned when she heard the loud thump that told her Yamcha had hit the ground. Vegeta apparently has his own sick sense of humor, Bulma thought, squirming on her bed as she waited for Vegeta to return.

He was there a moment later, coming into her room and closing the door. She watched as he crossed the room and came up to her beside the bed, just standing there. What is he doing? She wondered, almost giddy from what she hoped was going to happen.

He leaned down, and she closed her eyes, sighing, for she knew without a doubt, that it was going to happen.