Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever It Takes ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: You'll notice that in some places in this story I have borrowed portions of the dialogue from the anime, but I'm majorly tweaking things to suit my own needs. For instance, here I'm skipping the fight between Vegeta and Gohan. Plus, I will be adjusting certain things, like making Bulma and Vegeta younger than they are at this point in the anime. Think early to mid twenties instead of mid to late twenties. So don't be too concerned if things like ages aren't quite right.
Another thing that may cause some initial confusion within this story is I am acknowledging the fact that DBZ doesn't take place on "our" Earth or in Japan as we know it but on an alternate Earth, so technically there is no Japan, or Japanese language. Everyone in DBZ seems to speak the same language (heck, even Frieza spoke this same mystery language), which I will call "Standard". But this is an alternate universe, so in my story I am going to have more than one language, and two "Standard" languages: Eastern Standard and Western Standard. We here in the US are technically a "Western" country, but since in DBZ West Capital City is a major city, I thought it would be weird to have that be "Eastern Country" and where what might be the equivalent of the US would be "Western Country" so for this story, Bulma and friends live in "Western Country" and speak "Western Standard", and the other major language is "Eastern Standard", spoken by "Easterners". Of course I will keep possible usages of other so-called sub-languages just for the sake of simplicity. And yes, they eat Chinese food in this story! Does China exist? *shrug* I dunno. Does it matter? Not yet, anyway, if it ever will.
Confused yet? Sorry. I do have a reason for all of the technicalities, never fear. I'll get to that eventually.
As an FYI, I tend to write the way they shoot movies - piece by piece and out of order. If I don't get an idea "on paper" while it's fresh in my mind, I'll forget. That being said, I have been tinkering with this particular story quite for some time now, and have over five MB of bits and pieces. If you'd like me to get into the meat and potatoes of this story a little faster and leave the later plots alone, I'd love to hear from you! (hint hint- please R&R!)
Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. It is owned/licensed by Toei, Bird Studios, Shonen Jump, Funimation, and Viz, not me. However, you will see some characters that weren't created by Toriyama-san, and those are my brainchildren. No money was made in the production of this work, more's the pity.
Chapter Two
She should have been happy. Glad to be off that planet, to be safely home. But how could she be? Her best friend was dead. And Vegeta... he was dead, too. Upon awakening, she had snuck back just long enough to see Goku bury the prince's battered and lifeless body before running away again. Her heart had twisted in her chest as she'd held Gohan close, both of them grieving together over their losses.
And now, Vegeta was back. She'd just stared in shocked surprise when she saw him. ~He's alive... living, breathing, and scowling like normal.~ The corner of her mouth flickered upward in amusement for the briefest of moments as the thought crossed her mind. He turned his head and noticed her staring. Their eyes locked for a moment before he scowled even harder at her.
"What are you looking at, Woman?" Vegeta demanded irritably, startling her out of her reverie. Before she knew what was happening, he was standing next to her, and a little squeak of surprise escaped her lips as he snatched her wrist and yanked her behind the tree he'd been leaning against.
Bulma chewed at her lip nervously. "I… I thought you were dead," she whispered, unable to meet his eyes. "I was just a little startled to see you again… I mean, that you're here…" She trailed off, a blush staining her cheeks. "Alive…"
Vegeta ignored the fact that the wish to raise all of Frieza's victims had included him too, deciding that he'd rather mess with the woman's mind a little. "Awww, did you miss me, Woman?" he taunted, tipping her chin up to make her meet his gaze. "Or was it the thought of something else you missed?" he purred in a husky voice. His finger ran along her jaw line toward her neck.
Bingo. Score one for Vegeta! He laughed openly at the irritation that flashed in her eyes. He hadn't come across a woman with this much spirit in quite some time. While he was loathe to admit it, he was actually beginning to find this little blue-haired vixen attractive, perhaps even alluring.
"Pervert!" she hissed, pulling out of his grasp as if his touch had scalded her. "What do I care if you're alive or dead?"
Vegeta chuckled as her face turned an even deeper shade of red. "Avoiding the subject, I see." He crossed his arms over his chest, looking down his royal nose at her.
She opened her mouth to give him a scathing reply when an indignant shout came from behind them. "Hey! I told you to leave Bulma alone!" Gohan's voice wavered with nervousness, but he took his best fighting stance. "You'd better not have hurt her!"
"Impudent little whelp!" Vegeta moved toward Gohan but was interrupted by Bulma stepping in his path and placing her palms on his chest to stop him.
"Let me handle this one, okay?" she whispered in his ear before backing off a step and giving him a knowing look. "Trust me on this- he'll talk." Her lips moved, but no sound was heard.
Vegeta inhaled deeply and let the breath out in a long sigh. It wasn't as though he cared if the little half-breed waste of genetics talked. "Fine," he growled, storming off. "Just keep that brat out of my way."
"Bulma!" Gohan ran over to Bulma, who dropped to her knees and took him into her arms. "Are you all right? Did he hurt you? I was so scared when I saw him flying away with you on Namek."
Bulma forced a smile. "No, no! Gohan, I'm fine, trust me." She grasped the sides of his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "He didn't hurt me. Honest."
Gohan didn't look convinced. "Well, okay, but if he does I'll fight him," he declared.
Bulma let out a breathy chuckle, shaking her head. ~Saiyans! Always wanting to fight. But considering how easily Vegeta took down Gohan on Namek without even using his hands, I think we'd best avoid that.~ "You won't need to do that, lil' buddy," she assured him. "See? I'm alive, kickin' and no worse for wear." She stood up, hands on hips, acting tough. "Honest!" He still didn't look convinced. "Listen sweetie, let me handle Vegeta, okay? You know that your mom and everyone else will only get upset and cause problems if you go telling them that Vegeta hurt me when he didn't. Then he'll get mad-"
"Yeah, and blow something up or twist somebody's head off," Gohan finished, interrupting her.
"And we want to avoid that, right? Everything's fine, Gohan. Trust me." Bulma frowned. "I'm just worried about how to get everyone home and situated, and how to tell your mom that..." She paused. What was she supposed to say? "We need to tell your mother that your father is dead," didn't seem very tactful or loving at the moment. "How to break all of this to your mother," she finally finished.
Gohan turned and walked away. "I don't even want to think about that right now," he murmured in a sad voice.
"I know, kiddo. Your dad was a good friend of mine, too. We'll think of something," Bulma mused, trying to keep her tears at bay. "I just don't know what." King Kai had gotten in touch with her after they'd arrived back on Earth to tell her about Goku's death and the destruction of Namek, and considering the way the Namekian dragonballs worked things weren't looking too positive.
"Hey, there's got to be a way. We can't just give up," Gohan insisted. "What do you think?"
Everyone began to gather around to take part in the conversation. Even Vegeta was lurking nearby, trying to take in any little bit of information on Goku that he could. If there was even a chance that the third-class warrior was still alive he'd take it, and get him to tell how he'd managed the transformation to Super Saiyan.
"Gohan, King Kai was pretty clear on the matter. We could probably wish Chaotzu back because he died on Earth. But I'm afraid it's a completely different matter with your dad and Krillin," Bulma began. The Nameks gathered closer to listen.
Vegeta rolled his eyes as the woman began some idiotic analogy with the dragon being compared to a hen with no place to lay her eggs, represented by Kakarrot and Krillin, and the resultant offspring dying from the cold. ~Chickies? What the hell is this woman babbling about?~
"That's awful! Gosh!" Gohan gasped.
"I'm sorry, Gohan. I know it's hard," Bulma agreed, trying to sound positive despite the situation. "Your dad's a really good egg-"
Vegeta decided he'd had enough. The answer was staring them right in the face; couldn't they see that? "Fools!" he accused in a loud, mocking voice.
"Wha-?" Bulma turned to see Vegeta leaning back against a different tree, his arms crossed as he smirked at them haughtily.
"Enough of this ridiculous babble!" Vegeta ignored Bulma's affronted gasp. "You want Kakarrot back, so look. The Earth has a check-in station to the third realm. Wish him there, then wish him back to Earth."
Bulma digested this. "What... hey, that might work! Man, Vegeta, what a great idea! I'm impressed," she praised. ~Sexy, good in the sack and smart! What else could a girl ask for? Maybe I should keep him around. It would keep him out of trouble, too.~ A plan began to formulate in Bulma's mind.
"Hmph!" Vegeta turned his face away haughtily.
"This is awesome! We need to gather the dragonballs," Bulma decided. She was trying valiantly to keep her mind on the matter at hand and off of inviting the moody Saiyan prince to her home, and perhaps help him find a suitable sleeping arrangement- ~Stop it, Bulma! Now isn't the time or place to get all hot and bothered!~ she scolded herself.
Gohan approached Vegeta a little cautiously. He was unsure of how the older Saiyan would act, especially since he'd just confronted the man not even five minutes ago. He seemed rather disagreeable at the moment. Then again, he'd never even seen the man smile, unless it was maliciously. He decided to take a chance. His mother had taught him that if someone did something good for you, you must always express your gratitude to them. Here Vegeta, who didn't seem to like his dad at all, had offered an idea that just might work to get him back. "Thank you very much!" He extended his hand and smiled with sincere thanks.
"Don't get carried away!" Vegeta responded with an annoyed snort. He brushed Gohan off with a wave of his hand in the boy's face. "Bunch of softies!"
Bulma looked at Vegeta, wide-eyed. ~What have I gotten myself into?~ her mind screeched. ~Would it be a mistake to invite him to live with me? But he's so cute!~ it wailed back. ~Where else would he go? And he's incredible in the sack. Wait, I guess I don't exactly know that for sure yet-~ She closed her eyes and shook her head to clear it, her cheeks flushing pink. She was doing it again! ~Stop it Bulma! Concentrate on the important things right now.~
Vegeta noticed the woman staring at him and scowled at her, fixing her intently with intense dark eyes. ~Those fools! I'm not interested in helping Kakarrot. I want to learn his secret. I want to know how he became a Super Saiyan so I can do it too. Why is that idiot woman still staring at me?~ He snickered to himself when she suddenly snapped out of it and shook her head, looking away from him, a blush playing at her cheeks.
"Excuse me, Ms B, but we have a request we'd like to make."
"Huh?" Bulma turned to see Moori, the eldest remaining Namek, standing behind her.
"We plan to use our dragonballs to relocate to another planet, but finding a suitable home is going to take time. Do you know of a place where we can stay temporarily until we can make other arrangements?" the elder Namek asked.
Bulma thought about it. Where would they go? They were pretty much in the same boat as Vegeta- oh! "Gosh... Hey, I know! Just stay with me!" she offered cheerfully.
"No, we mustn't impose," Moori objected, a worried by the thought of the problems that a group their size would present. At least they didn't need to worry about food.
Bulma found herself all geared up to play the hostess, especially if the Nameks wouldn't be the only ones. "Aww, hey, it's really no biggie. It's the least I can do for you all. Besides, you need a major credit card to stay in a hotel." The Nameks were obviously clueless as to what she was talking about, so she just shrugged it off and continued. "Hey, no worries. My dad's compound is huge. There's enough room for everyone. It's not like you guys have a lot of options," she coaxed softly. "Green men from outer space aren't a common sight around here."
"Oh, gosh. I see your point. We... accept," Moori decided.
~This is gonna be fun.~ Bulma turned to the moody Saiyan still leaning on the same tree. "What about you? Hey, homeboy!" she called over to Vegeta flirtatiously.
"Huh-" Vegeta looked at the crazy woman wide-eyed surprise. Was she flirting with him in front of all of these people? He found the very thought of it disconcerting. "What? Homeboy?" He scowled at her in an attempt to discourage her.
Bulma obviously didn't get it. "Hey, loosen up. You're going to need a place to crash, too," she pointed out.
Vegeta turned his head away again. It wasn't as though he needed anyone's help, especially a lowly human's help, to survive. He was the Prince of Saiyans, after all. "Hmph!"
Bulma wasn't about to let his macho poop attitude get her down. "Hey, why don't you drop the arrogant tough guy act and just relax. Let it all go, take a vacation for goodness sake!" she exclaimed with a smile. She placed her hands on her hips, accentuating what she knew he had on his mind. "Unwind a little and see what life has to offer you." She giggled at a thought that came to mind, and decided to do it. There was always the risk he might get angry by it, but it just might let him know what she had on her mind. "You're actually kind of cute," she declared, laughing at his horrified expression.
"What!? Kind of cute?" Vegeta grimaced at the crazy woman, his teeth gritted. Now everyone would think that he liked this idiot if he accepted her offer. "Bonehead!"
Bulma turned back to group, ignoring his obvious displeasure. "All right then! It's all settled. I'm going to go call my dad and have him pick all of us up!" she announced.
"Thank you so much," Moori told her hesitantly. This certainly took a load off of his mind.
"All right! Yo, Dad!" Bulma waved her arms to attract the attention of the approaching aircraft. "We're down here!"
~As if anyone could miss her with that loud mouth of hers,~ Vegeta mused sarcastically. However, the thought of what that mouth could do and the insinuations she'd made earlier made him think twice about commenting.
The aircraft landed and the door had hardly opened when Chi-Chi came rushing out.
"Gohan, it's Mommy!" The Nameks watched as Chi-Chi frantically surveyed the area. "Huh? Hey, where is he?" Noticing her son standing against a tree, she ran over to him excitedly. "Gohan, it's you!"
"Uh-huh." Gohan rubbed the back of head in a manner very reminiscent of his late father.
"My son!" Chi-Chi oozed proudly.
Gohan knew everyone was watching her crazed behavior and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. ~Kami, Mom! I'm home, I'm alive. Get over it already!~ "Yup, that's me..."
"C'mon, everyone! All aboard!" Bulma called out, waving everyone towards the aircraft. "Let's go home."
They were standing on the grounds of Bulma's home. Vegeta had to admit that the woman was correct- it was huge. That being the case, he wouldn't be obligated to be near the detestable Nameks until the time their dragonballs were ready to use and they'd be out of his hair.
He was looking forward to surveying the grounds, as they too appeared to be quite vast. From the looks of things, he would probably not have too much difficulty finding a private place to practice his katas.
Bulma's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Well guys, this is going to be your new home for a while. It's not the Taj Mahal, but I think you're gonna like it," she announced proudly.
The next thing he knew, a blonde woman even who appeared to be even crazier than the blue-haired woman rushed up to him and got right up in his face, her hands clasped. "Hi, are you the one who helped Goku save my beautiful little girl from those horrible men? You should get a medal. You're a hero!" she cooed.
Vegeta backed off, horrified. This was the woman's mother? Her simpering was even more obnoxious than the woman's loud mouth! "What? Hero?" He wasn't used to this kind of behavior directed to him and again found it disconcerting. Perhaps staying here would be a bad idea after all- "A ship!" he exclaimed, suddenly distracted from the blonde woman's attentions. He headed over to inspect the capsule, noisy females temporarily forgotten.
"She's a real beauty."
Vegeta turned when he heard the voice of the woman's father behind him. This one didn't seem to share the odd behavioral patterns displayed by his mate and daughter, and if he had indeed built this ship, Vegeta decided he might actually benefit by listening to what the older man had to say.
Dr. Briefs regarded his ship with pride. "She's got advanced super-tronics, a self-generating laser-power reactor, and a stereo system that will bring the house down," he informed the obviously interested prince. He knew very well who this sullen young man was, having received a briefer from his daughter, and decided that if she had indeed invited him to live here it might be in his best interests to attempt to form a good rapport with the man. He didn't intend it to be a father-son relationship or even friends, but more of a respect issue. If the boy liked spaceships, well then, that was a common interest he could build on, wasn't it?
After having seen Vegeta's reaction to being bombarded by his excitable wife, the perceptive doctor decided to take advantage of this ideal situation by introducing him to the ship, then leaving him be. "I built Capsule Three here and a couple others like it myself. Well, Bulma did have quite a bit of involvement too, since machines are her forte just like her dad's, so if you have any questions please feel free to ask either of us." He gestured toward the ship to indicate that Vegeta should go inside, watching the young man's eyebrow raise as he did so. "Go on, take a look inside," he insisted.
"I think I will," Vegeta agreed, pleased by the older man's respectfulness as he nodded and wandered back toward the others. He went inside and immediately headed for the control panel, letting his fingers wander over the various controls. "Not bad! I bet Kakarrot used a ship just like this," he murmured, finding himself duly impressed. Perhaps he could use a ship like this one day-
"Hi Vegeta, come on out!" Vegeta jumped, startled to hear Mrs. Briefs' voice assail his ears. ~Where is the woman? She isn't aboard the ship- oh, no, not here as well!~ His eyes widened as he realized that the cheery voice was coming from the control panel itself. A small screen on the panel showed her with a tray of beverages in her hands, which she held up for his inspection. "Cold drinks for everyone! I made you a Shirley Temple!" she sang.
Vegeta couldn't hold back his grimace, and his nose wrinkled up as she giggled. There was no place to hide; even in the cold confines of space she would be able to find him. Wait, he was the Prince of Saiyans! No crazy female was going to command him, and he certainly wouldn't hide, either. "I do not want your Shirley Temple, Woman," he told her coldly.
She just giggled. "That's fine, dear. I can get you something else. Bulma, dear! Did you want this Shirley Temple?" she asked, turning her attention away from whatever recording device was being used to transmit her message.
Feeling quite unsettled, Vegeta ducked out of the capsule ship and took to the air and away from the crowd of people gathered on the lawn. Now would be just as good of a time as any to find a suitable training spot.
"All right, I think that's it. Does everyone have a room?" Mrs. Briefs beamed. "If so, we'll have lunch!"
There were general nods of agreement. "I think we are all set, Mrs. Briefs," Moori told her. "However, Namekians do not require sustenance-"
"Oh, pish-posh!" Mrs. Briefs giggled as the group headed down the stairs. "You all must be famished!" She hummed happily to herself as she entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. "Oh, my... I really must go grocery shopping."
"I'd be happy with another milkshake for now, Mrs. Briefs," Dende offered, shooting his fellow Namekians a hopeful look.
"Really? Oh, I can handle that. What flavor would you like?"
Vegeta peered in through the kitchen window, noting the interaction going on and glad he was not a part of it. "Hmph. Insane female." He had made a brief inspection of the facilities and determined that he could make use of some of the available equipment, if it were modified to suit his needs. That large vehicle they arrived in and the space ship that the woman's father had shown him, for instance, could better be used as a private place to do his katas. He had found another place to use until that could be arranged. For now, he was going to avoid contact with these idiotic humans, especially the blonde one. She actually put him on edge the way she pawed over him.
He spied the nearby woods and blasted off toward them, grinning evilly. Perhaps he could find an animal unfortunate enough to serve as his afternoon meal that day. His stomach growled irritably at the thought and he picked up the pace.
Vegeta arrived back at Capsule Corp after dark and landed at the window where he'd watched the Namekians being tormented by the blonde woman. There was just a little bit of light shining from it, and he thought he might be able to get in that way. Unfortunately for him it was locked, as was the door. "Stupid humans! Inviting me, the Prince of Saiyans, to stay here and then locking me out! I should just blast my way in," he growled. He decided against it, however; he didn't need that kind of attention this late at night. Concentrating, he sought out the blue-haired woman's ki. It was weak but he managed to locate it. She would provide him with a room and needed sustenance. He smirked. And maybe something else he wanted. That had certainly been on his mind all day. Blast that little vixen and her innuendos!
He landed on the balcony outside the room he'd felt her ki emanate from and noted pleasantly that the doors were cracked ever so slightly open, allowing the tiniest bit of a gentle breeze into the room. He went inside and pushed the doors back the way they were. He didn't need her screeching if she noticed he'd come in that way.
Not that it made any difference what she felt. Why was he even contemplating that? No matter. As soon as she gave him what he needed, she could go back to sleep. His lip curled up in a sneer. Maybe...
"Huh? Wha-"
The hand on her shoulder shook her again. "Woman, wake up!"
"Vegeta?" Bulma sat up in bed, rubbing at her eyes. "What are you doing in my bedroom? Why don't you go to bed like everyone else instead of waking me up at..." She looked over at her bedside table and sighed when she saw the glowing digits of her alarm clock. "It's almost two in the morning!" she complained groggily. "Don't Saiyans sleep?"
He crossed his arms. "I do not have a room to sleep in," he responded curtly. "I suggest that you remedy the situation immediately."
Bulma leaned over to turn on the lamp next to her bed and squinted as her eyes readjusted to its light. "What do you mean you don't have a room? Where were you when we found rooms for everyone else?"
"Hmph." Vegeta wasn't about to tell her that he'd been out wandering the grounds and had actually found them acceptable for the time being. He didn't owe her any explanations; she owed him courtesy as her guest- a royal guest, at that! "None of your concern. Now just find me a place to sleep."
"Oh, for Kami's sake," Bulma complained. She yawned. "I'm too tired to deal with this right now," she muttered, laying back down and rolling onto her side away from him.
He was about to yell at her for turning her back on him and ignoring the needs of a person of importance such as himself when she reached back behind herself and patted the mattress. "No nudity. Now lie down and go to sleep, will you? I'm *yawn* exhausted." She reached over and turned off the light then settled back down onto the mattress.
~She's inviting me into her bed? This may not be such a bad night after all.~ Smirking, Vegeta removed his clothes and climbed into the bed next to her. The thought of a long night of hot and heavy sex with this intriguing woman definitely appealed to him, especially if she had any more little tricks up her sleeves to 'teach' him. He could feel himself rapidly becoming aroused at the mere thought of her warm, supple body beneath his, her long legs wrapped around his waist, her moans of pleasure as he took her. Reaching out to her, he was disappointed and frustrated to find that she had already fallen back asleep.
Vegeta scowled and leaned back against one of the pillows on the bed. ~I want to get off, damn it, and I want it right now!~ He looked over at the blue-haired woman asleep in the bed with him. He had noticed when the lamp was on that she was wearing clothing which left very little to the imagination and he was certainly imagining what he wanted to do to that body. He had to be inside her soon as his arousal was reaching an almost painful state.
~She said she wanted to sleep. She never said anything about keeping my hands off of her.~
Bulma woke up to Vegeta's touch again, only this time he wasn't exactly shaking her. He had tugged open the satiny top she had on and was touching and nuzzling her hungrily.
"Uhn... no, Vegeta... sleeping!" she protested, giving him a gentle push up off of her. "Go back to sleep." Bulma wasn't opposed to having sex with the Saiyan prince again; in fact, part of the reason she hadn't just tossed him a pillow and a blanket and showed him to the nearest couch was the remembrance of their tryst on Namek. How handsome she'd found him, how wonderfully built he was, how marvelously he'd caught on to what she'd shown him, the feeling of being held in those strong arms as the afterglow of that last incredible orgasm washed over her. It really had been the best she'd experienced. She had known that she would never experience that feeling again after he'd been killed by Frieza, but when she'd discovered that he really was alive again, it had quelled up the desire for more of the same within her mind.
Vegeta growled impatiently. "Woman, you invited me into your bed and now you're changing your mind?"
Bulma sighed, pulling her clothes back on. "Vegeta, you need to learn that here on Earth there are ways you can greatly increase the odds of getting what you want based on how you ask, not just what it is you want." She turned the bedside lamp back on and sat up to face him.
"Good," Vegeta agreed, much to her surprise. "You can tell me about it tomorrow." With that, he reached over and pulled her into his arms. "But for now, let's just-"
"Let's just nothing!" Bulma objected, starting to become angry. She could understand why he'd just go for it the first time; after all, if he'd never had a consenting relationship with a woman before, when had he ever not gotten his way? But now, to not turn him down outright and ask to sleep first only to be ignored annoyed her. "Vegeta, I told you that I'm tired. You woke me up from a good deep sleep that I haven't been able to get in Kami knows how long and wonder why I'm not chomping at the bit to have sex right now? Why can't you just go to sleep for a few hours and-"
"Because I'm horny right now, damn it!" Vegeta interrupted.
Bulma glared daggers at him. "That's another thing you need to learn- how to respect the feelings and opinions of others, especially the ones who you are trying to get what it is you want from. No offense, Prince Vegeta, but here, on my planet and in my home, you are no more important than me or anyone else-"
Vegeta spluttered with rage. "Woman, how dare you-"
It was Bulma who interrupted him this time. "Look, if you keep being so inconsiderate and rude as to continue interrupting me and disregarding my feelings on this, I'm going to haul your sorry butt out of my room and you can go find a couch to sleep on, got it?" she snapped.
He sneered at her. "I'd like to see you try, Woman. That would be a good laugh."
Bulma ignored his comment. "I don't just invite people into my bed or even my room, you know. I could have made you sleep on a couch or the floor somewhere without so much as a pillow but since you are a guest and I do I have a very comfortable bed, as you would know if you'd just lie down and go to sleep, I said you could sleep here out of the kindness of my heart, not because I wanted to immediately start screwing you." She crossed her arms.
"I will not-"
"You will shut up and let me say my piece or you will find someplace else to go," Bulma retorted crisply. "I tried to tell you nicely that here on Earth you are of the same importance as everyone else. I'm sorry if you're having trouble accepting that, I really am, but that's the way it is. I am also telling you that I would like for you to respect my feelings about letting me sleep right now. Did I ever once say, 'Vegeta, don't touch me, I don't want to have sex with you'? Did I?"
Vegeta growled angrily at her. "I am the Prince of all Saiyans, not some child to be lectured!"
"I don't care. Answer my question. Did I ever say 'no' to you?" When it became apparent that he was not going to answer, she took it upon herself to continue. "I never said I wasn't interested, Vegeta, I merely said that I'm tired right now and I need to get some sleep. What's so difficult to understand about that?" Her voice had lost its angry tone.
Angry at being rejected, he turned his head away, refusing to look at her. "Hmph!"
She reached out to touch his arm, only to have him pull away. "Vegeta, let me tell you about how to effectively get what you want, okay?"
He stared disinterestedly at the wall.
"Did I steer you the wrong direction on Namek?" Her voice had a challenging tone to it. "No, and look what happened. We both benefited, both got what we wanted out of the situation, right?"
He let out a long sigh. "Continue."
"All right." She thought for a moment before beginning. "About how to ask for what you want, you need to realize that it's just that- asking and not demanding, and then respecting the other person's point of view, even if you don't like their answer. For example, let's just suppose I am doing something that I could use some help with, say, I'm hanging a big picture on the wall, and it's heavy and awkward. I see you sitting there watching TV. You could easily do this by yourself, so I'm pissed off because you're just vegetating in front of the TV and not offering to help, right?"
"Continue," he grunted again.
"So tell me, Vegeta. Which way of trying to get you to do what I want you to will be more effective? Don't say anything until I've said it both ways." She smiled at him. "First: 'Vegeta, you lazy good-for-nothing lowlife! Why don't you get off that sorry, flea-bitten monkey butt of yours and earn your keep around here for once in your life!' or-"
His head whipped around to face her and he glared at her, teeth bared and fists tightly balled up, growling deep in his throat.
"Or," Bulma continued softly, reaching over to stroke his arm gently, "'Vegeta, I'm having a little trouble with this. Would you mind lending me a hand for a moment, please?' and then thanking you for your assistance when you come over? They both convey the same want, don't they? Which one would you be more responsive to?"
He growled at her again.
She smiled again. "I think you have a very nice butt," she said, giggling. "I didn't see even one flea."
He crossed his arms. "Very funny, Woman."
"So now, do you see what I mean? Your feelings mattered the second time. Your opinion matters, too. What if I told you, 'Vegeta, I brought home Italian food and "Steel Magnolias" to watch while we eat.' Since 'Steel Magnolias' is what we humans refer to as a 'chick flick', naturally you would say, 'I hate that movie!' and maybe you wanted Chinese food instead. What if I just said, 'Too bad, that's what you get. Like it or lump it!' What if I had called you first? Asked you, 'Hey, what are you in the mood for, Italian or Chinese food?' or even said, 'I'm sorry, next time I'll try to call first and we'll get what you want, okay?' Then what would you think?" Bulma looked over at him expectantly.
"I'd think you were either a weak, acquiescent pushover or a conniving, condescending ass kisser, depending on what exactly it was you hoped to gain out of satisfying me."
"No you wouldn't! You'd appreciate what you like being considered instead of someone else's opinion and decision being thrust upon you." Bulma took one of his hands in her own. "So do you see what I'm saying?"
"You're saying you don't want to screw," Vegeta pouted stubbornly, retrieving his hand and crossing his arms over his chest.
She shook her head, sighing. "I'm saying, what do you say we get some sleep and see what tomorrow brings us, huh?"
"Now go to sleep, okay? I'm very *yawn* tired right now." She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, then scooted back down underneath the covers and reached over to turn off the lamp.
Begrudgingly accepting the fact that he wasn't going to be having sex that night without a lot of trouble to be had, Vegeta laid down on his side of the mattress, muttering curses in several different languages as he did so. His hard on had been merciful enough to die on him during her little speech, so at least he didn't have to worry about taking care of that.
"Good night, Vegeta. And thanks for not blasting anything."
"Sleep well. I have the feeling that tomorrow's going to be a hectic day." She felt the mattress shift as he turned over onto his side away from her. She didn't want to go to bed on bad terms, but figured he'd get over it. ~It'll be a good life lesson for him. I hope he listened to at least a little of what I told him. Who knows? It's Vegeta I'm talking about here.~
She was just about to drift off when she heard his voice in the darkness, his words surprising the hell out of her.
"Good night, Woman."
Bulma stretched luxuriously and yawned. Bright sunlight filtered through the crack between the two panels of the curtain covering the window. ~It's going to be a nice day today. Thank Kami.~ She rolled over toward the other occupant of the bed, only to find that he wasn't there. "Vegeta?" The sheets on his side of the bed weren't warm with any body heat, so he hadn't just left. Even so, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.
It was then that she realized that the water was running in her bathroom and that he must have gotten up to use it. The water stopped and shortly thereafter the bathroom door opened, steam rolling into the room after it. "Oh. I was beginning to wonder where..." She paused as he wandered casually back into the room.
Stark naked.
"Aww, did you get lonely without me?" Vegeta asked, unabashed by his current state of undress.
"Let me guess. You slept naked too, didn't you?" she asked dryly.
"Of course. I did think we were going to screw. Besides, what did you want me to do, sleep in my dirty clothes and mess up your nice clean sheets?" he asked sarcastically.
Bulma sighed. "Okay, point taken."
He climbed back into the bed next to her and propped himself up on one elbow, his cheek resting against his palm. "So, what is tomorrow bringing, hmm?" His finger traced along the neckline of her top as he spoke, and his eyes roved over her scantily clad body.
It was obvious by his carefully phrased inquiry that he actually had paid attention to her earlier that morning and had caught at least some of the conversation. She decided to play with him a little to see just how much. He was going to earn this one. "Oh, I don't know," she responded cheerfully. "I'm sure Mom won't mind making an extra helping of whatever she's cooking for you at breakfast. Then I thought we could go out and buy you some clothes." She smiled cheerfully. "Sound good to you?"
Vegeta scowled. "Shopping for clothes? But I-" ~She's jerking me around, the little wench.~ "Well, I suppose I do need some," he said agreeably, lobbing the ball of the little game she was playing back into her own court. He preened inwardly when he noticed the tiny look of surprise that flashed across her face for the briefest of moments but managed to hide his smirk. ~I shouldn't be too satisfied. She might actually be trying to get me to play her stupid game in order to 'change' me.~ "I know you said today would be a hectic day, but if that's what you'd like to do, I'm fine with it."
Bulma stared blankly at him for a moment, then her eyes narrowed. "You lousy jerk! I should have known you were just mocking me!" she shouted angrily.
Vegeta was unsure whether or not she was still playing with him. "If that's the case, then are you also mocking me, Bulma?" he inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"What are you... wait, did you just call me Bulma?" she asked incredulously.
"That is your name, is it not, Woman?" Vegeta replied matter-of-factly.
Bulma stammered for a moment. "Well, yes, but I didn't think you knew my name. I mean, you've only ever called me Woman."
Vegeta shrugged, and a sexy little smirk crept onto his face as he moved over to lean down closer toward her. "Of course I know your name, Bulma," he murmured huskily, letting his lips brush against the very edge of her earlobe before moving down to tickle her neck.
She gasped, arching her back, and shuddered beneath him. "Oh- oh, Kami," she whimpered when his teeth grazed lightly over the delicate skin of her neck. She could feel herself becoming wetter by the second, heat burning between her thighs.
Vegeta's chuckle rumbled against her neck. "No, but you have my rank correct," he purred. "Do you like how I play your little game, hmm?" He trailed feather light kisses up her jaw line.
Bulma gasped.
"Ah, I see that you do," he continued in a deep voice. "So, I take it that I've passed the pop quiz?" He lifted his lips from her neck and raised up his body to lean over above her, triumphant smirk firmly in place. "There's plenty more where that came from, Bulma, if you're interested."
"D-damn you, you're a fast learner," Bulma managed before his mouth descended down to cover hers hungrily. She moaned with pleasure when his hands started to wander, but soon his touch became rougher and he began to literally tear the lingerie she wore from her body.
"Mm- wait!" She managed to separate his lips from hers long enough to speak. "Wait a minute, Vegeta," she gasped, breathing heavily.
"What now?" he growled. "I want-"
"Yes, I know what you want," she interrupted, looking up at him with a perturbed expression on her face. "But do you also want little Vegetas running around, hmm?" His expression told all, because she leaned over to her nightstand and pulled open a drawer, fishing around in it. "Ah, here we are," she announced, handing him a small, flat square object. "Use this."
He eyed it warily. "What the hell is it?"
~Obviously he's never used one, Bulma!~ "It's a condom, see?" she explained, tearing open the little foil square and pulling out a round object. She unrolled it a little. "See how it unrolls like this? You just stick it on your-"
"Get away with that! Are you seriously suggesting that you want to put that thing... not a chance!"
"Yes, I am serious."
"What kind of crazy human ritual is this?"
Bulma sighed, reaching up and stroking a finger along his jaw line to calm him. "It's not a ritual. It helps to prevent pregnancy. Unless, of course, you actually want me to get pregnant?"
The thought was as distasteful to him as the asinine little round thing she wanted him to use. "No, I do not," he growled.
"Vegeta," she murmured in a sultry voice, "you've gotten me all hot and bothered, you know. I wouldn't mind continuing this." She looked up at him, licking her lips flirtatiously. Her finger reached up to trace a line over the muscles of his chest. "What about you? It's such a little thing."
He inhaled, closing his eyes, when he felt her soft hands touching him gently. When she had finished she reached up to wrap her arms around his torso, pulling him back down to her.
"Now, one more thing. I want it soft," she murmured, kissing him softly on the lips. "Slow..." She kissed him again, a little longer this time. "Sensual."
"Woman, why are you crying?" Vegeta looked with confusion at the woman in his arms. He had submitted to her desires- why that was, he didn't know- and done it slow and gently the way she had wanted instead of the hot and rough way he was used to. He had used the absurd round thing she had insisted upon. He was holding her in his arms as she wanted. What else could it possibly be? "What else do you want?"
Bulma sniffled, raising her eyes to look up at his face. "No, no... you misunderstand," she answered, rubbing at her eyes. "I'm crying because that was beautiful. Because I'm just overwhelmed by how wonderful you were." She snuggled her head against his shoulder, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
Vegeta frowned. He had experienced women crying in his presence before, but never because they thought he was wonderful. They were always afraid of what he was going to do to them, of their impending deaths. This wasn't something that he was used to and he didn't quite know how to deal with it. As she snuggled closer to him, he unconsciously tightened his grip on her.
She raised her head back up from his chest and he looked down at her again. She gave him a watery smile as another tear rolled down her cheek. Without even thinking about it, he caught it with one thumb, then realized what he'd just done. Embarrassed by his weak behavior, he was about to push her away when she sat up a little more and cupped the side of his face with one hand.
"Vegeta," she whispered, mistaking his behavior for uncertainty. "You really were wonderful. I want more." She lay back down on the sheets, pulling him along with her. "Make love to me again."
His eyebrow rose. He was about to object that what they had just done had nothing to do with such a foolish emotion as what humans called 'love' and that he was just using her body to satisfy his own needs when she gave him a sultry look and pressed herself up against him, humming in pleasure in his ear. "Make love to me, Vegeta," she demanded, more forcefully this time. Curious to see just how much she could get away with, her teeth caught his earlobe and bit down on it.
Evidently, it wouldn't be very much.
He jumped, startled, and a feral look crossed his face. This woman had no concept of what she was doing as far as Saiyan mating habits went, but her behavior seriously turned him on nonetheless. "I hope you don't want it all soft and cozy again, Bulma, because by the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging me for mercy." His teeth grazed her neck, and he grinned when she shuddered beneath him.
"Mmmm... think so?" Bulma let out a throaty giggle and wrapped her arms around him, trailing her nails down his back, then twitched in surprise when she felt his body respond against hers. "Oooh... that was quick." She gave him a knowing little smile. "Do your worst, you bad, bad man," she purred as her hand came down on his backside.
Maybe she'd get away with a little more than she'd originally thought.
He grabbed her hands and held them above her head. "You're asking for trouble, Woman!"
Bulma giggled throatily. "Promise?" She kissed her lips at him and winked.
Vegeta just stopped himself from blinking in surprise. The woman was trying to goad him! "Oh, I promise, don't you worry about that," he assured her, bringing his mouth down to ravage hers.
"Are you sure you won't come back in the shower? I'll scrub your back for you..."
"I already had a shower, Woman. I'm-"
"You're turning down an offer for fun in the shower after you already spent the last two hours having hot sex. I guess I can see how you'd be tired. Funny, I'm not." Bulma hid her smile when the shower door slid open and merely continued shampooing her hair.
"Hmph." Vegeta crossed his arms, but his glare quickly dissolved as he watched her rinse the shampoo out of her hair, streams of bubbles running down her body.
She opened one eye and looked up at him. "Come here, and I'll suds you up, big guy."
Vegeta found himself ignoring the part of his mind that was screaming at him that he, Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, was taking orders from a weak human female, in favor of the part which was screaming at him that he would be an absolute idiot not to take what the woman was offering him. Since when did he ever have a woman actually trying to seduce him? As for this woman, not only had she willingly brought him pleasure unlike any other woman ever had but she was achingly beautiful as well. Even as an alien, he could have easily seen her as part of the royal harem-
He willed the thought from his mind. What was he thinking?
"Hmm?" He snapped out of his reverie as her wet arms slid around him and her body pressed against his. "I promise you'll love it."
"I was just... ohh..." His eyes closed when her teeth nipped playfully at one nipple and he tensed up, despite his best efforts to the contrary.
Bulma giggled and pulled him underneath the water. "May I wash you, my Prince?" She giggled again.
Vegeta smirked at her. "Now you're learning, Woman."
Bulma snorted. "Surrrre. It's not all that hard to butter you up, you know." She returned the smirk and squeezed some shampoo into her hand. "Now, if you can learn what the expression 'I'll scratch your back and you scratch mine' means, we'll be in business." She smiled at him. "Come here." Reaching up, she rubbed the shampoo on his head and began to massage it onto his scalp in little circles. "Oh Vegeta, you're so tense. Relax and enjoy it," she soothed.
Again he did as she asked and closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax, finding that he actually did enjoy her ministrations. Without realizing it, he let out a long sigh.
She said nothing but only smiled and continued on a little longer before gently pushing him back underneath the water. "Keep your eyes closed so you don't get soap in them and I'll rinse your hair," she directed. ~How long has it been since someone took care of him, I wonder? And has anyone ever done so because they actually wanted to, or was it out of duty?~ she thought soberly. She ran her fingers through his thick hair, rinsing the suds from it, then guided him out from beneath the water. "Okay, conditioner."
His eyes opened. "Hm?"
She rubbed the thick substance through his hair. "You use it after shampoo to make your hair soft and manageable," she told him, "because shampoo tends to strip natural oils from hair." She smiled. "Although, I was surprised that yours is so soft. At first glance, I thought it would be stiff and coarse, but it's not. You have hair that most women would kill for. Long, thick, soft and healthy."
He smirked at her. "I am a Saiyan," he reminded her, "and as royalty, I was bred with the best genes available."
"Bred?" Bulma looked at him curiously as she applied conditioner to her own hair. "You mean your mother was carefully selected?"
He shook his head. "Saiyans were grown in gestation cylinders. We were not birthed the way humans are."
"Royalty, or everyone?" Bulma asked, fascinated.
"All Saiyan females who became pregnant had their unborn brats transferred to gestation cylinders," Vegeta informed her. "It has been done that way for generations."
"The Saiyans were a warrior race. What good is a pregnant female on the battlefield, or a male at home looking after his mate to ensure her survival?" he asked her pointedly. "As for me, while I developed, my mother would not be burdened by carrying me, nor would there be any risk to both her life and mine should someone choose to assassinate a member of the royal family."
"Oh. Wow. I never thought about it that way," Bulma mused. She looked up at him thoughtfully. "I can see why it would have been especially important for you, though. I personally took self-defense lessons, which actually saved my butt on one occasion in particular."
"What's so special about you?" Vegeta asked snidely. "You aren't royalty."
"Hello? Haven't you noticed this place? My parents are loaded, so I might as well be royalty," Bulma responded back just as snidely. "As for me, I just so happen to be the richest independently wealthy woman in Western Country." She paused for a moment. "On the planet, even, I think."
Vegeta found himself astonished as he watched her finish coating her hair with conditioner. "You?"
"Me." She grabbed a shower puff and squirted a healthy dose of gel onto it. "Why do you keep wandering off?" she asked, giggling as she grabbed his arm and pulled him closer. "Come here so I can wash you." She squeezed the puff to make it lather and ran it along his body in little circles. "Mmmm... isn't that nice?"
Vegeta exhaled slowly, enjoying the feel of her hands lathering up his body. "Hmmm, yes..." He shook his head slightly. "Fine, Woman. Continue."
Bulma tried not to be too disappointed. She'd get him to lighten up and enjoy life if it was the last thing she did. She wanted to know about him, hear his stories, what his goals in life were now that Frieza was gone. She wanted to see him smile, hear him laugh. She knew little of this man but did know that accomplishing any of those things with him would be no easy feat. "When I was very little, my father invented something that made this company what it is today," she told him. "My father is a scientist and an extremely intelligent man, as I'm sure you noticed. He built all of those ships he showed you earlier, and invented a lot of the equipment they use. When he invented capsules, it revolutionized technological world like nothing else anyone had ever seen. It'll take something to stop the world from turning before someone one-ups capsule technology." She realized that she'd stopped lathering up the Saiyan standing with her and moved behind him to do his back.
"Capsules?" Vegeta asked. "Explain."
"Capsules are little containers that reduce the size of any object to a very small space. Almost anything can be kept inside. We haven't tried anything living, and I don't really want to, ugh. But you just press the trigger and toss down the capsule, and poof! There's your object," Bulma explained. "They're very useful when transporting oversized objects or a large quantity of items all at once. They make grocery shopping a breeze. I even encapsulate my car sometimes." She reached the bottom of his back and ran the puff lightly over the dark scar at his hips. "Does it hurt?"
"No," he responded in a low voice. "Not unless the spot is struck directly-" ~Why am I telling her this? It's none of her business.~ "Never mind, Woman," he snapped. "Just continue."
"All right." Bulma sighed and squatted down to wash the backs of his legs. She ran the puff lightly over a scar on one thigh. Her curiosity almost got the better of her but she fought back the question. He was already perturbed by her innocent question about the spot where his tail had once been. There would be other times to ask. "Turn around and I'll do the front of your legs," she directed.
Again he did as she requested and turned to face her. The fact that he was enjoying her pampering despite his feigned nonchalance was obvious; there was no way she could miss it in her current position. She smiled and gave him another knowing little look before continuing on with her task. "Hmmm... maybe we should do this more often," she purred softly, running the puff higher up his legs.
Vegeta's eyes had closed and he opened one when she brushed the puff against him deliberately. "Don't tease, Woman."
"Why not?" Bulma giggled.
He reached down and pulled her to her feet, then pressed her up against the wall of the shower. She yelped when the cool tiles came in contact with her warm skin and jerked away from it reflexively, and right into him. "Oooh, that's cold! Don't do that!"
"Why not?" Vegeta countered slyly. He pressed closer to her, wrapping his arms around her to keep her body from coming in direct contact with the wall and pull her flush against him.
She giggled again and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth closer to kiss him. He ground his hips against hers, his mouth demanding more intimate access to hers.