Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ I Needed Your Company ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter Twenty Eight: I Needed Your Company
Over the next few days, Vegeta followed Bulma around like a leech to its host. He couldn't seem to help himself, and he despised himself for it. He was powerless against whatever was going on with Bulma's scent, and it just seemed to get worse. He would look at her, growl, and then jump on her. And not necessarily in that order either.
Bulma on the other hand, was enjoying herself immensely. She relished having some sort of power over the Saiya-jin Prince, but she didn't let it show. At least she didn't think she did.
Vegeta was currently locked in the GR, trying to stay away from Bulma. He was tempted to put himself in a straight jacket, but it would be all too easy to get out. He sat there on the floor, trying to meditate, but not succeeding.
It wasn't going to work. Even if he was miles away he still would smell her. It didn't matter though. Her scent was all over him and he would probably never get it off. But maybe he wanted it that way. No!! He did not want it that way, damn it!!
He jumped up, and started pacing. She was currently at work, attempting to get a few hours in before he called her, demanding she come back before he blew up the building she was in so she could never go back and she could always stay at home, completely at his disposal.
It was odd, the schedule that they had now. When Vegeta was in the mood to ravish her, which was always, they would run straight into whatever room was closest. If and when they weren't doing that, Bulma was either working or sleeping, and Vegeta was either training or sleeping. Eventually it was going to run them into the ground, but until then, they didn't have to worry about it.
He checked the clock on the computer console in the GR. It had been three hours. He buried his fingers in his hair and clenched them, effectively pulling the roots. This was the longest he had lasted so far. He hated this weakness, this hold she had on him just because she was pregnant. He growled, taking his fingers out of his hair and stalking out of the GR to call her.
“Hey, Vegeta! Did you get to train any?”
He blinked, not expecting to see her back. “How long have you been back?” he demanded, standing in front of her as she stepped away from the kitchen table.
She checked her watch. “About a half an hour ago. Why?”
He held back a snarl and yanked her to him, molding her curvy and soft body against his hard one. His hands moved automatically to her breasts and his mouth to hers, giving her an almost brutal kiss. She didn't protest though, when his hands worked their way under her shirt.
Vegeta's hands paused when he heard someone clear their throat. Both lovers jerked their heads in the direction of the interruption and almost growled.
There stood Goku, Gohan, Chichi, Master Roshi, Oolong, Tien, Chiaotzu, Puar, and last and least, Yamcha.
Vegeta removed his hands and growled in her ear, “What are they doing here?!”
Bulma blushed to the roots of her hair when she saw all the males smiling except Gohan, who was completely red, poor thing, and Yamcha, who looked both mad and slightly pale.
She went to push away Vegeta, but he refused to let her go. She gave up without a fight, resting her hands on his shoulders as he gripped her hips and held her still.
“Err...hi, everyone. Goku, would you bring everyone to the living room, and Chichi, would you find my mother and bring her here?” Bulma asked sweetly, trying to get rid of her blush.
Everybody left except Tien, Chiaotzu, and Yamcha. Tien and Chiaotzu seemed to be smelling something, and were investigating it as Yamcha slowly approached the couple. “Well, Bulma, it seems like you're happy.” He paused. “I heard you were pregnant.”
Bulma frowned at him, nodding. “Yes, I am. It's Vegeta's, so don't even try and claim it,” she said coldly, holding onto Vegeta tighter.
“I wouldn't dream of it,” he muttered under his breath, but Vegeta heard him.
“Listen you weakling human. You had better leave now before I rip off your balls and force you to eat them. You shouldn't have even come here, and yet you dared to come into my house, insult my woman, who is carrying my child. Which,” he added, “already happens to be stronger than you.”
Yamcha looked like he was ready to kill all three of them, but he just left the house, not bothering to stay.
Chichi came back a moment later with Mrs. Briefs, and got a shock when she saw Vegeta holding Bulma in an almost tender and gentle way. Bulma was curled up to him, her arms wrapped around his back and her head tucked up under his chin as she breathed in his masculine scent. Vegeta meanwhile, seemed to be actually enjoying just holding her, keeping her close to his strong body not only to keep her warm, but to protect her from the meanness of the outside world. They both looked to be so at peace that both women started to walk away to leave them alone.
“Chichi, you're already here, there is no point in leaving now.”
The women stopped, giving the now parted couple smiles with wicked glints in their eyes. All at once, they ran over to Bulma, and started fussing over her.
"Oh, Bulma! You're going to have the most gorgeous child ever!! Do you have any names picked out yet?" Chichi asked, poking and prodding here and there.
Bulma gave a pleading look to Vegeta as her mother started, and he just stood there, his arms crossed as he leaned against a wall and watched, intensely amused.
"Um, no...not yet. Vegeta and I haven't really been doing much thinking. We have—"
"Are your breasts tender? Are you sore yet? Do you need anything? Do you...."
Bulma turned more red as both Chichi and her mother started asking her the most embarrassing questions, and right in front of Vegeta.
"Mom!! Chichi!! Stop!! We have work to do! I didn't just invite everyone over here for dinner just for you to ask me these questions!!"
"Err...sorry, Bulma. We just got carried away. You can't really blame us though. We're all excited about a new addition to our group!!"
Bulma gave them a half-hearted smile and ushered Vegeta out of the kitchen. He started to protest, but she silenced him with a kiss and he was too stunned to say anything more.
He grumbled, stalking to the living room with his arms crossed.
"Hey, Vegeta!! Did the women kick you out of the kitchen?" Goku asked, bouncing up and down on the sofa cushions.
Not one to be considered weak when it came to women, he lied. "Of course not. I just didn't want to hear their infernal prattle on babies and anything else of that nature."
Not fazed, Goku continued. "What are you gonna name it? Do you know if it's a boy or a girl? What do you want it to be? You would have such a cute daughter, Vegeta. And if you had a—"
"Shut up, Kakarott." He was silent for a moment. "We do not have a name picked yet. It is Saiya-jin custom not to name a child until it is born. So, this discussion is over."
"Err...ok, Vegeta." Goku pouted a moment before he started again. "Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?"
"A boy, stupid. I am a prince, I need someone to carry on the line," he said proudly, not bothering with sitting down.
Everyone gave him an odd look, and then Tien and Chiaotzu came in, weird looks on their faces. "Are any of you smelling that?" Tien asked, turning pale when Vegeta gave him a very, very evil look. His eyes widened and he slinked away, sitting next to Goku.
"Anything that you are smelling do not heed. It's...it's the cat."
Goku, knowing what he was really talking about was the only one except Gohan and Chichi that didn't blush. Chiaotzu knew something was up, but he didn't understand, nor did Gohan. It was hilarious knowing that every man in the room except Goku, Gohan, and Chiaotzu were horny as hell.
Vegeta gave everyone a predatory evil look, but no one except Goku seemed to notice.
Just then, Bulma walked in, smiling her beautiful smile, her hands clasped in front of her. She was getting ready to say something, when Tien jumped up, pointing at the woman in the doorway next to Vegeta.
"It's you!! You're the one that everyone is—"
Nothing more was heard except a very loud growl, and then all of a sudden there was a huge hole in the living room wall, showing everything outside as the smoke cleared. Everyone turned to Vegeta, who still had his hand up. He set it back down at his side and left the room without another word.
"Err...what was that?" Bulma asked, not seeing Tien anywhere.
"You know why already, Bulma," Goku said, placing his hand on her shoulder. He whispered it in her ear, turning slightly red. Bulma's hand covered her mouth as she gasped. "But I thought that only affected Saiya-jins!!" she exclaimed, trying to calm her burning face. It was one thing when her scent messed around with Vegeta, but any other man?! She tried not to pass out from embarrassment.
Goku shook his head. "Yes and no. Everyone in the room except you is stronger than a normal human. Because of this, their senses are heightened along with their strength. I hope that explains it some."
She nodded, her hand dropping to her side, limply. "But...but what about you?" she asked quietly, blushing even more.
"Um...I guess you could say I'm sorta used to it, plus I'm married, so I have to control myself."
Bulma smiled, unable to help herself. "Alright, but anyhow," she continued, "dinner is going to be done in about a half an hour." Everyone nodded, still shocked except Goku.
Bulma left, searching out Vegeta. She found him in the kitchen, harassing her mother while she tried to flirt with him unsuccessfully.
"You baka woman!! I don't care!! Just get my food done!!" he yelled, ready to blast her through the wall like he did Tien. He seemed to perk up when he saw her, but he tried to hide it. However, she saw the look in his once emotionless eyes as he stared at her. She quirked an eyebrow at him in a charming way, and it was all he could do but not fling her to the floor or onto the table and have his way with her. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, trying to control himself.
Bulma grinned and latched onto his arm when he tried to leave. "Where are you going, sexy?" she asked seductively against his ear, flicking it with her tongue. She knew his ears were sensitive, I mean, come on, who wouldn't with ears like that?
She felt a shudder go down his spine, and he tried to get away from her, but all he succeeded in doing was dragging her with him. She gave him a wicked grin and pushed him into his room as they made their way up the stairs. This was the point where he started getting over-excited, and he fried her clothes off with his ki. She seemed to think this absolutely hilarious, and she couldn't stop laughing. He stood there, still fully clothed, wondering if she was all right.
He made her shut up by covering her mouth with his, running his tongue along her lips and asking for entrance. She willingly opened, wanting to devour his taste. His fingers trailed down the long curve of her neck to her soft breasts, where his fingertips played with the hard nipples.
Abruptly, Bulma stopped, pulling back. Vegeta gave her a confused look and tried to bring her mouth back to his, but she gasped, halting his actions as she dashed naked into his bathroom. In the next moment, he heard someone being vilely ill. He ran into the small room, seeing her face almost literally in the toilet. He gathered her soft mid-back length hair in his hands, holding it away from her face as she heaved up her stomach.
When she thought she was done, she took deep gulps of precious air, tears running down her face from the horrible experience of almost having her stomach leave her body. As soon as air filled her lungs, it whooshed back out, and she started to dry heave.
Vegeta couldn't do much but flinch as he watched this horrible scene. He didn't think he had ever seen someone throw up so much in his life. He actually felt bad.
When she was officially done, she collapsed back onto him, trying to stop the tears running down her face and the whimpers escaping her mouth. She didn't care she was naked, but she was acting weak, a trait Vegeta hated and despised. She just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.
"B-Bulma?" It was clear he didn't know what to say, so he got up and leaned her carefully against the cold wall, coming back a moment later with a cup of water and a cloth to wash her face. She sighed gratefully when he stood her up, and she rinsed out her mouth, and washed her face quickly.
Vegeta opened his door, looking up and down the hall to see if anyone was around as he dashed to her room. He placed her on her bed and dug through her drawers, finding amazingly skimpy underwear and bras, not to mention other things. He pulled out a black thong and a matching bra, cocking his eyebrow at her. She couldn't help but give him a miserable smile, for she loved the look on his face. He put them back in, pulling out something more modest so she wouldn't get mad at him and call him a hentai.
Bulma lay there limp as he dressed her in a comfortable cotton bra and silk panties, along with a loose black shirt and a pair of dark jeans. Once he was done with his astonishing accomplishment, he picked her up and carried her downstairs.
Bulma clung to him when he tried to set her down in her own chair, so he just sat down, arranging her on his lap so she was more comfortable. Never mind his own comfort.
Everyone walked in about five minutes later, accompanied with a battered and bruised Tien, and a pissed off Yamcha. Vegeta wondered why he wasn't gone, for he had walked out. He shrugged, not caring.
"Hey, Vegeta, is Bulma alright?"
Vegeta looked down at the Onna, surprised to find her peacefully asleep. He fought the blush that was coming on, and said, "She just got sick. She needs to rest. "
Everyone went, "Oh...." and sat down at the table, Tien and Yamcha as far away from Vegeta as possible.
"Hey, what are you gonna do about Bulma?" Goku questioned as he sat next to Vegeta and Mrs. Briefs started bringing the food to the table.
The smaller man frowned, briefly flickering his fingers through her glorious hair. She sighed, stirring slowly from her sleep. Everyone watched bewildered as he did some sort of hypnotic spell on Bulma to wake her up in the gentlest way possible. It was so beautiful that everyone was left speechless.
Vegeta ignored the people around him and ran his fingers through her hair some more as his left hand traced her smooth jaw line and her other facial features. Her eyes fluttered slightly, and she moved just the tiniest bit on his lap. Everyone was staring, their eyes almost bugging out of their heads as he continued the process.
He let his fingers linger on the sensitive curve of her neck, brushing over the softly beating pulse.
Everyone gave a small gasp as her eyes opened in an almost lazy way, and her line of vision lifted to Vegeta, who was staring down at her. She smiled, bringing her hand up to rest on his cheek. She closed her eyes again as his hand covered hers, and everyone almost fell over from the display from Vegeta.
Because of the silence, Bulma opened her eyes, and looked back up at Vegeta, who was still watching her. Her eyes left his for a moment to look around and she stiffened in alarm when she saw everyone watching her and Vegeta. She didn't care about herself, but Vegeta was a different matter all together.
"Do you want me to bring you upstairs so you can continue to rest?" Vegeta asked, noticing the tension in the room around him. She hoped she would say no so he wasn't stuck all by himself when everyone probably wanted to ask a zillion questions.
Bulma yawned and stretched in his arms, running her fingers through her hair before she stood up on wobbly legs. He reached out to steady her, but she righted herself before he had the chance to help her.
"Nah, I wouldn't be a good hostess if I left now," she said, sitting in the other chair next to Vegeta that had been reserved for her.
His face remained blank and passive the rest of dinner, until it was over, and then he just got up and left. Goku went to go after him, and no one stopped him. Yamcha, Tien, Chiaotzu, and Puar, left as soon as dinner was over, thanking Mrs. Briefs and Chichi, not Bulma. It just amused the pregnant woman, and she just ignored it as Master Roshi and Oolong left to watch "TV".
This was when Chichi and her mother descended. Bulma just sat down and took it, not as embarrassed now that it was only women.
He went to the pond again, the only place it seemed he could be alone. However, it wasn't to be. He could sense, and hear Kakarott behind him. For a Saiya-jin, he was impossibly loud when he wanted to be.
He sat on his rock, looking out over the dark rippling water covered in now dying lilies as fall hit full-force.
"Hey, Vegeta," Goku said, sitting across from him on a bench.
Vegeta grunted in response, wishing he would go away. "What do you want, Kakarott?" he asked, but with no enthusiasm in his voice. The younger man noticed how the normal proud, strong, and tall appearance of the Saiya-jin Prince was looking rather slumped, defeated.
He watched the other man a moment before saying, "Just offering you some company, Vegeta."
The Prince looked him over, and sighed, resting his head in his hand. "Thanks, Kakarott."