Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When Fate Opposes Me ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Here's the second chapter so enjoy and please review to tell me how my story is progressing. Suggestions and ideas are accepted and welcome.

"...." talking

'.....' thinking


"Hey Trunks," Goten hollers up the stairs to Trunks's room.

"What now?" comes back as a reply in a bitter tone as Trunks scrambles clumsily down the stairs with a deep Vegeta's frown on his face which would make Vegeta very proud to see that his son definitely takes after him A LOT.

"Do you know where the cook book is Mr. Cranky Head?" Goten says in a mocking tone knowing Trunks hates being calling that.

"Don't use nicknames Bra made up to make me mad. I loathe nicknames especially Bra's," Trunks says in monotone.

"Why? Because the nicknames emphasize your irritated personality?" comes from Goten as a smart answer.

"Shut up. I'm not in a very good mood right now," Trunks retorts as he tightens his fist and his frown is now even deeper than the one that's always glue on Vegeta's face.

Goten accepts this as a cue to step back and shut up. He turns around and searches frantically in all of the cupboards for the book. "God, I don't think anyone can distinguish between Vegeta and your personality," Goten mutters under his breath really low so Trunks couldn't catch his remark.

Unfortunately for Goten, Trunks's Saiyan hearing has never failed before, and he hears every single word Goten was saying. Trunks reaches above one of the cupboards near the entrance to the kitchen and locates the book. "Here catch!" Trunks calls out while he lets the book flies out of his firm grasp at top speed intentionally to hit Goten in the face.

Fortunately, Goten briskly turns his attention to where Trunks is standing and catches the book a few inches away from his head. Trunks turns around and leaves the kitchen. "Good luck, buddy. I hope Paresu brings some pills for her stomach after eating your dinner," Trunks remarks cynically to Goten just as he reaches the top of the stairs.

"Don't worry. You won't be missing out too much because I'm planning on making extra just for you," Goten jokes.

"Do me a couple of favors. Don't mess up the kitchen and DON'T leave me any food. You can't poison me yet with your food because I've not lend you the money for the ring," Trunks says sarcastically and rolls his eyes. Trunks closes the door to his room so he can have some peace now without Goten's interruption and finishes off the paper works before he goes out tonight.

Goten now pays his full heed to the old dusty cookbook ChiChi has given him. "What shall I cook? It's got to be not too complicated but special." He finally flips to a page with the picture of a delicious dish that causes him to drool all over the page. He begins to cook while humming songs to himself.

After three hours, the kitchen is-------to say the lease that Goten didn't do Trunks's favor of not turning the kitchen in the city dump. Trash and food are lying everywhere on the floor. A tower of dirty dishes and cooking utensils piles up in both of the sinks. Goten's clothes are now covered with all kind of stuff that were spilled on him when a couple of pots of food exploded on him. He stands in front of the stove contentedly and proudly to look at the food that he has made. "Wow, I'm good at this," Goten exclaims. He starts cleaning up the kitchen before Trunks discovers what happen and cruelly and callously slaughters Goten.

Trunks sighs unhappily as he sits uncomfortably on his bed trying to concentrate on his work. He can sense that he won't be too excited when Goten is finished with the kitchen because this is the first time he has ever heard more food exploding than bombs and grenades on a battlefield. He decides to be not too testy and murder Goten since his best friend seems so cheerful today.

The filthy kitchen is now back in shape. Goten praises himself for doing such an excellent or maybe a mediocre job. He looks at his watch, which says 5:30 and realizes that he probably won't have enough time to prepare himself appropriately for the event tonight, so he dashes upstairs and jumps right into the shower.

He definitely hasn't waste one hour dressing up himself. He looks so gorgeous and handsome that any woman would give herself to him. His hair is neatly combed and held up by the gel. He is adorned in an expensive black suit. His white dress shirt was carefully buttoned, but he left the top three unbuttoned because it makes him seems more-uh, sexy-that way. He has sprayed himself with the expensive cologne that he has borrowed from Trunks. He's definitely prepared for proposal. He reaches over to his nightstand for the box that protects the ring he has thoughtfully picked out for Paresu. Goten prudently places the box in his pants' pocket.

He goes back into the kitchen to make sure the food is set on the table. Sure the food doesn't look professionally made. Maybe the chicken is a little bit overcooked and the vegetables aren't perfectly cut up, it is still the best dinner Goten has ever made. As he stands at the dinner table and checks on the food, he hears a door slamming on the second floor.

Trunks stomps down the stairs dressed almost as well as Goten but a little bit less fancy since he's not really doing anything special.

"I pay for the apartment every month, and I have to leave because my roommate has to propose," Trunks says huskily and grumpily under his breath as he passes Goten at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey, where are you going tonight?" asks Goten.

"Clubbing," Trunks replies shortly.

"Maybe you should find yourself a girl, and maybe she will be the one to hopefully change your easily irritated attitude to a decent one," Goten says indifferently.

"Yeah, if she didn't get scared away by my freakishly eccentric family first," Trunks says with an amused tone in his voice. "Hope you get the answer you want tonight Goten," Trunks replies as he walks out the front door and give Goten a thumb up without turning around to face Goten.

"Thanks. I hope to too. Have fun." Goten locks the door and sits himself on the comfy couch in the living room. His watch now says 6:45. He patiently waits until Paresu comes.

Goten's head shoots straight up, and he realizes that it is now 8:17. He's been asleep for almost three hours, and Paresu hasn't yet arrived. He is worried. 'Why hasn't Paresu come yet? Maybe she got in an accident.' Goten tries to shake away the very thought and pick up the telephone and dials Paresu's cell phone's number. He lets the phone rings ten times before he hangs up. 'Weird. Maybe it's a traffic jam. It must be. She would never just let him wait around like this on a date.' He stays up all night for Paresu.


A/N: That's the second chapter. Please don't sue me for writing a word twice, misspelling, or grammar mistakes because I wrote this up at 10 P.M. and I was watching American Pie 2, which totally distracted my concentration.