Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams are Reality ❯ Is it Deja Vu? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2

Is it Déjà vu?

"Tristan. Tristan! Get up or your ass is gonna get fired before you even start!" Shaiyah jumped on my bed to wake me up. LeShaiyah, my energetic roommate and best friend was treading on thin ice to be jumping on my bed this early.

"What are you still doing here? I thought you had to work early." I grumbled, still asleep.

She took one last leap and landed next to me. "I called in and now I don't have to go, but you do. Now get up."

I turned over and threw a pillow over my head. "I'm up, I'm up! What time is it anyway?"

She waited until she was well out of the door before she said, "11 o'clock." She was smart to get out of the way because I darted to the bathroom to get ready. At that speed I probably would have ran right through her.

"Shay, why didn't you call me earlier? I'm supposed to be there at 11:30." I yell through the door.

"I did. You sleep like a rock. I'm on my way out the door. See you later!" And where was she off to if she didn't have to work? Then I remembered that she just made up with her boyfriend.

I felt like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. 15 minutes later I was out of the shower and dressed. That left 15 minutes to get there and find the board room for the orientation. I guess celebrating my new job the day before I'm supposed to be there wasn't a great idea. No matter how late I was, I always managed to find time to grab 1, or maybe 4, of Shay's blueberry muffins. She couldn't cook all that great, but when it came to baking, Shay was Betty Crocker! I ate two of them on the way there. I really hope I'm not late. I sped along the road, blaring my horn at anyone who crossed me. My speedometer read 70, however a sign whizzed past, silently telling me that I should only be going 30. Good thing the streets were clear. At the sight of a police squad car parked on the opposite side of the street, I slammed on the break pedal. The sound of my tires squealing against the asphalt made the officer cast me a wary look. I slowly drove past him, giving him my most flirtatious smile. As soon as he was out of sight, my foot pressed the gas pedal to the floor. I rode my car like I rode my men; hard and fast!

Seeing the Capsule Corp. sign relieved some of my stress. I parked my car in the first space I saw and ran into the building. Asking someone would be a lot faster than running aimlessly around the building. "Excuse me," I ask the receptionist, "Do you know where the employee orientation is being held?"

"It's in room 308. Take the elevator behind you to the third floor and follow the room numbers. It should be around the first corner. You'll see it when you're up there."

"Thank you." I say as I run in the elevator that opened behind me. I walked inside and pressed the button for the third floor. The receptionist gave me a quick but appreciative look. That wouldn't have bothered me so much if it wasn't a woman. All my praying for the doors to open was finally answered after what seemed like an eternity. I play marathon runner again as the words "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" ran through my head. I turned the corner full speed and bounced off a large object to fall on the floor, my notebook and folder scattering in the process. I looked up briefly to figure out that object was a person.

"Gomen nasai, I shouldn't have been running."

"No, it's my fault. I wasn't paying attention." A male's deep voice reached my ears.

I glanced up to see him reaching to help me up. I gladly obliged.

"You see, I'm late for my orientation and I…" I was so lost in his gaze that I didn't realize that I had stopped talking. He had beautiful cerulean eyes and purple hair that was tied back. My eyes traveled lower to his broad shoulders and muscular chest and arms. He was fully clothed but it was evident that he was stacked. My eyes had roamed to his belt and would have gone lower if he hadn't said anything.

"You were saying?" he prompted.

My head snapped back up, my eyes once again meeting his. "Oh! I was rushing. I'm new." I stated.

"I can tell!" He said, teasing me. I studied him a little longer, until I saw his name tag. It read T. Briefs. He must have read my mind.

"My name's Trunks." He extended his hand again and I took it sheepishly. I was feeling guilty for basically undressing him with my eyes.


"The board room is the first door on the left. And you aren't late. We give extra time for new employees to get here."

"Thank you." I said. He smiled and left. I let my eyes meander down past his belt to his rear. All I could say was mm, mm, mm. I watched him until he disappeared around the corner. Light chatter could be heard from the room that I was supposed to be in. I walked into the room to find one familiar face.

"Good morning, Tristan. I'm glad you could make it." Bulma Briefs was Capsule Corp. owner, but I felt relieved to see her. I could finally see the resemblance between Trunks and his mother. He looked too young to be her husband. After remembering Trunks, I wanted to thank her for making him!

"Good morning Mrs. Briefs." I took a seat around the large table with the other newcomers. Having lab experience didn't really give me much variety of employers. I worked for another company before but I always felt that I wasn't taken seriously. Somehow Bulma saw some of my work and wanted me to work for her. In return, all I wanted was a chance to prove that I was a great engineer and chemist. Five minutes later, Trunks entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Pick up any lost souls?" Bulma smiled to Trunks.

"Not exactly." He glanced at me. I felt my face flush at the sight of him.

"Well, if they aren't here already they will have to reschedule." She turned to us. "Good morning everyone. I'm Bulma Briefs and this is my son, Trunks. We both would like to welcome you all to Capsule Corp!" I found myself not paying much attention to her speech. I couldn't help but wonder where I had seen him before. He looked so familiar, like I knew him from another life. I know that sounds stupid but that's the only way I could explain why I feel like this. I wonder if this has anything to do with my dreams. I couldn't wait to get home to tell Shay about this!

"Then what happened?" Shay was listening closer than when she watched her soap operas.

"Well like I said a few days ago, my father and I were to arrive at another planet to meet this prince that he wanted me to marry. Of course I wasn't too excited because I wanted to choose who to marry."


"How are you feeling sweetheart?" My father asked, resting his hand on my own.

"I'm well father. Nervous, but well." I was glad that the Saiyans wanted to join kingdoms, but do they really have to make us marry? From what I was told, their prince was very noble and refined as well as strong and powerful. I would have liked things better if I could at least see a picture of him. My father must have seen the disappointment on my face.

"Illana, you are a princess of a beautiful planet. You're well being is my reason for arranging this marriage. Under our kingdoms tradition, I would normally find a suitor from our planet, but I want you to be protected and well taken care of when I hand Tristan to you. And who better to protect my daughter and my kingdom than the strongest beings in the universe." He cupped my face in his hands. "I would not do this if I thought that I was putting you in danger, or if I thought their prince was not worthy of the heir to our home planet." His words brought me some comfort, but I was still reluctant to go through with this.

"Your majesty, we have arrived to planet Vegetasei." Matron notified us through the intercom. When my mother died my father appointed her to take care of me. I don't see her as a servant, she's like my mother. She's taught me almost everything I know about being refined and poised. Basically everything about being a princess. Even though she is my servant, she still carries herself as if she herself were royalty. I like that about her.

My father stood up. "Come. You have a prince to meet."

We were greeted by two large soldiers. "Illana, I'm going to meet with the king. I'll see you in a little while." He followed one soldier and the other led us to what looked like a study.

"The king will be with you shortly." With that he closed the door behind him.

"Isn't this exciting? You're finally getting married!" Matron said.

"You seem more excited than I am." I suddenly longed to be home, sitting under my favorite tree playing with my pet, Yuki.

"Is there anything wrong?" Matron asked, looking concerned.

"I don't exactly agree with an arranged marriage, but since it is how my parents married then I will go along with it. Everything that my father has told me about this man was good. He's powerful, he's a prince, he will protect me…"

"Then what's the problem?"

"He's a stranger, Matron. Why can't I at least get to know him?"

"You will have a courtship period."

"But either way we will still have to marry, whether we like each other or not. What if we end up hating each other? I'll be stuck for the rest of my life." I sat down in the high backed chair behind a desk. I rested my head on my palm on the arm of the plush leather chair.

"Illana, things will be fine." She began to stoke my hair like she always did when I was upset. "You will get to know him and you will have a wonderful marriage. Just like your parents."

I wanted to believe her, I really did. I was just worried. "I hope you're right." I sighed. The room door opened and King Vegeta walked into the room. I stood and with a slight bow I greeted him. "Hello King Vegeta." I had met him before but he still frightened me.

"A pleasure to meet you again. I hope you are ready to meet my son. I've told him so much about you. He can hardly wait." The smirk on his face unnerved me.

"The feeling is mutual." That was a half lie. I did want to meet him, but meeting him meant I was trapped for life.

"Tadashi will be sent in shortly." He turned around and left. I let out the breath I was holding since he walked into the room and fell back into the chair. I looked at Matron who now had her ear pressed against a door on the left side of the room.

"I wonder if this is the room where the ball is being held." She carefully opened the door to peek into the adjacent room. "There are so many people out there." I couldn't take the suspense any longer. I jumped up went to the door. Matron stepped back. She wasn't lying about it being a lot of people there. I looked around for my father but found someone else. He was looking at me so intently that I jumped back behind the cover of the door. While no one else saw us, he did.

"Did you see something bad?" Matron sounded concerned.

"No, I don't think so." I looked again out of the door but he was gone.


"So this guy at you job reminded you of him?"

"I don't know. I didn't get a good look at the prince from the doorway. What does this mean? I've had dreams like this before, but never this real. And I've been having these particular dreams more frequently since Bulma asked me to work at Capsule Corp."

"Maybe these dreams were just telling you that you were going to meet your boss's son." She said, giving me a sneaky look.

"I know what you're getting at and no, I'm not going down that road. Office relationships don't work. You should know that!" I said.

"Hey! It did work. I just wasn't ready for a serious relationship." She said matter-of-factly.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I left the room and she yelled behind me, "Just think about it!" I waved her off and closed my bedroom door. I jumped into bed and pulled up the blankets. My hand found the brown bear located on the floor where I throw him every night in my sleep. Turning off the light on my nightstand, my thought replayed Shay's words. There was nothing to think about, right?