Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When I need You ❯ Measurements ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Okay, I now this chapter has been long coming but I have been preoccupied with real world problems for the last couple of months and so this the first time I have been up to writing it. Anyway, this shall be the last set chapter to this Fiction unless of course I get enough requests asking for the Epilogue I have in my head.
Also, here is an official update on the stories and their Pairings for Dragon ball I intend to do:
Family Tradition - Gohan/videl/Chichi A Debt Complete - Gohan/Videl/18 Persuasion - Gohan/Videl A day of Confessions - Gohan/Bra/Videl Study Night - Videl/Gohan/Goten Dance Lesson - Gohan/either Videl or Bulma Bath Time - Gohan/Chichi Party Night - Gohan/Videl/Erasa Fantasies - Gohan/Videl/Multiple characters Camping Trip - Gohan/Videl We have to tell them… - Gohan/videl/Erasa (This is The long awaited ending chapter to the ‘Just for the Night’ trilogy; but also comes with an Epilogue chapter.) What we See – Gohan/Videl What once was lost – Gohan/VidelSee me after class...” - Adult Gohan/Teenage Videl (AU) Nurse Maid - Gohan/Videl
Of course, there is one problem; I can’t decide which one to do first so I have decided to leave it up to popular vote. If you have a particular one from this list you’d like to see done; simply post a review or send an e-mail to me with it included.

Anyway, on with the fiction…
Disclaimer: I am not profiting nor financially benefiting from this piece of fiction and own nothing but the idea behind this chapter.
Chapter 5: Measurements
Moaning softly as she felt the rounded head of his erect member pressing against her rear, Bulma couldn’t help but go tense as she felt the male behind her plunge the tip of his manhood into her ass; allowing her just a moment to get used to the odd sensation before he thrust the rest of his immense length into her tight confines.
Gritting her teeth and blinking past tears as a sharp but quickly passing wave of agony hit her, the blue haired beauty did her best not to show any pain as his cock stretched her rectum; her taught muscles pressing and clenching around him in an attempt to reject the foreign object. It was futile however and the organ continued to penetrate her, delving deeper and deeper within the her tight warmth of her sexy ass.
And then, with a deep grunt the male began to slowly withdraw his cock; causing a relieved sigh to pass Bulma’s lips as she felt the unwelcome object leaving her body. Or at least until only the tip remained when he suddenly slammed the organ back into her rear. While as before, the muscular walls of her ass tried to keep him out; this time they seemed to be pulling him in more than repelling the invading matter. However, the extra tightness around his cock only pushed him to continue his thrusts with greater vigor; turning pain into pleasure for the human beauty.   Crying out at the sudden yet somewhat pleasurable friction caused by his movements, Bulma’s head rolled backward as she felt his member filling her heated passage, after just his first thrust the pain had completely dissipated into incredible ecstasy. He then slammed into her again and then again, creating a rhythm that was rough, hard and so incredibly powerful that it was undoubtedly a Saiyan behind her; creating the kind of fuck that the business woman lived to receive. 
Baby… you’re so tight…” his gruff voice whispered hotly into her ear as his hands grasped her hips; guiding her movements so that they were in time with his.

“Ohhh Kami! You’re so big…” she moaned as he thrust his cock deeper inside her, his pace increasing with each thrust. “Oh yes! Fuck me like an animal you bastard.”

With a deep grunt from the Saiyan behind her, her demand was accomplished; his manhood driving into her ass with such force and speed that the desk beneath her almost toppled over. And Bulma endured it all, moaning for more and begging that he go harder as she clawed at the dark mahogany; making groves appear in the expensive furniture.

Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh Bulma!.Ohhhhh Kami, you’re so tight…so tight!” The Saiyan male moaned as he kept thrusting his cock into her ass.
Kami-ugh-oh Kami! Oh it feels so incredible! Oh fuck YES! Harder! Faster!” she begged him, waves of ecstasy flowing through her body the likes of which she had never felt before. Much to her displeasure however, the Saiyan suddenly pulled his cock from her ass.
Fortunately for the male, before Bulma had a chance to find something to hit him with; he had pushed all of his length inside her womanhood. “Oh, fuck yes…” She cried stars flashing before her eyes as he filled every inch of her core and even bumped ever so slightly against her cervix. Despite the momentary pause, the man’s thrusts never wavered and instead he made an easy transition from the tight walls of her rectum to the flowing tunnel of her sex; continuing his fast pace as if nothing had changed.   “Oh Kami! Oh Kami! Fuck me harder! HARDER!” Bulma demanded, her pussy tensing around his member with each thrust.

Behave yourself you horny bitch…I’ll fuck you as I like.” the Saiyan growled, undoubtedly proving his point by slowing their pace to the point of non-existence; barely so much as moving while he was burrowed in her depths. To feel the sheer mass of his cock inside her while it was not accompanied by the orgasmically pleasurable friction was an unbearable torture for the bluenet; however she was saved the adverse humiliation of having to beg her lover like a whipped dog as he suddenly returned them to the previous tempo. “Do I make myself clear?”
Yes! Yes! YES!” the business woman cried, not caring if she sounded desperate so long as he didn’t stop. “Just Please, keep fucking me!”
Very Well…” His voice was fierce with desire as he swiftly pulled his cock almost completely from her warmth before thrusting back in with all the force and speed of a super Saiyan.
Yes!…oh Kami yes!” Bulma’s dark sapphire eyes were wild with want as she moaned, thrusting her hips back to meet his every stroke and her breath was coming in short gasps as the mind-blowing pleasure built up inside her; ready to boil over at any moment. However, she could tell he was close also, his groans becoming less controlled with each thrust of his powerful thrusts and there now seemed to be an instinctive focus in his pleasure inducing motions; almost as if he was focusing on something.
Despite this however, the power behind each thrust was so intense that it made her teeth rattle as she begged for him for more. Or at least until the damn broke, imploding inside her abdomen in a burst of fireworks; ecstasy ripping through her every nerve as she convulsed around him with a scream. 
UH-UH-UH-OH GOHAN! OH GOHAN! OH YOU’RE SO GOOD! SO GOOD! I’M CUMMING! OH I’M CUMMING” She cried out as his grip tightened on the back of her thighs, shivers of pleasure rushing up her spine as she climaxed around the teenage Saiyan.

Ohhhhhhhh Gohan!” Bulma moaned, her whole body arching as she exploded in a fury of orgasmic delight; blinding white light consumed her vision as she screamed the Saiyan’s name.
It was several more minutes before she came down from the post climactic high and was once again able to see past the fog of pleasure that clouded her mind. Taking a few deep breaths as she adjusted to the coldness of the real world , her sapphire orbs suddenly fell on the metal object she had been working on and realising what happened; Bulma's eyes shot open as reality hit her like a ton of bricks.

“Oh…Oh shit not again…” The bluenet grumbled, her breathing still heavy as she looked down at her dishevelled clothing and still painfully stiff nipples; not to mention the uncomfortable sensation of her flowing juices rolling down the skin of her smooth thighs. And just to add to her discomfort, her thick juices had soaked right through the small garment covering her crotch.

Quickly whipping the beads of sweat from her forehead, Bulma got up from her work station and made her way across the laboratory to her private bathroom; walking somewhat awkwardly due to the lingering sensation in her groin though.
This is getting out of hand…” the business woman muttered, closing the wooden door before sliding the now ruined garment down her legs. Discarding it in a near by linen bin with a flick of her wrist, it took only one glance in the circular mirror above her sink to tell the business woman that before anything else; she needed to have a good, long shower. However, she had no where near enough time for anything as luxurious for that and so she settled for turning the sinks hot tap on, letting the bowl fill to the brim with steaming liquid before stopping the stream.
Splashing some of the water on her face, Bulma did her best to ignore the ticklish sensation of several stray droplets running down the back of her neck as she reached for a near by wash cloth; quickly washing away any stray sweat from her forehead. Not stopping until she was satisfied that the only moister on her rosily tinted skin was from the water filled basin, the bluenet dropped the damp cloth back into the sink before turning back to her reflection.
This is really getting out of hand...”

It had all started about a decade earlier, when the multimillionaires had been involved in a very secret affair with a very minor half Saiyan called Son Gohan; and everything had been going great for the lustful business woman. Despite being her youngest lover, the young Saiyan had been by far her best and had been capable of supplying her her every desire no matter if it was a hot, wild fuck or a slow and sensual round of coupling. Not to mention always being ready to learn new ways to please her.
And then something went wrong. It wasn't that Bulma had been pretty sure she was falling in love with the near teenage youth ; it was that she became pregnant with his child. It was suppose to of been impossible, hell Gohan had barely even entered puberty at the time; it shouldn't have mattered that the sex was unprotected as his sperm weren't supposedly active enough to fertilize her womb and she could only assume that it had something to do with his Saiyan biology. It had happened however and no matter what the cause was, she had been forced to end their affair.
It had probably been the most difficult thing she had ever done, the confused and heart broken look shining in those innocent pools when she told him it was over had been enough to break her heart; almost enough to make her drop to her knees and beg his forgiveness. But she hadn't and instead; Bulma retreated to a place of solitude until she was sure that Gohan had gone.
Of course, as with most things in the bluenet's life; breaking up with the kid wasn't just going to solve the problem. The fact that a fatherless, part Saiyan embryo had been growing in her womb didn't make it that simple. And so, Bulma did the only thing that made sense and gave her unborn baby a Saiyan father; the prince of all Saiyan's to be more exact.
Fortunately for her, she didn't see Gohan that much at the time; in fact she didn't see him at all until long after she had given birth and then her long standing feelings for the boy had gone. Or at least until now...
After the Cell incident, Bulma's connection with the youth had improved gradually over the years to the point where they were once more good friends and she was capable of having a conversation with him without blushing or looking away. However, recently she had began noticing just what ten years had done to the Saiyan hybrid. Gone was the three foot five kid with shoulder lengths and boyish good looks; replaced by what could only be described as a god among men.

At just the thought of his rugged good looks, searing bolts of passion shot through her nerves and caused the business woman to grab the counter for support as her legs threatened to give way from under her; pools of warm fluid quickly flooding her pelvis.

As much as Bulma hated to admit it, this wasn't the first time she'd lost control of her thoughts and neither was the one she'd become lost in moments earlier or the one before that; in fact she'd lost count weeks ago of how many times she'd climaxed to thoughts of the hybrid over the last few months. And as wonderful as the fantasies were while they lasted, she wasn't sure if she could stand the emptiness that filled her when they faded; or be able to suppress her wanton cries when the images hit her at those most inopportune of times.
She had often told herself that it wasn't her fault, that when a beautiful woman like herself spends all her days in the company of tired old men who's only joy is to attend their daily meetings; she is bound to be in need of a little relief. But this was getting out of hand...

Placing the wash cloth back on the side, Bulma used a nearby brush to smooth the stray strands of her luscious blue locks back into place before turning back to her reflection and although a reddish tint was still visible across the smooth skin of her checks; the business woman was pleased to see that her reflection was mostly back to normal.
Closing the bathroom door behind herself as she left the small room, Bulma took one glance at the watch like object laying on her worktop before remembering where she had been and the thoughts that sent her along the rail road to self inflected ecstasy.
Several hours earlier, Gohan had arrived at Capsule Corp and asked her to create him a device that he could where to school but would also allow him to fight crime with out running the risk of his classmates finding out about his powers. Of cause being the genus that she was, Bulma had thought of an idea almost immediately and leaving the handsome teen to entertain himself; she set to work immediately.
Although it took less than two hours to create, the scientist soon realized she was missing a very important element to her invention; she would need to take Gohan's measurements for the devise to work correctly. And at just the thought of of wrapping a tape measure around that mountain range of muscle; Bulma was lost.
Knowing she had no other alternative, the bluenet left her lab and gathering all her courage as she went; began looking for the object of her sinful desires.
It didn't take half as long as she would of liked however and before Bulma know it, she was standing in the entrance way of the back door of the CC complex; watching Gohan and Trunks play/spar with an amused smile playing across her thin lips.
She had been fortunate it seems that Trunks had taken after her in his appearance, his unshakably flat lavender locks betraying no hint as to who the quarter Saiyan's true father was. However as she watched the two playing; Bulma couldn't help but notice just how similar the two were, they both moved in the same fashion and she couldn't help but wonder if fighting was the only thing they did alike.
Bulma!” A questioning voice called out, waking her from her perverted thoughts to see that the two Saiyans had noticed her and were now watching her with confused looks.
Uh, Um... the device is almost ready Gohan” The blunt began, blushing in embarrassment as she did her best not to trip over the step as she walked through the door and across the garden to the two boys. “I just need to take your measurements so I can make the final adjustments.”
Oh...OK Bulma.” the Demi-Saiyan replied, a worried look still gracing his handsome face as he turned to look at his unknown of son and said “We'll finish playing later OK Squirt?” before following the bluenet back into the complex.
Bulma felt her knees go weak as an unbearable heat erupted between her thighs and spread through her nerves like a forest fire; consuming her in its molten embrace as she watched Gohan remove his shirt at an agonizingly slow pace. If it wasn't bad enough that she had had to put up with the hybrid's heated breath washing over the back of her neck all along the long walk back to her lab; the bluenet was now being taunted by the slowest and sexiest strip tease she had ever seen.
She'd always known that Gohan would grow up into quite the man, after seeing the annoying little pip-squeak that Goku had once been; how could she think that the Saiyan's adorable first born son would be anything less than an Achilles reborn . But she never thought that he'd turn into this...
Seven years of world peace seemed to of have had little negative effect on the Hybrid's physique and judging by those bulging muscles, Gohan had certainly been keeping up with his training; something Bulma knew would infuriate Vegeta if he were to ever learn of it. However, if he were to ever learn of their antics; the Saiyan Prince would probably be more distressed to learn of the other, more important things that his rival's son was more superior than him in.
Having heard about the Saiyan Prince's past, Bulma had not been surprised to learn Vegeta had been a virgin their first time together and had no problem with giving him a few pointers. However, unlike Gohan who had been able to read her body like a blind man read Braille, the business woman was pretty sure she could draw the Saiyan royal a map of how to make her cum and he still wouldn't be able to get her off...
Bulma are you OK?” the concerned voice of Gohan Son sounded, interrupting her chain of thoughts and bringing her back down to Earth; to see that the half naked Saiyan was now watching her with a very worried look on his handsome face.
Yeah..um I'm fine Gohan” Bulma muttered in embarrassment, quickly looking away so that he wouldn't see her blush before walking over to an adjacent work top and retrieving her tape measure. However Gohan obviously wasn't convinced and continued to watch her, the heat of his gaze almost burning her skin as he followed her movements closely; never so much as blinking for more than a second even as she wrapped the tape around his right arm's biceps.
Right arm...35 centimetres around and 75 centimetres long.” she muttered quietly, committing the numbers to memory before moving on to his other limb and repeating the process; thankful to find that they were about the same as it would be easier to remember. (AN: OK, I am not a tailor so I do not know how they measure people up for clothes except that old penis thing that is mentioned in 'Lucky Number Eleven'; so please forgive me if what I'm doing isn't up to scale.) Sinking down onto one knee, Bulma did her best not to smile when she felt the hybrid teen shiver due to the sensation of her cool tape being wrapped around the warm skin of his torso. However, before she could take the measurement; her sapphire orbs fell on the incredible bulge in Gohan's pants that threatened to burst free from the taught fabric at any second.
The better part of a decade had flown by as if it were minutes and before the demi-Saiyan Son Gohan knew it, he was seventeen and much more than the naive youth who lost his virginity at the age of five to Bulma Briefs. And despite what the business woman thought she knew, Gohan had no less forgotten their secret rendezvous than he had clothes that morning.
However, while the loss of his lover had shaken the boy temporarily; his desire for the wonderful sensations he had experienced under the blue haired beauty's tutelage had drove him to learn a very important lesson about the villages around his home. That despite many of the inhabitants were well out of their prime (AN: no offence intended), many had very beautiful granddaughters who were all around his age and as he got older; Gohan somehow found time in between his studies, training and looking after his little brother to get to 'know'them.
But then tragedy struck when barely two months ago, his mother announced that she wanted him to attend a high school in Satin City so he could socialize with girls his own age; if only she knew...
Despite his best efforts, Gohan had been unable to dissuade his parent from the idea and for the first time in other seven years; the Saiyan had to face the prospect of possibly going a week without sex!
How wrong he had been
However his first day had proven to hold more challenges than just a possible lack of rutting, on the very journey to the school; Gohan had run into a gang of thieves that thought they could rob a bank. Unable to resist the opportunity to have a little fun , the teen had dropped his bag , gone supper and literally torn the men limb from limb before anyone else know any better. Except one...
Mistakingly thinking that no one had noticed him, Gohan had been in the midst of pulling his bag back over his head when suddenly, a cold voice spoke from behind him; catching him off guard as someone asked him what had happened?
Turning around, the Saiyan found himself looking at a dark haired girl about his age who was wearing possibly the coldest expression he had ever seen. Brushing her off with a quick lie, Gohan couldn't resist quickly glancing over his shoulder as he left; a small smile playing across his lips as he spied the sight of her very fine ass encased within a tight pair of bikers shorts.
It proved to be a mistake however, and before the hour was up Gohan had already begun regretting both actions; fore what was the chance he would end up not only in the same class as that girl but also sitting right beside her.
It was that very reason that drove Gohan here, to Capsule Corp; to ask his ex-lover for a favour.
Slowly unbuttoning his shirt, the Saiyan did every thing he could think of to try and forget that Bulma was watching him. However it wasn't that easy as ever since she came to collect him; the air around the woman had been rank with the smell of sex and it was so overpowering, Gohan had been using all his willpower to stop himself from jumping the blue haired beauty.
Dropping the cloth onto a nearby worktop, Gohan turned around just in time to watch as Bulma grabbed the side of the counter; a light red blush staining her checks as she breathed heavily and although concerned for his childhood friend; the Saiyan just couldn't take his eyes off the dress she was wearing. A deep shade of 'Fuck Me' Red, low cut at both ends and at least a size to small, it was probably the most sultry thing the business woman owned and that was saying something.
Although curious as to why she would wear such a thing when this was the day she liked to tinker about in her workshop; he just couldn't draw his eyes away from her her ass, the tight red fabric sticking to the gorgeous buns like a second skin and practicably broadcasting the fact she still had the firm, picturesque body of a twenty year old. Unconsciously licking his drying lips, Gohan's darkening gaze began to travel from the luscious mounds of her rear and up along the line of her slender waist ; until they came to rest on the bluenet's voluptuous breasts. Despite being in her late thirties and a mother of one, Bulma's breasts were easily as firm and supple as he remembered...
Realizing what he was thinking, Gohan quickly pulled his eyes away; thanking Dende as he did so that Bulma hadn't caught him lustfully gazing at her much more than adequate cleavage.
However, the uncomfortable stiffness in his groin told him that that may not be the cases for much longer and glancing down; the Saiyan saw his suspicions were well founded as his very erect manhood looked as if it would rip through the thin material of his pants in the next few seconds. Doing his best to cover the otherwise very noticeable sign of his arousal, Gohan tried to act normal as he asked “Bulma are you OK?”
Although he had thought his voice sounded normal when he spoke to her, from the way Bulma reacted it was almost as if he had hit the beauty in the face with one of his strongest energy blasts. It lasted for only a split second but in that moment, her sapphire orbs were ablaze with an emotion that the teen couldn't recognize and it had gone before he could figure it out; Gohan was pretty sure it was shock though. However, the site didn't leave his mind and he couldn't focus on anything else until the pleasant sensation of several digits running along his shaft through the fabric of his pants brought him back to the present.
Gohan was shocked and could barely believe it as he looked down, the teens mind falling to register what his own eyes were seeing; it was surly impossible that Bulma would be doing this to him know.
As he got older, the elements behind his and the business's woman's elicit affair had become all to clear to clear to the part Saiyan the more he thought back on the searing nights and the chief principal had always been the same; a fine cocktail of need and loneliness. But Bulma was surely neither now.
Bulma...What are you... doing?” Gohan asked, his heavy breathing making it more difficult for the youth to string together a sentence; his quickly fogging mind not helping matters either.
In the years that she had been made to suffer as little more than Vegeta's little sex doll, Bulma had almost forgotten what it felt like to be the dominant one in a relationship. To fell that delicious sense of empowerment filling her like no man ever could, the type of power that could only come from holding the will of powerful men in her hand and being able to bend them to hers.
She wasn't sure what had come over her. One moment she had been taking the teens measurements, the next she was running her fingers along the very prominent bulge in his pants; roughly measuring the godly shaft in her mind while enjoying the feel of it quivering under her touch.
Bulma... Please...Stop” Gasped the teen, his voice hoarse as his already strained bonds of self control almost broke and although the beauty's touch was light; her soft strokes were more than enough to make his Saiyan blood boil as the intoxicating sensations spread through his body. Until, despite Gohan's best efforts; his hips began to buck against the vixen's palm, his teeth clenching tightly as the pressure within his pants grew stronger by the moment.

Seeing the effect she was having on him, a gleeful smile spread across Bulma's seductive red lips as her slender digits hurriedly began undoing the fastenings of the Saiyan's pants. Quickly unbuttoning the ludicrously coloured bottoms, the Business woman didn't even have time to do the zip before almost losing her eye as the Saiyan's shaft burst free from it's restraints.

It was then that it dawned on Bulma just how much Gohan had 'grown' over the past decade and although he been easily double the length and width of a fully grown man at just the tender age of eight, when compared to the ragging beast in front of her; the woman couldn't help but think she'd been cheated all those years ago.
When massaging him through the fabric of his trousers, the business woman had estimated the hybrid to be about 13-14.5 inches; but only know did she realise just how conservative she had been as he had to be at least 17 inches in length and maybe just as thick as her wrist.
He was unlike anything the bluenet had ever seen before and she had certainly seen her fair share of the opposite sexes anatomy. The sight alone made her mouth water and without even realising what she was doing, Bulma slowly wrapped her lithe digits around the Saiyan's incredible organ.
It was more than Gohan could take, his thundering heartbeat drowning out the world around them as he felt the business woman begin to stroke his aching cock.
"Bulma...," the Saiyan gasped, his voice barley more than a hoarse whimper as he struggled to hang onto that final bond of restraint which threatened to break at any moment. However, Bulma was having none of it and with a quick "Shhhh." she silenced his weak complaints before returning to her work. To have such a power over one so strong was an incredible sensation that Bulma couldn't help but enjoy and with an almost exact replica of the smirk Vegeta normally wore upon her seductive red lips; She picked up her tempo.
Gritting his teeth in pleasurable agony as the irresistible sensations shot though his limbs like thunderous bolts of lightning; Gohan thought he might just lose himself as her hand began gliding up and down his shaft with more force and speed. Dende, she certainly had remembered what he liked.
Stroking the full length of his cock with her palm and applying just the right amount of pressure to keep him on his toes; Bulma was delighted when the youth's hips began to wildly buck within her grasp but still she wanted more. Then suddenly, she was unable to resist the overwhelming urge and her angelic hand stopped its motions while she leant forward until the tip of her nose was almost touching the Saiyan's quivering flesh.
And at that moment, Gohan thought he might just die of shock. Although her graceful touches had made his mind dizzy with pleasure and the delectable sensations that spread through him from the feel of her heated breath washing over his manhood had been enjoyable to no end; neither could of really prepared him for when the beauty's mouth enclosed over the head of his cock.   Her name left his lips in throaty gasp as she took the tip of his shaft into her orifice, molten sensations quickly coursing through his body and causingGohan to throw his head back; his dark irises alive with passion as despite his much more than average size, the beauty consumed him whole.
Bulma was shocked and surprisingly it was not the Saiyan's so much more than regular shaft that did it to her nor the fact that she had been able to consume half of it at once without gagging. No... It was that despite the fact she had known the youth very well since he was four; she had never heard Gohan sound so desperate and judging from the way he was digging those muscular digits into the worktop, he was running the risk of destroying the expensive piece of furniture in his passion.
Slowly withdrawing until only the free flowing head was left within her mouth, the business woman then wrapped her tongue around his rigid phallus; using the powerful organ to collect his streaming essence her angelic fingers began to stroke the base of his cock. However, all it took was one drop of his pre-cum to remind her of everything she had been denying herself over the years; right down to that slightly salty taste of masculinity which had coated his manhood for as long as she had known. But something was different this time, he tasted...different; almost like his flesh had a savory aftertaste.
Bulma! Oh fuck you're so good!” Gohan moaned as she sucked his manhood but despite being barely able to hold onto any form of coherent thought in his pleasure; the Saiyan did recognize the tightening sensations in his lower back were a sign his orgasm was quickly approaching. Now, to anyone who did not know how the youth's day had gone; this would not be much of a surprise given the fact that a gorgeous woman was currently sucking his cock for the first time in a long while.
However, to Gohan this was not the case; in both respects.
Shortly after he had been introduced to his classmates and shown to a seat, the Saiyan hybrid had found himself being integrated by a pair of his rather beautiful classmates. Although one of them was the dark haired girl from earlier and appeared to be nothing but openly hostile towards him, something Gohan found very appealing about the dark haired beauty; her classmate/side kick was another story.
Dressed in a tight fitting tube top that accentuated her well endowed breasts with perhaps the tightest pair of of cut off jeans Gohan had ever seen showing off her rounded arse; the youth didn't need to smell the scents of six or seven different men on her to tell she was little more than the class whore. However, given the fact that her comrade was arousing his desire and she appeared more than intrigued by him...
It hadn't taken him long, a few mere hours of innocent flirting was it took before she had grabbed his arm and dragged him to the mens lavatory.

‘Yeah, you like that don’t you, Gohan?’ Bulma murmured around the Saiyan's cock, drawing the youth out of his well of thought by
swirling her tongue around the head of his cock while her hand began jerking his rigid flesh faster; pumping him the way she see knew he loved.

“Ohhhhhh yeah!” moaned the teen, his head rolling back as he felt the incredible heat around his cock and without realising it; he buried his powerful hands in her blue locks, forcing more of her orifice around him.

Although surprised when she felt Gohan's large fingers thread through her hair as his hips suddenly thrust up to meet her, Bulma did her best to take it in her stride;taking his massive length deeper in her throat while her tongue massaged the underside.
More than once, Gohan had felt himself drawing close to a climax but he was stubbornly trying to make this last for as long as possible; he wanted to enjoy every effort this beauty made to pleasure him for as long as possible.
However, Bulma's jaw was beginning to ache from being wrapped around such a large shaft for so long and she wasn't willing to allow this tortuous task to continue for much longer; even if it meant going so far as sticking her fingers in his very tight ass to get him off.
Fortunately for both of them it wouldn't require her going to such lengths as just a couple of seconds later, she felt the first waves of his orgasm building and as much as the Saiyan tried to suppress it; she could practically feel his cock twitching between her teeth. Grinning inwardly, the beauty somehow managed to take him deeper inside her with the next downward stroke of her lips; consuming him to the hilt as she moaned around his cock in sympathy with his own deep, blissful cries of passion until...
"OH! Kami Bulma I'm going to cum..." Gohan moaned, causing Bulma to giggle like a school girl around his cock. It was to much and despite the teens best efforts, his head snapped back as a thunderous tremor ran through him; his fingers convulsing in her silky hair while his hips began to buck uncontrollably.

It had been a bit of a surprise for the beauty when Gohan suddenly released himself down her throat, however acting upon her years of experience; Bulma swallowed swallowed every drop of his bitter sweat cum before slowly pulling away. Taking deep breaths once the foreign object had finally been removed from her throat, the Business woman wasn't really aware of anything about the world around her until a firm hand came to rest on her shoulder.
Looking up, Bulma barely had time to register the feral black orbs gazing down at her before she was suddenly pulled to her feet; their positions switching as she was almost thrown against the work bench in his haste. Still trying to catch her breath, the beauty never had time to protest before the sound of tearing fabric filled the lab when Gohan practically tore the lower half of her very expensive dress off.
Kami, do you realize just how sexy you are?” the Saiyan growled; his deep voice sending shivers down the beauty's spine and causing her to moan as he pushed her thighs apart, positioning himself between her legs. Taking a hold of his still erect member, Gohan began to teasingly slide the swollen tip against Bulma'sslick womanhood while holding her in place; preventing her from moving with his tantalizing motions.
G-Gohan...?”  His name shakily bouncing from her lips while she attempted to peer back over her shoulder, trying to see what the youth was doing that felt so fucking good but also so damn insignificant.
Tell me what you want.” the Saiyan demanded suddenly while smirking in a content manor; obviously he was enjoying the switch in their roles. “Is it this?” he asked slyly before slowly parting her wet folds and tracing with the tip of his cock against the sensitive bundle of nerves that was her clit.   “Fuck me…” Bulma suddenly cried, sealing her darkened sapphire orbs as she arched her back in sheer pleasure; trying as she did to get more of him inside her.
Pleased with her answer, Gohan suddenly slammed his cock into the Business woman's wet sheath; her eyes rolling back in her head as half his length entered her core.
It’s…it’s been so long…” she choked out, clutching the table for dear life while moisture brimmed around her eyelids as inch by inch; the insanely large shaft burrowed inside her. It felt as though he was going to tear her apart and she loved every minute of it.
Despite the fact his Saiyan instincts were commanding him to thrust harder, to drive himself into her with all his strength and make this gorgeous, much older woman beg for mercy; Gohan was slow and methodical. Due to the tightness of her walls, he could feel that it had been a very long time since she had had anything close to his size and although she was far from capable of physically hurting him; the Hybrid know Bulma would have a lot of other ways to make him pay if he hurt her. However, it wasn't easy as she was so incredibly tight and her heat was intense enough to burn him alive, just the way the youth loved it.
Tightly gripping her ass, Gohan began working his cock into her tight tunnel; not stopping until he was buried within her to the hilt.
GGGOOOHHHAAANNN…!  OH KAMI, GOHAN!  SHIT!” Bulma near screamed, tears freely pouring from her eyes as she squeezed the table for dear life. It felt like he had split her in two and she couldn't help but love every minute of it.
Uh-uh-uh-uh-yeah! Oh yeah! You like that, bitch?” grunted the teen, sparing the beauty a moment to adjust to the sensation of him filling her before pulling out and thrusting back in with enough force to make the building shake. “Damn you’re wet, bitch! You want more?”

“Uh-uh-yes! Oh yes!” cried Bulma, blinking past the tears caused by her pleasure and pain cocktail while leaning back and trying to get more of his cock.

Accomplishing her request, Gohan began to mercilessly fuck the azure haired beauty; a symphony of low grunts flowing from his thin lips as he forced himself into into her incredibly wet pussy.
Yes! Yes! Oh yes, Gohan! Oh it feels so good! So fucking good!” Bulma moaned, waves of pleasure coursing through her body as his hard fast thrusts delved deeply into her centre. It quickly dawned on the genius just how skilled the youth had become when much to soon for her liking, she felt the muscles in her lower body go taunt and her slick walls clamp down around his invading shaft. Caught off guard by the sudden waves of ecstasy rushing through her body, the business woman could do little more than wildly thrash as her cloudy eyes opened wide and she instinctively threw her head back; crying the words “I'M GOING TO CUUMMM!!!!”so loud that it was a miracle none of the corporations other occupants heard the CEO.  
Already?” Gohan asked, flashing the beauty a toothy grin as he continued to pounding the business woman's pussy from behind.

To answer his question, a wash of her burning essence suddenly washed over his cock as she released a scream that threatened to deafen his sensitive Saiyan hearing. However, Gohan wasn't even close to a climax and the Saiyan in him didn't plan to cease the assault until he had reached a justified release.

Following his highly tunned sexual instincts, the youth began pushing himself further; driving his manhood harder and deeper inside the beauty's burning canal; his muscular hips slapping against her shapely buttocks with such power that the sounds the slapping contact made rivaled even Bulma's shrieks of pleasure.
Uh-uh-uh-oh Kami! Oh fuck yeah!” Bulma cried, tears of ecstasy still rolling down her reddened checks as burning waves of raw pleasure coursed their way through her body and with each thrust of her lover’s cock; a exquisite chain of incomparable orgasms threatened to consume her mind.
As much as the CEO would later hate to admit it; she could not deny that somewhere between him entering her and making her cum; she had becometotally lost in the overwhelming pleasure she was experiencing. Gohan was filling her like nobody else ever could and even in her pleasure dulled state, she could sense his thick cock pulsating and stretching her velvety walls every time he entered her.
Grunting lowly each time his hard cock thrust inside her tight warmth, Gohan's grip on her shapely hips began to tighten as he felt his climax drawing near. The damp tightness around his member was intoxicating and the sight of Bulma's gorgeous body thrashing wildly was so sexy that the youth could not understand why he had not done tis years ago. Her body rocked to each thrust, her large breasts bouncing majestically to his rhythm within what remained of that damn dress and Gohan couldn't decide whether or not he wanted to remove the article or leave it.
Uh-uh-uh-oh fuck yeah!” she moaned, arching her body as he made a particularly hard thrust that grazed her G-Spot.

“Oh Bulma! Uh-uh-oh fuck you’re so tight!” grunted the Saiyan and suddenly, when he didn't think their was any way he could make this scenario any kinkier; he got an idea. Releasing one of his hands grip on her inviting ass, Gohan
reached out and grabbed a fist full of Bulma’s blue locks; careful so as not to break her neck he pulled her head back before completely letting go of her hips. As her body rocked to each of his penetrating thrusts, he reached around and used his other hand to slip two of his muscular fingers into her mouth. Acting like a true sex-hungry slut, the beauty couldn't help but suck the Saiyan's digits as her body bounced to his thrusts.

Uh-uh-uh-oh Gohan! Oh that’s it! That’s it! Harder! Faster!” urged the beauty, contracting her pussy every time the part alien hybrid thrust into her.

“Uh-uh-oh you're so tight!” grunted Gohan, His dark orbs closing as he felt himself nearing his limit while thrusting his extra large manhood all the way up until he almost penetrated her cervix.

Uh-Uh-Uh-oh yes! Oh yes! Oh Kami I’m going to fucking cum!” Bulma suddenly cried, her body shaking as the spiky haired teen once more hit her sweet spot; sending her reeling past the point of no return and into the next dimension of pleasure. Her orgasm was something beyond description, sensations she could never have dreamed of rocked her body as waves of pure pleasure hit each and every nerve in her body. Meanwhile, her inner walls convulsed and contracted around his throbbing manhood like they had a mind of their own as her thick juices flowed from her heated core and onto his stiff shaft as he kept on pounding into her.   Caught off guard by the barrage of sensations from the beauty's tightening core, Gohan couldn’t stop himself and released himself into her; groaning in pleasure as he did so. Breathing hard, the lovers collapsed onto the desk the now ruined desk, unable to move as they basked in the after glow of their climax while trying to catch their breath.
(The Next day)
BULMA!!!”Gohan's furious call echoed through the workshop as he gazed daggers at the voluptuous beauty sitting across from him; her obviously faked innocent smile only making his blood boil.
Why...What ever is the matter Gohan?” Bulma asked faining innocence as she had trouble keeping the smirk from her face. This was the moment she had been waiting from ever since she she gave the 'finished' version of that watch to Gohan the day before.
You know damn well what's the matter Bulma.” The Saiyan growled and Bulma was sure she could see his hair beginning to glow Gold. “Why didn't you tell me that the watch wasn't finished ?”
Not finished? Now don't be silly Gohan, we tested it before you left last night and it worked fine.” Bulma replied while silently thanking Kami that she had predicted such a thing might happen.
Oh really...then how do you explain this?” Gohan asked in a surprisingly calm voice before pulling up his sleeve to reveal the small watch the scientist had made for him and pressing the red button on its side. Suddenly, the youth's body was consumed by a bright light, temporarily blinding the beauty and causing her to look away. However, when the glare faded and she could see again, Bulma was not surprised to find that Gohan stood before her in nothing but his naked glory.