Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains ❯ When It Rains 06 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Warnings, disclaimers and such: Any character referenced in this story isn't mine...no profit being made...beware of language and angst...

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back. Sorry for the massive delay...real life and all. And a giant thanks to everyone that reviewed. I really appreciate it. This chapter hasn't been proofread, so I'm really sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, or anything that's overly confusing.

When it Rains
By: Kaineko

Chapter 06...

Vegeta was in the middle of his usual intricate training regimen against his battle simulation bots. The gravity was set higher than it had ever been before forcing him to work extra hard under the immense pressure. Sweat dripped down his brow, stinging his eyes with its saltiness and dripping to the metal floor echoing like rain. Training always helped him take out his frustrations, which he seemed to be having more than his fair share of lately. Normally his routine spar with Goku was enough to help him keep his anger and aggravation in check, but those were becoming few and far between. Even when they did spar just being around the earth-raised Saiyan was more distracting than he cared to admit. He'd been forced to resume use of the bots, which weren't nearly as good as the real thing. He hadn't used them this extensively since Goku's last death and he really wasn't too enthused about using them now.

Goku had been dealing with some issues since Chichi left, but the ouji really couldn't see what the big deal was. It's not like he was completely blind to the types of relationships that humans have and the amount of 'faith' and 'emotion' that they wrap up within them.

'But Kakarrot isn't a human.'

It irked him to no end that Goku was lamenting over the harpy. The woman was tremendously annoying and she had the worst attitude of anyone he'd ever met. In Vegeta's opinion it really wasn't a big loss, and he was actually glad it had happened. He'd always considered it a profanity of Saiyan culture for a warrior as powerful as Goku to be tethered to someone so inferior to him in every way. In his opinion there couldn't have been a more ill fitted pair. Even his now defunct relationship with Bulma hadn't been as mismatched...they at least had similar headstrong personalities. Every time the prince was forced to be in Chichi's presence he'd cringe and the battle to not execute her on the spot for her blatant disrespect was hard fought.

Vegeta had sat by for years wondering when his fellow Saiyan would stop the charade and realize that she wasn't right for him. But what exactly was it that the prince had been waiting for? Why the hell should it matter who Goku chose to be with? He didn't have to sleep with the shrew.

Vegeta smirked. She probably didn't realize it, but she'd actually done him a profound favor by leaving. It was probably only because Goku's Saiyan instinct had been polluted by silly human sentiment that he hadn't left her in the first place to seek his true mate...the one that would make him happy. Someone better suited to match the intensity of power that a Saiyan warrior of his level possessed. Someone whose mind is as strong as their will, passionate in battle as well as life, and appreciative of the benefits offered by a bond with a Saiyan warrior.

Vegeta admitted that he considered Goku a friend. The only person he'd ever granted with that esteemed title. For reasons unknown to him Goku had earned that place within his eyes. Had they still been on Vegetasai, Goku would be a highly revered warrior. He had all the qualities that the Saiyans respected, strength being number one. But he was also loyal to his comrades, and had a determination that was rivaled only by Vegeta's own. Maybe that was the reason that he viewed Goku as a friend...because just like his fellow Saiyans, Vegeta also held a high regard for those same traits. And in all his years of travel, Goku is the only one he'd ever encountered that not only possessed those characteristics, but also was blissfully unaware of it.

Gohan landed within the gates of his mother's new home with his younger brother in tow. They entered the building, Gohan glaring defiantly as the doorman was about to stop them. He knew well the look in the young man's eyes and understandably sat back down and let them proceed unimpeded. He wasn't paid enough to put his life at risk, besides they didn't look all that threatening he reasoned. Both men continued to her condo, noting how much more luxurious everything was than their boyhood mountain home. Gohan was becoming increasingly angry as he mulled over the situation remembering how crushed his father had seemed earlier that day. When they stood in front of the door they rang the bell and waited for several minutes for the door to open.

Chichi was fixing her hair in the mirror when she heard the whimsical chime of her doorbell. She glanced at the clock.

'He's here early.'

She unlocked the door and opened it without even looking through the peephole. Imagine her surprise when her two sons stood there, one looking confused and the other looking more than pissed.

"Goten...Gohan...I wasn't expecting you here?" She stammered, her mouth suddenly dry.

They stood there in silence for a few minutes eyeing each other. They had never in their lives seen her look so...casual and elegant at the same time. She wore an obviously expensive pale yellow sundress, stopping right at the knee, and her jet black hair was free and fell down her back almost touching her butt making her appear...fresh and young. She even wore a few touches of make-up and perfume. She looked like a million zeni...make that two.

"Obviously not." Gohan mumbled under his breath. His anger swelling over the comparison between the way his mother looked now and the way his father had looked earlier. She was obviously living it up while Goku was struggling, not only with his finances, but also with his emotions.

Goten cut his eye at Gohan, able to control his emotions better since he hadn't actually seen his father's condition to compare with his mother's. "Uh, hi mom. Can we come in?"

"Huh...oh yes, sure." She said recovering from her own shock and allowing them in. "Have a seat boys." She said gesturing to the living room.

Gohan followed his brother to the couch all the while trying to rein his temper.

"Okay mom, mind telling us what the hell is going on?" Gohan asked not bothering to beat around the bush. He'd learned over the years not to mince words...he'd been friends with Piccolo way too long for that.

Chichi glared at Gohan for a moment, about to admonish him for the way he spoke to her, but the look he was returning was enough to warn her that it would be an exercise in futility. She sighed audibly and sat across from them. "I knew that you'd find out soon enough, and I guess I should have been the one to tell you, but I honestly didn't know how to say it."

"Why mom...were you really so unhappy with dad?" Goten asked.

"...At one point I loved your father. And I thought that he could do no wrong. But after all the years of him leaving me, taking off whenever he felt like it, putting everything else before me, that love changed. It became resentment. I had so many other things planned to do with my life that never panned out because of him. I have so many other interests that your father not only didn't share, but didn't care to know about. I just got fed up...I had to leave if for nothing more, for my own sanity. I was going crazy all alone in that house, wondering if anyone would visit me, or how long I'd have to keep my husband's food warm while he sparred with Vegeta." She spat the prince's name as if it were a curse.

Gohan wasn't convinced by his mother's speech. She was the queen of drama and had a constant 'poor me' complex. "Even if you were unhappy and felt compelled to leave, did you have to take everything? You completely cleaned out his bank account and left him with nothing. How could you do something so dishonorable?"

When confronted with the truth, Chichi became hostile and defensive. "His bank account...you say it as if I didn't have anything to do with it."

Gohan eyed her critically.

"Maybe I didn't go out and actually fight in the tournaments, but I had just as much to do with it as he did. I spent damned near every minute of my young life taking care of him and everyone else, while my dreams just withered away and died. When you boys were kids I used the money to feed you and keep you clothed...neither an easy task for two demi-Saiyans. Now I feel like I deserve something for myself. I consider it payment for all the time I wasted playing house while he pursued his own desires and left me alone."

Goten had always been a bit closer to his mother and he knew she'd felt neglected for so many years by their father, but he still didn't think she was being fair. Gohan, on the other hand, was livid. Since his awkward teenage years he'd grown into the take-no-shit type instead of the easily swayed, good boy everyone thought of him as. He'd become resentful of his mother trying to mold him into what she imagined for him instead of allowing him to develop into the person he wanted to be. They had started getting into frequent arguments about where he would go to school, what he would do for a profession, and who he should date. The culmination came when she tried to arrange for him to marry Videl of all people. She was overbearing and bitchy just like Chichi, and he'd refused adamantly. Since then, they have pretty much been at ideological odds with one another; always taking opposing sides of an issue just on general principle. So he didn't accept her reasoning at all. Besides, he'd seen the condition that his father was in that morning and in his opinion it was pitiful.

"Stop shoveling shit mom." He growled. "You knew of dad's thirst for battle before you even married him. Hell, you yourself fought him in a tournament right before you got married. I don't know what to think about you anymore. I knew you could be cold, but this...this is just heartless. How can you live with yourself knowing that you left him with no food, and no money to pay his bills? They disconnected the electricity this morning for Kami's sake, and the phone's been off for days. When he tried to pay them, they denied his credit card and sent him to the bank to find out what was going on. Do you realize how embarrassing, not to mention painful that was for him? Couldn't you have at least had the decency to tell him to his face what you had done, instead of going behind his back like a coward?"

"That's enough Gohan." Chichi screeched, jumping to her feet in anger. "I am still your mother and I demand you respect me as such. I can't believe you would have the nerve to talk to me that way. All I ever did was try to be a good wife and mother, and this is the thanks I get..."

"Oh can it mom...I, for one, am sick of the melodrama. You can demand my respect when you've actually earned it."

Chichi plopped back down in the chair looking indignant.

Goten just sat there, resembling a landed fish as he watched the whole exchange with something akin to incredulity. He'd witnessed many arguments between his brother and his mother and knew when things were starting to get out of hand. He felt like maybe he should step in and play mediator before things really got ugly.

"Look mom...we're not here to point fingers or try and lay blame." He said eyeing his brother who he knew for a fact was blaming Chichi. "We just want to understand what's going on and work out a solution that's best for everyone. In the interest of fairness would it really be too much to ask for you to give dad some of the money back?" The younger demi-Saiyan asked.

"In the interest of fairness..." She said mockingly. "What about all the times he left...was that fair?"

Gohan growled.

"Mom..." Goten pleaded.

Chichi crossed her arms in fury. Everyone was always taking Goku's side over hers. No one ever wanted to hear her side. She wasn't doing anything to him that he didn't deserve. Still, to cool her sons' anger she would consider their request. "...I'll think about it." She huffed.

"You'll think about it?! What the hell is there to think about?" Gohan yelled slapping his fist down on the coffee table, a few stress cracks fanning across the surface of the wood as it groaned under the assault. His anger was blinding him to the point that he wasn't effectively controlling his strength.

Goten cut him off still trying to avoid an all-out war. He knew that they were both too damned headstrong to back down and this was probably as good of a compromise as they were going to get right now. "Okay mom...think about it and let us know." He said grabbing Gohan's arm and dragging the pissed off demi-Saiyan to the door.

"Come on Gohan. I think its time to go before things get out of hand." He said just loud enough for his brother's ears.

"We'll see you mom." The younger man said before pulling his irate brother out and shutting the door.

They left the apartment and flew a distance away before stopping and hovering in mid-air.

"I just can't get over how she's acting Goten."

"I know, but maybe she'll come around." The younger man said optimistically.

"You give her way too much credit. She's been a harpy for years."

"Gohan!" he exclaimed in shock. "How can you say that about your own mother?"

"Because it's true. Trust me, she wasn't nearly as hard on you as she was on me growing up."

"Well we can't think about that right now. We have to just make sure dad's okay...keep an eye on him. Sometimes he's like a big kid needing guidance." Goten said.

"I agree but he won't like it much."

"We'll be subtle. Lets meet this evening and go over to check on him."

Gohan looked at his watch noting the late hour. "That's fine. I need to get to work. I've already missed half the day as it is and I have a lot of work to do."

Goten nodded before taking off in the direction of West City to visit Trunks.

Chichi sat fuming after her sons left. They just didn't understand that she needed more out of life than just being the wife of a warrior. She valued the finer things in life...the beautiful things, which reminded her of what she'd been doing before they came. She resumed styling her hair, combing the long tresses straight down her back. She'd abandoned the bun since she was no longer bound by the responsibilities of marriage and motherhood, opting instead to wear her hair down. Besides, Ian loved to see her hair down. Over the weeks they'd been spending a lot of time together and she was having the time of her life. They went to dinner, dancing, plays, and art exhibits together. He was everything she'd wanted in a man that Goku was not...and had never been. She wondered a few times about her good fortune for finding such a good friend, but chalked it up to serendipity. He was helping her move on with her life...accomplish her goals, and for that she was grateful.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she was pleased with the results. She pushed the whole incident with her sons, and thoughts of Goku to the back of her mind. She was determined to enjoy herself and nothing was going to stand in her way.
Later that day around lunchtime, Goku sat up in his bed rubbing his sleepy eyes. It was really useless to try to sleep. His mind was awhirl with emotions surrounding his estranged wife, and to top it all off he was still plagued by those strange dreams that continued to steal his sleep. He stood up and walked to his dresser, pulling out one of his gis. He was feeling listless, and knew that he needed to get out of the stale air in his house from having been closed off for so long.

The only thing he felt like doing was going to see Vegeta. Vegeta was wild, unbound by 'silly human sentiment' as he'd often phrased it. Goku needed to be around that, let it rub off on him and allow him to release his own worries and be free. Vegeta's company was always able to help him forget all the bad stuff in his life and only focus on the moment. And he knew that the Ouji would never refuse a good fight. With this thought in mind, he changed clothes and left the house flying in the direction of Capsule Corp. What seemed like only moments later, the yellow dome of the CC building came into view and he landed flaring his ki to alert Vegeta to his presence.
Tight navy spandex and a white tank top clung to the Ouji's agile form as he strode into the kitchen. It was nearing lunchtime and had become apparent that Kakarrot wasn't going to come. He'd been looking forward to a good spar and was disappointed that the younger man was a no show. Trunks was sitting at the table with Goten when he entered.

'Probably eating up all the good stuff'.

He huffed and walked to the refrigerator ignoring them. The two demi-Saiyans glanced up at the Prince and immediately recognized that he was in one of his anti-social moods so they just went back to their conversation.

"So what happened when you and Gohan confronted her?" Trunks asked his friend between bites.

"I just couldn't believe it. She looks at us with no remorse whatsoever and says, 'I consider it payment for all the time I wasted playing house...' She didn't even care about the lights, the phone, or the fact that there was no food in the house. She's like a totally different person now."

"What do you mean 'totally different'? Your mom has always been like that."

Goten tried to look stunned, but failed miserably as he laughed. "I'll be the first to admit that she's a bit difficult to get along with and somewhat overbearing at times..."

Trunks snorted derisively, "That's an understatement."

Goten cut his eye at his friend before continuing, "...still, I would never have imagined her doing that to dad. Gohan says he looks horrible, and he's not sleeping well."

"That bad huh?"

Goten nodded. "When Gohan went off on her, it took everything he had to keep his composure and it still slipped. He told her she was full of shit and that he was sick of all her melodrama."

Trunks smirked. "Man I wish I could have been there to see that."

"Trust me, you don't...I just knew all hell was gonna break loose at any minute."

"Ah...but it didn't." Trunks reminded him.

"Depends on whose point of view you look through. Besides if I hadn't pulled him out of there just in time something serious would have happened."
Vegeta had been listening in while he fixed his food.

'What exactly is going on with Kakarrot now?'

Vegeta knew he'd been troubled lately. That much had been apparent from those increasingly rare occasions when they actually sparred. Goku just didn't seem to be in it any more and Vegeta had to almost force him into a good fight.

The Ouji took his food and sat down across from the younger men. He picked up on snippets of their conversation, but for the most part he was lost in his own thoughts. For some reason he had the urge to go and see Goku for himself...to make sure he was okay, but he quickly suppressed it telling himself that he just didn't care. He was almost finished eating when he felt the flare of a familiar ki. It would seem that he could satisfy his curiosity over the other Saiyan's health, without leaving after all. Everyone else felt it too and Goten jumped up and opened the door for his dad.

"Dad, I didn't expect to see you here." He said carefully scrutinizing his father's appearance. Nothing seemed off except that the gleam he normally had in his eyes was gone, replaced by a dull weary look. But he didn't seem as pitiful as Gohan made him sound.

Goku walked into the kitchen, noting his son's hawk-like stare and figured that Gohan must have talked to him already. He'd have his own talk with Goten later, but for now all he needed was the other full-blooded Saiyan. "I'm here to see if Vegeta's up to a spar." He said while looking at Goten, but really speaking to the prince.

Vegeta was leaning up against the counter finishing off his drink. "You'd think after all these years you'd know the answer to that." He smirked placing the glass in the sink.

"Good, the usual place." Goku said walking out without even waiting for a reply. Vegeta walked out behind him and they took to the sky toward their usual sparring ground.

Goten and Trunks glanced at each other then shrugged. They had long ago stopped trying to figure out their fathers' relationship, though they knew it was deeper than either man let on.

Several hours and two battered Saiyans later, Goku and Vegeta sat in silence on a cliff overlooking the vast valley where Capsule Corp was situated in the distance. Their spar though invigorating, had done little to ease either warrior's troubled mind so they just sat in each other's company. It was during times like this that the true nature and solidity of their friendship could be glimpsed.

"You know Vegeta..." Goku said breaking the silence that had been comfortably stretched between them. "More and more I'm coming to the conclusion that Chichi wasn't right for me."

Vegeta hmphed. He'd known that for years. "I told you that the day after she left you but you didn't believe me. What makes you so sure about it now?"

Earlier the gentle warrior had relayed the story of the utilities and the money to his prince, and Vegeta hadn't been at all shocked.

"This whole incident is just helping me see everything so clearly. I would never have done something so malicious to her, but she obviously had no problem doing it to me. I can't imagine how much hate she must have in her heart toward me to pull something like this? She knows I'm not materialistic, she could have taken most of the money, and I wouldn't have cared. But this...this just hurts."

Vegeta looked at Goku for a long time. He suspected that Goku wasn't shattered because she left him or because she took all his money. But that he felt betrayed by her actions after he had remained so loyal to her. Saiyans as a race placed high value on loyalty. It wasn't unheard of for one Saiyan to die for another without as much as a second thought. It's what had helped the bloodthirsty race survive so many centuries without deadly civil unrest. It was also what eventually led to their downfall...their sworn fealty to the royal family who stood as the icon of Saiyanity. Kakarrot was no doubt feeling horribly used and discarded right now. Vegeta knew he'd eventually come around, but he would probably have a hard time ever trusting someone so completely.
"What's wrong?" Ian asked glancing at the lovely raven-haired woman standing next to him. Lunch had been nice. They'd dined in a small café inside the Botanic Gardens and were now strolling over a small bridge that crossed a beautiful koi pond in the well-manicured Japanese gardens.

His question seemed to bring the former Mrs. Son out of a trance like state. "Oh nothing...Why?"

"You seem more than a little preoccupied. You're surrounded by one of the most beautiful gardens I've ever seen and you haven't said a word. So tell me...what's wrong?"

Chichi stared at the scene in front of her, the pond brimming with brightly painted koi swimming nearly over one another. The thick grove of bamboo nestled on the opposite bank of the pond swaying almost rhythmically in the light breeze. The sound of the deer chaser as it drummed at regular intervals. It was indeed a beautiful vista, but she couldn't seem to focus on it. She'd been thinking about the confrontation she had with her sons, namely Gohan earlier that day.

It hadn't been pretty, but what did she expect? Her sons along with everyone else worshipped him, and they could never see any of his faults. It made her angry that he was always the one that everyone supported, no matter what was going on. On so many occasions she'd been the one to need support, but it wasn't as readily available to her as it was to him.

'He was the one always risking his life for everyone's safety.'

She sighed dismissing the thought. Maybe she was just jealous of all the attention he garnered. Perhaps she had been wrong to take all the money. Maybe it really wasn't fair to him and she should give some back. She sighed contemplating the situation more before turning to Ian. Maybe she should ask for his advice. So far he'd been the only one to actually take any interest in her side of the situation. He had advised her to use the money to start a new life in the first place. He said she deserved at least that much for all of her hardships.

"I'm sorry. It's just that...I had a visit from my sons today."

Ian could guess what was going to come next. "And I guess they weren't happy to find out about your separation?"

'That's an understatement.' She thought. "They have it in their minds that I committed some horrible act."

"And...what do you think?"

She sighed leaning against the railing of the bridge placing her hand there for support. "I don't know. They said he's out of food and his utilities have been disconnected. This just doesn't feel like I thought it would. Maybe I should just give him half of the money back and get this off of my conscious."

Ian placed his warm gentle hand on top of hers. "Didn't you say that he always put everything before you, and hindered you from living out your dreams? From the way it sounds to me, he is getting everything he deserves." He said offering his advice.

"Men like Goku don't appreciate what they've got until it's gone. They'll never learn any responsibility for themselves if the women in their lives baby and coddle them. Don't you think it's time you allowed him to grow up?" He said, taking her mind off the money issue, and focusing it on the underlying relationship problems between her and Goku.

Chichi's emotions were at war with one another. She still felt bad about Goku's situation, and a little guilty. But Ian's words had once again stirred her anger toward her ex and it threatened to overwhelm any pity she'd felt earlier. Ian had a way of reading a situation perfectly. He'd said exactly what she'd been saying for years. Goku was like a big kid and he'd never grow up if she continued to baby him. Perhaps she should let him live by his own efforts from now on...get a taste of what she'd been doing all along and maybe develop some appreciation for all of her hard work and sacrifices.

"You're absolutely right. He'll have to learn to be more responsible and if my sons don't agree with that then tough. This is one lesson that he bought and he'll definitely get what he paid for. I certainly hope he'll learn well from it."

"Oh he'll learn well indeed." Ian mumbled under his breath.

Chichi quirked her eyebrow at the weird comment but then brushed it off. "Let's just forget about the whole subject."


A/N: Ian seems to be a master of manipulation. Chichi just goes along with whatever he says because that's what she wants to hear. Oh well. We'll see what happens. I'm working on the next chapter and it should be out soon. Until then remember...review, review, review!

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