Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains.... ❯ The Reckoning ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Only own the words not the characters. " Miss you" is by the wonderful Aaliyah

The Reckoning.

By WeaverOfDreams

~.....~ = Song lyrics

~It's been too long and I'm lost without you

So what am I gonna do, said I've been needin' you,

Wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes

I miss you~

Kami, she missed him. That was the same thought that kept repeating inside her head. Why did it have to be like this? Oh, yeah, she remembered. He was a bastard. It was very simple. Now it was over three months since she had last seen him and her heart was being wrenched out of her body. Why did they both have to say those things? Why was she so hateful? Why didn't she listen to what he had to say? She had to go a provoke him. Even she knew that when provoked , he would fire back and it would be no holds bared. She knew this and yet she was still shocked at what he had said. But then , why should she? Half the things he said she knew he didn't mean, she could let it slide. It was his wounded pride and ego fighting it out. What she couldn't handle was what he said last, the I hate you part. That chilled her to the bone. She shouldn't have said all the things she did say, but she was hurt. They were both to blame for this. And now here she was, tinkering on a project, half destroying it because she wasn't paying attention. With a sigh of disgust , she put the device down and just looked at it. It was a prototype for a new energy converter. She was ruining it because her mind just was not in the game.

For the past three months everything had gone back to normal, or so she thought. She kept to her routine, banishing all thoughts of him from her mind, focusing on her work. Trunks always asked where his father was and she would always say training. They both knew it was a lie but they let it sit. He stayed with Goten a lot now. She would lock herself away in the lab, usually sleeping in there. It was wearing down her system. This had to stop. She had to find him. She did know where he was. There had been no word from him, not that he would ever give her a sense that he was still here. For all she knew he had left the planet somehow. Bulma sighed, that was a silly thought, he had no way to get off this planet.

~Off to college, yes, you went away

Straight from high school you up and left me

We were close friends, also lovers

Did everything for one another~

She made her way out of the lab and then walked the hallways of her home. It was their home, but now all the rooms were empty and nothing greeted her but silence. She made her way through the hallways, bypassing her room and her son's room. Her heart hung in her throat as she fought back tears. God, she was a wreck. You'd think she would be used to his absence by now, but as time went on, the hole got bigger. She felt herself becoming lost in it, lost in the darkness that was her life now. Oh, god, how she wished he was here now.

She made her way out of the house to stand out in the cold night. She shivered and pulled her sweater tighter to herself, trying to draw warmth back into her body. She looked arund the darkened grounds of the complex till she spotted that domed building that had been his, the gravity room. As if with a will of their own, her legs started to move , bringing her to the building. She hadn't been in the gravity room for ages. As she approached the door, her hand wavered over the handle. Then with a growl she gripped it and swung the door open with a vicious pull. Frowning she made her way into the darkened room. The door swung closed behind her with the faintest click. Making her way in the dark, she found the light switch. The whole room was illuminated at once. She squinted, the light very bright to her eyes. When her eyes adjusted, she slowly walked around the room, taking in everything. It remained untouched. She gave a dry chuckle. What did she think, that he came back in secret to train in the Gravity room when she didn't know or when she was sleeping? She really was losing it.

~Now you're gone and I'm lost without you here now

But I know I gotta live and make it somehow

Come back to me

Can you feel me

Hear me callin' for you

'Cause it's

It's been too long and I'm lost without you

So what am I gonna do, said I've been needin' you,

Wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes~

She made her way to the apartment underneath the gravity room. Everything was as he left it. Not that he left much. He was a meticulous cleaner, nothing was on the floors, everything was spotless. It wasn't that he cleaned, it was for the plain fact he rarely used this space. Making her way into the bedroom, she walked over to the closet. More the likely empty, she mused. She opened it and got the surprise of her life. There hanging on the hangers were his training suits and a few of the ' earth clothes' she had bought for him. She bit her lip as she reached out and touched a dark blue silk shirt she bought him once. He wore to a night out with the family, the one time he did dress up for anything. He had worn this and after the dinner and dancing, he went back to the gravity room. She thought he had ruined it or something, but there it was, lovingly intact. She grabbed the shirt and clutched it to her chest. She buried her nose into the fabric only to realize his scent still clung to the silk. Tears welled up in her eyes. She knew that scent, missed that scent so badly. It all came back to her then, the loneliness, the emptiness of being without him, all her hurtful words , all the scorn, everything she had said. Making her way out of the room, still clutching the shirt she made it as far as the upper level, till she just feel to her knees, face buried in the cloth, deep wrenching sobs escaping her throat. She sat there in the middle of the GR, weeping, all her pain and loneliness flowing through each sob. Little did she know, that she had a watcher. In a flash, that person was gone.

The other side of the world, moments later....

Vegeta rested on a cliff edge, his eyes closed, focusing his energy. It seemed he relied on meditation much more often to calm himself. Everyday, he grew more... bleak. He felt her absence just as keenly as he would have felt the loss of an arm. It was a wonder he had lasted this long without her. It was his pride that kept him going now. He would not go back to where he was not wanted. She said it herself, it would be too soon till she saw him again. He did as she bade.

~Now I'm sittin' here thinkin' 'bout you

And the days we used to share

It's drivin' me crazy, I don't know what to do

I'm just wonderin' if you still care

And I wanna let you know that it's killin' me

I know you got another life, you gotta concentrate,


Still , as he sat there, he knew he would not find the calm and peace he found in her arms. They were connected, bonded if you will. He had been suffering a slow withdraw the past three months and now it was getting to him. He had to hear her voice, see her face, see her eyes, feel her flesh. With a growl , his onyx eyes snapped open and he sprang to his feet. It seemed that more woodland creatures would meet their respective makers again this night. He pivoted on his heel only to be brought up short by another taller being. Instincts kicked in and he jumped back, hands raised till he made out the ki.

"Kakarott, do you have a fucking death wish, because I'll make your wish a reality."Vegeta snarled as he eyed the tall Sayjin before him.

Goku pulled his fingers from his forehead and then looked at Vegeta, all goofiness vanished from his face. He eyed the other man with clear black eyes and a stern look. Crossing his arms, folding them over his massive chest, he raised an eyebrow and watched Vegeta. Frowning, he gently shook his head.

"You know, I don't know who's more anal, you or Bulma." Goku said, standing where he was, his voice full of concern as well as a touch of anger." You guys are beating yourselves up. You two are more alike then you give each other credit for. You're both stubborn as mules and both have equal amounts of pride."

Scowling, Vegeta got up from his stance and crossed his arms. His lips twisted into a sneer as he turned his back on Goku." I have no idea what you are talking about fool. Like I care what that idiot female thinks. We are nothing alike."

Goku's eyes narrowed and then, quicker then Vegeta could blink, Goku grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him backwards, pushing him back onto a tree trunk. Vegeta's eyes widened and he grabbed at Goku's hands. Goku grabbed him then by the front of his shirt and pressed him to the tree. Snarling, Vegeta powered up, the golden hue of a super sayjin flaring around them. At the same instant, Goku powered up to match him, their aura's pushing at each other. Goku pressed Vegeta further to the tree, holding him in place.

"Now, Vegeta, you're gonna listen to me or you're gonna be unconscious, it's your choice." Goku said grounding out the words from between his teeth.

Vegeta stood there, shocked. Never had he seen Goku this aggressive or forceful. He was shocked into silence. Satisfied, Goku kept him at the tree. A concerned frown colored his brow as he looked at Vegeta.

"Now listen. You are tearing each other apart. It's been three months, Vegeta, and I've watched both of you. You've kept up brave fronts, but I don't buy it. You need her and she needs you. I just came from Capsule Corp and when I was there , I saw Bulma kneeling in the middle of the Gravity Room, holding one of your shirts, crying. I've never heard such weeping. I felt like it was wringing out my soul, Vegeta. You're no better, throwing tantrums, destroying almost everything on this island. You need each other and without each other, you're missing half yourself. You can't let this go on any longer. Don't try to tell me, you don't need her, because you do. Besides, Trunks spends way too much time over at my house and there's hardly enough food for all of us." Goku finished, giving a slight pout at the last statement.

~Come back to me

Can you feel me

Hear me callin' for you

'Cause it's

It's been too long and I'm lost without you

So what am I gonna do, said I've been needin' you,

Wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes

I miss you~

Vegeta blinked and then frowned. As much as he hated to admit it, the fool had a point. He powered down, watched as Goku did the same. With the goofy smile in place, Goku let go of him and shrugged. Vegeta shook his head and then grumbled. It was true. Ever since he left , there was a weight in his hear and a cold shiver in his soul. He did need her, he saw that now. The only thing was he didn't know how to fix all that had happened. He knew what he had to say, knew what he wanted to say, but could he do it?

"You know, Vegeta, Bulma can be a very sensible woman, I'm sure if you talk to her, you can put things right. Let her know how much you mean to her. I'm sure you'd be able to do that." Goku said, a slight grin on his face, answering Vegeta's unspoken question

"Damnit, Kakarott, I don't go wandering inside your head , do I? Damn that fusion, why did I even think about doing that with you?" Vegeta asked, glaring at the taller of the two.

"Well, we were gonna be attacked by Buu and I told you about what happened to Bulma and...." Goku said, counting off on his fingers.

"Oh, shut up!" Vegeta growled. He turned to where he instinctively knew Capsule Corp was. Sighing, he was about to take off when he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned to see Goku put his fingers to his forehead and then the next thing he knew he was at Capsule Corp, standing beside the Gravity Room, the lights still on.

Shaking his head, he knew he would never get used to that feeling for as long as he lived. Looking at the Gravity Room, he turned towards Goku.

"She should still be in there. Go and fix this." He said with a slightly gruff tone, then he was all grins and he winked. The next moment he had vanished again.

"Idiot." Vegeta muttered as he made his way to the door of the Gravity Room. Looking into the window of the door, his eyes softened. He saw here there, right where Goku said she would be. Well, it was now or not at all and it was one thing The Prince of all Sayjins wasn't and that was a coward.

~ It's been too long and I'm lost without you

What am I gonna do, I've been needing you, wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes

I miss you

I can't wait no more

Since you went away

I don't really feel like talkin'

Don't wanna hear them bug me

Tell me do you understand me

I can't do but be without you

It's been too long and I'm lost without you

What am I gonna do, I've been needin' you, wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine , I wanna cry


I miss you

It's been too long and I'm lost without you

So what am I gonna do, I've been needin' you, wantin'


Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes~

To be continued.......

I miss you

It's been too long and I'm lost without you

So what am I gonna do , I've been needin' you,

wantin' you

Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you

Is your heart still mine, I wanna cry sometimes