Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Dreams Come True ❯ What will he wish for? ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Disclaimer: Idon't own dragon ball nor do i make any money from it, so please don't sue. My story is talking place before the Androids and there will be no Cell.

~ is ~ thinking * is * telepathy

All eyes turned to Vegeta, wondering what his wish was going to be. Vegeta just smirked, then said " I wish that.........dom tu ar legate tumb de saiyan parle Kakarotto, Gohan, Bulma, le ChiChi the matre of ven ah katoosh." Every one looked dumbfounded at Vegeta, when did he learn to speak Namekian.

The Nameks had dumbfounded looks on theirs faces. They could not believe that Vegeta just had spoke in their native tongue. They gasped as they watched Goku and Gohan grab their heads. They braced themselves for their screams and when they opened their eyes. They saw Goku and Gohan down on one knee with their heads bent and their right hand in a fist over their hearts.

"We pledge our lives to you Taj." said Goku and Gohan in perfect saiyan.

"What did you wish for mister Vegeta" timidly asked Dende

"I wished for all saiayns alive to know their native language and about their ancestor." as a smirk came to his face.

"That was a wise wish Mister Vegeta." as a smile came to Dende's face.

All of the other Nameks shook their head in approval of his wish. They had been afraid that at first he was going to wish for immorality or to be the strongest so he could take over the universe. Little did the Namkes know but his love for Bulma had a bigger impact on his heart and his pride than he or any person would ever know.

Everyone was brought out of their thoughts by a loud grumbling.

"Oh gosh can we get something to eat. I'm real hungry." as he placed his placed his hand behind his head and a goofy grin on his face.

Gohan put his hands over his in embrassment. Vegeta looked disgusted at him. Everyone else just looked shocked at him. The Namek elder looked at Goku and smiled.

"Come son we will make you and your friends some food to eat before you go back to your home." as he led them to a hut to wait while some begin the task of making food to make food for a entire namek village or enough to feed three hungry saiyans.


Bulma and ChiChi had just left to go to the desert to train when suddenly their brains were bombarded with the history of their new home planet. Even though they were born human they were now saiyans. And they fell from the sky with a big thud to the ground.

Bulma and ChiChi was amazed how life was on planet Vegeta. They saw the palace and how amazing it was. Marble floors and glass walls those closet to the outside. So you could the beauty of the planet. From a far the planet looked like a red ruby but it was far from that. There was beautiful tress with flowers on them every color and some colors they had never seen.

The animals were beautiful. Birds that would be close to looking like a bald eagle if their coloring was not that of a tiger. Orange with black stripes. A beast that looked like a household cat if not for the purple fur and white scales that went down the back.

That was just a little of what they saw.

"Wow I never knew they were such honorable people." said a stunned ChiChi.

"I never knew that before their treaty with the Kold empire that they protected the planets closet to them from invaders." as Bulma looked up at the sky.

"I thought they were were cold hearted like Prince Vegeta was when he first came to Earth."

"I wonder why his grandfather made the pact with King Kold to start with. They were the perfect warrior race before he came along." as she became disgusted with what her mate's grandfather did.

"Lets not think about that for know I want to test out our new strength and abilities." said a eager ChiChi as her tall waved wildly behind her as she stood and began to float above the ground.

"Yes we will have to" as Bulma got to her feet and immediately took to flight.

She left ChiChi in her dust. But it did not take long for ChiChi to catch up to her princess.


Piccolo felt two strong ki's from around Goku's home. But no others. The ki felt familar somehow. But in a way they didn't. As he took to flight Kami contacted him.

*Piccolo no need to worry they are not evil.* said Kami with a smile on his face.

*What do you mean old man. Who strong ki's are those then.* as he came to a abrupt halt and glared towards the sky hoping Kami could see the evil look he was giving him.

*You will find out in due time. But trust me there is no need to worry. They will hurt no one. And quit making that face.* as he chuckled in Piccolo's head.

Piccolo hmppped and took his place under the shade of the tree he had been meditating under.

~~~~~~~~~~~Kami's Tower~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kami could not help but laugh. At the scenes that were playing out on the planet he was the guardian of. He loved the earthlings. He knew that they had their faults just as any race did. But some of things they did just made him so happy. He was pleased when he saw how Bulma had changed the cold heart of the saiyan Prince many races had come to fear.

He some how knew that their love would last longer than a lifetime. Their love was what stories was made from. He remembers when Bulma was younger how she wanted to find her prince charming and live happily ever after. Well her wish came true and she didn't even need the dragonballs. Though he wasn't the kind of Prince she had wanted but she loved him even with his faults and he loved her even with hers. And that was all that mattered.

He turned and looked over at mister Popo. And smiled.

"What has gotten you so happy Kami." as a confused Popo

"They have made theirs wishes mister Popo. And it seems that they wished for Bulma and ChiChi to become saiyans. Now Vegeta and Goku won't be the only saiyans left. Their race will begin again with those for. But I wonder what else they wished for." as the smile never left his face.

"Yes Kami that is good." as he got back to watering his garden. "What do you think they will do when Goku and the others come back to earth."

"I don't know Mister Popo. I don't know." as he looked back down at the earth and watched with a smile on his face watching Bulma and ChiChi spar and test their new powers.


As Bulma and ChiChi sparred against each. Goku, Gohan and Vegeta had instant tramissioned back from Namek and was now watching them. They lowered their ki levels to almost no existence so they would not be sensed. They were awed by the strength of the two females. Bulma seemed to have a bit of a edge over ChiChi.

They were both sweaty. Their clothing was ripped and stained in their blood. But they were not going to explain. they were having the times of their life.

"I can understand why Goku and Gohan love to train." said ChiChi as she dodged a punch that was meant for her face.

ChiChi sent a punch flying and At Bulma and made contact with her stomach. But it didn't even seem to faze her. She just kept on kicking and punching at her. ChiChi was finding more and more difficult to dodge most of her attacks.

"Wow dad I didn't even know that Bulma knew how to throw a punch." stated Gohan as his eyes never left the tow women fighting a few hundred feet away.

"She must have just picked some stuff up from being around all of us all the time. Especially Vegeta, she has probably seen his techinques more than anyone." as his eyes grew big when he saw Bulma form her first ki ball adn hurl it straight for his wife.

Vegeta couldn't help but smirk as the ki ball hit it's target and sent ChiChi hurtling towards the ground. ChiChi stopped herself before she made imapct. And was about to fly back up at Bulma when Kami appeared between them. He floated up to Bulma and smiled.

"Bulma I would like to speak to you in private." as he lead her a few yards away.

Please review. If you leave an e-mail address I will notify you when a new chapter is out. Please read my other stories. If I get enough reviews for this I will post chapter 8 this weekend. THANKS and enjoy!!!!!!!