Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ Emotion ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Seventeen: Emotion    

Two weeks. Two whole unbearable weeks without seeing him once. Not even a brief glance. She would feel the ship give an occasional shake, proving to her that he was still alive. The long stretches that she didn’t feel anything made her nervous, thinking that somehow he had killed himself. All she could do was try and figure out the course Vegeta had made. They were still going deeper and deeper into space, and showed no signs of turning back or going around or anything.

She sighed and collapsed into the chair that Vegeta had bent. She had fixed that. Nothing else to do, she thought to herself, wanting to grip it herself and break it. He must come out when I'm asleep, for I never see him. How could he stand it? I mean, he's done this before, plenty of times, but it's scary being by myself in a ship in outer space. All alone....She stared out into the deep never-ending space, liking the peaceful feeling it gave her. She would be almost enjoying herself if she wasn’t alone....

Her stomach growled. She tried to ignore it, but it did it repeatedly, and she just couldn’t take it anymore. "Stupid stomach," she muttered under her breath and stalked to the kitchen, which had been organized and stocked with the food and things she had bought. She had all this time on her hands, she had nothing else to do, so she might have as well have cleaned everything up.

She searched through the half-empty cupboards and found some chips. Satisfied with that, she grabbed them and went back to the cockpit, where she planned on eating the whole bag and staring into space like she had for the past two days.

She sat there for another hour, finishing off the chips with little effort. If she kept this up, not only would she be fat, but there wouldn’t be any food left. She gave another week, give or take a day, that they had food enough to feed themselves properly.

She scowled at all the blinking and beeping buttons in the room she was in. Maybe she could plot a course to a planet that they could restock on. With the way Vegeta was acting, he probably was planning on staying in there for another year, leaving her here to fend for herself. Well, she could, but she didn’t like the idea of his wrath if she did something he didn’t like. He could kill her easily if he so wished to, and she would be helpless to do much besides scream to no one, for they were all alone in an infinite void of stars, planets, and galaxies.

She stood, walking over to the controls. She pushed various buttons, wanting to yell and scream and rant when what she tried didn’t work. She finally seemed to figure something out, finding a planet that was four days away. She grinned evilly, happy with her choice. A relatively peaceful planet, the species Icnaride, a calm, genius, and kind society. Just her kind of people. She had the feeling she would enjoy her stay.




Hehe...Vegeta's gonna kill me, and I don’t care. She felt the ship make a smooth landing on the planet’s surface, but she didn’t immediately get out. She had gotten a message from the people of the planet, and they had said she was permitted to enter their atmosphere. She was definitely grateful, because she knew she would have been in some big trouble if they had said no. And if they had attacked her or something horrible like that.

She attached a language transmitter that she had found to behind her ear, thankful that she had discovered it in a drawer in the room she was using.

She opened the hatch that let her out of the ship, and she quickly looked over her appearance. Tight black and silver space suit, that she had somehow also found in her room, and her hair was up in a simple ponytail. She hoped she looked respectful and conservative.

Never being on this planet before, she got quite a shock when she saw the beings that inhabited it. They almost looked human, except their skin was tinted a light blue, and they were very tall. Their hair, which everyone wore the same, was long, dark blue, and went to the middle of their backs in long spikes. She gave them a nervous smile and waved pathetically.

One of them stepped forward, saying, "Ms. Bulma Brief's, I presume?"

His hand shot forward, just like the people on her planet. She felt a little better, and she shook it, her smile growing. "That’s me. Thank you so much for letting me land here to get some supplies. You see, me and my er, friend, Vegeta, are on a trip, and we no longer have enough supplies."

His hand let hers go, and he frowned. "Vegeta, as in the Prince of the destroyed Vegetasei?"

Her smile faltered a little, and she gave a somewhat harsh nod. "Yes, that is him."

"Where is he?" someone in the crowd asked, looking around.

Bulma made sure he wasn’t behind her, and turned back around, surprised that the people of this planet weren't afraid of the mention of Prince Vegeta. "Uh, were you people like allies with his planet or something?"

The man next to her nodded. "We were very close allies. One of the very few, might I add. Now, I don’t want to seem rude. My name is Hictah." He smiled, showing his even white teeth. Bulma couldn’t help but smile back. "Is there anything in particular that you need?"

Bulma thought for a moment, following him as he led her to a large building. She couldn’t distinguish what kind of building it was, and she didn’t want to interrupt the kind being beside her, so she held silent for once in her life.

They entered, showing her that they were in some sort of hall that people gathered in for assemblies or something. There were only about ten or so people in there, so she didn’t feel self-conscious. "I just need some food, and is there any way I could possibly get some..."

She started asking about various machine parts, happy when he told her he could get all of it. If everything went the right way, she would be off this planet in a few short hours.

After she had several Icnarides help her load the things on her ship, she wondered why in the world Vegeta hadn't come out yet. Anyone would have felt the ship shaking like crazy when it had entered the atmosphere of this planet, so why hadn't he come out?

"So, I see that you are in command of my damn ship."

She flinched inwardly, wishing that she could take back what she had just thought. "Uh, well," she started, turning around and twiddling with her fingers, "we needed some supplies, and er, you weren't coming out, and I didn’t want to bother you, so I just, um, came here. You didn’t have to come out. I had everything pretty much figured out. I was just about to leave."

Vegeta snarled at her, saying, "You're lucky that you are a female, because if you were male, you would be a pile of twitching blood laying at my feet."

She got a disgusted look on her face, but wiped it off. "Ok, well, go back to training or something, because we are leaving."

Bulma said a quick thank you to Hictah, shaking his hand and leaving him waving goodbye. She just went back onto the ship, sealing the hatch. Vegeta was still standing there, his arms crossed. "So, female, where do you wish to go now?"

Bulma left him standing there, forcing him to follow her. She heard him muttering choice words under his breath, but just ignored him. He was so annoying sometimes. However, she couldn’t help but tell how his body was looking rather nice this warm afternoon....

She started pushing buttons on the control board, but he shoved her out of the way, pushing several buttons so fast she hardly saw his hands. It would have taken her half the time it had taken him. Well, he was acquainted with this ship more than she was.

She sat down in a seat, strapping herself in for precaution. She was shocked when Vegeta did the same thing, for she thought he would just stand there the whole time while launching off the planet. She squeezed her eyes shut tight when the vessel started shaking, her fingers turning white from gripping onto the arm rests so hard.

The shaking stopped soon after, and she relaxed in her seat, opening her eyes. Only to find Vegeta staring at her. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

He grunted, unstrapping himself from his chair and getting up to walk away.


He stopped, turning slightly to glance at her. "What?"

"Um, are you going to go train some more?"


She nibbled on her lower lip, trying to hide her disappointment. "Did you reach super Saiya-jin yet?"


"Are you close?"

He shrugged. Wow, she thought, scowling at his now turned back. Such a display of emotion. But wait, what am I thinking? This is Vegeta we are talking about....

He left, and she heard the door to the GR, which was close to the cockpit, open and then close. She felt tears come to her eyes, but she blinked them back, determined not to let her own emotion show through. She couldn’t...and she wouldn’t.