Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ What You Wouldn't Think ❯ The Death...? ( Chapter 36 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Thirty Six: The Death...? He woke up two hours later, listening carefully to the slowing beep, beep of her heart machine. He jumped up, hearing a sudden high-pitched alarm go off. Her heart has stopped. Instantly, his eyes flew to the tank. Her eyes were still closed, as if she was just sleeping, but her lips were gradually turning blue. He ran the two steps to get to the tank, his hands lifting to rest on the glass as he simply watched her die before his eyes. The anger of the situation slowly came to him, seeping deep inside of his mind as he watched her skin turn from normal to the palest white to a tinted blue. He growled, his fingers trying to dig into the glass to get her out. He heard the familiar creaking noise, but he wasn’t strong enough to break it. It was supposedly able to hold him back, but not if he went Super Saiya-jin.... His hair flashed gold, illuminating the room for a brief second before it went back to the simple black. He clenched his teeth and his eyes turned solid turquoise, his hair flashing gold once, twice, and then staying. He didn’t have the time to stand there and luxuriate in his power; he had to save the woman that was slowly slipping away from him. He smashed his fist into the tank, the glass shattering and slicing his skin as the tinted pink liquid poured out like a waterfall, drenching him in only a millisecond. The watery substance filled the lab, causing things to start to crackle and catch fire, but he paid no heed as the water completely drained, leaving the dead woman at the bottom of the tank. She was sprawled out on her side, her hair shielding her face as he broke the last of the glass that was in his way, and knelt down beside her. This all happened so quickly that by the time people actually got there, Vegeta had already carried her out of the shattered glass to a place where she couldn’t get hurt. Vegeta laid her down gently on the floor in the next room, where the water had yet to reach. His hands were trembling as he searched for her pulse, and he couldn’t find one no matter where he looked. He started getting frantic as the people surrounded him, and one person actually tried to grab her away. He growled deep and low in his throat, baring his sharp canines as he gathered her into his arms. Everyone backed off, leaving Vegeta to start shaking her, telling her to wake up quietly at first, and then nearly screaming it in her face. He smacked her hard, leaving an instant black and blue mark on her face. Her head snapped to the side, and for a moment he thought he had broken her neck. He checked quickly, seeing that he hadn’t. Dr. Briefs ran in just in time to see Vegeta ready to smack her again, and he placed his hand over his shoulder, saying quickly, "Vegeta, lay her down. We have to give her CPR. Do you know what that is?" Vegeta snapped at him, nearly hysterical. "Yes, you stupid baka!!! Save her before I kill everyone in this room!!! Before I destroy this planet!!!!" Dr. Briefs helped him lower her to the ground, and pushed the hair out of his daughter's face so Vegeta would be able to give her mouth-to-mouth. He positioned himself over her chest, clasping his hands together as he told Vegeta exactly what to do. "Breathe into her lungs exactly how you breathe." Vegeta nodded, not caring at the moment if anyone was watching him. He tilted her chin up, opening her mouth slightly as he placed his own over it. He pinched her nose, pushing air into her lungs. Except nothing happened. He couldn’t push the air into her lungs. Something was hindering it. "The air isn’t going in! What’s wrong?! We’re running out of time!!" Vegeta yelled, getting exasperated and fearing that she was actually going to die. Dr. Briefs looked thoughtful for a second. "That liquid she was breathing in is still in her lungs. We have to push the liquid out of her lungs somehow!" The elder man jumped up, still thinking. Vegeta's brain was working about seventy times faster than the genius man's, and he thought of something before Dr. Briefs had a chance to. He flipped her over onto her stomach, and started rubbing her back upwards, fast and hard as he tried to coax the liquid out of her lungs. Her father caught on, lifting her up at a slant to help some. They had barely been doing it for twenty seconds when a gush of liquid spurted out of her mouth and onto the clean tile floor. "There, maybe that was good enough. Flip her back over and try it again," he said when it appeared she still wasn’t breathing. They switched her over onto her back carefully, both getting into position. Vegeta took a deep breath and repeated the steps, covering her mouth with his and breathing into her lungs. He didn’t feel the hard resistance, he felt it gently ease in like it was supposed to. He did this until Dr. Briefs told him to stop, at which he threaded his fingers together and started counting as he pushed against her chest, right above her heart. "One...two...three...four...five...." Vegeta was almost in a trance by the time he got to fifteen, and then Dr. Briefs told him to start again. He was in the middle of a breath when she sputtered, sucking in air and then gagging as she shot upwards, her hands going to her throat. Everyone walked away when Dr. Briefs ordered them to, and they did so reluctantly. They wanted to know why Vegeta, or the "alien", was paying so much attention to Miss Briefs, their boss and supposedly a single lady. She was the most sought after woman in the whole city, if not the whole world because of her beauty and money, but when approached for a date, she always turned them down politely, saying that she was "currently attached at the moment", and that she "didn’t need another relationship at the same time". No one understood this statement, because it was thought she didn’t have a boyfriend. Little did they know that she meant that she was attached to Vegeta, and she didn’t need to see another man while she was with him. It was little known that she was carrying a child, let alone having the kid of the famous household "alien" that had a tendency to blow things up and cause earthquakes. After her labored breathing was pretty much in control, she lopped her arms wearily around Vegeta's neck, drawing in a rattling breath as he held her gently against him. He suspected that she was going to cry from all the trauma, but she never did. "Bulma...." he whispered in her hair, sweeping his fingers through the wet strands as he did so. She started shivering uncontrollably, and she wrapped every available appendage around him to get warm. Vegeta smirked as she lifted herself up by her arms and twined her legs around his waist, her face finding its way to the crook of his neck. He brought her out to the room where he could find the all-too familiar blanket at his chair. It was wet at one corner, but he just flared his ki, the blanket drying instantly. Bulma sighed as bombardments of warmth engulfed her. The combination of Vegeta, his ki, and a blanket was just all too perfect, and she immediately fell asleep as he sat down with her curled up on his lap. Vegeta watched as Dr. Briefs told a few people to start cleaning up the mess, and he actually winked at him when he passed by. "I'm going to get a small device to hook up to Bulma so we can still watch her heart and breathing rate, just until we can build and hook up a new tank to suspend her in until we can find a cure. I'll be right back with it." Vegeta looked down at the bloodless-looking woman in his arms. That won't be necessary Dr. Briefs, he thought. I have the cure.