Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ Strage dreams and alluring women. The tale begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or themes of Dragonball Z, nor the products of Acura and Suzuki. Nope, not mine, (although I would like to own a Suzuki Bike!) I'm getting no payment of any kind for this, so don't sue me! And now, on to the story!

When Dreams are Reality

A\N: Warning!! This fic contains graphic lemony goodness! So if you are squeamish, offended by, or just don't like it, don't read it!

The King Vegeta in the story is not the Vegeta we know and love. All of the kings are named Vegeta, why, I don't know. Tadashi keeps his name until he becomes king. In case you were wondering!

Chapter 1

Strange dreams and alluring women. The tale begins…

I've been having these weird dreams lately. It's like they're real, but I know that there's no way they could be. Like the dream I had last night.


It was that time again. Somehow I knew that as soon as my father walked in the courtyard. I didn't even need to look at him to know he was there. Saiyans just know.

"Beating up my men again I see!" His voice boomed from the huge doorway. I decided that since I had been sparring with the castle lackeys since before dawn, I would stop to entertain him.

"I love this time of year, father." I say sarcastically. I hear him grunt a response as I help up my latest courtyard victims.

"So, I take it that you know why I`m here."

"Do I have to do this today?" I grumbled, slightly annoyed.

"I don't think it would be very diplomatic for us to postpone this event. You've rejected the last 15 or so choices for bride that I gave you. You can stand for one more." Although he didn't have the usual element of demand in his voice like when he spoke to his servants, I knew there was no getting out of it this time. Why he insists on choosing my bride for me is a mystery. The last girls were all very beautiful. Over half of them were Saiyan, the rest were from who knows where. Yet they were all the same. The mindless albeit beautiful women had the thought pounded into their heads that if they marry me they would be set for life. They were uninteresting and too preoccupied with what I was and not who I was.

"I can see your disappointment with the last choices." My father said looking at my face. After a short silence, "I will reason with you, Tadashi. If you do not approve with this last girl, you may choose your own bride. But you must have a good reason to disapprove of her."

"Thank you, father." I said. After tonight, all of this would be over.

For some reason, my father decided to make a big deal out of this one. He never went through all this trouble before. It's like he knows that I will approve of this girl and want to commence courtship. I'll admit that everything did look nice. The large crystal chandeliers in the gala room were lowered and dimmed slightly, giving the room a romantic glow. Most of the Saiyan Elite were present with their wives or current object of affection. Food was over abundant, even to Saiyan standards. A few members of the party managed to get drunk this early in the evening and were comically escorted out of the room to pull themselves together. That provided some relief to my torture. I looked around to find my best friend Korion with his mate. Her name escaped me at the moment. I watched them as they talked and danced, oblivious that they were not alone in the room. A pang of jealousy hit me but I quickly dismissed it. At least he was happy. Right when I was about to slip away from the whole ordeal, something, or rather someone, caught my eye. There was a woman peeking into the room from the study room door. She was looking around the room, probably assessing what she would be getting into upon entering. Even from across the room I could see two dark blue eyes wandering curiously around the room. As soon as they fell on me, they and she disappeared.


"So you mean to tell me that you were this prince who was unhappy to get beautiful women thrown at you feet because you wanted someone with a personality? You must have been dreaming!" Gotens voice through my cell phone jolted me back to the present. "Not to mention you name was Tadashi, you were living on not just another planet, but Vegetasei. How do you even know that was you?"

"I know that it was me. And yes I was unhappy with those other girls. If I were younger then I would have been happy to marry them all. I was prince after all. I could do almost whatever I wanted. But now I'm past all that. I'm starting to think that I won't find that girl that just stands out in a crowd, like the one in my dream."

"Come on Trunks! You're only 25! You should still be out there having fun, going on dates and to clubs and stuff like that. You don't see me trying to find a wife right now"

"I do go on dates, thank you! And I'm not trying to find a wife. I don't know. Maybe you're right, I may be thinking too far ahead in my life. Kaasan has started to ask me why I haven't brought home a nice girl for her and tousan to meet.

"Your dad would be reason enough for me!" Goten joked.

"He's not that bad, compared to what he used to be like. Speaking of kaasan, she's going to kill me if I'm late for this new employee orientation. I better get out of here."

"Don't let me hold you up. Just don't push to hard to find someone because your mother wants you settled. She'll come to you when the time is right. At least that's what I believe."

"It's an honest surprise to hear that from you, but thanks for the advice. Really."

"Don't go crying on me. Now get out of here, you have things to do. Talk to you later." I closed my phone, still thinking about what he said, and about my dream. The time on my phone said that I would be in serious trouble if I didn't hurry down to the board room. My thoughts would have to wait until later.