Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Whatever It Takes ❯ Chapter 17

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AN: This chapter is for Rihannon, since you did guess what Vegeta was plotting. Now I present to you the parts you couldn't have guessed. :) Thanks to everyone who has left reviews. Please continue to let me know what you think.

I know nothing about Goku's friends. I am making it all up for the purpose of this story. What friends, you ask? Read on!

You will see mention of Geta's middle name for the first time in this chapter. It was given to him in tribute of a fellow inventor whose contributions to the scientific world Bulma appreciates and admires. Any guesses?

Special thanks to my hubby for reading this for me, although he still thinks that the whole time travel thing and Geta and VJ being in the same place should cause a paradox. :)


Disclaimer: Dragonball Z was created by Akira Toriyama. It is owned/licensed by Toei, Bird Studios, Shonen Jump, Funimation, and Viz, not me. However, you will see some characters that weren't created by Toriyama-san, and those are my brainchildren. No money was made in the production of this work, more's the pity.

Chapter Seventeen

Chi-Chi put down her duster when she heard a knock at the front door. "Now, who could that be?" she murmured to herself. Opening the door, she found herself a little surprised by who was standing at the other side. "Oh. Hello, Vegeta."

Vegeta nodded politely in response. "Is Kakarrot busy right now? I'm here to deliver his ass kicking."

A slow smile spread over Chi-Chi's face. "Oh my stars, Vegeta making a joke," she commented with amusement. "Come on in and I'll get him."

Vegeta stepped inside the house and slipped his boots off onto a mat by the door. "Who's joking?" he asked in all seriousness.

She blinked at him. "What do you mean?"

"Kakarrot may be able to beat me in a fight as you pointed out to me," Vegeta told her, noting her embarrassment, "but perhaps his heart is not as golden as you think, at least where you are concerned." He drew in a deep breath. "I know you care for him, but Bulma once cared for me, and look at where I am now."

Chi-Chi understood what he meant- that Vegeta didn't want to see her husband to make the same mistakes by neglecting her as he had with Bulma. She bit at her lip. "Vegeta, I... I don't know what to say," she admitted.

Vegeta shrugged. "You don't need to say anything," he told her quietly. "In fact, don't mention that I said anything to you at all."

She nodded, and he could see the conflict warring in her mind on her face. He was right, more than she cared to admit. "I'll go get him, although I'm sure he already knows you're here," she said. "Thanks, Vegeta. Have some coffee while you wait."

He nodded again and went into the kitchen to pour himself a cup. Coffee did sound good right then. He wandered back out to the living room and examined the pictures on the walls. He couldn't help but feel wistful. The little family looked happy together, unlike what he'd done to his life.


He looked away from the picture to his fellow Saiyan. "Kakarrot."

"I have a bone to pick with you," Goku told him irritably as he crossed his arms over his chest. Bulma had convinced him to take a couple days to cool off before what she knew would be the inevitable confrontation with Vegeta.

Vegeta grunted in response. "That's why I'm here." He took a gulp of his coffee, his eyes never leaving Goku's.

Goku stared at him a moment longer. "Fine. I'll get my boots."

Vegeta finished his coffee and put his cup in the sink as Goku put on his boots before following suit. The two men left the house in silence and took to the air to go to one of their favorite sparring spots.

"Look, Kakarrot," Vegeta began as they touched down, "I didn't come here to spar with you."

"That's too bad for you, because you really embarrassed me and I'd like nothing better than to beat it out of you," Goku retorted. "How dare you dance with my wife like that in front of everybody?"

"How dare you not quit stuffing your big fat face long enough to dance with her yourself?" Vegeta retorted. "I'll have you know that not only was it her idea, but she said it was the most enjoyment she'd had in quite a while."

Goku gaped at him, stunned. He had no idea that any of it was Chi-Chi's doing and was at a loss as to what to say in response. "I..."

"She came over to me to scold me for sulking at Geta's wedding," Vegeta told him. "At first I didn't want to hear what she had to say, but she got my attention when she mentioned hating Hiroshi. We were discussing it when we realized that we were standing right in the middle of the dance floor. So she insisted that we dance like everyone else was while we talked. I could tell that she was hurt at your refusal to dance with her, so I obliged her when she asked if we could finish the dance." He took a turn at crossing his arms and looking irritable.

Goku, on the other hand, looked embarrassed. Vegeta had simply made Chi-Chi happy by doing something that he hadn't done himself for his own wife. "I don't know how to dance," he mumbled.

"Then learn. She indicated to me that she has asked you to take lessons on more than one occasion. Why did you not do so?" Vegeta continued.

"I don't know," Goku admitted. "But you never danced with Bulma, either. What makes you think you have the right to pick on me?"

"Kakarrot, do you love your wife?"

Goku was surprised by the prince's question. "Of course I do. I love her very much."

"Then don't make the same mistakes that I did," Vegeta told him quietly. "Bulma loved me once, and I took her for granted. It wouldn't have killed me to spend a little time with her and take her dancing or whatever she wanted to do, but I didn't. Now she loves someone else who does do those sorts of things for her, and I'm in the doghouse."

Goku mulled this over. He could see how hurt and depressed Vegeta was by how he'd treated Bulma. He wasn't about to go into whether Bulma loved him or Hiroshi. That was none of his business. But he could see what Vegeta was trying to tell him. "I guess I never thought about it like that. Have I really made Chi-Chi unhappy?"

The downtrodden expression on Goku's face actually struck a chord in Vegeta's heart. "Your wife cares for you very much," he told him. "But she feels neglected in certain areas. She would like to spend some more time with you doing things that she enjoys. And based on her response to that tango she and I danced, I'd wager she wouldn't mind getting laid a little more often as well."

Goku's mouth opened in shock at Vegeta's last statement. "That's none of your business!" he sputtered, his face going red.

"Perhaps not, but I tell you that if you go back to that house right now and ravage her like the Saiyan you are, she won't insist that she has housework to do or care that the boy might hear," Vegeta told him. "Go on, I dare you to do it."

Goku's lips pursed together in embarrassed irritation. "What was up with that, too? Dancing is one thing, but why would you dance with my wife like that and smirk at me the entire time?"

Vegeta shrugged. "As I said, take some lessons. She enjoyed it, and I got to tick you off." The smirk reappeared. "Get the job done yourself if you don't like someone else doing it. Did you truly expect her to sit there by herself all night while you gorged yourself on hors d'oeuvres?"

Goku sighed. Vegeta was right. "Vegeta?"


"Will you teach me?"


"To dance."

"Hell, no!" Vegeta retorted, taking a step back. "There are professional instructors who are hired for such things, not me."

Goku shuffled a little uncomfortably. "I... Chi-Chi's really been scrimping right now because it's been tough making ends meet lately. I want to make her happy, but I couldn't spend money on dancing lessons when she's been working so hard to save it."

Vegeta took a turn sighing. "If I arrange for you to get lessons, will you go?"

Goku brightened. "You'd really take me?" he exclaimed excitedly.

"No," Vegeta growled. "You can go by yourself, or are you that much of a child? No wonder your wife feels neglected."

Goku scowled at him. "Are you done making fun of me yet or are we gonna spar?"

Vegeta smirked some more. He'd better cool it if he wanted any favors out of this. "Yeah yeah, I'm done. But I need you to do something for me."

Goku tipped his head thoughtfully. Vegeta sure was acting weird. "What?"

Vegeta took in a deep breath. "Did you become friends with anyone on Yardrat?" he asked.

"Oh sure, I made lots of friends," Goku responded cheerfully.

"But was there someone in particular? Someone whose ki you think you could find if you really tried?" Vegeta pressed further.

Goku didn't understand Vegeta's questioning but answered anyway. "Sure, my friend Soba. Why?"

"Could you find him right now?"

Goku frowned. "Vegeta, I don't get why you're asking me this."

"Just try. Can you sense him now?"

Goku paused. "Gotta find the right part of the universe. Let's see... yes, he's sleeping."

Vegeta closed his eyes and let out his breath. This just might work. "Could you take me to him?"

"Okay, Vegeta. You're acting really weird. Why are you asking me all of this?" Goku demanded.

"Because I just discovered that Yardrat is a week's journey from Gerdia, and if you can get me to Yardrat I might be able to travel to Gerdia in time to warn Anya's father that his wife is going to die giving birth to Anya," he explained. "Anya always wished she could have known her mother, and I know she feels guilt over her death. She's a good girl and she deserves for me to at least try, don't you think?"

That hadn't been what Goku had been expecting at all. "Wow, Vegeta. That's really cool," he told him. "Sure, I'll take you if Bulma or her dad can get you a ship. But you've gotta hurry, because you only have a little more than a week."

"I know," Vegeta acknowledged. "Thank you, Kakarrot."

"You're welcome, Vegeta. I'm glad I could help. I really hope that Anya's mom will be okay," Goku responded cheerfully.

"As do I," Vegeta agreed. "Do you have a senzu bean? I don't have any I can give to Anya's father."

Goku rubbed at the back of his head. "I might be able to get one from Korin," he mused. "He didn't have any when you got hurt, but he might have some by now."

Vegeta nodded. "I must have one, or else this trip will be all for nothing."

"Okay. I'll go talk to Korin, and you go see if you can get a ship." Goku waved as he flew the direction of Korin's tower.


"Bulma, I need to ask a favor." Vegeta held the scouter he'd borrowed out to Bulma.

"Oh yeah? Did you find anything interesting on the scouter?" Bulma asked, accepting it back from him.

"Yes, I did, hence my need of your assistance," he acknowledged. "But you must promise that you won't become angry when you hear what I have to ask."

Her eyebrow rose. "Okay. What is it?"

"I need a ship." Vegeta steeled himself for the tirade he was expecting would happen next.

Bulma's face fell instead. "But... You're leaving?" she asked quietly.

Vegeta could hear the hurt in her voice. "Bulma, I swear to you that as long as all goes well, I will return," he promised. "I need the ship to travel to Gerdia."

Her hurt melted into confusion. "But, Gerdia's so far away. How would you ever make it there in time?"

"I found Gerdia on the scouter's star charts. It's a week's travel from Yardrat." He waited for her reaction.

Bulma's eyes widened as she realized what he had in mind. "You're saying that since he's been there, if you could get Goku to teleport you to Yardrat..."

"I could make the journey to Gerdia in the ship," Vegeta finished. "If I leave today, I should be able to make it just in time to warn Anya's father."

Bulma's face brightened. "Vegeta, that's fantastic!" she exclaimed. "I should be able to get a ship ready in a couple of hours."

Vegeta nodded. "There is something I must do before I leave anyway. I will be missing Anya's party, and I want to get her gift together before I go."

Bulma's face fell a little. "Oh. Yeah, I guess you would miss the party," she acknowledged. "But I'm sure she'd agree that it's for a good reason."

Vegeta shook his head. "No, you must not tell anyone where I'm going or what I'm doing," he objected. "Remember, the Saiyans tried to purge Gerdia years ago and I will undoubtedly receive a bad reception upon my arrival. If this trip doesn't work out in my favor, I don't want Anya feeling guilt over it."

Understanding flooded over Bulma's face. "Oh," she murmured. "I guess I can see why you'd say that."

She looked so sad all of a sudden. "Don't worry, Bulma. I'll do my best, you know that. Besides, a positive outcome would be a nice surprise for Anya."

Bulma managed a smile. "Yes, it will," she agreed. ~But how will I explain if things don't work out as planned?~

"You must promise not to divulge where I have gone to anyone, as must Kakarrot. I don't need Anya and Geta partaking in any foolish stunts if anything goes wrong," Vegeta told her, as if reading her thoughts. He grasped her hands gently to get her attention. "Promise me, Bulma."

Bulma bit at her lip but nodded. "I promise." Vegeta wouldn't have stuck his neck out like this even a year ago. The possibility of him doing something so selfless and being punished for it disturbed her deeply.

"Good." Vegeta could see the worry in her eyes. "I'll be careful, I promise." He gave her hands a quick little squeeze and let them go.

"I know," she murmured as he left the lab. She wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly feeling very alone as she did so.


"Here you go, Vegeta. There weren't many beans on the plant, but I got you two of them," Goku announced as he held out a little bag.

Vegeta nodded his thanks and accepted the bag. "Is everything all set with the ship, Bulma?"

"Yes, you're all fueled up and there are plenty of supplies on board." Bulma handed him a capsule. "All ready to go."

"Thanks." Vegeta accepted the capsule and put it into his pocket.

"Ready?" Goku placed a hand on Vegeta's shoulder, his fingers poised to leave.

Vegeta's eyes met Bulma's one last time. If the king didn't like what he had to say, he might never look at her again. He might never have another chance to say what needed to be said. Moving out from under Goku's hand, he closed the gap between Bulma and himself. "Bulma, I... If things go badly, I just..." He drew in a deep breath. Goku was in the room, which made a difficult thing even harder to do. "I..."

Her eyes had grown a little shiny as he struggled over his words. "Be careful and come home safe, okay?"

"I'll do my best," he promised. They stood in silence for a moment. ~Hell with it.~ Vegeta tipped up her chin and kissed her before quickly turning away and walking back over to Goku. "Let's go," he muttered uncomfortably.

"Okay." Goku wisely remained silent about what he'd just witnessed and placed his fingers on his forehead. He felt sorry for both of them, Vegeta because he was sorry for how he treated Bulma and still loved her, and Bulma because she wasn't mad anymore and was confused about what to do. No matter what excuses she made, he knew that Bulma still loved Vegeta too, but she was too involved with her new boyfriend to do anything about it.

Bulma sat down heavily onto her chair. A tear slid down her cheek. She could still see the look in Vegeta's eyes, hear his voice as he struggled to say what was on his mind. There was no point in denying what the pain wrenching her heart meant. If he didn't come home safe, she had no idea what she'd do.


"Okay, here we are!" Goku said happily as they reappeared. "Hi, Soba! Oh. Oops..."

The female Yardratian with Soba shrieked in startled embarrassment as Soba grabbed the covers of the bed they were in and yanked them over them.

"Goku? What are you doing here?" Soba demanded. "Couldn't you have contacted me first? And quit staring at my wife!"

"Oops, sorry- hey! Ow, stop it, Vegeta," Goku whined. The prince had immediately turned his back on the couple and attempted to discreetly leave the room but returned when it appeared that his clueless subject hadn't gotten the point. He'd reached up to grab the younger man by the ear and yank him along. "Leggo, that hurts!"

"My apologies, Soba." Vegeta shoved Goku through the nearest doorway and shut the door. "That was embarrassing, you fool. Don't complain if someone else who knows how to teleport decides not to check what you're doing before they pop in on you," he growled. Walking in on two pink-skinned, bug-eyed aliens getting it on wasn't exactly his idea of an ideal entrance.

"I'm sorry," Goku said remorsefully.

Vegeta snorted. "Don't tell me that," he retorted. "When he comes out, tell him." He made his way through the house and exited it.

Goku followed him. "Are you leaving right away?"

"Of course. Even if I didn't have to, do you really think I want to face your friend later?" Vegeta sighed at the guilty expression on the younger man's face. "I have to go, all right? Don't forget, not a word to anyone, got it?"

"I won't say anything," Goku repeated.

"Good." Vegeta popped open the capsule containing his ship and opened the hatch. Partway up the ramp, he paused and looked back down at Goku. "Kakarrot? If I don't come back..."

Goku nodded. "I'll take care of her," he finished.


Anya and Geta appeared in the kitchen. "Hey, we're back. Anyone home?" Geta called out. He winked at his wife, making her giggle. He knew that people were home, but it was more fun the dramatic way.

Momentarily the door opened and Mrs. Briefs bustled in. "Hello, dearies," she exclaimed. She latched onto them, giving each of them a hug and kiss. "Did you have a good time?"

"We had a fantastic time," Anya told her. "We'd like to do it again sometime. We should all go."

"That sounds like a lovely idea," Mrs. Briefs agreed. "Come on into the den and tell us about your trip. We're watching a movie, but I'd much rather see your pictures."

Geta nodded. "Let's go."

Mrs. Briefs herded them into the den. "Anya and Geta are back," she announced. "They're going to show us their pictures and tell us about their trip."

"Oh, good. I'd love to hear all about it," Dr. Briefs said, rising from his seat to give them hugs.

"Me too," Bulma agreed, following suit.

The young couple sat down on the loveseat. "Where are Pops and the kids?" she asked. "Did he take them out?"

"No, I can sense the kids in the nursery, asleep," Geta told his wife. "Did Father go out?" Given Vegeta's behavior of late, it wouldn't strike him as unusual.

Bulma shifted a little uncomfortably. "Actually, no. Something came up that he had to take care of right away, so he's not here."

"Not here?" Anya echoed. "Will he be back soon?"

Bulma looked over at her parents, who appeared equally uncomfortable. Bulma hadn't told them where Vegeta had gone and they had respected his wishes, but they knew that Anya was very much looking forward to him being at her party and that she would be hurt by his absence. "No, he's off planet, Sweetie," Bulma told her gently.

Anya frowned in confusion. "Off planet? Where would he go?"

Bulma phrased her words carefully. "It was something personal that he needed to do," she explained. "He didn't want to involve anyone else, so he asked that no one know about the details."

"But you know," Geta spoke up. "He told you."

Bulma sighed. "He asked me for the ship and, yes, told me why he needed it. I can't say I'm entirely comfortable with him leaving, but I do understand how important what he needs to do is to him."

"He won't be home for my party, will he?" Anya asked quietly.

Bulma felt her heart twist at the disappointed look on Anya's face. "No, Sweetie. I'm sorry," she said. "He wanted you to know that he feels terribly about that. He asked me to give you a note he wrote for you. I put it on your dresser."

Anya nodded and got to her feet. "Thanks, Bulma. I think I'll go rest for a little bit, if you'll all excuse me."

"I was afraid of this. She's so disappointed, the poor darling," Mrs. Briefs mused once Anya had left the room.

Bulma nodded. "I feel bad, because I didn't want to tell her like this right after you two got home," she murmured.

"I'll give her a few minutes and go talk to her." Geta got up from his seat. "She'll be all right."


Anya picked up the envelope on her dresser and opened it. She unfolded the paper inside and dabbed at her eyes. She hadn't thought that she would cry over this, but hadn't realized just how much the anticipation of her father-in-law's presence at her party had meant to her until now. She sat down on the bed to read what Vegeta had written. He'd obviously wanted it to be private, because it was written in the characters of her mother tongue.


I know I said I would attend your party and I truly intended to. I am very regretful that I now find myself unable to do so. It is a weak excuse at best, but the only explanation I can provide to you right now is that an important matter of a personal nature has arisen, one that I have no choice other than to see to immediately. I hope that you will understand and forgive my absence during this special time for you. I promise you that I will explain everything upon my return and will make it up to you.

You know how reserved I am with my expressions to others, but I feel compelled to tell you that I have come to very much enjoy having you as my daughter, and that you have made a place in my heart unlike that which anyone else could ever have. Please don't cry. I will be home soon.



Anya began to cry harder. She'd never expected such sentiment from him. He had taken the time to personally write her a note, in which he'd called her not his daughter-in-law, but his daughter. She loved him like the father he'd become to her; how could she be upset at him for taking care of something important? She folded the letter back up and put it in her drawer, knowing that it was something she would always treasure.


Finally. After a week alone in the ship with only his thoughts to keep him company, the planet he sought was finally in sight, and right on time, too. He was absolutely itching to get out of the ship and do what needed to be done.

A tone sounded from the ship's console, signifying that he had been detected and that someone from the planet was attempting to hail him. Vegeta pushed a button to answer it.

^Unidentified space craft, state your name and business here,^ a voice crackled authoritatively.

Vegeta resisted the urge to tell the man where to go. He couldn't screw this up. ^I seek an audience with King Herrón,^ he responded.

^No one is granted an audience to the king unless he has been summoned!^ the man snapped. ^Who is this?^

^I am Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans.^ Vegeta's voice was little more than a monotone.

The other end of the communicade was silent for a moment. ^Unidentified space craft, prepare to receive a request for visual confirmation.^

^Hmph.^ Vegeta shrugged. ^Suit yourself.^

The vid screen flashed with the incoming communications request. He casually flipped a switch, accepting it. ^Is this confirmation enough for you?^ Vegeta leaned back in his chair and regarded the sender of the request with a look of complete indifference.

The man at the other end was unable to hold back a little choking noise. ^S-state your business with the king,^ he demanded in as calm of a voice as possible.

Everyone here knew exactly what Saiyans were capable of.

None of them wanted to see it for themselves.

This situation was most especially the case since there was no mistaking that this one was who he claimed to be. It was well known that the Saiyans bred their royalty with the foretold 'Legendary' Super Saiyan in mind, which made them even stronger than the rest of the Elites.

^What was that?^ Vegeta demanded angrily. He thought about mentioning the fact that he could indeed destroy the impertinent brat's planet without breaking a sweat but decided that if he actually wanted access to the king it wouldn't be the most appropriate of ideas. ^Perhaps I did not hear you correctly?^

The man made a gesture to someone else in the room. ^Go!^ he hissed. ^Your Highness, may we relate to the king the reason for your-^

Vegeta's eyes narrowed. ^My business with King Herrón is of a personal nature and therefore none of your concern,^ he interrupted tersely. ^Now, tell me where I will be docking my craft, before I become angry.^

^My apologies, M'lord… Let's see, where is there an available dock?^ The man fumbled around nervously, obviously unable to find the information he was looking for.

~Oh, for Kami's sake!~ Vegeta reached out to the distracted and flustered man's mind. He smirked; this one was weak minded enough that he'd made the task easy. :Gotcha.:

The man twitched, confirming that Vegeta had indeed found the correct individual on a planet of billions. ^Wha-what?^

:Stay with me,: Vegeta ordered. :I'll be right there.: He got up from his seat and walked away, leaving the astonished man to stare at the screen blankly.

Another man rushed up behind him. ^Where did he go, Sir?^

^I haven't the faintest idea,^ the first man responded slowly. This was not good.

Both men let out a shout of surprise as the communicade was suddenly severed. ^What happened?^

^I don't know, Sir. His craft completely disappeared from our radar!^ his subordinate announced, equally shaken.

^How is that possible? Nothing just disappears, Ensign! Locate him immediately!^ his superior ordered. ^I will not have His Majesty's safety compromised!^

^Calm down, I'm right here,^ a deep voice behind them growled.

Everyone in the room jumped and yelled in startlement.


^It's called instant transmission and I encapsulated my space craft.^ Vegeta leaned back against a computer console. ^Once I located your ki,^ he said, pointing to the startled superior officer, ^the rest was simple.^ He smiled, but it was not a reassuring one. ^Now, if you will show me to some appropriate quarters where I may retire until the king summons me?^

^Y-yes, Highness. Right away,^ the superior officer stammered.

Vegeta sighed. ^Don't you fools think that if I meant you harm this planet would be nothing but a cinder floating in space by now? Stop sniveling, would you?^

^My deepest of apologies, Your Highness,^ the officer responded, showing a measure of relief. ^Ensign, escort His Highness to the visitor's wing of the palace.^

^But, Sir, is that wise? After all-^

^Do not question me, Ensign, unless you wish to be demoted to the lowest position available on this planet! Now go!^ the officer shouted.

^Right away, Sir!^ The Ensign leapt from his seat and saluted his superior, then turned to Vegeta and bowed deeply. ^If you would follow me please, M'lord, I will show you to some appropriate guest quarters.^

Vegeta grunted in acceptance and followed the young man. The things he did for those two. They'd damn well better appreciate this.


Vegeta's boots clicked with each step down the hallway to the throne room. He followed the king's attendant to a heavy door, which the man opened and stepped inside, indicating that Vegeta should follow. ^Your Majesty, Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans.^ He bowed.

Vegeta dropped to one knee, head bowed and right fist over his heart, the left hand cupped over it, as was Gerdian custom to bow before the monarchy.

The king leaned forward on his throne. ^Rise, Prince Vegeta,^ he commanded.

Vegeta rose to his feet in silence.

^So, the legendary Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans stands before me,^ he mused, a measure of scorn coloring his voice. He narrowed his eyes. ^I was informed of your, shall I say, grand entrance earlier this afternoon.^

^A regretful necessity, Majesty,^ Vegeta responded dryly. ^Your subordinates did not have an available landing dock for me to utilize. Fortunately for me, Saiyans can survive the ravages of space for as long as we can hold our breaths, so I was able to leave my craft, encapsulate it and teleport it and myself to Gerdia's surface.^

^Encapsulate?^ The king was obviously not familiar with this terminology.

Vegeta pulled the capsule containing the craft from his armor and held it out to the king. ^If I may, Majesty, I would advise that you not push the button on the end. That would re-enlarge my space craft.^

The king examined the capsule. ^Hmph. Interesting.^ He handed it back to the prince and sat back on his throne. ^I assume you did not ask to speak with me regarding these capsules, Prince Vegeta.^

~Here we go. We'll see how he responds to this, which probably won't be well.~ ^No, Majesty,^ Vegeta responded, ^I did not. Rather, I came to relay to you a message of danger to you and Gerdia-^

^You threaten me, Saiyan?^ the king shouted, enraged.

^Not in the slightest, Majesty. Had I desired the demise of this planet, I would simply have destroyed it from space with but a flick of my wrist,^ Vegeta replied matter-of-factly. ^But as it is, I think that with the information I have to tell you, we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement between our two races and end this absurd conflict between us.^

^Absurd? Absurd?^ King Herrón looked positively furious. ^How dare you call our resentfulness of the Saiyan race's murderous attempt to annihilate the Gerdian race absurd?^

^With all due respect, Majesty, my father did what he did for a reason, namely, the preservation of not only himself but the entire Saiyan populace. Regardless, it was not I who ordered the attack on Gerdia, so why bear me ill will when I come to you in good faith with news of impending danger?^ Vegeta drew in a breath. ^Besides, the same evil creature behind the attack on Gerdia was personally responsible for the destruction of my planet and my entire race, with the exception of myself and one other Saiyan. Believe me when I say I share your justified indignation.^

The king's anger subsided slightly. ^So… Frieza was responsible,^ he murmured, frowning. ^I would join with you in destroying him if I thought I could, but I know that we could never defeat him, even with our own unique abilities. Is there something else you had in mind?^

^Ah, but that is not what I came to speak with you about,^ Vegeta responded smoothly. ^First off, Frieza is dead, and by my own hand, no less.^

The king sat as far forward on his throne as possible. ^You defeated Frieza?^ he gasped.

A crooked smile made its way across the Saiyan prince's face. ^Not exactly, Majesty, although I was given the honor of delivering the death stroke to that despicable lizard. But rest assured, he was defeated by Saiyan hands.^

^Would that be those of the other Saiyan of whom you earlier spoke?^ the king inquired, interested.

^No. Actually, it was the one who gave me the information which I came to relate to you,^ Vegeta answered, intentionally keeping his response cryptic. ^I have an offer for you, Majesty. But first, I wish to inquire of the health of Her Majesty the Queen.^

The king's eyebrow rose and he sat back on his throne, ramrod straight. ^What is this about?^ he demanded, his voice rising slightly.

^I am quite well aware of the queen's condition and that she will bear a daughter soon; tomorrow, in fact,^ Vegeta began.

The king's eyes narrowed. ^How would you know that, Prince Vegeta? Just what are you speaking of?^ he interrupted before Vegeta could continue.

Vegeta smiled. ^I am no seer, but I do know of many things, Majesty,^ he responded in a smooth tone of voice, ^including future events concerning the survival of the people of Gerdia, as I alluded to earlier. I have a son, Majesty, of approximately eight standard months of age. I will provide you all of this information if you swear to betroth your daughter to my son.^

The king's face went red with rage. ^Preposterous!^ he roared. ^First you come to me with threats against my kingdom and now you demand that I give my daughter to the son of a despicable, murderous Saiyan? Never will that happen!^

Vegeta's eyebrow rose and he crossed his arms over his chest. ^I understand your reluctance to this alliance, Majesty, but believe me when I say that it would be mutually beneficial to us both in more ways than merely political,^ he responded, forcing himself to remain calm. ^I also want to reassure you that I make no threat against you or your kingdom. I only sought an audience with Your Majesty to warn you of what has been told to me, and the source is reliable.^ He looked at the king expectantly.

King Herrón said nothing, but only pursed his lips and eyed Vegeta with a suspicious glower on his face.

~He doesn't seem at all convinced of what I'm saying. I suppose I should just bite the bullet and tell him.~ Vegeta almost laughed at the thought. ~Hopefully not literally...~

^Your Majesty, as far as the queen is concerned, be forewarned that not only will she bear a daughter tomorrow, but she will die from exhaustion and blood loss,^ Vegeta continued, noting the king's renewed outrage, ^unless you give her this after the child is born. It will save her life.^ He reached into his armor and produced a small bag containing a single senzu bean.

^Prince Vegeta, you test my patience,^ the king snarled. ^I should have you executed on the spot!^

^Do as you must,^ Vegeta responded, neither his voice nor his facial expression faltering in the slightest. ^But I am certain that you are not so unjust, Majesty, as to carry out your order without waiting to see whether or not I speak the truth,^ he challenged, meeting the king's eyes squarely. ^If I am lying, by my honor as the Prince of Saiyans I shall submit to your order for my execution without resistance.^

The king was visibly surprised by Vegeta's bold statement. Knowing a Saiyan's honor meant everything, the prince would never go back on his word. He obviously believed so much in what he was saying that he was risking his life to do so. ~I don't know how it's possible or why he would do this, but perhaps there is some truth to what he is saying.~ ^Very well,^ he decided. ^Give me what is in your hand, Prince Vegeta.^

Vegeta complied immediately, inwardly relieved that the king had recognized the seriousness of his words. ^If you open the sack, Your Majesty, you will find what is called a senzu bean. They are only found on Earth and are extremely rare, especially so this past year. An injured person must eat the bean, which does have a rather unpleasant taste, but will immediately feel his body mending and his strength return. Give it to the queen once the child has been born and her health will be restored.^ He bowed respectfully.

The king was silent for a moment as he examined the small bean. He mulled over Vegeta's words. If they were indeed true, what else would he tell him that would also be true? ^I will consider your words,^ he decided, ^and we shall see what comes of tomorrow. Meanwhile, my attendant will escort you to your quarters.^ He nodded to his attendant.

^Majesty.^ Vegeta bowed again before turning to leave with the servant. He knew exactly what this meant for him as a 'dangerous' individual- house arrest. ^Oh, by the way, M'lord,^ he said, turning back to address the astonished king, ^obviously you are aware that there is no possible way your guard could defeat me or even hold me captive. I am, however, a man of my word.^ He turned again and left the room.

The thud of the door shutting startled the king, bringing him back to coherent thought. He had been taken completely off guard by the sudden transformation to platinum blonde hair and piercing teal eyes of the prince before him.


^I'm sorry, Majesty, but there's nothing we can do for the queen,^ the terrified doctor informed his dumbfounded king. ^She sustained extensive soft tissue damage during the birth. We're... we're unable to stop the bleeding.^ He hung his head sadly. ^I'm so terribly sorry.^

She will die from exhaustion and blood loss, unless you give her this after the child is born. It will save her life.

^No,^ he muttered.

^M'lord?^ The doctor looked over at the king with concern. ^M'lord, please allow me to-^

^No!^ the king shouted at the top of his lungs, running over to the bed where the unconscious queen lay. ^Out of my way, fools!^ he shouted, pushing several doctors aside.

One of the other doctors approached him. ^Majesty, there is nothing we can do-^

^Perhaps you cannot, but this will.^ He seemed to be reassuring himself of what he was saying more than anyone else in the room as he snatched the pouch Vegeta had given him from the folds of his garments.

Gerdian births tended to be mercifully short in contrast to the long, drawn out laboring of other races. By the time the king had been informed that the queen's labor had begun, he had missed the entire event and was now facing the very distinct possibility of the death of his wife.

He should have taken the Saiyan prince's words more seriously and stayed right at her side, even if it had indeed turned out that he was lying. He hadn't done that, and, when faced with the impending death of his wife, suddenly realized with great clarity just how much she really meant to him.

She was his heart, his soul, his reason for happiness. Without her, he would have nothing, be nothing. He realized that now. He realized the folly of allowing foolish pride to blind his mental vision. He realized that because of it, he was about to lose her.

With shaking hands, Herrón, King of Gerdia, removed the little legume from its pouch and prayed to every deity he had ever heard of that it would do as the Saiyan prince had claimed it would. He lifted his wife up to a sitting position and tipped her head back with one hand, putting the bean in her mouth with the other. ^Come on, Evalina, swallow the bean...^ He didn't even notice the astonished stares of the medical staff in the room. ^Swallow the bean!^ He sat her up as straight as possible, clutching her against his chest in the hopes that it would help to get the bean on its way to her stomach. ^Please...^

The room was absolutely silent as the king laid his still queen down onto the bed. Head bowed, he rested his forehead in one hand, struggling in a futile effort to control his grief. ^Why?^ he whispered, raising his face to the ceiling. ^Why?^

^Ohh... M'lady,^ one of the nurses moaned, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her mournful sobbing was joined by that of several others of the medical team.

^Ohh...^ The queen let out a low moan as she sat up, her brow furrowed and a hand on the side of her head. She looked up at her husband. ^Herrón? What happened?^

Shrieks of both fear and joy filled the room as the queen sat wide eyed, taking in the scene with utter confusion coloring her lovely face. She was about to speak when the king threw his arms around her, holding her close and kissing her hair as his own tears finally escaped to roll down his cheeks.


Vegeta stood at the window of his quarters, deep in thought. It was early afternoon, and he knew that they would be coming for him soon. Based on the cries of the servants he had heard, he figured that he probably wouldn't be going home again. Not alive, anyway.

Home. Was that truly how he felt about Earth? What, besides his son, was there that actually meant staying around was worthwhile?


Not that it mattered. She didn't love him anymore. He certainly wasn't going to stick around and watch the woman who was once his devoted mate carry on with that spineless worm who treated her poorly.

He was supposed to die anyway, wasn't he? At least he could find comfort in the fact that he had done something honorable before his death, which wouldn't be at the hands of mindless machines.

He thought back to the conversation he'd just had with Bulma. He'd asked for and been granted a single communication to Earth and had put in a call that could only be connected by her. He didn't need Geta or Anya knowing what was going on, or that he had failed, and that in all likeliness it was going to cost him.

^Two minutes,^ the guard told him, indicating a communication console. Vegeta watched him step back in order to monitor the call, then stood in front of the console.


"Mother, there's a private call coming in for you," Geta shouted. "Were you expecting one?"

"I thought one might come in, yes," Bulma responded, handing him VJ. "Thanks." She ushered Geta toward the door.

"Is this call from Father about that business of his you said he needed to-"

Bulma kissed her sons' cheeks and continued to herd them out of the room. "Geta, you do understand what 'private' means, don't you Dear?"

Geta could see that his mother was not going to be any more forthcoming and sighed. "Yes, Ma'am, I do," he muttered stubbornly. "I'll go feed him."

"Thank you, Sweetheart." Bulma shut the door behind him, hoping that her voice had not revealed anything out of the ordinary. She didn't want to admit it, but she was worried about Vegeta. What if things hadn't gone well and he'd done something stupid like blast someone?

"I suppose I'll find out," she murmured to herself, entering her access code to accept the call. "Vegeta! You made it! Were you able to speak with the king yet?"

Vegeta nodded. "Yes, I was."

Bulma frowned. "And?" She wondered why she was having to prompt the man for details.

Vegeta held up his hands in front of the video screen. Around his wrists were two bands. "It isn't going well."

"Oh, no! Vegeta, what are those things?" Bulma asked worriedly.

"They suppress my ki," he responded in a tired voice. He looked equally exhausted.

"But... but, why?" she exclaimed. "You went there to warn them of danger, not to threaten them. Surely they can see the difference," she objected.

"You and I both know that's true, but look at it from their perspective. I am the Prince of Saiyans, the race who attempted to purge their planet before I was even born," Vegeta explained. "All Frieza's orders, of course. As you know, fortunately for the Gerdians the attack failed, but not without a tremendous loss of life. Add to this the fact that I am personally well known throughout the universe as a heartless, cold-blooded mass murderer, and you can easily see why I'm not a very popular guy around here to start off with."

He met her clear blue eyes with his deep black ones. "Telling the king that I know for a fact that his wife will die in childbirth unless he does what I told him to didn't quite sit well with him, either. In fact, he was so angry that I thought for a moment that he would have me executed on the spot-"

"Oh, Vegeta!" Bulma shrieked. "Is he-"

"Calm yourself, Woman, and listen to me," Vegeta interrupted irritably. "I knew enough of the king to know that while he can have a temper, he is an honorable and just man. I was able to take advantage of that long enough to convince him to hold back his hand until the child was born in order to see whether or not I spoke the truth. I told him that if what I said wasn't true, I would accept his sentence without a dispute."

"His sentence?" Bulma echoed.

Vegeta lifted one hand and drew a finger across his throat, making a cutthroat noise as he did so.

Bulma gasped.

Vegeta shrugged. "What would you expect? If I were sitting on the throne and my mortal enemy came unannounced and uninvited and told me that he knew that my planet would come under attack and my mate would die unless I heeded his counsel, I would have blasted him where he stood," he reasoned. "I give him a lot of credit because he at least listened to me, for the time being."

"He obviously agreed, then." Bulma seemed a little relieved.

Vegeta nodded. "He honestly didn't have much of a choice. He knows that we Saiyans are a proud race and that honor is an important thing to us. I wouldn't have implied that I would risk my life on something trivial, would I? This would especially be so if I had nothing to gain from the situation."

"No, you wouldn't," Bulma agreed, a curious little thought in the back of her mind wondering how else Vegeta was hoping to benefit by his intervention in some way other than Anya's happiness. A reward, perhaps? "But-"

^All right, Saiyan. Time's up,^ one of the guards broke in. ^Let's go.^

Vegeta gave Bulma one last quick look, his face softening. "Bulma, I... I just wanted to say that I-"

He didn't get to finish whatever it was he was about to say, because the two guards behind him hauled him back from the console. ^He said time's up. That means now.^

"Vegeta!" Bulma shouted helplessly. "Wait! No!"

He turned to look back at her one last time, an expression completely devoid of emotion on his face. His eyes, however, betrayed his true feelings.

They were those of intense longing and regret.

"No!" Bulma screamed, throwing her hands up against the monitor as if trying to reach through it. Oh gods, how would she explain this? She had given him the ship. How could she live with herself, let alone without him? "Vegeta!"

As he was being lead away, Vegeta tried unsuccessfully not to hear the agonized sound of her voice or to wonder what exactly it meant.


^I will have a word with you, Prince Vegeta.^

Vegeta turned to face the Gerdian king, surprised to see that the monarch had personally come to his quarters rather than summon him. He bowed respectfully. ^Your daughter has been born, Majesty?^ he asked in an emotionless voice.

^Yes, she has.^ He closed the door behind him and came into the main area of the room. ^Prince Vegeta, I owe you a debt of gratitude which I will never be able to repay. My wife is alive and well due to your intervention.^

Vegeta let out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. ^I am very glad to hear it, Majesty, and honored to have provided you with a means of assistance.^

The king shot him a look out of the corner of his eye. ^Nevertheless, she nearly died. I realized many things that I had not considered before. Never have I been so humbled,^ he admitted, gazing out the same window Vegeta had been staring out of. ^I must convey my sincerest of thanks and apologies for my conduct.^

^Thank you, Majesty, but apologies are unnecessary. I myself must offer you my thanks in that you held back your judgment.^ Vegeta drew in a deep breath. ^I am a harsh man, and doubtless had our positions been reversed we would not be standing here engaging in this discussion.^ The corner of his mouth curved up, but he shook his head. ^It's not one of my more endearing qualities.^

The king let out a laugh at this. ^No, I suppose not. You must join us tonight for dinner,^ he informed the surprised Saiyan. ^I will have my personal servant attend to your dress and grooming shortly.^

^Thank you, Majesty,^ Vegeta responded, thanking the gods that all had gone well. ^But, if I may make a request of the king?^

^Of course,^ King Herrón acknowledged without hesitation.

Vegeta held up his hands wordlessly. He attempted to use his ki; instantly, the bands around his wrists glowed brightly and snapped together as he gritted his teeth against what was obviously a most unpleasant sensation created by the bands.

King Herrón looked absolutely horrified. ^What is this?^

^They are ki suppressors,^ Vegeta stated matter-of-factly. ^I suppose I cannot blame your guards for their squeamishness of either me or my race.^

King Herrón's face turned red from both embarrassment and anger. ^I will have those guards removed from duty immediately,^ he declared. ^They will receive the severest of punishments. I gave no order to put anyone under bonds, most especially another dignitary.^

Immediately he called for a servant to remove the suppressors, and Vegeta sighed with relief when he felt his strength return. ~Thank Kami. I don't like that weak as a baby feeling.~ ^Oh, that's so much better,^ he murmured.

The king nodded his agreement. ^I imagine so. Is there anything else you require before we dine tonight?^

Vegeta contemplated this. ^How long will that be?^ he asked.

^Dinner is always promptly at six o'clock,^ the king told him. His eyebrow rose. ^Have you not been given anything to eat-^

A loud growl interrupted him. ^Not since yesterday,^ Vegeta told him, embarrassed by the noises coming from his stomach at the mere thought of food. ^Saiyans require significantly more food than most other species.^

The king was livid. ^I will send someone at once,^ he growled. ^I am truly shocked and appalled by the manner of your treatment here. Please accept my apologies. I had no idea that this had happened.^

^Of course, Majesty,^ Vegeta told him, holding back his annoyance. ^But, if it is permissible, there is one other thing I require.^

^Name it, and it shall be done,^ the king agreed.

^After we dine, I would like to contact my son's mother on Earth,^ Vegeta requested. ^When I spoke to her last she was quite distraught by my situation.^

^Of course you shall contact your wife,^ the king agreed.

Vegeta's shoulders drooped and his face fell. ^She is not my wife,^ he murmured. ^We are separated at the moment, and she has accepted another man into her life. I...^ He trailed off, staring at the floor, wondering why he had divulged what he had to the king.

^I am sorry to hear it,^ King Herrón responded sincerely. He could see the failed attempt on the part of the prince to conceal his sadness.

Vegeta forced a smile and straightened up. ^Yes, I... We are still on good terms. Perhaps one day...^ He stopped short again and let out a small sigh. His stomach rumbled a second time, breaking the uncomfortable silence in the room.

^I shall send a servant immediately to attend to your needs,^ King Herrón reiterated, glad for an excuse to end the awkward lack of conversation. He nodded to Vegeta and headed for the door. He didn't know what to think; it was more than evident to him that the Prince of Saiyans, a people who rarely spoke of affection between two individuals and whose language did not even include a word for 'love', was obviously very much aggrieved by the loss of his relationship with his son's mother. ~What a lamentable predicament.~ He discovered himself actually feeling pity for the prince.

^Do not reveal it if you have, but have you selected a name for the princess?^

King Herrón stopped and turned at the sound of Vegeta's voice. ^Yes,^ he confirmed. ^It has not yet been announced. Why do you ask?^

^To show you further that I do speak the truth,^ Vegeta responded. ^Her name is Anyakita, is it not?^

The king went pale and his mouth opened slightly. ^Yes, it is.^ He looked at Vegeta with both wonder and a hint of fear. ~What else does this man know of Gerdia?~ ^You truly know of a threat against Gerdia?^ he asked in a quiet voice.

Vegeta nodded. ^I suspect that we will have quite the interesting conversation over dinner.^


Bulma rubbed at her eyes and held her baby closer. He was gone. She couldn't believe that Vegeta really was gone this time. That look in his eyes when the guards had taken him away had chilled her to the bone.

The nursery door opened and momentarily a hand laid itself on her shoulder. "Mother, please tell me what's happened. Is it about Father?"

Bulma sighed. "He... oh, Kami, he's..."

"He's what?" Geta prompted gently.

Her face fell and she couldn't speak. Instead, she silently mimicked the same cutthroat motion Vegeta had used with her finger.

Geta's jaw dropped. "What?" he exclaimed. "How..." He looked at his mother, shocked. "Where did he go?"

Bulma shook her head. "He made me promise not to tell you."

"Listen, Mother," Geta argued, taking her by the shoulders. "If there is even a tiny chance to get Father out of whatever it is that he's gotten himself into, I'll take it, or die trying. But if he has indeed been..." Geta inhaled, not wanting to say the words. "I'll make whoever did it pay."

"This is exactly why he made me promise not to tell," Bulma objected, fresh tears springing to her eyes. "He didn't want you or Anya involved in any 'foolish stunts' as he put it."

"For Kami's sake, Mother! Don't you care what happens to Father?" Geta snapped. "I know you're not with him any longer, but he is my father and I care-"

"Vegeta Thomas Briefs, how could you say such a thing?" Bulma exclaimed, hurt. "Of course I care about your father! What happens to him." She blushed a bright shade of pink; that hadn't exactly come out the way she'd intended. "I don't believe it. He can't be dead. I- I'd know if he was, somehow."

"I believe you," Geta told her seriously. He raised an eyebrow and ran his finger along the bite mark on his own neck. "Just as I know when Anya is unwell."

Bulma didn't know what to say; she knew what her son was insinuating. "He made me promise not to tell," she repeated, holding VJ closer. She was unable to hold back the tears welling in her eyes. "Ever."

Geta sighed. As anxious as he was, he knew that she would keep her word. He could understand how Vegeta wouldn't want someone else's involvement while he was doing whatever it was he was doing, but why Vegeta would make her promise not to ever tell puzzled him. Where could he have gone that would be so terrible that he didn't want him or Anya involved? Suddenly it hit him. As unachievable as the idea seemed, if anyone could pull off the impossible, it was his father. "No... He didn't... they wouldn't..."

Bulma saw Geta's eyes widen and knew he had figured it out. "Geta, don't do anything rash, now-"

Before she knew it, he was leaning over the rocking chair she sat in, his hands on the arms on either side of her, effectively trapping her in the chair. "He went to Gerdia, didn't he?" he asked quietly, but his voice was harsh. "It's Anya's birthday today. He found a way to get there and warn them, didn't he, and they took it as a threat."

Bulma began to tremble; her son's behavior was frightening her. "Geta, please don't."

"That's why he doesn't want Anya knowing. It would break her heart knowing he did something so selfless and that her own father rejected his efforts and had him executed." Geta stood up straight and crossed his arms, his demeanor so much like his father's that Bulma would have sworn that it was Vegeta himself standing before her. He shook his head, then looked back over at Bulma. "Tell me where Gerdia is. I'm going to bring my father home, even if it's to give him an honorable burial," he demanded.

"I- I can't," she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I promised-"

"Kami damn it, Mother!" Geta snarled, baring his teeth. "If you weren't holding that baby, I'd pick you up and shake it out of you!"

Bulma cried even harder. "G-Geta, please," she sobbed. "I'm not trying to deny you anything. I just want to respect your father's wishes."

Geta's eyes widened and he felt his stomach clench into a sickening knot. She was absolutely terrified. He fell to his knees before her, his head hanging. "Oh Kami, Mother. I'm so sorry. I got carried away. Please believe that I could never harm you," he whispered, taking her free hand in hers. "Please forgive me." His eyes pleaded with her.

"Of course I forgive you," Bulma whispered back. She slid her infant son, who was surprisingly still asleep, into her lap. "Come here, Sweetheart." She held Geta close and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I probably would have tried to pummel you, myself," she admitted, stroking his hair gently. "Don't think that you get all of your anger from your father."

"I love you, Mother," he murmured into her shoulder.

She could feel his tears dampening her shoulder. "Shhh... I love you too, Geta."


Vegeta answered the knock at his door to find a servant standing at the other side. ^Your Highness, His Majesty has commanded that you be given more appropriate quarters where you may better attend to your personal needs,^ he informed him with a bow. ^If you will accompany me, I will escort you there immediately.^

Vegeta nodded to the servant, who led him to another section of the palace. He was shown to a large room, lavishly decorated in shades of deep green and gold, the Gerdian royal colors.

^Highness, I have acquired a fresh change of garments for you, and bathing facilities are in the room beyond that door,^ the servant informed him, gesturing. ^I have also instructed the king's personal chef to prepare dinner earlier than usual so that you will suffer no further discomfort. He will have it prepared in half an hour's time.^ He bowed again. ^I am Marius. Please summon me should you require anything else before then.^

^Good,^ Vegeta responded, dismissing the servant. He smiled with satisfaction when he found a light snack of fruit, bread and cheeses as well as a glass of wine on a nearby table, along with the clothing. A fire roared in the large fireplace occupying one wall and, having taken a sip of the wine and finding it to be exceptionally good, he went over to it to bask in its warmth.

He closed his eyes and took another sip as the heat of the flames danced across his cheeks. Vegeta much preferred heat over cold, and had always enjoyed a good fire. Since the Saiyan people were a warrior race, he supposed that perhaps his preference stemmed from the destructive nature all Saiyans were inherently born with.

Another sensation within him worked its way to the forefront of his mind as he relaxed from the fire's gentle heat. In his mind's eye, he recalled Bulma coming to sit beside him by the fireplace and hand him a glass of wine. She watched him with a smile as he sipped it pensively, then gasped in surprise as he grinned madly and proceeded to finish the entire glass in a couple of gulps. After removing the glass from her hand and shoving them both onto the mantle, he scooped her into his arms and kissed her as he lowered her down onto the plush carpet.

She hummed appreciatively and returned the kiss with interest. Their tongues battled as his hands fondled her body, her hands trailing down his chest to undo the fly of his jeans-

A loud pop from the fire startled him from his daydream, and Vegeta shook his head to clear it. It was difficult for him to not finish playing out the incident in his mind; they had made love quite passionately several times in front of the fire. She had moaned and gasped and clung to him tightly. Her cries of his name echoed in his ears, along with fervent declarations of her love for him.

Vegeta cursed, finding himself aroused, frustrated and alone, without the woman who nightly plagued his dreams to soothe him. He sighed and turned away from the fireplace, setting his empty glass on the table. He made short work of the food, and picked up the clothing to examine it. He'd do whatever it took to get his mind on something, anything, other than the woman whom he so desperately wanted back for his own.

The shirt he held was the same deep hunter green in color and was designed to be slipped over the head tunic style. It was decorated with heavy gold braid trim along the lower hem and wrists and the royal insignia of Gerdia on the left breast. The pants were of the same fabric, something similar to silk, he guessed, and slipped on rather than having to be zipped or buttoned. They, too, had gold trim along the pant legs. There was even a pair of soft-soled shoes in a deep brown color.

"Oh, goodie. They gave me a pair of the king's jammies to wear," Vegeta grumbled sarcastically, tossing the items onto the huge bed in one corner of the room. "I'm going to look like a..."

He stopped, impressed by the spacious bathroom he had just entered. There was a huge walk-in shower, a large bathtub that, upon further inspection, he discovered was actually a jacuzzi, a large marble vanity, a sauna, and even another fireplace. Everything was done with accents in the same deep green and gold colors as the rest of the room. "Wow," he muttered. "I'm going to have to get a bathroom like this one."


Vegeta inspected his appearance in front of the bathroom mirror critically. He supposed that he didn't look too foolish in the loose garments, which he had to admit were actually quite comfortable. From what he had heard, the Gerdians were fond of comfortable clothing. Even King Herrón had not worn restrictive looking clothes, he recalled. He thought of the loose-fitting garments he had seen a few people wearing back in Western Country and asked what they were. The people he had seen had each been wearing a kimono, Bulma had explained, along with various accessories. She had offered to have one made for him, but he had given her a you-must-be-joking expression and flatly refused, especially when he recalled that the way Geta had been wearing his hair before it had been cut was also of Western style. His first thought had been no way in hell would he wear either!

He looked over at the clock. There was still about ten minutes before the servant would come summon him for dinner. Feeling suddenly tired from the wine and the warm shower he'd taken, Vegeta climbed onto the bed and sat against the pillows. They certainly were comfortable. He yawned noisily.

Well, there was no harm in just resting his head for a few minutes, was there?


^Prince Vegeta?^

Receiving no answer, Marius hesitantly overrode the locking sequence and opened the door to the prince's suite slightly. He heard nothing at first, then a low snore. He opened the door farther and looked inside to see Vegeta fast asleep on the bed.

~The Prince of Saiyans snores! How interesting.~ Marius crept up to the bed. He hated to wake the sleeping prince, but dinner was ready and he knew the man was hungry. ^Prince Vegeta?^ He reached out and touched Vegeta's shoulder.

The next thing Marius knew, the prince had snarled out something in a language he did not understand and he found himself pinned under twice his own weight in solid muscle. ^M-M'lord… Highness, it is Marius!^ he managed around the hands encircling his throat.

Vegeta's eyes opened the rest of the way, then widened as he realized what he had just done. He released his hold on the servant's neck immediately and got up, looking rather shaken. ^Let me give you a free piece of advice. Never sneak up on a Saiyan, especially a sleeping one. You may not live to regret it a second time.^ He raised his chin, regaining his composure. ^I am assuming that you are here to deliver a summons on the part of His Majesty?^

^Yes, Highness. Please pardon the intrusion. I did not wish to disturb you, and I would not have under any other circumstances.^

^Yes, yes, fine. Let's go,^ Vegeta responded impatiently. ^I get irritable when I'm hungry.^ He couldn't hide a grin as the man's eyes widened.

^Yes, Highness. Right this way, please.^ Marius lead Vegeta down what seemed like an endless maze of corridors before finally reaching the desired room. He knocked, and another servant let them in. ^Majesties, I have brought your honored guest as requested,^ he announced with a bow.

^Good,^ King Herrón said with a nod. ^See him in.^

Vegeta entered the large dining room and bowed respectfully before the king and queen, hearing a shocked gasp as he did so. Evidently, the king had not told his wife who their 'honored guest' was. He had a feeling that he knew the reason why, if she was anything at all like your average Gerdian, and that this really would prove to be an interesting dinner. ^Majesties.^

^Rise, please, Prince Vegeta, and join us at our table,^ King Herrón instructed, gesturing to the seat which a servant had pulled back for him. ^This is my wife, Evalina. Evalina, meet His Highness Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans.^

^Your Majesty. You are looking well.^

^Th-thank you.^ The queen could see that for some reason the prince had taken an active interest in her, which unnerved her even more than the fact that her husband had invited, as an 'honored guest' no less, the Prince of Saiyans himself to their dinner table. Of course, if he had heard that she had just given birth no more than a couple of hours ago, the comment did make sense.

It was small wonder that her husband had hidden the true nature of the uproar over this strange 'visitor' yesterday. She was about to give birth, and he knew of her trepidation pertaining to Saiyans. She allowed the prince to take her hand and brush his lips over it. They were so soft, as was his hand, which surprised her. He smiled, and took his place as indicated at the table. ^I thank Your Majesties for the honor of your kind invitation to dine with you.^

King Herrón waved the servant away with his hand. ^Not at all, Prince Vegeta. The honor is all mine.^ A new group of servants began to bring dishes full of food to the table. ^I trust your new accommodations were adequate?^

Vegeta nodded. ^Yes, very much so. Thank you.^ He couldn't help but chuckle. ^I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort of these garments that I was given.^

King Herrón smiled. ^Aren't they splendid? The fabric is lightweight, sturdy yet soft, and breathes wonderfully. I myself enjoy wearing them when I am not under the public eye.^ He nodded to a servant carrying a bottle of wine to fill Vegeta's glass first. ^These particular garments are reserved for royalty, noblemen and honored guests. Without a doubt, as my highly honored guest you are indeed entitled to the very best we can offer.^ He raised his glass and the two men took a sip of wine.

The queen had been sitting quietly, observing the interaction between her husband and the Saiyan prince with suspicion and confusion. Why was her husband acting so cordially toward a psychotic mass murderer? Why, for that matter, was the prince even on Gerdia? She felt a little irritation that she had she not been told of his arrival. Her thoughts were interrupted when the dish of food which had been set before her was opened, letting absolutely wonderful smells escape. The servants had brought the main course out first for some reason, probably because she had heard that their 'guest' had not been properly given adequate meals. Ah, well, it didn't matter, and she couldn't help but smile, because the chef had prepared her absolute favorite meal and from the smell of the food had done a superb job. She would have to commend him later.

At the king's order, the servants reluctantly left the room, although his personal bodyguard stood just at the other side of the doorway, ready to leap into action should Vegeta do anything threatening toward Their Majesties. King Herrón's eyebrow rose.

^Yajeel, did I not dismiss you?^ he asked tartly.


^You are dismissed for the moment, Yajeel. Do not make it longer than I have currently prescribed.^ King Herrón's voice bode no opposition.

^Of course, M'lord.^ Yajeel took the not so subtle hint, bowed, and left the room.

The three of them began to eat. It was all Vegeta could do to not literally devour the food in front of him; while he was grateful for the snack the servant had brought him earlier, it had only brought him temporary relief and had not offered any true sustenance. He needed meat. This was meat. He had determined the proper etiquette of the use of the utensils provided after a brief glance at his hosts. Despite being almost exactly like silverware, the table manners were different and therefore a little tricky, a little like learning how to use chopsticks had been, but he quickly mastered it.

^Prince Vegeta, are you unwell?^

Vegeta looked over at the queen, who had an unreadable expression on her face. ^I apologize, M'lady. I have not had anything of true substance to eat for two days. My instincts are fairly screaming at me to throw proper etiquette to the wind and eat, and I am not willing to offend you any further by consuming my food in an uncivilized manner in order to satisfy that desire.^

She did not miss his unspoken comment. ^I am quite sorry to hear that you were not properly attended to upon your arrival here. You shall be provided whatever it is you need until you are satisfied. Please, let us leave it at that.^

Vegeta nodded in unspoken agreement. Queen Evalina did seem to be quite the intelligent woman, and did not appear the type who would accept anything less than exactly what she wanted, how she wanted it and when she wanted it. He didn't know if that would be a good or a bad thing, since perhaps she was simply acting the part of the dutiful wife of the host.

He would find out soon enough.

^Yajeel!^ she called out. Instantly the man came through the dining room door to bow beside her. ^Our guest's plate is nearly empty. He will require another serving. You must make haste so that his needs are satisfied.^

^Right away, Majesty.^ He left the room, and shouting could be heard coming from the kitchens, followed by the clattering of a platter hitting the floor and the yelp of some poor servant getting the short end of the stick as a result.

Vegeta couldn't hide his grin as he took a sip of his wine. A small chuckle escaped. ^Forgive me… you remind me of someone else, that's all. Someone whom I told you I would tell you all about, Majesty.^

^Oh?^ King Herrón's interest was evident. ^I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say, Prince Vegeta, and I have given consideration to your proposal earlier.^

^Oh?^ Vegeta repeated, leaning slightly to the side so that the servant who came in with his new plate could switch them. ^And what has His Majesty determined?^

King Herrón waited as the servant tested a morsel of the prince's food and deemed it safe, then dismissed him from the dining room and waited for the door to shut. ^I am in agreement.^

Vegeta's smile lit up his face. ^I am pleased to hear it,^ he said honestly. ^I understand that this was not a decision to be made lightly; in fact, I am sure that it was a difficult one to make, all things considered. But I assure you that you will not regret it, especially after you hear all that I have to say.^

^Proposal? What proposal?^

Vegeta and the king exchanged a glance. She would not be happy about this.

^Herrón? What proposal?^

^Prince Vegeta is aware of a danger against Gerdia and its people,^ King Herrón began in a low voice. He had an idea now of how Vegeta must have felt saying what he was about to relate to his wife. ^He has a young son and will tell us of this danger if we betroth our daughter-^

He did not even get a chance to finish his statement when the queen leapt up from her seat. ^Absolutely not! Herrón, tell me you did not agree to this insanity!^ she all but screamed. ^This is blackmail! How do you know he himself is not behind the threat?^

King Herrón said nothing, but eyed his queen with an expression that told her he was indeed serious.

^Herrón, no! No, no, never! I knew there was something up with you,^ she spat, turning on Vegeta, who raised an eyebrow at her. ^You were being far too cordial. Of course you would want your offspring to one day rule our planet! It's what you Saiyans have wanted ever since-^

^Evalina, that is enough!^ King Herrón broke in. ^I do not know Prince Vegeta's underlying motives for wanting our children to join, but he came here in good faith seeking an alliance and by his honor swore to me that he intends Gerdia no ill will. He also swore to me that if he was found to be lying about what he had already told me, he would accept whatever judgment I decided against him. Besides,^ he continued, raising his voice slightly when he could see that she was about to interrupt, ^if not for his intervention, we would be preparing you for your burial rather than eating your favorite meal! Now sit down, woman, and silence your tongue if you cannot be patient enough to hear what it is I have to say!^

Queen Evalina went pale and slowly lowered herself down onto her chair. Her green eyes shimmered with unshed tears of embarrassment; never before had her husband spoken to her in such a sharp way, never in front of someone else, and especially never in defense of someone she obviously did not care for, and had good reason not to. ^Y-yes, M'lord,^ she managed weakly.

King Herrón sighed. This was not what he had wanted. He hadn't wanted to humiliate his wife, especially in front of the Prince of Saiyans himself. He didn't know what to do that wouldn't make things worse. A motion from the corner of his eye caught his attention and he looked at the neatly folded cloth sitting next to his plate. Vegeta cleared his throat ever so slightly and he looked up at the prince, who raised an eyebrow and jerked his head toward the queen, then discretely turned his attention elsewhere.

Understanding Vegeta's meaning, he picked up the handkerchief and got up from his seat. ^Evalina, don't cry.^

:You're sorry. And crying women like to be held. Trust me, screw royal propriety if she means anything to you.:

King Herrón was a little startled by the sudden mental contact and Vegeta's blatant lack of decorum, but decided to take his guest's advice. If what Vegeta had disclosed to him earlier was any indication, the prince was probably no stranger to this type of situation himself. ^I am sorry for my outburst,^ he apologized softly, kneeling down next to the sniffling queen's chair. ^It was not my intention to embarrass or humiliate you, my love.^ He curled an arm around her shoulders and pulled her up with him as he stood, tilting her chin up with his other hand. He dabbed at her cheeks gently with the handkerchief. ^You mean more to me than I could ever say, and what almost happened today made me realize that.^ Her eyes softened and she gazed up at him with surprise. Guiltily, he realized that he had never told her any such thing before, not in all of the years that she had been not just his queen, but his treasured wife. ^Shhh… please just give what Prince Vegeta has to say a chance while we finish our dinner, all right?^

She nodded. ^All right. Herrón, I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have said the things I did.^

^I know, Evalina,^ he murmured softly. ^I should have been more forthcoming with you, and discussed this privately with you first. But I just know somehow that this is for the best. Please trust me on this. I would never do anything to harm you or our daughter, you know that.^

She nodded again. ^I know.^

The room was silent again for a moment and the king found himself gazing into his wife's green eyes lovingly.

:Go for it.:

It was a gamble on Vegeta's part, but he decided to do it, and managed to hide his smile when the king embraced his wife and kissed her tenderly before returning to his seat, leaving her glowing with a slight blush of pleasure.

King Herrón noticed the little blush and the serene smile playing across his wife's lips. ~Perhaps I should be more affectionate of her when others are around. How did Prince Vegeta put it? Screw royal propriety if she means anything to me? And she does.~ Before he could say anything, Vegeta spoke.

^This is some kind of bird, is it not?^ he asked before putting the last bite of his meal in his mouth.

The king couldn't help but let out a little laugh at how casual Vegeta was at what he could not have helped but notice. ^Yes, it is. This particular animal is quite common on Gerdia.^

^I thought so. It tastes similar to one we call 'chicken' on Earth,^ Vegeta confirmed. ^It is delicious. My compliments to the cook, indeed.^

^He is the best on Gerdia.^ King Herrón gestured toward the kitchen and the servants came out to clear the table. Right behind those servants was another group who set out the next course, soup this time. ^Put a small table beside us, and bring it all out. We do not wish to be disturbed,^ he directed.

^Yes, Majesty. Right away,^ one of the servants responded. Immediately his orders were carried out, and a table full of food was set up. The testing was done, and the servants left the room.

^Prince Vegeta, if I may, please tell me what happened earlier when you arrived,^ Queen Evalina requested, taking a spoonful of her soup. ^I wish to fully understand the meaning of your proposal.^

^Of course, Majesty,^ Vegeta assented. ^I came here because I was told, by a very reliable source, I might add, that an unknown individual means harm to Gerdia. The intent of this harm was not clear at the time it was related to me, but it will happen unless steps are taken to prevent it. Additionally, in order to save your life and prove what I have to say is indeed the truth, I revealed to His Majesty a warning that you would experience difficulty giving birth to the princess and that it would cost you your life, unless certain preventative steps were again taken. Understandably, neither message was received very well, and I was retired to my quarters until your child was born.

^Fortunately, my warning concerning you was obviously heeded since you are still alive. I gave His Majesty what we call on Earth a senzu bean, which has incredible healing abilities. Once the princess was born, he was to give it to you. Seeing as what I described happened, it is my understanding that His Majesty wishes to hear the rest of my story.^ He began to eat his soup.

^Indeed I do,^ King Herrón agreed. ^Prince Vegeta proposed that should we betroth our daughter to his son, he will relate to us this warning of Gerdia's demise. While I must admit I am still hesitant regarding the joining of a Saiyan and a Gerdian, I now believe that what you have to say must be of the utmost importance if you came here in good faith and risked your life to tell me things I did not wish to hear.^

^Completely understandable, Your Majesty,^ Vegeta acknowledged, setting his spoon down inside his bowl. ^So you do agree to this alliance through my son Vegeta and Princess Anyakita?^

The king nodded, and reached over to his wife, who had looked rather surprised when Vegeta had spoken their daughter's name, and took her hand. ^Yes, Evalina. He knew Anyakita's name as well. I did not tell him, and since none of the servants yet know, there is no way any of them could have told him.^ He took a deep breath and turned his attention to Vegeta. ^You must understand, Prince Vegeta, that we attempted unsuccessfully for many years to have children, and were overjoyed when Evalina became pregnant. Since Evalina's physician has forbidden her to become pregnant again for the sake of her own health, Anyakita is absolutely our only child. She is the future of Gerdia and the rightful heiress to the Gerdian throne, even if we were eventually able to have another child. When she marries, she will not leave Gerdia to live with her husband as a princess normally would. Her husband must reside here, and his children must be born here so that one of them may rule after Anyakita does. If you cannot abide by this, while I am not opposed to our alliance, there is no point in the betrothal of our children.^

Vegeta's face fell as he realized the impact of the king's words. ^I… I had not considered that,^ he admitted quietly, feeling his heart wrench in his chest. His infant son was not only the Saiyan heir, but the only thing he had left. He could not bear the thought of losing his only son, of never seeing him again, except for perhaps the occasional visit to Gerdia. He would not see his grandchildren grow up. They would not know him. The line of Vegeta would end. Could he do that?

At the same time, how could he deny his son a chance at true future happiness? He saw how happy, how very much in love, Geta and Anya were. They would never have met if their worlds had not been torn apart. Even if he had done nothing as far as Gerdia was concerned and the planet suffered destruction, they would still send Anyakita away. Since Geta had told them of the androids, Earth would not suffer the fate it had while he had grown up. Anya was of the opinion that the Gerdian people had hidden their queen on a similarly ravaged world, thinking it to be the last place an enemy would look. Would they still choose Earth? Even if they did, Geta and Anya had met at an android resistance meeting. That would never happen. The odds were nonexistent. They would never meet. Was he selfish enough to keep his son to himself, rather than to allow him to meet a woman he knew would love him? Wouldn't the boy question why he had not met Anyakita? What would he tell him?

Then again, if he did allow his son to leave and live on Gerdia, it would be a known fact that he was Saiyan. The people would hate him simply for what he was, not who he was. But how was that different than now? Hiroshi detested his son, mainly because of what he was. Even if Bulma didn't stay with the man, his son would lose either way.

Vegeta realized his eyes had grown moist and closed them, taking in a deep breath. ^You see, I… the way things are, I may never-^ He stopped abruptly and opened his eyes, deliberately looking ahead to the wall beside him. ^Vegeta is all I have left as well,^ he told them, his voice little more than a whisper. ^The line of the House of Vegeta came to an end when Frieza destroyed my planet. Besides Vegeta, I am the absolute last of the royal line. But, perhaps the Saiyan race can live on a little longer through my son.^ ~I will not give in to these foolish emotions! I will not!~ he commanded himself, fighting back the conflicting feelings inwardly tearing him apart.

The queen looked at her husband, seeing pity equal to her own on his face. ^Prince Vegeta, I realize that this must be a difficult decision for you. I know that another child would be no substitute for your son. Every child I lost made me realize that. Is your wife also unable to have any other children?^ Her stomach twisted when the prince's face fell even more deeply into despair, his body drooping.

^I should have made her my wife under human law but did not. I was a fool, Majesty, a proud, stupid fool. I let my pride lead me to make a terrible mistake with my son's mother, and made a selfish decision that hurt her very deeply. I took her for granted, and where she once loved me with all of her heart despite my past, now she will no longer have me as her mate,^ Vegeta murmured, trying unsuccessfully to keep the tremor from his voice. ^Not that I could blame her. But the man who courts her now is a loathsome, despicable individual who treats her badly and hates my son, probably because of what he is, a Saiyan. Not that it would be any different here. How ironic.^ He laughed bitterly.

^I cannot deny my son a chance at future happiness. They should at least be allowed to meet and decide for themselves. Yes, I will let Vegeta decide his own future.^ Vegeta looked up at the two monarchs, who were watching him intently, and forced a smile. ^If it be the wish of them both, I will abide by the requirements of this planet. Let us form the alliance through our children.^

^Very well then, Prince Vegeta. It shall be done,^ King Herrón decided, more curious than ever as to what the prince had to tell him. ^Henceforth, I so declare Anyakita, Princess of Gerdia, to be hereby betrothed to Prince Vegeta, son of Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans. It will be announced to the people, as will our alliance.^

Vegeta nodded. ^Good. Now I shall honor my promise to you and relate to you the entire story as it happened to me. Then you will understand the importance to me of our children's joining.^ He took a sip of his wine before continuing.

^Bulma, my son's mother, is a brilliant scientist. She inherited her intelligence from her father, who invented the encapsulization device I showed you yesterday, Majesty.^

King Herrón nodded, recalling the small capsule.

^Shortly after Vegeta was born, Frieza and his father King Cold arrived on Earth, intending to destroy it after hunting me down, since I had escaped his... his servitude. Enslavement, truthfully.^ Vegeta paused, embarrassed by the revelation of that particular detail. ^Frieza was determined to finally exterminate me and the three remaining members of my race, my son, Kakarrot, a third-class Saiyan who was sent to Earth as an infant, and his son. But before he could, a stranger claiming to be a Saiyan showed up suddenly and defeated them both with ease, although he gave me the honor of delivering the death blow to that despicable lizard Frieza.^

Vegeta sighed and shifted in his seat. ^He had accomplished that which I could not, namely, the status of Super Saiyan, as had Kakarrot. This infuriated me, since from birth I had been heralded as the Legendary, destined to become the first Super Saiyan in 1,000 years. Anyway, I insisted that there was no possible way that he could be a Saiyan, since our race had been destroyed long enough ago that his parents would undoubtedly have been killed along with the rest of the Saiyan people. He wore a helmet and his face was covered above his mouth, concealing his identity, and he wore strange, tattered clothing instead of the armor typical of a Saiyan warrior. I demanded to know who he was and where he had come from. He refused to tell me since Kakarrot was gone in space, stating that he would answer our questions when he returned, which would be in a little more than two hours.^

^I suppose this infuriated you even further?^ Queen Evalina suggested, a hint of amusement to her voice that reminded him even more of his daughter-in-law.

Vegeta couldn't help but chuckle. ^Of course it did, especially after the stranger requested food and a bath. He was rather filthy, now that I think about it,^ Vegeta reminisced. ^He knew exactly where he was going and headed straight for Bulma's home, where my son and I were also living. Before he went into the bathroom to shower, he gave Bulma one of the very capsules manufactured by her father's company, and told her that it would answer some of her questions. It had a password safety on it, and he said it was the birthdate of someone close to her.

^Bulma tried every single birthdate she could think of but still the capsule would not open. It was then that one of her friends suggested using my birthdate. We both thought that was ridiculous, since, well, my behavior was not exactly what you would refer to as charming at the time. My pride was again getting in the way of treating her with the respect and dignity she deserved, thinking it beneath His listeners noted that Vegeta actually looked ashamed by this confession, staring down at his hands as he spoke.

^She did, however, ask me, and was shrieking and cursing in frustration when it too did not work.^ He laughed. ^Oh, I'll never forget the look on her face, that fire that burned in her eyes and made her so alluring. This was her technology, coupled with a simple four-digit combination that should be familiar to her, since it was the birthdate of someone she knows. As it turned out, to everyone's surprise it was my birthday programmed into the capsule, only it was the month and day of my birth according to the calendar of Vegeta, which included more months than Earth's calendar. This unnerved me, since I had not shared this information with anyone, not even Bulma.^

^Understandable,^ King Herrón agreed, thoroughly intrigued now.

^Please, go on, Prince Vegeta,^ Queen Evalina urged, blushing slightly when she realized what she'd done. ^When you are comfortable, that is.^

Vegeta cracked a grin. There was no doubting where Anya got her disposition from. ^Of course, Majesty,^ he said smoothly. ^Once the capsule was opened, it revealed a strange looking device made of metal with a glass dome. Inside was a single seat and various controls. Bulma seemed a little unnerved when she saw it, as if it wasn't for the first time. In fact, she knew exactly how to open it and climbed inside, claiming in a shaky voice that she had a primitive blueprint of the very same machine in her laboratory. I didn't believe it possible to be done when she told us that the device was meant for time travel.^

^Time travel?^ the queen exclaimed, deeply involved with the story. ^That is truly possible?^

Vegeta nodded, grinning when her eyes grew impossibly wide. ^Indeed it is, Majesty, and it explained how this man knew that Frieza would arrive at that precise moment at that precise location, and exactly how to defeat him. I was still skeptical, but as another of Bulma's friends pointed out, this stranger had also revealed the time and place of Kakarrot's return from space, and if he was indeed correct regarding that, what else did he know? It was then that Bulma shrieked quite loudly in surprise. She had found a picture inside the machine, and put together right then and there who this mysterious young man was. When she showed me the picture, I was equally astounded when I also realized who he was.^ Vegeta paused and picked up where he'd left off with his soup, figuring with amusement that it would rile up the impatient Gerdian queen.

She didn't disappoint. ^But...^ Queen Evalina sighed. ^I apologize. You are hungry.^

Vegeta smiled, a twinkle in his eye; he could almost feel her mental squirming. ^Ah, M'lady, you are just like her. Or rather, she is just like you,^ he mused to himself.

^I beg your pardon?^ the queen asked in confusion.

^I'll get there,^ Vegeta promised, wiping his mouth with a napkin. ^Where was I- ah, yes. The picture. It was of Bulma, myself and our son, but Vegeta was only three months old at the time and Bulma guessed that the child in the picture had to be well over a year old. Besides, I for one would most certainly have remembered that picture being taken, since in it she was holding our son in one arm and had grabbed me around the neck with the other arm so that she could give me a kiss.^ He chuckled sadly. ^How that particular picture got into a vessel we assumed to be from the future proved Bulma's suspicion.^ Vegeta paused again, eyeing his audience in a way that offered participation in the form of a guess.

^Your son?^ King Herrón asked incredulously.

Vegeta nodded. ^Yes. It was Vegeta, from twenty-one years in the future. When Bulma and I realized this, we ran into the house, only to find him attending to his younger self. Kami, it was startling when he turned around to face us. He favors me tremendously, the exception being that he inherited his mother's blue eyes, and blue hair.^ He couldn't help but grin at their reaction to that one.

^Blue hair?^ Queen Evalina asked, just as incredulously. Many Gerdians had blue eyes, but she had never seen someone with blue hair before.

^Yes, a deep blue, almost black, but blue nonetheless,^ Vegeta confirmed. ^I realize now that I neglected to mention that Bulma is a rather stunningly beautiful woman, and her coloring is quite exotic. She has bright blue eyes, soft, silky blue hair, full lips…^ Suddenly realizing how his son must have felt while describing Anya, Vegeta wiped the absent expression from his face and turned a bright pink; his hosts were not hiding their smiles very well. He cleared his throat. ^That, and he had shaved, leaving a mustache and beard.^ Vegeta touched his face for emphasis. ^It was astonishing how very much he looked like my father at that moment. I had… I had almost forgotten. He is also probably at least a good foot and a half taller than I am, as well,^ he grumbled, a small scowl at his lips. ^No, don't ask. Bulma is even shorter than I am. It is well known that the average Saiyan is much taller than I am, but he gets his height from my side of the family.^ He sighed. ^Your curiosity is practically screaming the question, M'lady,^ he teased, as the queen nibbled at her lip and averted her eyes. ^Let's just say that Frieza took me from my father when I was just a little boy, and delighted in beating me into submission, among other things. That doesn't exactly help a young boy grow the way he should,^ he finished in a small voice, obviously embarrassed by his admission. ^He said he would kill my father if I didn't obey him, but he still… Well, needless to say, we were both shocked to see him,^ Vegeta continued, changing the subject back to Geta's arrival. ^Not only because he was our son from the future, but because he looked terrible, nothing but skin and bones. He was starving, and abrasions covered his body. He had no strength left. Fighting Frieza had taken everything he had left. It was unimaginable that the son of the wealthiest woman on Earth and the Prince of Saiyans could be in such a state.

^I sent the others away for the time being in order to spare my son's dignity. Bulma quickly went out to a clothing merchant to find something for him to wear, and when she returned I left to find the others. Kakarrot had arrived as my son had predicted, and they all came home with me. They were equally shocked to see who this mystery Saiyan was, but not as much as they were by the reason he had come.^ Vegeta ran his finger along the lip of his glass absently as he spoke. ^He came to warn us of a danger that would destroy not only our lives, but the planet as well. In short, a rival scientist of Capsule Corp, the company founded by Bulma's father, created some androids who somehow developed a form of artificial intelligence and eventually turned on him, as well as all humans. Many of Bulma's friends possess a higher level of ki than the average human and were resisting the androids, making them instant targets. Geta, as my son goes by to avoid confusion between us all, told me that I was one of the first to die, that they killed me right before his eyes. He was only three years old when it happened.^ He shook his head. ^I cannot imagine how terrible that must have been for him, even though he admitted to me that I was a harsh father. Evidently, they tore me to pieces as he sat by watching helplessly, despite the fact that I had achieved this,^ he continued, momentarily dropping the façade of dark hair and eyes hiding his transformation to Super Saiyan and eliciting a surprised gasp from the queen. ^The legendary power of the Super Saiyan just wasn't enough. Almost everyone he loved and cared about was slaughtered. Later, when he was fifteen, he found Bulma and his two remaining friends dead, killed by the Androids. There was no one left but him. The stress pushed him over the edge, and he ascended to Super Saiyan, as you see me. He resolved to use his new found power to fight the androids, but the most he could do was try to stay alive. He was the only one left, and there were two androids.

^When he was seventeen, he met a young lady. He knew she was… how did he put it, 'the one' as soon as he saw her. Young, attractive, blonde haired and green eyed. Let's not forget a sharp wit very much like her mother's, as well.^ Vegeta eyed his hosts, a smile curling up at the corner of his mouth. ^Guess who?^

^Anyakita?^ Queen Evalina gasped.

Vegeta nodded, his smile widening. ^Indeed.^

^But how? Why would Anyakita be on Earth rather than Gerdia?^ the king demanded.

^Your daughter met my son at a resistance meeting against the Androids. Geta was completely smitten by her the first time he saw her, but could not understand why she wanted nothing to do with him. He didn't know who Gerdians were, or of the history between our two races. He just liked her.^ He grinned again. ^His persistence paid off, and she finally gave in and allowed him to court her. Eventually he took her for his wife and she bore him a son. Despite constantly being on the run from the Androids, they were quite happy together and loved each other a great deal. So you see, the possibility of their meeting and their future happiness is one reason I decided to come here to speak with you.

^Do not forget, Majesties, that I came here with a word of warning for Gerdia, as well,^ Vegeta reminded them. ^This is it. Anya did not remember the details of what happened on Gerdia as she was only ten when it occurred, but someone will attempt to usurp your throne, Majesty,^ Vegeta said slowly, watching the king bristle at his words. ^You were killed, and since Her Majesty had not survived giving birth, Anya became queen just before her eleventh birthday. She reigned for nearly five years before her counselors deemed it too risky for her to remain on Gerdia and sent her away. Unfortunately, war erupted full force on Gerdia in retaliation to her departure, and the planet was destroyed by the rebels. Anya was of the opinion that someone was attempting to gain the throne through her and was angry that he had not succeeded.^

King Herrón's jaw was set. ^She does not know the names of the perpetrators?^

Vegeta shook his head. ^Geta did not have any further information, no.^

^Wait,^ Queen Evalina interjected, leaning forward in her chair. ^Your son did not know? What about Anyakita?^ She paused. ^If she was his wife… but, I thought you said he arrived alone…^

His face told all. ^I was very sorry to hear it myself, Majesty. Geta shed many, many tears as he related the story to his mother and me. He loved her and their son dearly, and it nearly destroyed him when the Androids killed them, right in front of him as they had me. They beat him to the brink of death, then forced him to watch as they killed Anya and the baby.^

^No! No, this cannot be,^ Queen Evalina wailed, throwing her hands over her face. ^This cannot come to pass!^ The king threw his arms around her, struggling to maintain his own composure as she began to sob.

^I agree, Majesty, and that is why I am here!^ Vegeta exclaimed. ^Please, let us work together to save both Earth and Gerdia, and preserve the happiness of our children's youth. Even if they determine that their joining is not what they want, at least they will be alive, and grow up happy and healthy. Isn't that worth fighting for?^

^It is,^ King Herrón agreed gruffly. ^I will not allow my planet and my people to be destroyed, and most especially not my daughter.^

^But, Majesty, I am not finished with my story,^ Vegeta informed him. ^Earth, like many planets, has a guardian. This guardian created what are called Dragonballs. There are seven of these orbs, and when they are all gathered together and the appropriate words uttered, a dragon appears, granting the one who summoned him a single wish, as long as it is in his power to fulfill it. I... I personally died at that miserable lizard Frieza's hand, as did many individuals on the planet Namek before it was destroyed. The Dragonballs were used at that time to raise Frieza's victims, and being one of them, I was included. So I knew first hand what these Dragonballs could do.^ He smiled at the king and queen, who suddenly had become extremely interested in what he had to say.

^Are… are you saying…^ King Herrón couldn't manage to finish his question. Was his future daughter truly alive?

^That is what I am saying, Majesty. Seeing the depth of my son's grief moved me to action, and I used the Dragonballs in their behalf. Even after Anya disclosed her true heritage to me, I found myself quite fond of her and the boy, and I am pleased to call her my daughter-in-law. So yes, Anya and my grandson are alive and well back on Earth. Well, he is your grandson as well.^

^Oh!^ the queen exclaimed, shaking her head. ^This is just all too much to take in.^

Vegeta smiled weakly. ^Believe me, I know. They have their moments as any mates do, but it is evident that they do care for each other deeply. Besides, Anya usually comes out on top.^ He laughed heartily. ^My son has a fine woman as his mate, and their son is a vivacious, cheerful boy who brings much joy to our lives. I cannot deny our children this, even if it means sending my son to live here. I cannot allow my son to end up dejected and alone. Like his father, the oh so mighty Prince of Saiyans, destroyer of races and pillager of planets, reduced to a pathetic, pitiful excuse of a man, and all because of the loss of a woman,^ he finished in a barely audible voice thick with bitter sarcasm directed at himself. ^But let us not speak any further of unpleasant things. This meal is much too delicious to waste.^ Vegeta consumed a small pastry on his plate, raising an eyebrow and smiling as he chewed.

The king and queen exchanged a glance. Truly, this man was not at all what they expected. ^Yes, it is,^ Queen Evalina agreed, picking up her fork. ^Highness, I must confess that I underestimated your character, basing my opinion of you on mere hearsay rather than listening to what you had to say, especially after you saved my life,^ she told him quietly. ^Please accept my apologies. I am pleased to have you as our honored guest for as long as you wish.^

Vegeta swallowed and nodded to her. ^Of course, Majesty, and I thank you,^ he responded. ^Unfortunately, I have little doubt that most of what you have heard is true. It is cliché to claim myself to be a changed man, and I fought it with everything I had within me, but in all honesty, Bulma and my son have made such a difference in my life by giving me something of true value to live for. I no longer desire the things I did a mere year ago. I have no pride left for the things I did in the past. While I wish I could undo my past actions, I would give anything to undo the pain and neglect I caused Bulma and my son.^ He stared down at his plate.

^Perhaps you may take comfort from the photograph Bulma found in the time travel machine,^ King Herrón suggested. ^Perhaps all is not lost for you.^

^That's true,^ Vegeta agreed, brightening suddenly. ^That's true...^


Anya poked her head inside the nursery door in search for her husband. She hadn't seen hide nor hair of him in a couple hours, and he seemed mentally agitated. She'd followed their mental connection to the nursery, pleased when she found him there. "Hey, Geta, Bunny asked if you have any preference... what's wrong?" Anya asked with a frown, not even bothering to complete her statement. When she'd entered the room, her husband was sitting quietly with a comforting arm around his mother, and it was evident that both of them had been crying.

"Nothing..." Bulma shook her head. "No, that's a huge lie if I ever told one. I'm afraid that the personal business had Vegeta had to attend to didn't go well," she told her, her voice wavering.

Anya's eyes widened. "Why, what happened?" When neither of them spoke, her stomach twisted. "What happened?" she repeated, taking her husband's hand. "Geta, tell me the truth. Is Pops in trouble?"

Geta drew in a deep breath. "We're not sure what happened, Sweetheart, but it appears that he did run into some trouble during his travels."

"Where did he go?" Anya demanded.

"He didn't want me to tell you," Bulma answered. "He- he said it was personal and that he didn't want you and Geta to get involved if there were any problems."

Anya frowned. "But, why all of the secretism... oh, Kami. Today is my birthday. Oh no, please don't tell me... He found a way to see my father, didn't he?" she murmured, coming to the same realization that her husband had. "Didn't he? He went to tell Father that my mother would die giving birth to me, and Father..." She dropped her face into her hands and began to cry. The father she had known as a child had not been a kind man; he was bitter and angry, and did not like the fact that he had only a daughter instead of a son to carry on the royal lineage. "You knew about this, Bulma. You knew and didn't want to tell me. I guess I can understand why." She went over to the dresser and got a tissue, dabbing at her eyes.

Geta frowned, confused, as a devious smile slowly crept over his wife's face.

Then it hit him. She'd touched his hand.

"Damn it! Anya, no! Anya, don't you-"

He didn't reach her in time to prevent her index and middle fingers from touching her forehead.

Geta sighed. "...dare. Great." His shoulders slumped, and he turned around to face his white-faced mother. He had no concept of where Gerdia was in the universe, and therefore no idea of where to start searching for his father's ki. "Now will you help me?" he asked anxiously.



Startled, Vegeta looked up from his plate. "Anya?" he exclaimed, jumping up from his seat. "How..."

Anya rushed over to Vegeta, flinging her arms around him and bursting into tears. "Oh, Pops... when I heard you were in trouble, it wasn't too hard to figure out where it was you'd gone. I- I assumed the worst had happened," she sobbed.

Vegeta put an arm around her shoulders and rubbed her back gently. "Hush now," he murmured softly, touched by her concern. "I'm fine, see? Not a nick, not a scratch, not a dent in the fender," he quipped, his lips curving into a crooked smile.

She sniffled. "Considering that Bulma saw you being taken away and our respective histories..."

"It was merely a misunderstanding. I have spoken with your father and everything is fine, I assure you," Vegeta soothed, tipping up her chin. "None of this, now." He wiped away her tears and smiled at her. "Okay?"

"Okay." She sniffled.

"Good girl-" Vegeta was cut off, a little surprised when she hugged him again. He chuckled and patted her back. "Okay, all right..." He cleared his throat. ^Majesties, there is someone to whom I wish to introduce you.^

Anya froze. So great was her anxiety over the need to find Vegeta that she had completely missed the presence of her own father in the room. Her eyes grew wide and she stepped back from her father-in-law, who bowed to her parents respectfully. "Pops," she whispered. "I- I'm so nervous." Her eyes filled with tears. "What if they don't like me?"

^Shhh... Don't be silly,^ he responded softly. ^It's all right, Anya.^ He turned her around to face her parents.

Anya let out a strangled noise when she saw them and fell to her knees, her hands over her face, sobbing.

They approached her slowly. ^Anyakita?^ the king asked softly, lowering himself to one knee. He reached out to place a hand on her shoulder.

She looked up at him, her lips trembling. He looked just as she remembered him, only younger and far more at ease. ^Father?^ she whispered. ^Oh, Father!^ Anya wailed, throwing her arms around his neck and sobbing even harder.

The king was startled but returned the embrace. His hand reached up to stroke her hair gently, letting her cry on his shoulder. ^It's all right, Child,^ he murmured, his own voice choked with emotion. He pulled her back gently. ^Let me look at you.^ He studied her face briefly and smiled. ^You have your mother's eyes,^ he said softly. He looked up past her to his wife and rose, bringing her up with him.

Anya sniffled and smiled. ^I supposed that I must have,^ she conceded, ^but you never said so when I was a child.^ Her voice sounded a little sad. She took a deep breath and turned to the other occupant of the room slowly. ^Mother,^ she whispered. ^I'd dreamt of this moment for so long, but I never truly imagined it would happen.^

The queen approached a little hesitantly. Their daughter obviously recognized her husband, but she was a stranger. ^Anyakita, I confess I am as overwhelmed as you are,^ she admitted. She didn't really know what to say to the young woman that would mean anything to her.

Anya stepped away from her father as her emotions overcame her. ^Mother,^ she whispered in a choked voice. She rushed over to the queen and hugged her.

The queen returned Anya's hug, her eyes moist with emotion.

^I understand you have a husband and son back on Earth?^ the king asked with a smile as they separated.

Anya nodded, her smile even bigger than her father's. ^Yes. I will have to bring them here so that you can meet them.^

^Anya, sit and talk for a while,^ Vegeta suggested. ^I, on the other hand, should contact Bulma.^

Anya's eyes grew wide. ^Oh yes, the sooner, the better. She was in pretty bad shape when I left,^ she agreed.

King Herrón immediately called for a servant. ^Escort Prince Vegeta to a communications panel so that he may contact Earth, and see to it that he is not disturbed,^ he ordered.

The servant bowed deeply. ^Right away, M'lord. If you would kindly follow me, Highness.^ The two of them left the room.

^Anyakita, is Bulma all right?^ Queen Evalina asked once they were gone.

Anya shook her head and shrugged helplessly. ^I don't know how to answer that, Mother. I know that Pops...^ She giggled. ^That's my name for him, Pops. It started out as a joke, but it sort of stuck after that. Anyway, anyone could tell that he still loves Bulma with all his heart, and he's hurting so terribly over her loss. I have no doubt that Bulma still has some sort of feelings for him as well, but she won't admit to it or even discuss it.^ She sighed unhappily. ^I can only hope that it will be enough someday for them.^


Vegeta sat down in front of the console and pressed the appropriate buttons to place the call. Bulma had been extremely upset by how he'd been taken away. While the last thing he wanted was for her to suffer because she thought his life was in danger, her reaction had provided him with the tiniest ray of hope- hope that she might indeed still care for him, even if only because of what they had once shared.

The call connected. "Vegeta!" Bulma exclaimed, relieved. "You're all right!"

"Yes, I'm fine, Bulma," Vegeta confirmed softly.

Bulma let out a long sigh, and he could tell that she was expending a lot of effort to remain in control of her emotions. "Thank Kami," she murmured. "I was so worried about you when they took you away like that..." She trailed off as she lost control, and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Shh, everything's all right," he continued in the same soft voice. "Don't cry. Anya is here and her mother is alive and well. She's talking with her parents right now. Everything is going perfectly, I assure you."

Bulma sniffled and wiped at her face with a tissue. "I'm so glad, Vegeta. You've done such a wonderful thing for Anya and her mother." She gave him a shaky smile. "Besides that, what would I do with my free time if you weren't around to break the GR?"

He smiled at her fondly. "I've got to be good for something, hmm?"

Bulma gave him a mildly disapproving look. "Don't even think that, Vegeta," she chastised gently. "You're good for a lot of things."

A small smile crept onto his face. "Am I? Like what?" he asked.

The huskiness in his voice and the way he was looking at her gave her goosebumps. "Vegeta..."

"Yes, Bulma?"

She couldn't hold back a deep blush across her cheeks. "When are you coming home?"

"There is another matter that I must attend to before I leave, then we will be home," Vegeta promised.

Bulma nodded. "All right."

They sat there for a long moment, neither of them speaking. The way he was looking at her, as if she were the most precious and desirable thing in the universe, made her feel warm all over. She couldn't deny it any longer. She still had feelings for him and knew she always would, just as she couldn't deny what the look on Vegeta's face meant. He either made no attempt to hide it from her, or he wasn't even aware of the captivated expression on his face. He'd never looked at her like that before, and she'd always longed for him to. Now that he was, she didn't know how to react, so she said the first thing that came to mind. "Vegeta, I-"


She let out a little giggle. As before, after a long silence both of them had chosen the same moment to speak.

Vegeta returned the chuckle. "Go ahead," he prompted softly.

"I... I just wanted to tell you that I'm really glad you're all right, Vegeta," Bulma whispered, the blush returning to her cheeks.

He smiled again. "Thanks." Gods, he wanted her. She was worth dying for and if it came to that he wouldn't hesitate, but he hoped to do a lot of living before it happened.

She nodded. "What were you going to say?"

"You're so beautiful, Bulma," he blurted. "If I had one wish, it would be to hold you right now and for the rest of my life."

Her tears began anew. The only thing he hadn't said was that he loved her, and even an imbecile could see that was the case. His eyes told all, even when he tried to hide it. But why, why now of all times? Why couldn't he have been this way while they were together? If she'd had no doubt that he truly loved her when he'd left for space, she might have been able to read more into the situation, or perhaps he might have handled things with her differently. But as it was now, her life was continually becoming more and more confusing and difficult. "Oh, Vegeta..."

"Don't cry," he told her in the same low voice that had never failed to make her weak and trembling in his arms.

She sniffled. "I... I can't help it."

"How's Vegeta?" he asked, changing the subject for her benefit.

She gave him a wobbly smile. "He's power crawling all over the place," she told him. "We've had to baby-proof the house even more than we already did, and sometimes it's all I can do to keep up with him."

He chuckled again. "Just wait until he starts walking," he told her seriously.

"I think I'll have to put him on one of those baby leashes when that happens," she told him with a giggle.

"You mean the ones with the little harness for the child's body that's connected to a strap?" Vegeta asked with amusement. The very thought of her even attempting to put such an article on the boy made him feel like laughing.

"One and the same." Bulma was glad for the upturn in the conversation.

"Hmm. You could get one, and if he doesn't like being tied up, I could think of a few good uses for the thing," he told her, more than a mere hint of suggestion in his voice.

Bulma dropped her eyes and she felt her cheeks turning red as memories of what he was insinuating came to her mind. "Vegeta, really," she chastised.

"Sure, why not?" Vegeta countered smoothly. "I know I liked it whenever you tied me to-"

"Vegeta," Bulma cut in weakly. The recollection of what he was talking about made her hot and weak, and she couldn't think about that now. She shouldn't think those things about Vegeta when she had a boyfriend, but she found herself hard pressed to imagine them concerning Hiroshi. And to top it off, here was Vegeta actually flirting with her. While he'd spoken provocatively to her in the past, she couldn't remember him ever having flirted with her before. "You're not making things easy for me right now."

Vegeta leaned back in his seat, unable to hold in a little sigh. "I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable, Bulma," he told her. "But I meant every word of our conversation." He paused briefly, gathering his thoughts, and perhaps a little bit of courage. "I miss you, Bulma, and I need you more than I've ever needed anything. It has nothing to do with baby leashes and the like."

Bulma started to cry again. Why did he keep doing this to her? Why couldn't he have expressed such sentiment to her while they were together? Did he have any concept of what he was doing to her emotionally, to have him go from emotionally cold and cruel to tender and loving? It hurt, it hurt terribly to continuously go over and over these warring emotions in her mind, to feel her heart wrenching every time he did something that she'd always wished he would have when she'd loved him with all her heart and soul. "Why now, Vegeta? Why couldn't you have..." She dropped her face into one hand.

She heard another sigh escape. "Because I'm a fool, Bulma," he said in a pained voice. "I took you for granted, and I am very, very sorry for that, and for what I have put you through. I want you to know that, Bulma. I hope that someday..." He too trailed off. He knew he hadn't been acting in the way everyone knew him to be since his return from space, especially concerning Bulma, but he didn't care. He had already allowed his pride to make him ruin everything good in his life. What did it matter to that same pride now if he was heartless and cold, or if he actually said and did the things that were needed? He knew that he should say the words she wanted and needed to hear him say. They were such small words, yet so powerful.

I love you, Bulma. But he just couldn't do it. The situation wasn't right. He wanted to be there with her, face to face and holding her in his arms. She needed and deserved that. The time would come, because he needed to do it, too. "I'm sorry. I should go."

She looked up at him, and the broken, downtrodden expression he wore now broke her heart. "I'm sorry too, Vegeta," she whispered.

He nodded. "We'll be back soon."

"Okay." Bulma bit her lip as he leaned forward to terminate the connection, those haunted eyes never leaving hers as he did so. She slumped down in her seat, completely confused and frustrated by what had just happened.


^Hey, did you manage to get a hold of Bulma?^ Anya asked as Vegeta reentered the room.

Vegeta nodded and offered a respectful bow to her parents. ^Yes. I explained things to her and she's fine,^ he responded emotionlessly.

Queen Evalina's brow creased and she frowned. ^Are you all right, Prince Vegeta?^ He wasn't acting as someone who was glad everything was going well should be.

^I'm fine, thank you.^ He sat down at the table and retrieved his wine glass, hastily finishing its contents in one large gulp.

Anya left her parents and came over to sit beside him. This was not good. ^Pops?^ she asked a little hesitantly.

Vegeta drew in a deep breath. She could read him like a book, and the concern in her eyes showed she knew he was not being truthful. He was unable to lie to her. ^All right, Anya, all right. I am anything other than 'fine'.^ He looked away from her.

Anya drew back a little, visibly upset. "There's no need to snap at me, Pops," she told him quietly. "I'm just concerned about you." Her chin trembled, and he knew he had upset her.

Vegeta sighed. Not her, too. He was doing a bang-up job communicating with the female sex today, wasn't he? "I know, Anya. I'm sorry," he apologized. "Please don't be upset. Nothing is your fault, and I shouldn't have taken out my frustration about my own failures on you." He ran a hand over his face; he'd be damned if he'd lose control right then and there.

The king and queen exchanged a glance. Neither understood a word that was being said, but it was evident that the conversation between the prince and his son's mother had not gone as he'd hoped. Neither wanted to intervene during the uncomfortable situation taking place in the dining room, especially when Anya put her arms around him in a comforting gesture, which he returned with an awkward pat of his hand on her shoulder.

^Anyakita?^ King Herrón spoke up after a moment's silence.

Anya smiled at her father-in-law reassuringly. ^It's all right, Father,^ she responded, getting to her feet and turning to face her father. ^It has been a difficult day for all involved today.^

Vegeta let out a sardonic little chuckle. If he had an award for 'understatement of the day', she'd receive it for certain. ^Yes, it has been,^ he agreed, getting up from his chair. ^But at the same time, much good has happened today. See, your mother is well,^ he said, gesturing to the queen to add weight to his statement, ^and I would assume that your younger self is as well.^

Anya nodded happily. ^Thank you, Pops,^ she whispered. ^You have no idea what this means to me.^

^Of course, Anya.^ He couldn't help but smile at the glowing expression of loving gratitude on her face. How could he deny his favored daughter-in-law? ^I remember my mother, even though I was very small when she died. I wanted you to have that, too.^

Anya's chin trembled again, but for the entirely opposite reason as before. ^That's so sweet, Pops.^

^Sweet, bah. Don't talk like that around your parents, or you'll ruin my cold-hearted villain status,^ he mock growled, pleased when she giggled.

King Herrón crossed his arms and chuckled in amusement. It seemed that this cold-hearted villain had both a sense of humor and an incredibly large soft spot for his daughter, and wouldn't care in the slightest if the king of a planet himself let his royal demeanor down. After all, the man had told him to 'screw royal propriety' hardly even an hour earlier and, while crude, it was not advice he would soon forget. ^I think you have already ruined that for your father-in-law, Anyakita,^ he noted dryly.

Anya giggled at the look of resignation on Vegeta's face. ^Oh! I almost forgot. We were going to go see little me,^ she told him brightly. ^You'll come too, won't you?^

Vegeta nodded. ^I wouldn't miss it.^


Anya peered down into the cradle containing the hours old baby. ^Aww, hello there, baby,^ she cooed, unhesitatingly reaching in to expertly scoop up the newborn.

The servant girl sitting beside the cradle looked to the child's mother hesitantly. While the queen wasn't making any move to intercede, she didn't know this woman, and the wild-haired man in the nursery wasn't making her feel very comfortable either. ^M'lady?^

^It's all right, Dotelli,^ Queen Evalina assured the worried young woman. ^You may attend to your own needs until I summon you again.^

^Thank you, M'lady.^ The girl stood up and curtsied before leaving.

^Aren't I cute, Pops?^ Anya commented, holding the child up so Vegeta could see. Now that the servant girl was gone, she could make such a statement without seeming to be deluded.

Vegeta peered down at the baby, a feeling of déjà vu coming over him as he did so. It was just as how Bulma had held out their son for him to see. ^Of course you are,^ he answered. Commenting that the child looked as red and squished as any other newborn wouldn't exactly earn him any brownie points. ^I wouldn't expect anything else concerning you.^

Anya beamed at him. The child still had that odd just-born appearance, but even if her parents hadn't been in the room, he would have said the same thing simply to please her. ^Here, hold her,^ she offered, holding the baby out to him.

Vegeta hesitated. ^I... I don't know,^ he told her, backing away slightly. ^I've never held an infant so young before.^

^It's okay. Just hold her like you did with VJ when he was small. You won't hurt her as long as you're gentle.^ She placed the baby in the crook of his arm. ^See?^

Vegeta suddenly felt foolish to be so nervous about holding the newborn princess. This was an honor that the king and queen had bestowed upon him. He reached up to adjust the blanket framing the baby's face. ^She's so little,^ he heard himself saying.

^They grow very quickly,^ Anya said softly, pleased by how well Vegeta's interaction with her newborn self was going.

^Yes, they do.^ One of the infant's hands protruded from the blanket, and he reached over with one finger to tickle the little palm. He chuckled when the tiny fingers contracted against his own reflexively. ^Well, little princess, aren't you a fast learner?^ he addressed the baby in a soft voice.

^Fast learner?^ King Herrón inquired.

^Indeed. She has already discovered my ki, haven't you?^ He adjusted the baby in his arms. ^Maybe that's not a bad thing. I imagine being born is not an easy thing to do. She could use a little ki after all that hassle.^ He chuckled again. ^As long as she hasn't learned how to blow things up yet.^ He eyed Anya pointedly.

Anya's cheeks flushed pink. ^Ugh! You're never going to let me live that down, are you?^

The king and queen had remained back a pace so as to not make Vegeta feel crowded and exchanged a glance. This man wasn't cold-hearted at all, even if he pretended to be. The look in his eyes as he held their daughter reinforced that observation.

The king took his wife's hand. ^You're all right with this?^ he asked soundlessly.

She nodded. ^I am now,^ she responded in the same manner.

^See? She likes you,^ Anya commented. ^She hasn't cried or anything.^

^Eh, she's getting a free snack,^ Vegeta told her. ^Besides, she doesn't know any better yet.^ He couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth come over him as the tiny fingers curled around his own. Right then and there, he was determined that he would be father to a daughter of his own one day, one that would be as beautiful as her mother was. No, as beautiful as her mother is, his mind corrected itself. There was no doubt in his mind as to who that woman to give him a daughter would be.

^You're silly, Pops.^ Anya giggled. ^Oh! Such a big yawn. I think we should let her get back to her nap now.^ She took the baby from him and placed her back into her cradle. ^Bye-bye, little princess,^ she cooed. ^Sleep tight.^

There was a knock at the door and, upon the king's command, a servant entered. ^Majesty, the populace has been advised of your announcement of the princess' birth. Members of the royal household and the noble class have already assembled, along with many of the civilian populace.^ He bowed before them.

^Good. I will arrive shortly to deliver the announcement.^ King Herrón dismissed the servant. ^Prince Vegeta, I wish for you to join us. I will also announce our alliance through our children at this time.^

Vegeta nodded. ^I would be pleased to attend, Majesty.^

^An alliance? Through your children?^ Anya gasped. ^Are you saying...?^

^Yes, Anyakita. I have agreed to the betrothal of my newborn daughter to Prince Vegeta's son, Vegeta,^ King Herrón informed her. ^This would serve to form an alliance between our peoples, and end the animosity between us.^

^It would also form an alliance between Gerdia and Earth,^ Vegeta pointed out, ^since my son is human as well as Saiyan.^

Anya's smile lit up her face. ^That's wonderful!^ she exclaimed, but her face suddenly took on a worried expression. ^But Father, won't the people object to this? What will you do if they cause an uproar?^

^I have assembled my guard so that they may step in if necessary. All of the proceedings will be kept under tight control,^ the king assured her. ^If anyone acts inappropriately, he will be dealt with immediately.^ He drew in a deep breath. ^While I am hesitant about this alliance for the same reasons you are, Anyakita, I have no reason not to believe that Prince Vegeta came here because he feels quite strongly about what he has disclosed to me. Even if nothing more of what he told me takes place, he has already done this planet and its people a great service. You are confirmation of the truth of his words, my daughter, and because of the way that things took place today, I agree that this alliance will prove beneficial to all parties involved. It will be a long and difficult transition for our people, but we can only hope that eventually they will come to the same conclusion that I have, given time to do so.^

Anya nodded, but her brow furrowed uneasily. ^I hope so, Father. I truly hope so.^


Cheers arose from the crowd assembled below the balcony where the king and queen stood. The news of the princess' birth had been well received, as everyone was aware of the difficulties their beloved queen had experienced bringing an heir to birth. So pleased were they that no one seemed to notice how unusual it was for a woman who had just given birth mere hours ago to be standing beside her husband in perfect health and not fatigued in the slightest.

King Herrón gave a wave of approval to the crowd. ^Here we go, Evalina,^ he murmured out of the side of his mouth. While he wanted to announce the alliance, the more he thought about the inevitably negative reaction of the people, the more he dreaded doing it.

^It will not be taken well,^ Queen Evalina responded in kind. ^But I have faith that you will handle the situation appropriately, as you always have.^

The king turned to his wife enough to smile at her. ^You have always stood beside me, my dear,^ he murmured. ^You are my stronghold. I know that now, more than ever.^ Without restraining himself as he would have before, he placed a soft kiss upon his wife's cheek, making the crowd cheer even louder.

Vegeta watched the proceedings from inside the palace. Soon the king would summon him. Then the fireworks would start. He sighed, his thoughts returning as they always did to Bulma. Why did he always have to upset her as he had during the call he'd placed to her? Why did his attempts to be open and honest with her end up badly? He'd lied to her before leaving for space, not about her being a distraction, but about her being a distraction he did not need or want. Now that he was determined to be truthful, nothing had gotten any better.

Anya had changed into a flowy dress of green and gold and was standing out on the balcony behind her father. No one questioned who she was or why she was there, but given the special garments she was wearing, that wasn't all that surprising. :Pops?:

Vegeta turned away from the window he stood beside. :Hm?:

:I think the real show's about to begin,: she informed him. :Ready?:

He gave her a mental nod. :As ready as I'll ever be.: He had considered wearing his armor, but in the end had decided not to change from the green and gold garments he'd been given. As Anya's dress did, his garments signified dignity and respect allotted to a person of importance, whereas armor would have intimidated the crowd.

He waited for King Herrón to announce the arrival of a person of importance with whom he had formed an alliance, then stepped out onto the balcony. Numerous individuals in the crowd gasped in surprise as the queen moved aside so that Vegeta could stand before the king, obviously having recognized him as a Saiyan when they saw him.

^That man is a Saiyan!^ someone exclaimed, fomenting a ripple of dismay through the crowd.

^Brethren, I present to you Prince Vegeta of the Saiyans,^ King Herrón confirmed, gesturing to Vegeta. ^He is my honored guest and ally.^

As expected, general uproar burst forth from the crowd.

^King Herrón, please reconsider this alliance,^ one of his advisors spoke up. ^Everyone is aware of the history between the Gerdian race and the Saiyans. The fact that they attempted to destroy our race will make this a volatile alliance at best. Many of our citizens remember the battle for our deliverance from the Saiyans or even fought in it. I cannot advise that this alliance will serve the best interests of our planet or our people. How do we know that this man is trustworthy?^

^I have always valued your counsel, Falin. But in this instance I must disagree with you,^ King Herrón objected. ^Prince Vegeta has already proven himself to be my ally, and I will not dismiss his attempts for peace because of our history. In fact,^ he continued, suddenly feeling empowered to continue, ^I intend to form this alliance through our children. At this time, I declare Princess Anyakita to be betrothed to Prince Vegeta, son of Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans.^

Angry screams of outrage exploded from the crowd.


^You cannot do this!^

^How could you even contemplate forming an alliance with those murderous animals?^ an old woman cried out. ^They killed my husband in cold blood when they attacked this planet!^

The crowd clamored in agreement, more and more accusations rapidly being hurled toward the king. He held up his hand to silence them, but it did little good.

^How can you give our princess, your own daughter, to the son of this beastly Saiyan?^ a man yelled. ^My family are of noble blood. Even we have more right to wed one of our sons to your daughter than he does!^

Another uproar erupted. King Herrón shot a sideways glance in the direction of the Saiyan prince standing nearby, who had an indecipherable expression on his face. Deciding he'd had more than enough, the king approached the edge of the balcony. ^Silence!^ he bellowed. ^I order you all to be silent, or I will have my guard quiet you!^

Gradually the crowd began to settle down, but angry murmurs and whispering could still be heard. King Herrón sighed. ^Citizens of Gerdia, hear me when I say that this was not an easy decision for the queen and I to make, but we are united in agreement. That alone should be enough to pacify you, and even if it does not, Prince Vegeta has already proven himself worthy to me personally on more than one occasion. I owe you no further explanation other than the fact that this alliance was made with the best interests of all of you in mind. So heed my words, brethren, and let us embrace the formation of this alliance as an opportunity to be valued rather than-^

He was cut off when, without warning, the prince beside him moved quickly to push him aside, knocking him roughly to the floor.

^He struck His Majesty!^

^I knew it was too good to be true!^

^Lying, deceitful monkey!^

Vegeta jerked away from Yajeel, who had attempted to restrain him, and took a step away, turning away from everyone.

Anya ran over to him, confusion written on her face. ^Pops, why did you do that?^ she exclaimed incredulously. She frowned. She couldn't imagine what would compel him to do such a thing, knowing he would further anger everyone, unless he had a good reason to do so. ^Is something wrong?^

He didn't respond.

She grasped his shoulder, encouraging him to turn to face her. ^Pops?^

His face was pale and his eyes wide. ^Anya,^ he managed. He looked down to his hand, which was clutched to his chest, and pulled it away.

It was coated with blood.

Anya let loose a blood-curdling scream. She grabbed Vegeta's arm to steady him. ^Oh, Kami! Pops!^

Startled gasps and exclamations of surprise were heard when the crowd realized what had happened- someone had attempted a near successful assassination of the king, and the Prince of Saiyans himself had just barely prevented it by putting himself in harm's way instead. Had he merely moved the king aside, the object meant for him would have struck the young woman who had screamed, as she had been standing back behind him.

Vegeta staggered toward the king, who had gotten back up to his feet and was staring in shock at the rapidly expanding splotch of blood on Vegeta's shirt. ^M-Majesty...^ He choked, blood bubbling from between his lips, and his eyes rolled back into his head as the ground rushed up to meet him.