Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ When It Rains ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Okay…I've been working on a couple of fics that I would really like to post, but…well, I think I fall in the category of dreadfully shy person. I'm not the best writer, and you'll find no flowery prose here, but I at least hope my stories get the message across and are, if nothing more, entertaining enough to make you want to keep reading them. So…I'm going to step out on a limb here ~looks around nervously~, and just start posting what I write. If you think they are really bad…just let me know. If you think they are really good…first get your head examined…then let me know. So…let the fic commence.

Be forewarned: The first chapter of this fic is really dark. You'll find all sorts of nasty topics…rape, murder, arson, and just all around sadistic-ness (is that a word?). Anyway the story is yaoi, all the way, even though the prologue may lead you to believe otherwise. Oh yeah…any anime characters referenced in this story belong to their respective owner…not me. So don't sue.

When it Rains

By: Kaineko


A mysterious figure clad from head-to-toe in black, lurked through the darkened house heading toward the bedroom of its only occupant. He didn't have anything personal against the beautiful young woman that lived there, but she was an obstacle to his goal. He'd learned the hard way over the years that the only way to deal with an obstacle was to remove it permanently…by force if necessary. The house was eerily still, only the normal nocturnal sounds of owls and crickets could be heard. He was stealthy, like a well-trained ninja, and he knew his movements went completely undetected even by the flimsy alarm system that the silly woman had installed. He was too clever to be caught by such a crude device, and his craftiness had served him well as he dismantled the system. Of course, the police would never find any evidence to support its tampering. He was just too good. But he really didn't care about the alarm one way or the other. All he cared about was that when he left the house she was dead.

As he passed the many pictures of the young woman with her family and friends, hanging in the hall, he almost felt remorseful…Almost. No, he had a job to do, and such meaningless emotions were of no use to him now.

He approached the bedroom door, and vaguely wondered why someone that lived alone would sleep with the door closed. Ah well…no time for trivia. He pushed the door open quietly and his eyes immediately fell on the bed where his intended victim lay slumbering…blissfully ignorant that her demise was at hand. As a general rule, murderers are cruel and unmerciful…that's why they're murderers. But occasionally you'd find a killer that would mercifully grant a quick, painless death to their victims. Unfortunately for this woman…he wasn't one of them.

He stalked over to the bed, snatching the covers from her body, startling her awake. He was pleased to find that she slept in relatively few clothes…a thin nightgown and cotton panties. This would be so much more enjoyable than he'd anticipated. She screamed, grabbing the lamp off the night table and throwing it at him. `At least she's resourceful,' he thought as he ducked the flying object effortlessly. As he heard it crash into the wall behind him, he pounced on top of the struggling woman. It would be a waste not to have a little fun before killing her. Besides, he'd been extremely frustrated lately, and he needed someone to take it out on. This afforded him the perfect opportunity.

He restrained her hands easily enough. She was so much smaller and weaker than him, his body weight effectively pinning her body to the mattress. He didn't bother to try and quiet her screams. She lived in a very secluded house outside the city, and no one would hear her anyway. He grabbed the front of her gown, and with one swift movement, tore the material away from her body. He grabbed the waistband of her panties and soon they went the way of the gown leaving her laying naked and struggling under her assailant.

He ran his hand down her body, enjoying the feel of the trembles he elicited with every touch. This was going to be really fun. She was young and beautiful…the perfect model of femininity. But it wasn't the unique feeling of a woman's heat that he craved. Rather it was what she had in common with a man that made her attractive. He wanted to feel the tightness that could only be afforded to him by anal penetration. But more than just that, he wanted to feel her trembling in pain and fear; feel her struggling to try and dislodge his member from within her body; hear her sob and beg him to stop. That's where his thrills came from.

The anonymous man backhanded her with brutal force…dazing her long enough to remove his own clothes and climb back on her. He flipped her over so she lay on her stomach and parted her legs, nuzzling his body between them. One hand rested on her back, pinning her hands and body down to the bed. With his free hand, he positioned himself at her entrance and with one swift thrust he was seated deep inside her body. Her agonizing screams filled the room, seemingly reverberating from the walls and ceiling. They were like sweet music to his ears and he kept thrusting within her body, eliciting more tortured screams. He could feel her warm blood lubricating the passage and seeping out onto his body. It ran in rivulets down his legs, and onto the sheets below.

After long agonizing moments of increasingly powerful thrusts, he decided it was time to finish what he came to do in the first place. He flipped her over onto her back and thrust himself back into her tight, blood-slick passage. He wanted to see the fear her eyes held as he ended the charade. He released her pinned hands and slid his own around her neck, ignoring the sting of her small fists as they collided ineffectually with his body in a futile attempt to save her life. His hands tightened, cutting off the air she so desperately needed to live, and silencing her cries of protest. He was almost disappointed that he could no longer hear her screams. But this was the way it had to be. She began clawing desperately at the hands that were effectively choking the life from her battered body. Her eyes held nothing but fear and pleading.

As he quickened the pace of his thrusts, he tightened his grip around her slender neck. Her once lovely face was turning gradually deeper shades of blue then purple as she was asphyxiated. As her bloodshot eyes rolled into the back of her head and her body went slack, her sadistic tormentor thrust one final time. Throwing his head back and groaning in blissful glee, he emptied his seed into her body. He collapsed on top of her and lay there for a few moments panting; exhilaration and exhaustion warring within his hazy mind. After he'd calmed down enough to think straight, he dislodged himself from her sticky, lifeless body. Grabbing the sheet, he wiped her blood from his abdomen and pelvis, before putting his clothes back on. He gave a cursory glance to the woman laying motionless on the bed. He had really enjoyed himself, but it still wasn't enough. He guessed he could have made it last longer, but it was going to be daylight soon and he had to be finished with his objective and gone by then. Going to the living room, he retrieved a few bottles of liquor he'd noticed on the bar when he entered, and took them back into the bedroom. He liberally doused the woman's body and her bedroom with the substance then with one last look in her direction, he set her on fire. All evidence would be consumed within the flames, and he'd never be implicated in her murder. As he walked out of the inferno, his attention was drawn to a ring of keys and a small piece of plastic, all imprinted with the Capsule Corp. logo. He grabbed them from the dresser and quickly exited from the burning house, disappearing into the night.

End 1/?


Inspiration comes from comments, criticism, and feedback in general…oh and hot naked Saiyans romping around shamelessly.